Long weird dream incoming! [Also my dreams seem to always have BGM in them too.]

This was a dream which started out with me investigating this barn which supposedly was infested with some kind of really odd mouse ghosts or something, so I approached the scene carefully, not entirely sure how or what to do, but somehow knowing what to do. The next instant I find this glowing dramatic effect happening and a portal forms, I stepped inside and I fell to the floor, I remember looking at my paws in confusion, then staring around, in some really old derelict temple of sorts.
Setted out to investigate or something, I journeyed to find out what this new place was, or why the heck I even went into some strange barn to begin with. I activated some sort of complicated switch, and hearing all the clicks, notches, cranking, and whatnot going on behind the walls, until.... BAM! I was hit right in the face with a cartoony fist, and was sent flying out through a hole in a roof. This random detour in events caused me to be sent straight into some random game show of some sort, where the loser DIES, and the winner... probably doesn't die, or something, I protested that I did not sign up for it, but the gameshow host assured me that they actually seek their contestants and not the other way around specifically! what manner of evilness goes on?
Seemed I was to be fated to play this barbaric Mario Party of sorts, I was given some panning camera cutscene of sorts, where the game host cheerfully announces like a happy car salesman, the absolutely horrifyingly lethal obstacle course + gauntlet thing that was revealed, starting off with classic spike traps, building up to precariously perched platforms and bottomless pits, and moving platforms, and some lava because why not? I suppose that would work. At first, it was pretty easy, I easily navigated the spike portion, the bottomless pits were a little trickier to handle, because the platforms kept being annoying with distracting pop-up messages, such as, "You've won $10,000 in home renovations!", and they also were like sales people that kept trying to make you buy imaginary useless junk which was USELESS and not at all good.
The moving platforms were extremely unpredictable and erratically sped up or slowed down, and kept singing some kind of A capella Rick Roll or something, after enduring that terrible thing, next up was the moving platforms on rails over deadly lava (like a Mario Bros game)! The catch was you leaned left or right to guide the platform where you wanted it on the rails, lean too far or fail to lean too far enough, and... you take an early bath in some molten rock, yay! So off I setted out, slightly behind, with strong willpower and determination, shouting, "I will not be defeated by this worm!" (perfectly in the first Star Fox 64's boss voice too, I might add) and proceeded forwards and hopped on the platform. I wobbled uncontrollably as it made all kinds of car alarm noises probably hinting at the obvious dangers of not having ever piloted rail-mounted platforms powered by I-have-no-idea what, I decided to hop off early as it tumbled down with retro game sound effect based death. I latched onto this weird wall of little rectangular shaped virtual reality looking notches on a wall, with lava gently pouring down along the wall, there was enough room, barely so, to put your paws and grip the little outcroppings, and climb up without some kind of lava-based injury.
So nothing much else of interest happened, after some dramatic close-calls and winning only JUST barely for good show, I win and the random generic koopa thing died and turned into a puff of smoke, I was congratulated and my prize was... to be sent to some weird Amish Paradise, with a TWIST! though not revealed yet, it would be soon, veeeeeery soon... So sudden scene change and I was at a seemingly normal farm of sorts, with seemingly normal people, and it all seemed so... BORING, so I took the time to familiarize myself with the locals, got some strange looks, I guess living fox plushes aren't welcome here? Some time later, after exploring, there was some random guy in a corner with a ? above his head, I conversed with him, and in a dramatic echoing voice, he announced himself to me and explained his plight, a terrible curse had befallen this place, one which was very awful and most destructive, which only happened at specific times like lots of curses do, and like some NPCs, he was terribly vague!
I accepted the quest to discover the origins of whatever the heck was going on, and see to it if fixing it was possible, I posed with a dramatic and grand fanfare, glowing letters above me, "QUEST ACCEPTED! In search of the Myrr'zai" (Or something like that, was some fancy crazy fantasy word). Off I went! I travelled all over this massive farm, which was more like a town really, with lots of farm land everywhere around it, and stuff. Asked around and then was challenged for some strange reason, to eating apples, which was pretty normal so far, this random guy went on about how some folks might eat a rotten apple, which is a sign of a curse, since it's not apple until someone eats it.
I thought that was a little odd, but paid not much attention to such, and proceeded to eat the apple, until... OH NO! Turns out the apples were cursed somehow! maybe this was the curse mentioned! I took a bite of this apple, which was all black and moldy inside under the healthy skin, and tasted like plastic, then everything went into some gloomy gray, with weird ambient music, and bass which played like a heartbeat, I was blamed for all the bad happenings in the farm, and suddenly was the bad guy it seemed, I looked around, and every single Amish person was a Poe or Redead from the Legend of Zelda games as well.
I saw through what happened here, it was not that it was a curse, it was a TRAP, I was hopelessly outnumbered, had Sys'siro by my side, and were preparing for like that scene in the Matrix where the protagonist fights what appears to be endless waves. I shined brightly and colorfully against the gloomy darkness and gray, as the legions of evil closed in, and I lashed out with all of my magic, bubbles, and so on, toyifying everything I could see, turning them into various plushes, pooltoys, and so on, of all kinds of random species.
After a long battle against endless waves, I was almost completely exhausted, until some sort of plot-based thing saved me! I was given some ultra power-up by some fox goddess of sorts, and full of renewed strength and resolve, this big evil red face appeared and laughed all evil like, and then, classic RPG style battle time! third person mode and everything, with some catchy battle music as well, as I fought this weird distorted visage which looked vaguely like Andross. So as standard, turns were taken, cool attacks performed, and after a time, I had defeated him and he exploded into springs and confetti, and everything melted and made some comical toilet flush as it all drained away, I fell through space, down I went, as credits rolled for a split second until someone got angry and declared it was boring, and everything just kinda broke like glass and stuff.
THE END! [Gosh I have a crazy weird imagination! also the catchy battle music in question was this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2FSqFxXeTY ]