Author Topic: Weird Dreams  (Read 161991 times)


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Reply #135 on: December 02, 2015, 03:24:16 PM
So, It started in a science facility, which seemed to be a mall, somewhere in U.S. I wanted to go on a concert/festival but had no idea where i was or where it was, at first. After taking a look around I walked out of the mall science place and looked around for a phone, and found a phone boot which looked like a soda can the size of a garage holding up against a tree, I wanted to call my dad to give me a lift home, so then i started recalling his number slowly~~, at first i remembered the last six digits then the first three, but every time i tried to put them in and  looked away for a second  the numbers on the booth just thought that  it'll be funny to change position.. so it took me a while to get the numbers right because i had to look away for a second every time because reasons  >.>  ...     Anyway, when i finally got it right nobody answered the phone.  Then out of nowhere someone i knew appeared, an Otter but i knew him somehow and he knew me, we talked for a few seconds, I told him what i was trying to do and suddenly he grabbed me by the shoulder and dragged me up stream a nearby river.

 I closed my eyes for a minute and when i opened them we appeared to be on a rice field in China..My shoes were gone and the rest of my clothes were ragged. I asked him:

"Why China?"     

He replied saying:

"Look you have no shoes, now you can walk around the field and pick up rice!".

The way he said that made it sound like if he just gave me a new ability to walk on rice fields and gather rice..

We stood on the field for a little bit, probably getting the pun out of our heads, and then started walking along a short path up the field. After taking a few steps, In the middle of the path we met a guy who seemed to look like an agent from the IMF and his young daughter. Suddenly it was night and we were having dinner outside in the middle of the field with one light and a small overhead tent like cover, it was also pretty windy. The table was filled with chicken salads and rice, i was sitting beside the Otter, in front of us was the IMF guy with his daughter and to the right edge of the table their grandfather (i think). Some time passed and as we had the meal half done the grandfather stroke the table with a fork and said:

"You better leave before their parents wake up! And we have to tell them that you came!".

We quickly got up from the table and without question walked back towards the fence(s), suddenly (BANG!) a gunshot fired up into the air and we could hear the grandfathers voice from far back saying:

"Rice thieves!"

We started running towards the two fences whom each was about four meters high, but pretty bendable. When we looked back we saw two HUGE nearly A-Ninetails Macro sized black figures with hollow eyes and snouts reaching high into the sky and bending over  toward us as the black sky behind them turned into a mixture with crimson red flames. After seeing whats behind us we just ran what strength we had left, jumped over, crawled under the fences and ran through the forest on the other side, glide a slope and jumped nearly not making it over a rapidly flowing river then got into a bus that brought us over to a lake, which we crossed on a small piece of straight land (like a path) through the middle of it.

(From night it turned into the type of dark which comes before night, dark but not pitch black dark  {:P . )

We arrived at the festival, somewhere in Europe.. somehow from China to Europe..  The festival was held in between a bunch of large lakes or stripes of land with forests, you could see the festival lights and the main stage from a far distance, the now black sky was filled with yellow and green colors floating overhead, it was pretty fun to watch.

As we got to the main gate, to the left of it we saw a pyramid made out of minecraft TNT in the a corner of one of the lakes, the TNT then exploded, obviously it did no damage because... water.. As we entered through the main gate we've seen a couple of my friends standing by a car, so we said all the Hai's and I asked where can we put our tents. As i put my bags, which appeared from nowhere, down i lost site of the Otter.  Then the who, where, what questions got answered. I started telling my friends what just happened in which i said that i traveled from America to China (because i didn't know until then), and when i said Selden instead of Otter I remembered calling him calling me Howler and me him Selden when we were talking at first. (that's how i figured what was what, who was who).

After the talk i checked my pockets for money and realized i had non.. But i knew i needed a good bit of money for a three day festival..  I asked my friends to check on his phone when the next bus leaves for my town ,
I felt like the journey was only half done. It was 7p.m. when i asked for the bus check.
Then i woke up.


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Reply #136 on: December 18, 2015, 08:25:48 PM
I had two weird dreams recently.

The first one started with me taking an English test consisting entirely of two essay questions.  I then asked my principal if I could do something outside, which he let me.  This turned out to be going to a convention across the street, going into the library, then hunting down Arroavantho (one of the chat members) with a TG ray gun.  I found two identical feral Arros and zapped both of them.  That's all I remember.

The second one (last night) started out with me biking halfway across the state to some town I'd been to before.  There seemed to be some conspiracy going on, which led to a bunch of people merged into one creature and chasing me (while trying to merge me in).  Then I wound up back in my town, where I learned that my school was doing a play about it.  The play was going to be in two days, and I was in it (with four lines).

Selena Hallore

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Reply #137 on: February 05, 2016, 09:20:41 AM
I had a weird dream several days ago about Virmir.

I was taking a holiday at some seaside resort and I was staying in my uncles villa. I decided after unpacking to do some tourist-y stuff so I went out to the resort and happened upon a hotel. The hotel was strange, it bore into the rock of a great cliff, and it had its entrance at its base. There, I saw a group of strange people entering the hotel, and so I decided to follow them. After a time, I discovered that they were actual real mages with real magical powers, and I thought this to be my one and only golden opportunity to learn real magic; so I approached them and attempted to befriend them.

However, the mages were currently dealing with a problem. Someone was hunting them down, taking them out one by one, and they were understandably suspicious of me, but I persevered in getting close to them. The mages tried to get rid of their hunter, however. They, at one point, managed to capture the essence of their hunter, and they, with it, created a spectre of their hunter; which would be used to hunt down their hunter in turn. It didn't work, of course. Eventually, only one of the mages were left, the others had either decided to face this hunter once and for all or were already gone, but the last mage believed that they too would soon be next. He decided that I was to return to their base and deliver word regarding what was going on at the hotel. He thought that I would be able to return because I was not one of the original mages of this group, and that I would be able to get back to their base while their hunter was busy eliminating the last of them. The mage gave me a teleportation device, and he told me that this was the only way to find their base.

Unfortunately, the hunter burst into the room at that moment, and the hunter turned out to be Virmir. Virmir matched right up to the mage, grabbed hold of him, and used some sort of magic to change one of his own eyes green and the other red. As Virmir stared down at him, the mage simply froze and started having spasms while his voice crackled like he was choking; it was horrible. When Virmir entered the room, he threw to me something resembling a teapot, and, moving along its surface, was a small grey dot. As I stared at it, the dot grew into an eye, and I knew that Virmir had somewhat captured his spectre in this teapot. I quickly looked away and threw it from me before its magic could be used on me. While Virmir was busy with the mage, I seized upon that moment to snatch the device from Virmir, and I made a hasty exit through the window. Luckily, we where on the ground floor, and the window opened out onto a beach.

I ran as fast as I could to get away from Virmir, panic-stricken as I tried desperately to activate the device as I could hear Virmir chasing me, and, just at that moment when it started to work, Virmir leapt and grabbed hold of me, and he was pulled through the teleportation portal with me onto the other side. We found ourselves on another beach, and Virmir let go of me at that point. I kept running, catching site of the base, which was a huge facility that stood tall out of the sea close to a vegetation-covered cliff overlooking the beach, and it looked like a modified oil rig. I knew instantly that this facility was the mages base, and I knew I had to get to it before Virmir could. On the beach, somewhat near the cliff, were a group of three mages. I ran to them and shouted, "Virmir it here! Quickly, kill him while you have the chance!"

Of course, Virmir was not far behind me, and be dispatched the mages quickly and efficiently. They were no match for him, and he was damn fast when he needed to be.

That is all I can remember, and I think I woke up after that. I don't know whether Virmir killed me or did something to be like he did the mage in the hotel room, but I don't think his attacks, or indeed the mages attacks, 'kill' anyone at all but rather... banish them, perhaps? I guess it doesn't matter.

Ultimately, I failed in my mission and I never got to learn magic. I don't know for sure if I knew it was Virmir that was hunting us, I may have seen the spectre that the mages made before they released it to hunt down Virmir, and I may have recognised him then. I cannot say. But, yeah, weird dream, and I was honestly disappointed that it ended so abruptly.

ADDED: Oh! I just remembered something. After Virmir dealt with the three mages right at the end of the dream, I turned to him and shouted, "Why are you doing this to me! You have ruined everything!" And then I woke up. By that, I assume I mean that I never did come to learn magic since that is something that I really wanted, and he ruined that opportunity for me. Damn you, Virmir! {;)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 05:44:33 PM by Selena Hallore »

Though my avatar may look mean, I am not, so feel free to chat if you like. {:)

I wish I had a fox to cuddle. {;)

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Reply #138 on: February 05, 2016, 07:41:39 PM
Ha ha, oooooops.  Sorry. [;)

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #139 on: March 24, 2016, 02:31:36 PM
Had a weird dream during my way-too-long nap around noon yesterday....

The dream started out with a family (in which I switched viewpoints between a brother & sister) going to check out our new house, which was on a rather... unique property.  On it was a former naval fort (think like Fort Screven on Tybee Island, GA) that had been renovated into living space and a small cute house that was probably circa-1910.  The house was very small frankly, maybe around 1200 square feet, but the fort was a good bit bigger.  There randomly was also a trailer on the property Bro went in briefly filled with tiny rooms & doors... Bro tried scooting through one door into a library with a gnome reading in it, but it was a tight fit & I decided I'd rather not get stuck in there, so I left.

After moving in, it went back & forth between following the the bro & sis as Bro explored the small house & discovered a portal to hell, while the Sis explored the fort & found a portal to heaven.  (note, not like a biblical heaven & hell more than two worlds with attributes of heaven & hell, there were still good people in "hell" and bad people in "heaven".)  Then it followed them exploring each side... eventually they found a way to open a portal to each other, switched sides, then the brother became a kidn of angel-wolf while the sister became a succubus or something, but the pair were working to prevent a war... everything was kind of mixed up after that & I'm not sure what happened. X3



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Reply #140 on: June 30, 2016, 06:08:00 PM
I sure had a strange dream and even though it was rather short I couldn't forget it for the rest of the day.

So its basically started with me unable to move sitting on a chair. I guess I was tied down. I cant recall that. Anyway the room was fairly empty with pretty much bright white colour all around. The light bulb hanging from the ceiling flickering. (The basics for a bad horrorfilm).

So as I was sitting there with the flickering light which left me in pitch black every so often, suddenly something appears on the other end of the room. It was small, had fur all over its body and was standing on his legs. I dint know what exactly it was, but I am pretty sure it was some kind of mammal, maybe an otter or something like that. It was just standing there, staring at the ground, not moving an inch. Some few times the lights went off. Longer now as before. As they went back on I noticed that the head of the little mammal was now looking at me directly. Those eyes were colourless as in dead I would say.

The flickering continues. And everytime the lights went out and back on, the mammal twitches a little. Some nearly visible motion-followings as it starts moving towards me everytime the room goes black.

And then (I think because of dream logic) 2 other mammals appear just besides the first one in the middle. Same features and moving towards me. At this point I am freaking out. I am struggling to move but wont let me. Just my eyes could shift ad they flail in to all directions. I was helpless.

More and more mammals appear all around the first one. Twitching differently like they fight for getting to me first. A couple of seconds later the mammals were all around me sitting on my legs or like that. Every single one of them still staring into my eyes like deathglares. Then nothing happened for a couple of minutes. Then, and that's the freakiest part for me, they started to closing down on me. With those shiftless and colourless eyes. I was just accepting it, watching it like my death is coming. They were merely a few inches away from my face as the light slowly drained. And then the next thing I remember is sitting upright in my bed sweating a little.

It was nearly 3 am at this point and after that I just watched videos about soccer and stuff to keep me distracted.
Not like other nightmares I had this one was scary in a bizarre way.

I want a good dream in exchange for that torture.

*thumbs up*


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Reply #141 on: August 01, 2016, 11:48:12 AM
So the first thing I remember is some kind of panic about an asteroid heading for the earth.  And out of all places it's going to hit right over the east coast.  So for some reason I and some passenger- who  I can't remember -decide it's best that we drive in a new car all the way to D.C. to warn the president (because clearly he needs to be warned by some strange person who's not an astronomer).  So we arrive as everyone else is fleeing the city, get to  bypass anyone else wanting to get in... only to find the white house is suddenly set in a seaside mountainous area.  We climb some cliffsides and corridors as the asteroid menace gradually turns to an alien invasion.  For some reason this involves abducting my brother and dressing him up as a woman, pink highlights in the hair and all. 

So we find it's necessary to make our escape, fortunately Han Solo is nearby so we run to the Millennium Falcon which is conveniently nearby, dramatically fireing up the engines.  Spinning and twisting around dramatically through a mountainside and through a city, unfortunately the enemy locks on and sends us crashing.  Luckily we cascade to the ground nearby a secret military base, which involves climbing more cliffs, and then strange military base ladders that involve an odd amount of jumping and twisted staircases.  Finally we reach the top, only to find a party is going on.  Immediately I deduce it's time to go undercover and look for the aliens, eventually finding one disguised as an old lady.  Clearly being an alien, she can't be allowed to masquerade as a human so the only rational recourse is to discretely dump liquor all over her and light her on fire. 

Having dutifully set an old lady aflame, the dream ended.

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


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Reply #142 on: August 19, 2016, 10:45:38 AM
I usually never remember my dreams

I remember Princess Luna was telling me off about something in my basement (not restrained or anything, just both of us standing and her telling me off) then she goes upstairs and then I think to myself sudden realising what I just did "Is this a dream?" So I try and focus on a nearby wall, seeing what 'resolution' if you will the wall was, to see if it was a dream or not.

And then I woke up.


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Reply #143 on: August 19, 2016, 03:51:33 PM
Last dream, I replayed the opening level of a final-fantasy style game that doesn't exist... several times... over and over.  I have no clue why I was.  Best part was (as I was actually the main character) struggling picking up wooden boards and then the load suddenly lightening as they disappeared while going into my inventory.  XD 



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Reply #144 on: January 01, 2017, 07:09:43 AM
Not a full dream, but is really weird.
Woke up from a  nightmare, where I dreamed that a man wearing a white mask with bulging black lensed eyes and a blue stripe over its right eye looking suspiciously like Selden's was in my house

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Reply #145 on: January 01, 2017, 05:40:51 PM
I had a dream fragment where the moon rose from a blue sky, forming a crescent and then getting more full, and then a second moon rose. The second moon... was no moon. It turned out to be a Death Star, loomed larger in the sky, and then some bald guy straight out One Punched it into oblivion. I can't remember if there was a one-liner or not.

"There is a theory that states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
- Douglas Adams


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Reply #146 on: March 09, 2017, 11:25:00 PM
I had 3 regularly reoccuring dreams when I was a kid. This post is for one of them that was in my mind a lot when I was 4-5, so KEEP THIS IN MIND WHEN I TELL THE FULL HONEST STORY IT'S DUMB AS HELL BUT IT SHOULD MAKE SENSE CONSIDERING THE AGE. It featured a... giant hotdog monster? Sausage? The dream was cyclical... it started with me meeting the sausage in the Hundred Acre Woods, where it attacks me but I feed it then it is my friend. So i take it home and make it my pet. Then I take it to my dad's office, and he goes to the bathroom... while I'm playing with toys the monster goes into the bathroom and yells, my dad comes running out pulling up his pants. Then he gets mad at it. It gets sad & runs back to the Hundred Acre Woods, I go there, find it with the help of Pooh and Tigger, and make it feel better. Then i take it home, then the office again, then it goes back, then I calm it down, then I take it home again ad infinitum until I wake up.

What does it mean? Hell if I know. I guess it was pertinent to 5 year old me to have it play over and over again. That or I really loved Winnie the Pooh. Still do.



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Reply #147 on: March 13, 2017, 03:39:53 PM
Recurring dream number two. This one was from when I was 7-8 years old, largely replaced the hotdog one.

This was my first... TFy dream I guess. It did not as frequently recur as the hot dog dream but it was still recurring. It started off with my little sis in a ballet at school. However the teachers all turned into monsters due to a curse from an evil witch (best way to describe the monster is the Gangrene Gang from Powerpuff Girls) and I had to save everyone and reverse the curse. I however got turned into a mouse, and had to sneak my way through the cafeteria (the cafeteria separated the auditorium from the rest of the school.) Once I reached the auditorium, I ate a magic bean that made me turn back & attacked the witch with my sword (I know narrative continuity here is kinda crappy but hey, I was 8), but before I got to her one of the teachers attacked me with their tongue, which tingled badly.... I did slay the witch and remove the curse though. Never did figure out what that tongue did to me.



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Reply #148 on: July 01, 2017, 04:33:06 AM
Weird dream last night.... it was like being in a video game moving three scenarios in the same house... one in like the past where you get stalked by an evil doll, one where you have to catch a fairy, and one where you get shrunk.... I still can't pick out any major plot in it. -shrugs-


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Reply #149 on: July 11, 2017, 12:08:11 PM
First dreams I've felt deserved to go here. One was on about 4ish nights ago, the second was last night, and the last one was a long time ago.

1. I can't remember most of the begining, but it had something to do with Sirius Black, I think. After all that, there was a zombie/afflicted person. Me and some woman were trying to figure out why they had been turned into a zombie, and we knew it was because of some perscription medication. Our solution was to buy one bottle of every single kind of medication in the local pharmacy and try one of every pill to figure out which one was the cause. However, it turned out that we were in Mexico, and I didn't have any pesos. I ended up finding a gang-type group willing to help, and we started begging on the street. I did standing back flips  (which is something I can actually do) to earn some extra pesos. I think we earned enough, but then that dream ended.

2. I was on a road trip with family plus some others. First, we stopped at a gas station that had lockers and showers. I put over half of my stuff in one of the lockers. The entrance to the showers was a tiny, cramped hallway. It was almost like a square cave made out of ceramic tiles. We entered the showers, but everyone still had clothes on. We left the gas station (without my stuff) and continued driving.

The next stop was at another gas station, but this one was abandoned. Me and two or three other people roamed around, eating junk food and pocketing random things we liked. There were conversations happening, but I don't remember what they were. After an hour and a half, we left that servo and I realized I didn't have my stuff. I asked about it and was told to call the first gas station and ask them to hold it for our return trip, which I never did.

By this point we were driving through a town. Our destination was just ahead, but the road was blocked off. Our driver, who might have been my dad, then gave a bunch of directions that started with driving through three separate graveyards. I honestly don't know how I made up the all the different places, most of which were haunted or otherwise scary. I don't remember any of them now. I thought it was crazy, but we started through the first graveyard, only to immediately realize that it was a BAD IDEA. We turned and booked it the other direction, but from each destination along the path a red light appeared and started chasing the car. Every time one caught up, it would touch the car, disappear, then summon something scary. One was a tree, but that's all I remember.

After we got away, we stopped the car and I got out. There was a house at the bottom of a big slope right off the road, and there was a ton of horses. I started petting one, then left, did something and came back. This time a girl walked out of the house. Through conversation we figured out that she was a different version of me named Anna, which works surprisingly well as a female name for me. Out houses were mostly the same, but her room had been partially converted into a stable. There was hay everywhere. We had most of the same books, and things I remember from forever ago were hanging on the wall. It was pretty cool. Her friends ended up coming over and we messed around for a while. There was even a pool, so we went swimming. When I had to leave to get back in the car, I wrote down my email so we could stay in contact. Around then is when I woke up. Overall I really liked the ending of this dream, because it was really cool. Seeing my house and family but slightly different was awesome. Even my cat, Kevin, had been changed. He was a bat, for no other reason than it sounds like cat.

3. This one is sort of my first TF dream. I had been watching a lot of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu. In it there's a bunch of different races of snake people, which being a scalie, I really enjoyed. One of the coolest parts was a staff the leaders hold, which transforms anyone who gets it. They go from having legs to a giant tail - essentially a naga. At this point I hadn't realized that I was a furry/scalie, or that I love transformation, so I had no idea why I liked it so much.

Anyway, in the dream, this happened to me, but skewed around. I had the snake tail, but I also had legs. It was almost like they were both phasing through each other and existed in the same spot. I was trying to slither around, but the only way I could control it was through a keyboard hanging around my neck. I had to push the keys in a certain order to be able to use my tail, but I sucked at it, so not much happened. That's the only part of the dream that I remember.

I don't really count this as a TF dream because it's not entirely transformation, due to having both legs and being a snake taur, somehow. I have yet to have an actual dream with some TF, but I'm looking forward to it.

Definitely not a walnut.

Quote: "Racks are nice, but I prefer the kind you hang coats on."