My name is Virmir, and I draw Crimson Flag and manage all
the websites on this server. I'm very active in the chat and forums, so feel
free to stop in and say hello!
The Crimson Flag Chat and Forums are family friendly.
So please keep the following guidelines in mind when interacting with other
No adult content is
permitted whatsoever. This includes any and all external links
posted anywhere. Keep it kid-friendly!
No sensitive real-world
topics such as politics or religion. This isn't the place for that!
Talk about fantasy and cartoon foxes.
Minimal swearing.
If you slip a little, that's okay, but don't go overboard. However, major
swears like the "f-bomb", racial hate words, etc. are absolutely
not permitted ever! Make sure that no link you post contains anything offensive
as well.
If you're unsure about a topic or a external link you'd like to post, just
ask me or a moderator and we'll let you know!
Thanks for signing up, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
- Virmir