Author Topic: Weird Dreams  (Read 162002 times)


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Reply #105 on: October 16, 2012, 11:29:08 PM
Okay, this one was just INSANE. I started in what appeared to be a futuristic shopping mall. I was not in human form, but nobody seemed to notice. I looked up, and it seemed to go infinitely upward. I stepped into an elevator, and there were buttons. EVERYWHERE. I stepped on a few, and the elevator shot up without closing the doors. The floor I stopped on was riddled with holes. I suddenly had acrophobia, and could not get out of the elevator, so I pressed another button, and the elevator seemed to go backwards. I ended up somehow in some sort of white void with a blue maze. Just entirely blue. I walked through the maze, somehow knowing where to go, and I ended up in my room. However, I could tell it was not actually my room because I distinctly remember never having a lava lamp full of REAL LAVA. I backed away as the lava melted everything, revealing a black void. My brother opened the door and motioned for me to get out, and I quickly complied. Me and my brother were standing on a grandfather clock, which I don't have, with the lava slowly rising. My brother fell in the lava. The lava burned the last of the grandfather clock, and I fell in.

I then woke up, in my bed, scared to the equivalent of death. The rest of that day, my room felt warmer than usual, and I swear I saw a fiery glow...


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Reply #106 on: October 31, 2012, 01:38:54 PM
Need to post this one because this is a great seed for a story here. Given the subject matter, it's actually kind of Halloween-ish! Also, I haven't had a decent furry dream in quite some time. Sort of typed this up while working this morning (*shifts eyes*) to try to capture as much as possible while it was fresh.

The whole thing took place around my yard-- which had blasted leaves everywhere because I hadn't had time to get to them yet. It wasn't much a real-life setting though because there was magic here, and there were (mostly human) mages milling around the place like they owned it. At least it wasn't that cold.

There was a small group of-- I'm not sure exactly what to call them, so I'm going to refer to them as "adventurers", but in the dream I thought of them as co-workers-- congregated around the side of my house, performing some sort of religious ceremony because one of them (one that I knew too) had died, presumably in combat or whatever they did. I assume it was general adventuring-related. They were all human, and the one performing the ceremony was an older lady. She might have been a witch.

I wasn't really part of their group-- much like my real-life job, I contracted services out to them. (This probably involved fire magic of some sort.) But I had fought along side them enough to know them well enough as acquaintances, including the fellow who died. So the plan was to silently join them and bow my head respectfully but not do anything else like participate in whatever chanting or scripture reading they did because I did not approve of religion and wasn't really part of their group anyway.

Climbing up the little hill just of the side street along my property was blasted hard because I was Virmir and was short with big toon feet, and from this perspective it seemed a lot steeper.

I was a different Virmir though. A new one for this setting. I was a sort of cross between the standard Virmir and MK Virmir, but had a sort of hooked cape collar like Lucian.  Explaining the nuances of Virmirs to non-Virmirs is difficult, so I'll just say that this is Virmir in this sort-of-modern-day magic-adventure-real-life-world setting.  I think my pants were dark blue.

At the moment I arrived something happened that pulled me away for a few moments, and I'm going to leave this as a footnote here* because it's kind of out of place and ruins the flow of this dreamworld story-telling. When I was returning, one of the younger female adventurers caught up with me hysterically and said, "Hurry! She's brought <fallen comrade> back, and he's only got nine and a half minutes left!"

At this point I went holy frazz as I parsed what she said. The older witch-like woman had resurrected the dead guy, and he had ten minutes in which to say his goodbyes and everyone had a chance to say all the things they wished they could say before he was gone for good. Apparently this is part of their tradition. (In retrospect-- post dream-- this has got to be extremely useful for legal purposes.)

Of course, being Virmir, my reaction-- which I very much kept to myself was blast, that is awkward. With much reluctance, I was lead over to the others. They'd moved inside my backyard-- a reasonably sized fenced in area. Everyone was standing around crying their eyes out, and there sitting on a brick was the dead bunny.

Okay, important detail-- the dead guy was actually a feral rabbit.

I'm not sure what his function was with this group of adventurers was, but this bunny was an important and loved team member.  I had worked along side of him as well. He could talk, but for all other functions he was just a rabbit. He could have been a mage or a brilliant strategist, but the important part was he was part of their group. Here, dead, he was unnaturally gray-toned like a black-and white photograph in a color world (not like the slightly blue-tinted gray of my own fur) and had red eyes. He was crying too.

It was my turn to "say goodbye."

I was annoyed by the stupidity of it all-- everyone standing around moping, making themselves feel even more terrible. They weren't doing anything constructive, just saying "good bye" and crying. I was of course on point which made me feel awkward as heck. I didn't know him terribly well, but of course I naturally distance myself from people so I'd say that about anyone, no matter how they felt about me. We'd fought battles together, probably. So I crouched down, picked him up, and held him, which I knew he liked. There was another girl here that always held and cuddled him when he was alive, but she was too busy frozen and crying at the moment. What a bunch of idiots!

(This is a slight nuance-- real rabbits do not like to be picked up. This guy wasn't really a real bunny though, I suppose.)

The bunny himself was blabbering thank-yous to me through tears, and I found myself tearing up as well because it was so blasted sad. I didn't say anything, because it's best to remain silent when you don't know what to say, especially in emotional situations. I did want to ask him what it was like being dead-- I was very curious-- but figured that would be a rude thing to ask. Despite being dead, he felt warm and soft (I know what a rabbit feels like since my parents have one). I think he may have been a spectre instead of the actual dead body animated. This would explain the unnaturally gray appearance.

One of the team members finally suggested he spend his last moments (he had like seven minutes left) stretching his legs and running around, so I set him down with some relief to run around a bit in my back yard as rabbits like to do. 

I was still choked up and rather annoyed by the whole situation, so had a "screw this" moment. It was easy to discard my clothing there as I shifted to feral form-- big awkward toon feet and inflated head. I knew (and know) I look silly as a feral, but didn't care in front of the crowd. That's the point.

I might have had huge feet, but I was still a fox and fast. I chased the bunny and caught him in a pounce with no problem, then picked him up with my teeth by the scruff of the neck and mock-paraded him around like prey. He kicked and giggled, and soon our tears were gone and we were just romping and playing in the dead leaves, running around, chasing each other. I was pretty relentless on the little guy and never really let him "win." I knew he was the type not to try and pull this trick on and we respected each other for this. We had a lot of fun. And I will tell critics of my paws this-- dried leaves, sticks and grass feel positively wonderful under big toon paws.

It was one of those slow-awakening dreams from this point, where my active imagination slowly took place of the dream world and I was simply daydreaming with my eyes closed after a few moments. And that was the end of it.

Moral: Don't be a depressed loser-- make the most of what you have-- especially if you won't have it for much longer. Also, necromancy is cool.

* And now for the footnote event that pulled me away. There were mages everywhere because my house was apparently some sort of nexus portal point that only mages could use (oh, goooodie...) and there was some sort of exodus going on with my yard as a convenient exit point. There were even some little invisible gnomes running around that you could only tell were there because they were pushing aside dead leaves as the went. These people were not here for the bunny funeral-- they were just passing through.

Most of the mages looked like normal people, except they generally had a non-standard article of clothing or two that marked them as a tad eccentric-- a fedora or a scarf or something, and had this look about them as if they just might have the ability to flay you alive just by blinking at you, but you couldn't tell for sure because you had no way of knowing what their individual powers were or how strong they were.

(I believe there's some influence from Erfworld here-- which I've been reading recently. There is a magic world and portal system that only mages are permitted to enter in this setting.)

Anyway, on to the weird point. One of the attendees to the small ceremony to the fallen bunny was a chicken much like Myrtle from the comic Faux Pas.

The chicken was riding a tricycle. Affixed to the front of the tricycle was a bucket of fried chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken or somesuch, with the red and white stripes.  I... I... don't even...

She was trying to reach the solemn ceremony for the bunny, but was being accosted by a dog who was very interested in the fried chicken. I found this extremely rude because the poor chicken was just trying to get to the group of adventurers to mourn (and distribute fired chicken, apparently), so knowing dogs very well I went to chase it off by staring at it and approaching it purposely. I'm quite good at giving dogs a good staredown to show them who is boss in real life, and of course being a fellow canid here who also had the ability to explode things with fire, the dog wisely backed off. I followed it a good way out of my yard as it earfolded and whimpered and ran off.

I was followed by two people from the ceremony to help chase the dog away. One of them I did not know, but the other was my real life grandfather who had passed some years back. Except he was much younger here, had his shirt off, was quite buff, and had tattoos on his chest. Now as a side note here, I had tremendous respect for my grandfather (don't confuse him for MK Virmir's fictional grandfather), and he also had quite some adventures in World War II, which is the age he appeared at here.

Now logically since he was part of the adventuring group, that means we had fought together. So the mental image here of Virmir and Buff WWII Gramps teaming up together-- personally in my mind-- is just flippin awesome.

After this, the dream continued as noted above. You can see why this whole tangent is added as a footnote. [;)

(Note to self: Load the rest of topic on PDA. Been like a year since I caught up on this. [;))

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #107 on: October 31, 2012, 06:08:06 PM
Wow, that is so cool. [:P


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Reply #108 on: October 31, 2012, 07:31:53 PM
Okay, I've been kind of shying away from this topic, but Vir, that is pretty awesome.


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Reply #109 on: November 12, 2012, 03:38:09 PM
I wound up in some kind of bizarre fairy tale last night in my dreams.

Apparently I am Prince Ivan or whatever and I have two older sisters - Mallory and Minerva. Minerva is much MUCH older than both of us but I don't have many memories of her, apparently she ran away from home, was kidnapped, or moved away to get married when both me and Mallory were very young.

However, we keep hearing about these strange forces that are attacking the land. I keep hearing about this trouble at the train yard and then I go to investigate it. I notice that there are a line of cabooses big enough for a short fuzzy to sit in and am told to avoid there. Someone walks into the line of cabooses and then they seem to freeze solid. I hear that apparently Jack the Ripper is going after them but when has Jack the Ripper ever frozen anyone solid? Two other guys are there and I try to hide away from them. Then I spot this guy who must have been Jack the Ripper (or at least this version of it.)

I notice that he is trying to deliver captives to some place. and then find that there are two other people there. Their faces turn brown and eyes start glowing a deep red. Apparently Jack the Ripper is working for them and he can't curse either of the two there unless he'll get stoned, so it was a good thing he didn't gaze at them too hard. I then run away before coming back to this strange castle where a bunch of fuzzies are there, screaming that the evil fairy is attacking them. :O (Note that by fuzzies, I mean furs.)

Then I decide to try and lead an assault against this evil fairy only for a bunch of strange creatures that seemed to fly on hang-gliders made out of Bread and land-boats made out of something that looked like wood or tortilla sales coming by and grabbing. They grab me of course, and tell me they had already captured Mallory and that the Evil Fairy will love a full set of royal brats. :O

Im taken to this place called the "Purple Palace" that looks like it's made of clear purple plastic with bits of glitter in it. Jack the Ripper as well as those other two demons start taking other people in there and I'm thrown in the dungeon with the other fuzzies and captives. Some of the guards get a bit irate and then decide to overthrow the Evil Fairy. I don't know what happens to those other two demons or Jack the Ripper but I manage to sneak into the throne room. I hide behind a lamp with a face and then all the guards involved in the rebellions and the furs come in, all holding weird weapons like the end of a wrench or some kind of ring. They start posing playmobil figures to fight against the evil fairy and I jump out. She starts retreating, and I try to chase her away. Only then I notice that she was holding Mallory inside some kind of weird plastic crystal structure. I spin it and she falls out, then starts yelling that Minerva is also in there.

I spin that structure again and then there is Minerva, about the same age as us. Apparently the evil fairy or Jack the Ripper had her in a stasis for a good decade and a half or so. She doesn't believe it's me at first because she remembers me and Mallory as being really young children when she was captured by the Evil Fairy. However we try to convince her how long she was gone, before she joins the final assault on the evil fairy.

We continue to charge through the Purple Palace and free all sorts of other prisoners, which include various species of furs. We manage to completely take the Purple Palace and then the Evil Fairy comes. We all have her completely outnumbered and then someone hands a wand to me. Minerva, Mallory, and I all toss the wand and it turns into a wrench, capturing the Evil Fairy inside a barbie-looking box. Now the kingdom is saved as all three royal children have been saved, including the long-lost princess who should be about 10+ years older than us.

now all of us are leading the furs back to their homes, as well as all the other prisoners, as the Purple Palace collapses behind us and nearly blows away in the wind. Then I trip and fall into a bread-glider but we catch ahold of it and manage to fly home with this strange bread-glider, almost getting my foot trapped inside a giant cupcake along the way when the breeze fails for a tad.

(Icon by shenanigans on FA)


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Reply #110 on: January 21, 2013, 08:22:47 PM
Ok, this is one of the more vivid dreams I've had lately. So, first off, I'll tell you this. It was based in a world run by two races, humans, and these fuzzy creatures called 'Zykrin'. The latter average about 3-4 feet in height, have ears shaped like a canid's, but with the length of a rabbit's ears, their faces are muzzled and thin, usually with big eyes. Their fur color spectrum varies between yellow, light-to-dark brown, grey, white, black, striped, dotted, and a few more different patterns, but the most distinguishing part about them is their tails, which are anything from like a cat's, or a fox's, or a kangaroo rat's, to even just a rat.

Anyway, I was a Zykrin, at about four foot tall, with dark brown fur and thin tail with a big puft of fur at the end. The setting for this dream was a river, placed between two mountain ranges. On both ranges, there were human settlements, and on a floating platform in the midst of the river was a place called 'Xrbaeon', which was a Zykrin settlement. It was made of wood, with a Celtic feel to it, and was connected to both sides of the river via a hanging rail car, like what people might use to quickly get up a mountain.

I lived in the Western-most human settlement, (The river ran from North to South.) which was a quaint little town called 'Ville'. Yes, just Ville. No humanville, no cityville, no townsville. Just Ville. But anyways, the dream started me with a little introduction of the area, then focused to me on the rail car, headed for Xrbaeon from the West. Said rail car was operated by a pair of Zykrin, one male, black fur, with a cat tail that stood about 3 feet tall, and a female grey, who stood about 4 foot, 5 inches.

When I got to the Zykrin settlement, I walked to this one dock-balcony thing, where I was apparently meeting this one human to discuss something about the river. I don't remember much of the conversation, but I do remember that somewhere in it, we saw a giant goldfish swim up to the surface of teh water, to which we both looked at it in horror and said, "My God.". It was then that we saw a long, scaled body in the water near the goldfish. Before we had any time to react, a giant frickin' snake burst through the floor of the balcony, exposing the river, but still leaving plenty room for us to stand. It lunged at me, trying to bite me, but I somehow managed to jump up and grab ahold of both of its jaws, and shut them, before calmly proceeding to RUN AWAY. Don't recall much after that, but it all ended when I was back in the rail car, hurrdiedly trying to make my way back to shore.

To be continued...?

It gets so lonely being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
I'm lying through my teeth!
Your tears are all the company I need


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Reply #111 on: January 22, 2013, 04:25:06 PM
Been slacking WAY TOO LONG on this, so here's a dream for you, folks. [;) [Also don't expect terribly good structure or any elements which make a professional story, I just wanna tell the blasted dream, hehe.]

So this interesting and odd dream all started off with myself being in this mall-plaza world thing, I was given a strange device to allow me entry into a very sprite-like world, I had to solve puzzles in it to cause things in real life to happen, almost like an adventure game! I also had to get this other device from this guy who would refuse you entry into the giant structure world without it, so I had to duel him at calculators, I pressed numbers wildly in the battle, also Earthbound battle music played, I eventually won, and then suddenly, he got angry and disappeared, like a silly video game character death complete with matching sound effects!

Anyways, so I took his device, and started to scan people, I wasn't sure why I did, but I felt like I had to, I found this evil guy somewhere inside the building, who was a rabbit, he detected me, and shot lasers at me, for no reason other than probably being obviously a threat, I ran away. I ran and ran, and I approached this shelf of random possibly important items and stuff, so I planted the device in the store, and an announcer guy said, "BOMB HAS BEEN PLANTED!" I got +500 points and unlocked a Luigi Cap, I opened a menu screen, and I put it on, and became 2D Luigi-capped Trask!

I used this new power-up unlockable thing to slide into this secret area, and hid myself from the evil rabbit guy, I then went into sprite world, had an epic adventure going to several islands to unite this powerful weapon, I fought bosses, killed generic mook enemies, found cool new items and gear, got new powers, defeated the evil big bad guy, saved the princess, who gave me a plushie fox, I equipped it, and got +100 to all stats (yay!), I then escaped out of that dimension of sorts, and with dramatic MGS music, I had a camera motion that showed me the exit.

Suddenly, for unknown reasons unknown to me, the dreamer, who was dreaming of this, I was in third person, so I figured the door has to be my goal, so off I went, to go get to that exit, I had random encounters and fought stuff all RPG like, leveled up a few times, I grabbed some jelly doughnut thing from a nearby table and ate it, In hindsight, finding weird glowing food and eating it was probably a bad idea, but I was desperate, and low on mana and health from TOO MUCH RANDOM ENCOUNTERS.

This 'enchanted' jelly doughnut thing had obvious 'enchanted' powers, and I became Aleph for approximately 30 seconds, with this new found strength and power, and blueness, I went RAWR! and  SMASHED and BROKE things, I decided it was time for brute strength, and made the most of my limited time offer power-up ability.

I plowed my way to the exit, when I arrived there, it was all glowy with an angelic choir, I possibly have found my singular purpose, to reach a vague shining door in some commercial shopping zone where unknown things await behind It's impeccably detailed and superb construction, I poked the door, a bit reluctantly, because who knows right? it could be a trap! but I went ahead and did so, where the Mario Bros theme played, and I returned to normal, regular Trask, some random credits rolled on screen, as everything faded to black, congratulations you defeated the... dream? yeah sure, why not? [:P


(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.


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Reply #112 on: January 22, 2013, 08:17:32 PM
Keep forgetting to post this one here!

Not a terrible amount of detail with this one. I had been turned into one of those aquatic things that Shiro often draws that look vaguely vaporeon-ish with big fishy tails (big cartoony fins and all that), and was floating in an outdoor hotel pool, rather annoyed because I'm not much for aquatic stuff (or hotel pools). However, this turned out to be a good thing indeed because there was some sort of black dragon thing with six wings (and possibly two heads) flying around in the sky, looking for me (possibly stiffly on invisible strings like a Godzilla monster) and blue aquatic-thing that I was, I was fairly well disguised since this wasn't really a likely form for me at all. Disguised as I was, I still felt better to leave to pool and escape into the inner confines of the hotel, where I caught glimpses of the thing from windows. Scary! (Not really. Was coooool... [;))

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #113 on: February 07, 2013, 04:39:39 PM
I wish I could remember more of this one, as there was a lot of really cool buildup centering around an intrigue/blackmail plot about a false religion and some evil king who was abusing his wife/queen who was trying to keep the kingdom in one piece amidst the corruption.

But at the end there was a epic final battle played out in turn-based style like a menu RPG, except it looked like well animated colorful fantasy cartoon. The player character was a little feral blue dragon who was cursed into some nondescript anthro fuzzy guy (I can't quite remember what he looked like), and because this wasn't his true form, he was limited in his strength and magical power.

On the other side was an evil witch-queen, who was posing as the king above, and who was once human, but then got cursed into a dopy looking feral black poodle-like dog at some point in the past. But she had found a way around this some time ago and had transformed herself into an anthro blue Pony-like form (capital P-- the coloful kind [;)) with a horn and possibly wings. She had this whole menacing cool/cute/menacing super powerful villain thing going on.

The two battled by casting spells at each other formed from magic words. The player character had a small assortment of words, so wasn't much of a match for the evil Pony queen, who put together long strings of menacing words to make powerful spells.  The player would select the words that looked like cards from a menu with weird shapes on them and construct the spells. Some combinations weren't really meant to go together, so would produce something weak. (I'm fairly certain I heard the idea for this type of spell casting somewhere before.)  The words themselves were all arcane gibberish.

Now here's the cool part. Before the battle, there was talk of some ally of the player character, probably a mage, helping to uncover the whole false religion plot mentioned above. At that moment (implying somehow this reveal invokes the off-screen mage's wrath or trickery somehow) the two go into spasms and the words each of them know fly from their mouths and into the other's mouth. They basically get skill-set switched.

Now, as heroic music plays, the player character finds himself with a ton of new spell-words he has no idea how to use, but are nonetheless far more powerful that his old spells, while the evil queen has much weaker spells. The player attacks, hitting the queen for massive damage. (Basically words fly out of their mouth with very flashy special effects and explosions.) As the spell connects, she shrinks a bit, her clothing gets torn, and she starts to resemble the dopy black dog she got turned into before.  She gets weaker. When she attacks, the player character's clothes start ripping and he shrinks a bit, but he starts turning into his old dragon form. He gets stronger, some features even resembling what the queen looked like before.  This progresses with each turn.

A cool idea for either a story or a game. [;)

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #114 on: February 08, 2013, 08:19:04 PM
Though I have seen this thread, I haven't written anything in here yet but I will from now on.

I haven't had any interesting dreams in some time but I have quite a selection of old dreams I can remember that are... well, you'll see.

This one kind of reminded me of a game. I was using a magic book to help guide me on a mission to find six unique objects... for some reason. When I were to find one of these objects, I had to find out what purpose they were meant for so that I could use them as required so that they would break. I managed to find and break five objects; one was a bow, another a sword, and the last one, the sixth object, was a staff.
I found the staff, protected behind a magically sealed gate, guarded by a massive clockwork guardian with the word "GOD" heavily engraved across its chest-plate. In order to get the staff this guardian had to be destroyed, and though I had the power to overwhelm it, the blasted thing escaped through a portal. I can distinctly remember the book reacting and commenting with, "Not easy to kill a God, is it?"
The staff, a black staff with an oddly shaped head which looked demonic in origin, would continue to be protected as long as the guardian lives, so I chased it through the portal.
I emerged to find that I had been teleported into some kind of challenge dimension, a uniquely constructed prison world that would hold you until you found a way out. In this world there were two kinds of people; academics and prisoners. Knowing that this world valued academics over prisoners, I knew I stood a better chance of escape if I slipped in with the prisoners until the appropriate time. I remember being assigned to clean a lab when I found that an academic was still hard at work while I was cleaning, I watched him with amazement as he used the wondrous machines he had at his disposal as he conducted his experiments, a privilege he allowed me to see because he thought I was too uneducated to comprehend his work, the fool he was.
I eventually found my opportunity to escape, the prisoners were about to play a game of football (a sport I hate above and beyond all others but I had to compete against other prisoners to be part of the team and show some enthusiasm as well... very clever way of trying to keep me caged but it didn't work) when the ball went over the fence, and, because I was a good little prisoner, the guards thought I could be trusted to come back... I ran as fast as a could for the sunset. Ha ha ha.
After escaping that prison, I returned to a reset battle with the clockwork guardian and, this time, I would be sure to destroy that machine, but, to annoy me even further, the clever guardian cast a spell and I woke up. You can imagine my disappointment after everything I went through.
I wonder what would have happened if I did succeed and claimed that staff... but I guess I will never know.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 08:26:28 PM by Miles »

There are no Limitations to the Great Wonders of Magic.


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Reply #115 on: February 19, 2013, 09:42:09 AM
Last night's dream was more of a dream within a dream, you could say.
I had gone to sleep, and found myself in a red room that looked like it was made out of minecraft wool. When I looked around, I saw two other children, a girl and a boy. As I looked down the connecting hallway, a ominous voice said something along the lines of "You have been called into this dream area to face your fears." The first fear was the boy's, and he had to get into a cat suit. I guess he was afraid of cats, or something like that? The second one belonged to the girl, but I don't really remember it. While she was facing her fear, (with encouragement from us, which is probably why we didn't do it solo), I noticed that the room turned blue. I don't really remember the fear, but the next fear, which was mine, made no sense. There were stacks of blocks on curved slopes, and apparently that's supposed to be a fear of mine. So when I saw the blocks knocked over, I freaked. After the next cycle of fears, which ended with another of mine, the voice told us that there was a hidden gift inside the green room. Looking off to the side of the platform inside the room, I saw another, yellow formation, on which there was a chest. Inside there were three gelatinous blue slabs. Also included was a note, telling that they had transformative properties of some sort. At that point I tried to exploit the dreamsave system to get extra slabs. I never found out if it worked. Shortly before waking up, I talked with the girl, who was named Bowser. She must have had weird parents. I also found out that she lived in the same town as I did, and we resolved to meet up. After waking up, (There was some sort of boss battle involved, the details are a little fuzzy), I ate the slab, and got TF'd into my 'sona. The slab was more potent than that, though, because the wooden replica of my keyblade I had made became real. I don't remember too much after that, other than my cat following me to school.

Revivification! *sips his tea*


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Reply #116 on: March 12, 2013, 09:13:57 PM
A young lad living alone in a village starts to have strange visions and scary compulsions during the night. Nightmares are normal enough until you start to realize that something is iffy and familiar about them. Plus the lad didn't have anything to come back to. He packed his bags and headed to where he thought the dream was set in. It was pretty chilly, so the mountains, maybe.

When he arrived he passed out from the cold breezes and woke to find himself in some kind of old, weathered temple. He made his way down the familiar corridors and came upon a lady glowing a blue light. Said lady from his visions laid it out to him as something like this:

"At last one of the heroes have remembered."

He asked the lady for revelations regarding his vision and what is going on. She shakes her head, lamenting on how the complexities of what had occurred would never be understood by him. She digressed, it involved time travel and multiple interconnected worlds, such as the legend of the tree of Yggdrasil, though it isn't exactly like it.

She explained that all this began when suddenly a young woman appeared in the temple a century ago when it was a full and clean place. Said woman suddenly started to cry and weep, as if one had lost close friends. She tried to sing but her voice choked and sputtered, she wailed and ran off. The lady suspects that woman was possibly her granddaughter given the resemblances.

The boy was rather confused about the meaning behind a 'singing' woman and the connection to time. The Lady tried to explain that she is a Warden of some kind, and something had torn the other worlds from the 'tree' (it's more like a pathway nexus thingy). She honestly isn't sure WHAT happened, but she also received a vision from her granddaughter from the future. But because this 'vision' isn't tuned to her perspective or memories she cannot understand them. She gave them to the boy and his mind relived the memories.

He stands clad in mystic armor in a hallway laced with a bright red carpet, but this isn't really the lad... he 'moves' in his memory and his perspective shifted out of his body, but the armored version of him followed his footsteps. The vision isn't a 'memory' but a re-enactment. He lead his other self down the hallway into a central chamber where a brightly red haired, black dressed man was waiting. The lad's avatar held his blade towards the villain, "You're surrounded!" From several directions, a humanoid cat, fox, and another human converged on the villain.

The redhead chuckled, "This isn't finished until you catch me." He ran into the main chamber of the temple where the singing woman stood, glowing with energy and the 'tree' behind her.
"My lady, we have an arrangement with destiny!" The woman held her ground, appearing determined.. until he did something. The vision became blurry and unclear, but for a moment it showed the singer scream in sadness, the heroes have vanished and the villain falls to his knees. He looks at his hands.
"Where am I...? Who?" before passing out and vanishing. The woman watches as the temple around her withers and fades, she screams, traumatized and flees through the tree.

In the present, the lady finally understood why the singer was distraught. Whatever had happened, whole worlds were cut off from the nexus, and her close friends were cast away. The lad included. She deduced that he was thrown back in time, into another world, and his memories taken from him.

She can only give the lad the names of those he must find to restore the nexus:
Kuriana the Mage
Greg the Darkchild
Harald the Just

For the moment, it can be assumed the villain also lost his memory and is likely harmless... for now. He is, like the others, likely to have memory flashes. The adventure begins.


  • The Mage Forsaken by Time
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Reply #117 on: March 16, 2013, 10:03:16 AM
 Last night's dream was veeeeeery odd. I woke up in this odd underground, undersea civilization. I say civilization because although it was a bit primitive, we still were pretty well organized. The race of rabbit-meerkat people who lived here were pretty generic, so as a result, individuality and free thought was highly encouraged. It was peaceful, although the rite of passage was quite violent. Twenty or so young children were brought into an arena, given stasis belts, and set to fight.
Today was my day to attempt the trial. I walked into the arena, and from what was given, grabbed a longsword. There were a number of computers scattered about the arena, some sort of side challenge to transfer money... I ignored it. I was focused on not dying. Killing was frowned upon, but some deaths seemed to be inevitable. I did not want to be one of the ones to die today, so when I saw a dropped shortsword, I grabbed it.  Shortly after, I cornered one of the others, and got them to surrender. Of course, the open nature of the arena led me to be set upon by a muscular meerkat with two thick, wooden hockey sticks. He flung iron balls at me  with them, which hurt a lot. I used the short sword as a distraction, then knocked one out of his paw. He then smashed the other on my head. Again, painful.
He and I must have been the last ones there, because after fully disarming him, the Key appeared. The purpose of the Key was to unlock the capsules in which we would be drenched in magical fluids, which felt a lot like clay, in order to complete the rite.  So I got in, was buried in the clay, and then a create a character screen popped up. And then I woke up.

... For some reason, I feel this would make a good origin story for my character.

Revivification! *sips his tea*


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    • Trask's FA! [Warning: Contains Toys, Tails and TF!]
Reply #118 on: April 16, 2013, 06:02:45 PM
Long weird dream incoming! [Also my dreams seem to always have BGM in them too.] [:P

This was a dream which started out with me investigating this barn which supposedly was infested with some kind of really odd mouse ghosts or something, so I approached the scene carefully, not entirely sure how or what to do, but somehow knowing what to do. The next instant I find this glowing dramatic effect happening and a portal forms, I stepped inside and I fell to the floor, I remember looking at my paws in confusion, then staring around, in some really old derelict temple of sorts.

Setted out to investigate or something, I journeyed to find out what this new place was, or why the heck I even went into some strange barn to begin with. I activated some sort of complicated switch, and hearing all the clicks, notches, cranking, and whatnot going on behind the walls, until.... BAM! I was hit right in the face with a cartoony fist, and was sent flying out through a hole in a roof. This random detour in events caused me to be sent straight into some random game show of some sort, where the loser DIES, and the winner... probably doesn't die, or something, I protested that I did not sign up for it, but the gameshow host assured me that they actually seek their contestants and not the other way around specifically! what manner of evilness goes on?

Seemed I was to be fated to play this barbaric Mario Party of sorts, I was given some panning camera cutscene of sorts, where the game host cheerfully announces like a happy car salesman, the absolutely horrifyingly lethal obstacle course + gauntlet thing that was revealed, starting off with classic spike traps, building up to precariously perched platforms and bottomless pits, and moving platforms, and some lava because why not? I suppose that would work. At first, it was pretty easy, I easily navigated the spike portion, the bottomless pits were a little trickier to handle, because the platforms kept being annoying with distracting pop-up messages, such as, "You've won $10,000 in home renovations!", and they also were like sales people that kept trying to make you buy imaginary useless junk which was USELESS and not at all good.

The moving platforms were extremely unpredictable and erratically sped up or slowed down, and kept singing some kind of A capella Rick Roll or something, after enduring that terrible thing, next up was the moving platforms on rails over deadly lava (like a Mario Bros game)!  The catch was you leaned left or right to guide the platform where you wanted it on the rails, lean too far or fail to lean too far enough, and... you take an early bath in some molten rock, yay! So off I setted out, slightly behind, with strong willpower and determination, shouting, "I will not be defeated by this worm!" (perfectly in the first Star Fox 64's boss voice too, I might add) and proceeded forwards and hopped on the platform. I wobbled uncontrollably as it made all kinds of car alarm noises probably hinting at the obvious dangers of not having ever piloted rail-mounted platforms powered by I-have-no-idea what, I decided to hop off early as it tumbled down with retro game sound effect based death. I latched onto this weird wall of little rectangular shaped virtual reality looking notches on a wall, with lava gently pouring down along the wall, there was enough room, barely so, to put your paws and grip the little outcroppings, and climb up without some kind of lava-based injury.

So nothing much else of interest happened, after some dramatic close-calls and winning only JUST barely for good show, I win and the random generic koopa thing died and turned into a puff of smoke, I was congratulated and my prize was... to be sent to some weird Amish Paradise, with a TWIST! though not revealed yet, it would be soon, veeeeeery soon... So sudden scene change and I was at a seemingly normal farm of sorts, with seemingly normal people, and it all seemed so... BORING, so I took the time to familiarize myself with the locals, got some strange looks, I guess living fox plushes aren't welcome here? Some time later, after exploring, there was some random guy in a corner with a ? above his head, I conversed with him, and in a dramatic echoing voice, he announced himself to me and explained his plight, a terrible curse had befallen this place, one which was very awful and most destructive, which only happened at specific times like lots of curses do, and like some NPCs, he was terribly vague!
I accepted the quest to discover the origins of whatever the heck was going on, and see to it if fixing it was possible, I posed with a dramatic and grand fanfare, glowing letters above me, "QUEST ACCEPTED! In search of the Myrr'zai" (Or something like that, was some fancy crazy fantasy word). Off I went! I travelled all over this massive farm, which was more like a town really, with lots of farm land everywhere around it, and stuff. Asked around and then was challenged for some strange reason, to eating apples, which was pretty normal so far, this random guy went on about how some folks might eat a rotten apple, which is a sign of a curse, since it's not apple until someone eats it.

I thought that was a little odd, but paid not much attention to such, and proceeded to eat the apple, until... OH NO! Turns out the apples were cursed somehow! maybe this was the curse mentioned! I took a bite of this apple, which was all black and moldy inside under the healthy skin, and tasted like plastic, then everything went into some gloomy gray, with weird ambient music, and bass which played like a heartbeat, I was blamed for all the bad happenings in the farm, and suddenly was the bad guy it seemed, I looked around, and every single Amish person was a Poe or Redead from the Legend of Zelda games as well.

I saw through what happened here, it was not that it was a curse, it was a TRAP, I was hopelessly outnumbered, had Sys'siro by my side, and were preparing for like that scene in the Matrix where the protagonist fights what appears to be endless waves. I shined brightly and colorfully against the gloomy darkness and gray, as the legions of evil closed in, and I lashed out with all of my magic, bubbles, and so on, toyifying everything I could see, turning them into various plushes, pooltoys, and so on, of all kinds of random species.

After a long battle against endless waves, I was almost completely exhausted, until some sort of plot-based thing saved me! I was given some ultra power-up by some fox goddess of sorts, and full of renewed strength and resolve, this big evil red face appeared and laughed all evil like, and then, classic RPG style battle time! third person mode and everything, with some catchy battle music as well, as I fought this weird distorted visage which looked vaguely like Andross. So as standard, turns were taken, cool attacks performed, and after a time, I had defeated him and he exploded into springs and confetti, and everything melted and made some comical toilet flush as it all drained away, I fell through space, down I went, as credits rolled for a split second until someone got angry and declared it was boring, and everything just kinda broke like glass and stuff.

THE END! [Gosh I have a crazy weird imagination! also the catchy battle music in question was this: ]

(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.


  • Fluffwolf of all trades
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Reply #119 on: April 22, 2013, 09:29:35 AM
Let me first say IRL my brother got married a few days back, so that likely effected this dream.

But I am apparently singed up for some (supposedly) Christian... ritual... that's all I can call it. because its like some super rich person vacation... but you go there with a bunch of guys and girls... and it seemed like we were paired up, I was paired with a girl, I dunno if I had known her before or not (because its not a real person thank heaven) and married to the lady.

Then it gets REALLY odd. Apparently someone threw me a fuzzy theamed birthday party in the middle of this odd goings on. ... But that's not all! Apparently someone got effected by some magic of some kind getting ready for the party... and turned into  a fuzzy lizard dog man. He looked like a tippical fuzzy.

BUT he started kidnapping girl, not killing or hurting or even doing anything really, other then stalking and kidnapping ladies. Not doing anything to them... just kidnaping, like flurting and leting them go.
=P Nothing more.

But apprently I go to catch him, becuse he is my friend and is under the control of whatever turned him into this. =p SO after learning how to ride a motercycly so I can cross a streat that is covered in traffic frogger style... a street that is so filled with cars going at 90MPH its basically a stream of cars and I had to merge in and shift lanes till I was across. The bad fuzzy just went crazy and started laser eyeing the town. So, I cross the streat and avoid the top half a a building that was just sliced off and slid down after me! BUT it was cut in a way it was clear no one was hurt oddly. The cut clean across the floop of one story.

So.. then I choose the only way to beat this guy... Whats that? Take on Techs spirit of course! So... I become Tech. =p Get a device that Tech me made that apprently gives me EPIC bionic strength. So much the other guy runs without a fight.... looking more like Tigger then a bad guy being all "Hehe can't catch me! x3" I go after him, I think the dream ened with me chasing this guy down.

So yeah! I'm nuts.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 10:17:57 AM by Tech »

There are two kind of people in this world those who are wise enough to know they are crazy and those who aren't.