I had a weird dream several days ago about Virmir.
I was taking a holiday at some seaside resort and I was staying in my uncles villa. I decided after unpacking to do some tourist-y stuff so I went out to the resort and happened upon a hotel. The hotel was strange, it bore into the rock of a great cliff, and it had its entrance at its base. There, I saw a group of strange people entering the hotel, and so I decided to follow them. After a time, I discovered that they were actual real mages with real magical powers, and I thought this to be my one and only golden opportunity to learn real magic; so I approached them and attempted to befriend them.
However, the mages were currently dealing with a problem. Someone was hunting them down, taking them out one by one, and they were understandably suspicious of me, but I persevered in getting close to them. The mages tried to get rid of their hunter, however. They, at one point, managed to capture the essence of their hunter, and they, with it, created a spectre of their hunter; which would be used to hunt down their hunter in turn. It didn't work, of course. Eventually, only one of the mages were left, the others had either decided to face this hunter once and for all or were already gone, but the last mage believed that they too would soon be next. He decided that I was to return to their base and deliver word regarding what was going on at the hotel. He thought that I would be able to return because I was not one of the original mages of this group, and that I would be able to get back to their base while their hunter was busy eliminating the last of them. The mage gave me a teleportation device, and he told me that this was the only way to find their base.
Unfortunately, the hunter burst into the room at that moment, and the hunter turned out to be Virmir. Virmir matched right up to the mage, grabbed hold of him, and used some sort of magic to change one of his own eyes green and the other red. As Virmir stared down at him, the mage simply froze and started having spasms while his voice crackled like he was choking; it was horrible. When Virmir entered the room, he threw to me something resembling a teapot, and, moving along its surface, was a small grey dot. As I stared at it, the dot grew into an eye, and I knew that Virmir had somewhat captured his spectre in this teapot. I quickly looked away and threw it from me before its magic could be used on me. While Virmir was busy with the mage, I seized upon that moment to snatch the device from Virmir, and I made a hasty exit through the window. Luckily, we where on the ground floor, and the window opened out onto a beach.
I ran as fast as I could to get away from Virmir, panic-stricken as I tried desperately to activate the device as I could hear Virmir chasing me, and, just at that moment when it started to work, Virmir leapt and grabbed hold of me, and he was pulled through the teleportation portal with me onto the other side. We found ourselves on another beach, and Virmir let go of me at that point. I kept running, catching site of the base, which was a huge facility that stood tall out of the sea close to a vegetation-covered cliff overlooking the beach, and it looked like a modified oil rig. I knew instantly that this facility was the mages base, and I knew I had to get to it before Virmir could. On the beach, somewhat near the cliff, were a group of three mages. I ran to them and shouted, "Virmir it here! Quickly, kill him while you have the chance!"
Of course, Virmir was not far behind me, and be dispatched the mages quickly and efficiently. They were no match for him, and he was damn fast when he needed to be.
That is all I can remember, and I think I woke up after that. I don't know whether Virmir killed me or did something to be like he did the mage in the hotel room, but I don't think his attacks, or indeed the mages attacks, 'kill' anyone at all but rather... banish them, perhaps? I guess it doesn't matter.
Ultimately, I failed in my mission and I never got to learn magic. I don't know for sure if I knew it was Virmir that was hunting us, I may have seen the spectre that the mages made before they released it to hunt down Virmir, and I may have recognised him then. I cannot say. But, yeah, weird dream, and I was honestly disappointed that it ended so abruptly.
ADDED: Oh! I just remembered something. After Virmir dealt with the three mages right at the end of the dream, I turned to him and shouted, "Why are you doing this to me! You have ruined everything!" And then I woke up. By that, I assume I mean that I never did come to learn magic since that is something that I really wanted, and he ruined that opportunity for me. Damn you, Virmir!