I'll start off with a story, in my youth I learned that I was adopted due to the fact that I was a lab child with messed up chromosomes and blah, blah, blah. My parents through me away putting drugs in my systems before I was born, causing me to have no control over certain areas of my mind and sometimes body, this made me an insomniac, (meaning it is hard for me to get sleep) ADHD, and just an anti social person sometimes. my life knows no peace and it truly a personal topic, poor, stupid, and unwanted topic but when I wrote what is below I was suffering from other things as well that I hope I recovered from. This is only a faction of the story, sorry for boring you on to the song lyrics
I wake up at two a.m. in my bed
All the problems seem to enter my head
Wide awake now listening to a different voice
Do I really have no real choice?
I feels like I always stand alone
But something seems to move all my bones
Always failing to remain strong
But all the comfort of home is all gone
Who eyes do I see when I close mine
It is only two a.m. but I swear I doing fine
But now I think that it is changing me
When these things take hold you will never be free
This is how the day begins
Why can’t I truly find no holy place?
Is there no way these sins can be erased?
I keep finding it harder to fight
for when you're surrounded by dark there is no light
Who eyes do I see when I close mine
They're emerald green but others are blue sometimes
I think they are slowly killing me
No peace for a sinner I telling you to end it please
And it is only two a.m.
I feel like I am endlessly falling
These things are killing me
Addiction takes my hand I’ll never be free
I hear my demons still calling
Yeah they are calling me
I guess I have no choice, there is a voice, holding me back and changing my ways
Why do I keep seeing these things
Is it a curse that my parents brought on to me
It hurts, but I’m trying to survive
But maybe it is better off if I keel over and die?
It is only two a.m. I just begging you please
I hope that you can truly help me
I feel like my life falling into bits
I thank my stars that it is you I’m with
You were right, we survived
You might be just one voice in my head but I feel fine
Why can’t people be just like you…
It only two a.m. but I’ll make it through