Author Topic: DoW the 3rd  (Read 146232 times)


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Reply #135 on: August 05, 2013, 07:59:21 PM
Turn 9

Digital Vulpine - (7-7=0) 0+3+9=12 moved
Donnie - (10-10=0) 0+3+8=11 moved
Draykin - (12-11=1) 1+3+6=10 moved
Fax - (9-8=1) 1+3+6=10 moved
FrostedLights - (10-10=0) 0+3+8=11 moved
I am the IZOD - (12-10=2) 2+3+5=10 moved
Kenku - (48-0=48) 48+0+12=60 moved
Radioactive Toast - (17-12=5) 5+3+7=15
Snow - (5-5=0) 0+3+6=9 moved
Stormkit - (13-8=5) 5+3+2=10 moved
Tech - (14-13=1) 1+3+5=9 moved
Tizocoatl - (17-14=3) 3+1+2=6 moved
Trask - (14-14=0) 0+3+7=10 moved







Race color key

  The Balance
  The League of Necessary Evil
  Joy Afflicted
    Standard Tainted Army Responders-in Trados
  Predatory Chain
  Adventurers' Guild
  Order of the Second Tail
  Sky Isle Ocean Brigands
    Highland Watch-in Highland
  Order of the First Tail
  Elder Rights
    Army of the Elements-in Kelorn
  The Order of Hunters
   Subraces: Tin
  The Plex
  The Mercury Eye
    Path Guard-in Maze
  Church of the Lights
  The Hexogon
  Temple of Nyx
  Church of the Burning Light
  Council of the Round Table
  Knights of the Round Table
  Order of the Third Tail
    1st Joule Infantry Regiment-in Say
    1st Terran National Guard-in Ter
  Order of the Fifth Tail
    Explorational Defense Force-in Den Tietzal
  Order of the Fourth Tail
    Fleet of Joy-in Hugalot
    Legion of Happiness-in Hugalot
    Harmony Corps-in Hugalot
  Scions of Shadow and Moonlight
    The Black Hands of the Scions-in Delini Pusobu

Forces of Adriana
  Priory of Origin
  From the Chiaro:
    Crusaders of the Flame-in Lindsfarne
    Crusaders of the Serene Heat-in Lindsfarne
    Scrounger Slave Phalanx-in Lindsfarne
    Besiegers of Flame-in Lindsfarne
Forces of Morgana
  From the Terrans:
    Army of the Vengeful Queen-East of Say between Terran and Chiaro lands
    Army of the Dark Gaze-East of Say between Terran and Chiaro lands
Joy Afflicted
  From the Aeons:
    Preservers of Happiness-in Kruos
    Blossomers of Glee-in Kruos

Adam Smith
Corvo the Allfather
Danyel Yekson
The Dungeonkeeper
Ember Wind Dragon
Fios the Sea-lamander
The Ghul
High Priest of the Church of the Burning Light
Isaac Newton
John Locke
Morgana, The Faerie
Myrddin Ambrosius
Richard, God of Fate
Syrask Kyuro
General Telectol
Trasiro Kyuro
The Wanderer
The Wheel of Fortune
The Zenith

Chiaro Alliance Assualt on Adriana held Lindesfarne
8(roll)+2(Advances) vs 10(roll)+2(Advances)
9(roll)+2(Advances) vs 7(roll)+2(Advances)
3(roll)+2(Advances) vs 10(roll)+2(Advances)
5(roll)+2(Advances) -1(prior combat) vs 6(roll)+2(Advances)
The Chiaro's counter offensive is one that is marked by several armies coming together, which on one hand adds strength, but on the other it makes coordination harder.  The assault goes underway with a critical misjudgement, that the defenders are less numerous than they actually are.  Thanks to the ascended powers of the two avatars present and the large forced conscription and conversion, Lindesfarne is defended by a far larger force than the attackers realize, which they only discover once the battle has already been committed.  Overconfidant of their ability to take the city, the Chiaro led assault crosses the river just south of the city, but only when has it crossed halfway, with their force split in half, do they find the Adriana led armies swoop down from five different directions, three on the army half north of the river and two on the army stuck on the south.  The resulting confrontation is tooth and nail, with the forces north of the river crushed swiftly after the Zenith led Archmage Duncan's command is smashed by a concerted charge of fanatic Adriana worshipers.  The Zemeri mercenaries, sent to aid the Chiaro, are crippled by poor communication and unfamilarity with Chiaro army methods, and the resulting poor logistics lead to their army's swift anihilation.  Only south of the river is there a bright spot for the Chiaro, as the Purple Hearts, those rendered destitute and homeless by the armies of fanatics already, fight tooth and nail to slay as many attackers as they can.  In the process they anihilate the Crusaders of Coming Purity, but then the Scrounger Slave Phalanx under the command of Nicephorus sweeps upon them with swift ferocity, pinning them against the river bank and crushing them.

Adriana victory
Armies that survive:  Crusaders of the Flame, Crusaders of the Serene Heat, Scrounger Slave Phalanx, Besiegers of Flame
Armies destroyed: Crusaders of the Coming Purity, Army of Mists, The Purple Hearts, Deephallow Mercenary Company

Terran Assault on Pirate held Say
6(roll)+4(Advances) vs 9(roll)+2(Advances)
4(roll+4(Advances) vs 11(roll)+2(Advances) -1(prior combat)
10(roll)+4(Advances) vs 8(roll)+2(Advances) -2(prior combat)
Resolute on liberating all of their territory as they are, the Terrans have a particular problem with Say, namely that by now the city has been ruled as a pirate enclave for longer than it has been a Terren settlement, with even the native Terrans living by a loose, brigand inspired culture that while not quite lawless, most certainly doesn't mesh with the high, lofty ideals of the rest of their race, to say nothing of the generations of pirate Chiaro who have been born and raised here.  The result is a populace that firmly supports its de facto independece as a brigand run city state, one that is by now establishing its own independent identity.  This adds to the morale of the defenders, outnumbered as they are, and once again traps and ambushes to the north of the city are set, and once again they take their toll, with large casualties that wound or effectively cut off a full third of the attacking army.  The remaining force plows south in force, determined to crush any resistance it meets, which it invariably does.  A siege is quickly laid, but the wily pirates create havoc with the seige works, with underground tunnels dug to collapse seige towers and repeated raids implemented to steal or destroy supplies, leading to a long, drawn out and frustrated seige.  Over winter a bitter cold sets in, and frostbite and infections further dwindle the Terran army down by another half.  Still, the defenders have been battered and killed off steadily by the repeated fighting, and by the time spring comes there aren't enough men to adaquately man the walls.  A renewed attack on the city ensues, with Terran forces breaching the city at last and laying waste to the defenders.  

Terran Victory
Armies that survive: 1st Joule Infantry Regiment
Armies destroyed: Pirate Fleet, 1st Columbian Minutemen, 1st Hayek Infantry Regiment

Joy Afflicted Assault on Aeon held Kruos
7(roll)+3(Advances) vs 6(roll)+4(Advances)
11(roll)+3(Advances) vs 4(roll)+4(Advances) -1(prior combat)
To say that the city of Kruos was not expecting an assault is an understatement.  Indeed, the attack by the Joy Afflicted isn't even planned to be the assault it becomes, rather it begins as a more ad hoc march to the city's center and an attempt to take over all the critical institutions.  The defense is equally ad hoc, as the army knows as Khayos's Tournament rushes to try and beat off the interlopers and prevent them from imposing their heresy of imbalance up the crown jewel of the Aeons' civilization.  The sheer audacity and surprise of the attackers, however, puts the Tournament on the backfoot, and soon their crystaline shattered remains are strewn across the city, with the heretics establishing control of the Dimensional City.

Joy Afflicted Rebel Victory
Armies that survive: Preservers of Happiness, Blossomers of Glee
Armies destroyed: Khayos' Tournament
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 11:56:57 AM by Radioactive_Toast »

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #136 on: August 05, 2013, 08:07:21 PM
And so it begins...

Shape Climate(5) Along the northern reaches of Terran lands, it starts to steadily get colder. What was once a simply cold enviroment has now turned into the better ice covered tundra found more within its northern seas, if not feeling even colder...(B1-B2 cool to lowest temp level.)

Shape Climate(5) To the south of Hitark, the tempature slowly seems to do the opposite. What was simply warm tropical weather, slowly becomes warmer and drier, turning the lands to a desert like state...(G11-12 Warn to Highest temp level)


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Reply #137 on: August 05, 2013, 08:38:53 PM
Starting points: 9

Advance Civ (5)
"When there are ships to sail the void between the stars, there will also be skunktaurs to sail them."
Spaceflight was invented by accident, when the crew of the merchant airship Titan lost control of their altitude control for days on end. Heroic effort let them land on (well, crash into from below) one of the highest floating islands in the world. Their life support technology kept the air breathable long enough for Titan's crew to make repairs and return to report that they totally meant to do that.
Within a few years, there was a clamor for explorers to take to the "sable sea" and the moon beyond. But who would fund such a venture, requiring the finest airship ever built, for unknown gain? At first, the technology only enabled the use of more numerous and versatile airships, with obvious military uses. Many a Chiaro boy grew up with a personal "Red Flyer" air wagon, and yet more floating islands became inhabitable. Airship designers were thinking of far more than fun and adventure, though... They'd quietly begun to panic in the wake of the massive, evil force occipying their homeland, and it was said that foreign visitors could smell the people's unease.

Command Avatar (Wheel) To Create City (1)
For centuries, the holders of the Zenith had felt a subtle pull to go higher, to take to the highest mountains in search of adventure and then to ride airships. But Chiaro history had led them in other directions, delving to create cities like Tuatha and venturing outward to make contact with other races. Then came the war, when idealism seemed lost and victory through the traditional strategy of "whack it till it dies" had failed. It fell to the owner of a humble wheel to make the greatest voyage happen. At the time, no one knew it was that enchanted wheel; it was just part of the capstan of his cargo airship, not even the flashy lacquered steering wheel. He didn't think of himself as an adventurer, either, except in the sense that businessmen are all "adventurers". This man was Blake the Spotty, and he was the first one to really listen when the ambitious young mage Leod came to him with a daring proposal.
"I'm not a battle mage, nor a great healer. But in Tuatha I've spent my life keeping folks alive with food an' air an' water, so's they can go have their adventures. I don't think you want to be a hero either. But you've got a pile o' gold, and I think you know what..." He hesitated, then met Blake's eyes again. "What's going to happen. There's an army of madmen, and none fit to stand against 'em."
Blake winced; he'd lost someone many years ago at the great Battle of Lindisfarne. What had the world come to, that the beloved Brightlands could not be retaken by any army? It seemed as though there was nowhere left to go to escape them -- except to either retreat into the lightless world of the tunnels, or to go up.
Blake put a forepaw on the mage's shoulder and made a fateful decision. "I'll throw in my lot and my fortune with you, but you're going in person, and I'm going too."

Soon, there was a town in orbit. Tiny at first, Leod's Dun was a collection of tunnels and inflated domes built with a little Utoypian inspiration. There was no sign of sky monsters, but the place was still built with defensibility in mind. After all, there was known horror back in the world below. Over the years the place began to take on a more solid appearance as a gleaming, flying island with a classic black-and-white stripe band around its equator.

For the rest of his life as a high-flying trader, Blake wondered: had he been a coward, to run away from all that? "No," he told himself; "I'm building something that may yet save us all."

Command Avatar (Zenith) to Create Subrace (1)
Some Utoypians came along on the space mission. They seemed not to share the Chiaro sense of urgency and panic that drove the self-imposed lunar exile. But they'd consulted with Leod's Dun and with the current Zenith holder, who was far too busy trying to save his people to join them in the sky. Why go to war when there was a simpler way to help the explorer skunks? And so, their magic created the Plushstripes, skunktaurs made of living cloth and stuffing. They shared the same basic morality as their flesh-and-blood cousins (+1 alignment), and their much lower life support needs aided them in expanding Leod's Dun and exploring the moon.

The flying city became obvious to onlookers with telescopes, with airships and a form of radio broadcast maintaining contact with the world below. The generation of Chiaro and Plushstripes born in orbit began to question whether it was really their mission to go back to the icky ground someday, for more than a brief resource-gathering trip. Why not just stay up there, selling exotic microgravity magitech, and trying to snag passing asteroids?

Ending points: 2. Next turn bonus: +3.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 09:00:06 PM by Snow »

New fantasy book series: "Wavebound". The story of the novice Goddess of Water!

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #138 on: August 05, 2013, 09:10:13 PM
Following their hard-earned victory and an extensive rebuilding effort, the Joule 1st Infantry Regiment returns to their hometown to guard it until they are needed again.

Create Avatar: 7 points
Over the years, the tale of the revolution was told and retold.  The story of the heroic rebels who overthrew the witch queen and drove the barbarians out of Say gradually accumulated embellishments and exaggerations, though remaining fairly accurate on a basic level. The Federalist Papers are taught alongside the Founding Documents in every Terran school, its authors held up as heroic martyrs who gave their lives to ignite the revolution.  Their combined image in the public consciousness gave rise to a new guardian of the Terran people: Publius, the god of Liberty.

Command Avatar: raise army: 1 point
To preserve law and order while the new government is established, John Locke raises the 2nd Columbian Infantry Regiment in Columbia.

Command Avatar: raise army: 1 point
Publius stirs up the people's patriotic spirit in Say, forming the 1st Say Marines to defend freedom.

Command Avatar: raise army: 1 point
Outstanding GDP growth post-revolution generates enough surplus revenue in Hayek to fund the 2nd Hayek Tank Division.

Command Avatar: shape climate: 1 point
Behold, Isaac Newton did look upon the mysterious cold in the north, which did defy all science and reason.  So it was that he sayeth "Sod that!", and did promptly restore B1-B2 to its former temperate climate.

Meanwhile, hearing news of their eastern neighbors building a ship that could leave the atmosphere, the Terran president called a news conference in Joule to announce that, with Congress' authorization, he had launched a new space program and was going to offer a reward of one million Sterling to the first team to launch a citizen into space and return him alive.  Additionally, the first team to successfully land on the moon, record their landing, and return with a sample to verify their presence would earn a reward of 10 million Sterling plus a contract to supply the new Terran Federal Space Agency with rockets.

" We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.

Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation¹s own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population as a whole, despite that, the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension.

No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 years of terrans' recorded history in a time span of but a half-century. Stated in these terms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced terrans had learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under this standard, we emerged from our caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years ago we learned to write and use a cart with wheels. The Founding Documents were written less than two years ago. The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of terran history, the steam engine provided a new source of power.

Newton explored the meaning of gravity. Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television and nuclear power, and now if Terra's new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Ares, we will have literally reached the stars before midnight tonight.

This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old, new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward.

So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait. But this city of Joule, this country of the Terran Federation was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward--and so will space.

King Arth, speaking in 1630 of the founding of Ter, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.

If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that we, in our quest for knowledge and progress, are determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.

Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it--we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.

Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this Nation are first, and, therefore, we intend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all people, and to become the world's leading space-faring nation.

We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on us, and only if the Terran Federation occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say the we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that the races have made in extending their writ around this globe of ours.

There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all terrans, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation may never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly around the world? Why does Hayek play Say?

We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. "

Points left: 1

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."

I am the IZOD

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Reply #139 on: August 06, 2013, 01:30:57 AM
Catastrophe (10)

The Merchants of Htark had grown rich and powerful off of the metal trade coming down from the highlands to the south.  How ironic, then, that the metal trade would be their undoing.

Tradesmen from the south brought back with them a most curious metal.  When viewed upon in the dark, the metal glowed a faint blue.  Naturally, the rich merchants were absolutely fascinated by this magical metal.  They experimented with the metal, and discovered ways to mix it in with the paint used for their rooms, and to turn it into powder so it could be mixed with their drinks giving them a neat glow.

The merchants latched onto this new metal, and made deals with the tradesmen to bring it in regularly.  Convinced that this magical metal heralded good days for them all, they declared that a city-wide celebration was in order.  Libations were poured out in excess, and a large quantity of metal powder was dumped into the water supply, showing all the wealth of the great city of Htark, exposing a majority of the city to it.

Months passed, and the sicknesses began.  Lesions had formed on the skin of those who handled the metal.  Those who ingested it experienced extreme fatigue and weakness.  Sores formed on their bodies.  They felt extreme pain in their bones, which when they died was found to be cancer of the bone.  By a year later, half the city had died.  Seditious feelings had mounted to the boiling point, and everyone knew who was to blame.  The remaining citizenry formed a mob, and stormed the homes of the merchants and leaders.  The streets were filled with their cries and screams as they died horrific deaths.  

But even with revenge satisfied, most of those remaining succumbed to the sickness and died.  With most of the population dead, the few who were left deserted the city of Htark and it was reclaimed by the wilderness.

The City of Htark has been cleansed of its decadence.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 01:35:04 AM by I am the IZOD »


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Reply #140 on: August 06, 2013, 03:57:52 PM


Points Remaining - 10

It gets so lonely being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
I'm lying through my teeth!
Your tears are all the company I need


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Reply #141 on: August 06, 2013, 05:22:40 PM
The events perpetrated by the Joy Afflicted shock Aeons everywhere. The good natured Aeons were supposed to step in if the bad ones went too far. Everyone expected that if problems were going to arise it would have been from the League of Necessary Evil, not the counterbalance. Furthermore even then no Aeon should even dream of killing another. Always before even the most opposite of Aeons could get along in peace and the joy afflicted were therefore no longer Aeons. These events, combined with the recently purified lands to the east cause a severe case of alarm in the Aeons and it's quite possible that they overreact.

Command Order (The Balance): Raise Army - 3pts
The Balance talks together and quickly form an Army by the name of 'Restoring Force'. Things have gone quite far enough and it is time to set them right.

Command Order (LoNE): Raise Army - 3pts
Suspecting that their current armies may not be enough, and liking their acronyms perhaps a bit too much, the LoNE forms the STaND army, 'Super Tactical and Necessary Deployment'.

Command Avatar (Khayos): Command Armies - 1pt
Little and less is known about this figure, practically a legend among their people. No one is quite if he is the same 'khayos' or if it is a lineage. He just seems to pop up in places knowing way more than any Aeon should. It is long suspected now that he was responsible for that transportation mayhap oh so long ago. As such, when someone ran into him, they were nervous at first, but when they asked him to lead them into battle, he basically grinned and said 'sounds fun!' He somehow managed to coordinate an attack from multiple parts of the city with the three armies, though by request he allowed LoNE's STaND to lead the charge.

Flavor Text in the event that Kruos is retaken
For all that the Joy Afflicted had commited the greatest sin an Aeon can, those fighting to reclaim the city did not wish to stoop to the same level. As such, no prisoners would be killed, but rather exiled to a separate dimension where they would not be allowed to return. A similar fate would be given to any member of the Joy Afflicted found in the city (or elsewhere). The way into the exile dimension (and back) was locked, and the keys kept hidden by members of The Balance for the possible emergency that LoNE goes as rogue as they did. But in the meanwhile, good was having far too great an impact on the world and something needed to be done about that.

Flavor Text in the event that Kruos is not retaken
The Aeons realize this is not working, it is time for them to melt into the shadows and start a war of attrition. They go into exile now, but this fight is not over.

In either case, they send messengers to the Zemeri who seem to understand the value of darkness and the cultists of Adrianna. Just in case of a bad reaction, they sent fire based elementals in case the cultists decide to just burn them alive. Both are disguised as mortals using their shapeshifting talents. Chiaro and Terrans mostly, though perhaps some Zemeri in case that people react better to their own kind.

Points at Start: 10
Points Spent: 7
Points Remaining: 3
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 05:42:51 PM by Stormkit »

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.


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Reply #142 on: August 11, 2013, 06:08:23 PM
Advance Civilization (Ablative shielding) [5] - The zemeri artificers, in what was initially an attempt to improve mining efforts accidentally stumble across the secrets to create energy shields capable of protecting the users from both projectile and magical influences.

Command Avatar (Create Army) [1] - "Deephallow Mercenary Company" - The Mercenary company retreats back to Deephallow after the disasterous encounter at Lindesfarne. Upon their return the Wanderer decides that the company is far too useful to let dissipate and orders a recruitment drive to replenish their ranks.

Command Avatar (Shape Land) [1] - The Dungeonkeeper orders the Zemeri to continue their expansion of the dungeons, complexes, tunnels and caverns beneath the land


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Reply #143 on: August 11, 2013, 08:45:31 PM
no eloquent story this time, i'm tired

Advance Civilisation: (5 pts)

With the aid of shared Knowlsek technology the Tiatlaca have gotten over their fear of heights, creating the megaship. a city-sized battleship built to sustain an entire city as well as serve as a military transport. at the moment only one such ship exists...

Command Avatar //Tehuan// Create City: (1 pt)

the first megaship ever created was the Cloudcutter Memepixque. it's maiden flight begins just north of Den Zacatl on the coastline.

0 points remain

Toast: use this



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Reply #144 on: August 11, 2013, 08:53:14 PM
Advance Civilization - 5 points.

The Utoypia undergo further research of their islands and realize with the proper application of science and magic, they can manufacture modular, expandable, portable versions of their floating helium-filled islands! allowing them to expand out into the vast sea, setting up outposts and giving them greater flexibility of where to go.

Advance Civilization - 5 points.

While the island research was being undertaken, another research team decided their armies needed more effective weapons and armor, the result was bubbles being launched from various sorts of guns, cannons, and the like, even throwable bomb-like prototypes were proposed, these could toyify any who were unfortunately hit by such things, they also adapted special cloth-like armor, very magically durable and could self-repair.

10 points consumed, 0 remain. [:)

(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.


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Reply #145 on: August 12, 2013, 10:01:07 PM
Create Avatar -7

Belzon lived in the home city of Maze looks like a normal teenager... but is in fact 327 years old, he is a master of the clocking powers and has slowed his aging massively. He has managed to raise to the lead of the main army of Maze and has just been tasked with looking into the new mercury order.

There are two kind of people in this world those who are wise enough to know they are crazy and those who aren't.


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Reply #146 on: August 12, 2013, 10:02:34 PM
Create Subrace-4 Followers of Origin
Having established themselves a strong centralized order and all whom reside in Lyndisfarne have converted, she announces the formation of an independent nation. The Followers of Origin.
The culture established tends to be rather xenophobic but welcoming to 'converts' who come to join the flock.

Command Avatar Adriana: Raise Army -1 Fleet Command
Adriana grins in accomplishment, her crusaders having made much progress in expanding and developing the needed infrastructure for what comes next.
"We shall build great ships to take to the most dangerous of seas and tame as one does to a pet..."

Advance Race Followers: Ascended Knowledge - Classified Weapons -5
"... We shall rain fire on the forces of evil that pervade the cosmos and smite all who dare resist the Origin."
Famed converted engineers received thousands of pages worth of complex designs and blueprints for technology completely beyond their comprehension. Still, the works were translated to be manageable for their mortal minds. They and thousands of workers went to work on a massive project...

Command Avatar Morgana: Raise Army -1 Plague of Locust
Morgana had not bathed in months. She grew tired of scrounging the land for whatever men and food she could find to support her plans. She lays eyes northward to reclaim what she had lost.
"Soon... they shall pay..."

Points Remaining: 0
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 04:06:23 PM by Donnie »


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Reply #147 on: August 12, 2013, 10:05:27 PM
Create Avatar-
Tempest becomes an Avatar

Points Remaining: 4

(Story with next post, sorry :( )

Not Just Another Weathermare


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Reply #148 on: August 12, 2013, 10:07:13 PM
Fiiiller post about stuff and monkeys and penguins and Charlie Chapman

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


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Reply #149 on: August 13, 2013, 02:27:17 PM
Command Avatar-Corrupt City-1 point
Hrakihk eventually wanders north, into the lands of the Zemeri, grumbling to the world at large and full of spite in general.  The Zemeri are an oddly humored race, defiantly living in cursed lands that makes a formidable, resolute people.  Naturally Hrakihk hates them, and out of spite heads to Duchlesa Breh to spread trouble, gradually creating strife, cursing the flora and fauna, and spreading an aura of discontent and spite.  The city's rulers and merchants begin to succumb, oppressing the masses with an iron fist.

Command Avatar-Corrupt City-1 point
The Jeagers know some things about the chipper Utoypians landing on the north shore of their continent, and they aren't pleased by them.  When Flurps swims by to spread joy to them, the Jeagers scowl in disgust, put off by the overt and gaudy displays of happiness.  She continues to try and spread joy to them, but their hearts only harden as the city of Daishi becomes choked by anger that radiates from the inhabitants, seeking to differentiate themselves from the sickening masses of smiles to their north that ominously become more advanced than they.

Command Avatar-Corrupt City-1 point
The Ember Wind Dragon flies across the earth, running over the seas to the northwest, finding with a the Terrans, a peculiarly industrious people who pride themselves on their government and craftsmanship.  However, this new “industrialism” they are eager to embrace is happening at a fast pace, seeing rich industrialists come to power at the expense of their fellows, a trend that is nowhere more apparent than in the city of Columbia.  This, combined with a growing paranoia about the powerful Utoypians to the south across the sea creates an atmosphere of dread and loathing, causing Terran to curse his fellow Terran.  An atmosphere of mistrust and mutual contempt begins to grow, as the city comes under corrupt control of the party machine run by the local Comstock family, which, borrowing from their longtime Chiaro neighbors, use airship technology to create a floating capital district for the city of Columbia, where the rich and affluent increasingly relocate to.

Command Avatar-Corrupt City-1 point
Disgusted by the overwhelming good in Lindesfarne and the surrounding hinterland, Nicephorus does what it takes to corrupt and degrade the landscape, though it is a process that takes a great deal of time. 

Command Avatar-Corrupt City-1 point
Meanwhile, in the south Zerky comes across the Tiatlaca, and their northern city of Den Zacatl.  Regarded as a bizarre curiousity by the inhabitants, but little more, Zerky is rather offended by their overall dismisal of him.  Distraught, he heads to the local pub, and starts helping the Tiatlaca brew ales, liquors, wines...

Before long the city of Den Zacatl aquires a reputation, a city of rampant hedonism and debauchery, a city devoted to wine women and song and little else, to the increasing disadvantage of its ever more disenfranchised masses.

Advance Civ-5 points
The Followers of Origin soon can no longer be regarded as an offshoot of the Chiaro who happen to be under the thrall (or service) of Adriana.  They become a multiracial enterprise, though at this juncture still largely dominated by Chiaro manpower.  Their Priors, the mystically inclined “priests” or “enforcers” of Adriana are soon imbued with great powers.  Soon the Powers of the Priors add a formidable and terrifying addition to the Followers' arsenal.

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️