Author Topic: DoW the 3rd  (Read 146234 times)


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Reply #150 on: August 13, 2013, 04:40:11 PM
Turn 10
This is the last turn of the 2nd age unless people vote otherwise.
Unless I get 7 players voting for keeping this in the 2nd age we are moving on

Digital Vulpine - (12-11=1) 1+3+10=14 moved
Donnie - (11-11=0) 0+3+12=15 moved
Draykin - (10-0=10) 10+0+4=14 moved
Fax - (10-7=3) 3+3+3=9 moved
FrostedLights - (11-7=4) 4+3+9=16 moved
I am the IZOD - (10-10=0) 0+3+8=11 moved
Kenku - (60-10=50) 50+0+3=53 moved
Radioactive Toast - (15-10=5) 5+3+12=20
Snow - (9-7=2) 2+3+11=16 moved
Stormkit - (10-7=3) 3+3+8=14 moved
Tech - (9-7=2) 2+3+6=11 moved
Tizocoatl - (6-6=0) 0+2+10=12 moved
Trask - (10-10=0) 0+3+2=5 moved







Race color key

  The Balance
  The League of Necessary Evil
  Joy Afflicted
    Standard Tainted Army Responders-in Kruos
    Restoring Force-in Kruos
    Super Tactical and Necessary Deployment-in Krous
  Predatory Chain
  Adventurers' Guild
  Order of the Second Tail
  Sky Isle Ocean Brigands
    Highland Watch-in Highland
  Legion of Shadows
  Order of the First Tail
  Elder Rights
    Army of the Elements-in Kelorn
Followers of Origin-1
  Priory of Origin
    Crusaders of the Flame-in Lindsfarne
    Crusaders of the Serene Heat-in Lindsfarne
    Scrounger Slave Phalanx-in Lindsfarne
    Besiegers of Flame-in Lindsfarne
    Fleet Command-in Lindesfarne
  The Order of Hunters
   Subraces: Tin
  The Plex
  The Mercury Eye
    Path Guard-in Maze
  Church of the Lights
  The Hexogon
  Temple of Nyx
  Church of the Burning Light
  Council of the Round Table
  Knights of the Round Table
  Order of the Third Tail
    1st Joule Infantry Regiment-in Say
    1st Terran National Guard-in Ter
    1st Say Marines-in Say
    2nd Hayek Tank Division-in Hayek
    2nd Columbian Infanty Regiment-in Columbia
  Order of the Fifth Tail
    Explorational Defense Force-in Den Tietzal
  Order of the Fourth Tail
    Fleet of Joy-in Hugalot
    Legion of Happiness-in Hugalot
    Harmony Corps-in Hugalot
  Scions of Shadow and Moonlight
    The Black Hands of the Scions-in Delini Pusobu
    Deephallow Mercenary Company-in Deephallow

Forces of Morgana
  From the Terrans:
    Army of the Vengeful Queen-East of Say between Terran and Chiaro lands
    Army of the Dark Gaze-East of Say between Terran and Chiaro lands
    Plague of Locust-East of Say between Terran and Chiaro lands

Adam Smith
Corvo the Allfather
Danyel Yekson
The Dungeonkeeper
Ember Wind Dragon
Fios the Sea-lamander
The Ghul
High Priest of the Church of the Burning Light
Isaac Newton
John Locke
Morgana, The Faerie
Myrddin Ambrosius
Richard, God of Fate
Syrask Kyuro
General Telectol
Trasiro Kyuro
The Wanderer
The Wheel of Fortune
The Zenith

Aeons Assault on Joy Afflicted held Kruos
11(roll)+3(Advances) vs 10(roll)+4(Advances)
7(roll)+3(Advances) vs 4(roll)+4(Advances)
3(roll)+3(Advances) vs 2(roll)+4(Advances) -1(prior combat)
The Joy Afflicted quickly realize that in their ad hoc, cobbled together haste, they have crossed a moral event horizon from which it is unlikely they will return.  They know the rest of their kind regards them as heretics and a dangerous threat, and worst of all a tremendous imbalance.  The assault that follows is one that is bitterly fought, with both sides thrashing each other with all their might.  The Standard Tainted Army Responders from Trados are the first in the attack, and they mightily bloody the Preservers of Happiness.  The struggle is ultimately inconclusive however, with the STAR army forced back after hours of fighting, though in an orderly and well conducted manner that preserves them as a fighting force.  The Resotring Force is able to deal a crushing blow to the Blossomers of Glee, routing them into the streets of Kruous while the worn out and tactically exposed Preservers of Happiness find themselves broadsided in a crude and blunt all out assault by the Super Tactical and Necessary Deployment.  The attackers nearly fall apart due to little cohesion poor organization, but the Restoring Force saves them in the nick of time to catch the Preservers in a pincer, ensuring that the heretic menace is crushed.

Aeon Victory
Armies that survive: Standard Tainted Army Responders, Resotring Force, Super Tactical and Necessary Deployment
Armies destroyed: Preservers of Happiness, Blossomers of Glee
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 06:42:29 PM by Radioactive_Toast »

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️

I am the IZOD

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Reply #151 on: August 13, 2013, 05:06:07 PM
Catastrophe (10)

In the throes of hedonism, the Tiatlaca of Den Zacatl continued to seek new wicked acts to perpetuate.  One such act was the creation of the Arena, where the wealthy took random members of the commoners, turned them into armies and pitted them against each other in a colliseum.  This continued for years on end, and the dead were collected beneath the arena in the catacombs.  Surely it was inevitable that this practice would come back to haunt the city.

And indeed it did come back and haunt them.  A night came that, without warning, legions of phantoms of the fallen, streamed out of the catacombs and into the city.  Cries of terror echoed through the streets as the vengeful dead slaughtered every living thing they came in contact with, and thus was the city laid waste.

While some blamed this occurance on "strange creatures in black robes, placing incantations in the catacombs," most believed that this was an act of the Gods.  The Gods, displeased with the holocaust occurring in the city, raised the dead to wreak havoc on the wicked. 

Needless to say, the few who survived quickly fled the city, either to the Tiatlaca home, or out into the countryside.  Thus, the city of Den Zacatl was no more.

The city of Den Zacatl has been cleansed of its decadence.

Command Avatar-Create City (1)

The Crondin, desperate for a easier, more efficient access to the riches of the Southern Highlands, rebuild the City of Htark on top of the old ruins.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 06:32:59 PM by I am the IZOD »


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Reply #152 on: August 13, 2013, 05:23:58 PM
Command Avatar - Syrask Kyuro - Create Order - 1 point.

Syrask decided there needed to be a bit more organization with the Utoypia, the Toymancers governed only some of their kind, another order was needed to keep this sort of stability facilitated, and also for spreading the toy-based joy, the solution of course, was to create the Puppetmasters, a new order designed to lead armies outside of their territory in times of war, and to manage any acquired territories.

Command Avatar - Trasiro Kyuro - Create Army - 1 point.

A new army was formed by Trasiro who thought a little bit of extra protection, and whatnot was a good idea to invest in, additional toys made recently were formed into the Squeak Squad, the finest from Squeak! to further the Utoypia's plan!

Command Order - Toymancers - Create Army - 3 points.

While this was all happening, the Toymancers round up some toys in Hugalot into the Huggernaut, they too would serve their kind proudly, no matter what happens.

5 out of 5 points consumed, 0 remain.

(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #153 on: August 13, 2013, 06:17:49 PM
It Begins...


While Issac's manuvers kept the climate stable for another century, it could now stop the events that were about to unfold. As the century closed, a massive snow storm enveloped much of the Northern Lands (A1-A2), as the rapid cold reached its peak, there was a flash of light, and a booming crack of sound, much as if there had been a giant bolt of thunder...From within the blowing snow, there now appeared...a giant elemental Kitsune appeared around the area of A1.

Standing quadupenally 40ft tall, the elemental fox was covered in thosands of small sharp spines of ice, its eyes crystalline clear and cold, its three tails swirling the wind about it and its breath as chilling as a winter storm. On lookers watched as the elemental stood before looking off to the Southeast, and beginning to march that way, stepping along steadily and undeterred, even to the horror of thoes that would be in its Icy Path.

This path included much to the horror of the Terrans the city of Ter, to which it lumbered into uninvited. The Terran Gaurd found valiently, as the rail gun proved to push it the elemental away, but still it marched on, leaving a scar of frozen ice in its wake as it lumbered away. As the Icy Elemental continued suddenly stopped. Curling up, it slowly formed itself into a giant glacier in B3, and began to sleep.



Within the sand of G12, as the temptures reach there highest, a suddenly snow storm picks up, with an ungodly roar, as from within the desert, there appears a second three tailed fox. Much like its cousin, this one takes traits much from with it came.

Standing also at 40 feet tall, this elemental fox is seething with heat, so strong that a simple touch can light fires and melt structures, the tips of its fur over 100 degrees, and its mere presence raising an area's ambient tempature an additional 10 degrees, and each of its three tails floating with a seering hot flame.

As the storm began to settle, the Elemental Kitsune began to lumber north. Barely missing Htark, it lumbered into Kelorn, building melted and water boiled as the Kitsune marched past, passing straight through no matter what was in the way or what attacked, leaving behind it within the city a scar of melted metal and glass.

Lumbering on, the Kitsune marched into the sea...and then began to sleep, forming a small island within E12.

As both Elementals slept, the climatic changes that brought them resided(return to climate before "Shape Climate" actions)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 06:27:27 PM by Kenku »


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Reply #154 on: August 13, 2013, 10:36:40 PM
Starting points: 16
Age Vote: YES, advance to Third Age

Command Avatar (Zenith) to Create City (1)
Ultima Thule. The new city lurked deep underground, sustaining itself with the heat and energy of the region's geothermal vents. Its people desperately dug in, so fearful of the traitors outdoors that generations grew up thinking of their ancestral home, the Brightlands, as a place of terror. In this respect the fire-worshipers had already won. Chiaro historians decreed that this city's founding marked the end of the true era of heroic adventure. It was a place established out of fear, and its outer walls and convoluted entrances made that plain. Yet inside, those welcomed to Ultima Thule could find shelter, food and light even in what would naturally be a deadly place. The Chiaro took some solace in that.

Purify City (Area around Tuatha: B6,A6,B7 and E6) (3)
"The Adventurers' Guild? Why do we even call it that anymore? We're practically afraid of the sun!"
"Not sunlight, kid. Fire."
The young mage stomped his paws and raised his tail. "So there's no plan at all to go liberate Lindisfarne? The land itself is losing its holy power! I've seen evidence from the scouts!"
"And? You volunteer to get yourself killed out there? There's enough 'adventure' here in the caves, still. Have you even been out east?" The lizardmen say there's no end to the tunnel networks."
"Even if we can't save the Brightlands directly, we can still fight back."

Chiaro researchers who had seen both the power of the Brightlands and the extensive magitech of Tuatha and the new orbital settlement, had a strong understanding of what exactly made land "purified" and "liveable". So, they used their most advanced enchantments to enhance Tuatha and much of the surrounding area. In the process they made Tuatha itself more "pure" and "holy" than any place ever seen before. Where one tier of purification made for a land of unnaturally pleasant climate and fertile land, two tiers brought a vague mythic quality to reality such that people began to feel that everything would be okay, no matter what. And three tiers...

Purify Civ (Chiaro)(3)
"Gentlemen, the fault lies in our own nature." Professor Bligh Machugh showed off diagrams of the Chiaro people's lands, and of a stylized Chiaro posing in a circle. "We are both black and white. I don't particularly want to change that in a literal sense, but we've seen now that because of the natural advantages we have over the hapless bipeds, the greatest threat to our people are themselves. Our own people can turn against the cause of light and liberty! And so I propose to begin the modification and purification of our own kind, and not merely the caverns and fields of home."

The Chiaro reach an alignment of +2. Note that this change does not affect their wayward, increasingly evil kin in the Lindisfarne area. (If allowed, though it's probably not, it'll affect the Plushstripes too.)

Command Order (Adventurers' Guild) to Create Army + Command Avatar (Zenith) to Lead Army (3+1)
The Plushstripe ambassador hopped down from his airship and squished slightly as his fabric body took the impact. The hovering island itself also gave, since it was inflated. "We need your help!" he said. "Can't you whip up some kind of artificial juggernaut to help us take back our capital from the scary evil fire people?"
"No," said the perpetually smiling plush bear wizard. "But only because the name's already taken."

Soon, a terrifying and/or ridiculous sight came slouching toward Lindisfarne. Its entire body rattled faintly when it moved, like a sack of small objects. Its claws were mere fabric, but the razors at their edges were not. Of course, the whole thing was designed with fireproofing in mind. A terrified scout raced home, shouting, "It's some kind of... It's...!"

Another villainous Chiaro pointed and shouted. "Look! The Beanheamoth is attacking the city!"

The Beanheamoth gave a mighty squeak and charged, with magical bubbles issuing from its maw.

And finally, Command Avatar (Wheel) To Create City (1)
The city of Newcastle was established as a resource-gathering base for the people of Leod's Dun, who found it most convenient to land in places near the equator. Chiaro youths from the sky were surprised and delighted by what they found: Dirt! Monsters! Rain! All kinds of cool things to rekindle the adventuring spirit! A coastal site at E5 became the new local population center, with a distinct high-tech look due to its orbital origins. The new groundlings continued to trade with Leod's Dun and the Utoypians, while some of the braver Plushstripes focused on exploring the hot, dangerous canyon and the nearby cave networks.

Ending points: 4. Next turn bonus: +3.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 01:26:58 PM by Snow »

New fantasy book series: "Wavebound". The story of the novice Goddess of Water!


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Reply #155 on: August 13, 2013, 11:03:20 PM won't like me when i'm angry...

Command Avatar //Tizocoatl// Rebuild (create) City: (-1 pt)

" that's just going too far"

With a burst of arcane energy Tizo was standing in the middle of the deserted city of Den Zacatl. As he surveyed the ruined streets and the massive arena towering over the rooftops, he clenched his fists, wisps of starpower crackling over his body as time flew back around him, showing him the past 200 years of battle, conflict, and a very odd looking dragon-thing.

"...way too far..."

With a single wave of his webbed hand the recently risen corpses littering the streets dissolved into mist. With an upward stroke, like a conductor raising his baton, every last wreck of a building rose again to it's former glory.

"...time to get involved"

With a blast of energy Tizo vanished, streaking into the sky in search of information on the destruction of his city. Within years the Tiatlaca have reclaimed the city and are once again thriving with new scientific discoveries.

11 points remain

Purify City: Den Zacatl (-3 pts)

With new motivation never to repeat the monstrosities of the past, Den Zacatl is cleansed of it's evil and class conflict.

8 points remain

Command Avatar //General Telectol// Raise Army: (-1 pt)

Tehuan is absolutely shocked that such a city as Zacatl would fall so quickly. at the recommendation of military advisor Telectol a specialized army built to hit and run, trained to sweep over battlefields like a wave and vanish just as quickly, is raised in Den Tietzal. The army of the Frost blades this shock force is prepared to strike anywhere, anytime.

7 points remain

Advance Civilisation: (-5 pts)

War is in the air near the south pole. and with it came new advents in weaponry from the Tiatlaca and also from the positive alliance with the Knowlsek. new methods of refining can produce incredibly potent forcestone samples which are incorporated into things like boots, which allow the wearer to launch themself high and far through the air, and small handheld cannons with impressive power. The Tiatlaca are ready to become a dominating fighting force.

2 points remain

Command Avatar //Tehuan// Create city: (-1 pt)

Tehuan commissions another Megaship for use by the military, this one takes off from Den Tietzal on the eastern coast and is named : Cloudcutter Pixacosta

Command Avatar //Tehuan// Command Armies (-1 pt)

Prepared to retaliate in any way possible for the corruption and destruction of his entire scientific colony, Tehuan sends the Explorational Defense Force and the Frost Blades to assault the newly rebuilt city of Htark

0 points remain

also i vote to stay in age 2 for one more turn



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Reply #156 on: August 14, 2013, 01:00:53 PM
The eerie inactivity continues...


Meanwhile, in Deracol, Nocturnal diggers begin to uncover ancient artifacts from a time long ago... Work begins on translating.

Points Remaining - 14

It gets so lonely being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
I'm lying through my teeth!
Your tears are all the company I need

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #157 on: August 15, 2013, 03:43:44 PM
Command Avatar: Purify City: Columbia: 1 point
John Locke finds the situation in Columbia unacceptable.  With a little encouragement to informants and some conveniently found evidence, the Comstock family is soon brought to the attention of Federal law enforcement.  Following a thorough investigation, the Comstock Machine is brought down and its members arrested for sedition, multiple Constitutional and Civil Rights violations, numerous counts of murder, money laundering, tax evasion, and littering.  The city government is restructured into Constitutional compliance, and an interim mayor is appointed to run the city until the next election.  The rule of law is restored.

Advance Civilization: Secure Satellite Networks: 5 points
The Terran space program pays off rapidly, though manned missions to the Moon and neighboring planets have only resulted in territorial claims and small scientific outposts so far, the gains in orbit are far more tangible.  Telecom satellites allow worldwide communication and media broadcasts, while the new Global Positioning System allows people to know their exact location on the planet at any time.  Advances in satellite technology eventually led to the development of the Peacemaker Orbital Defense System, which allows commanders on the ground to call in precision orbital bombardment anywhere on the globe.

Advance Civilization: Power Armor: 5 points
Advanced robotics and compact generator technology leads to the development of self-actuating armored exoskeletons, commonly known as Power Armor.  Troops equipped with power armor are better, stronger, faster than conventional infantry.  Their armor's systems allow them to equip and utilize assets that would ordinarily be too heavy or too dangerous for an unarmored Terran, such as jet packs, shoulder-mounted missile pods, rotary guns, and portable railguns.  Advanced communication and sensor suites allow unprecedented situational awareness, and the armor's composites have been tested to withstand most known small arms.  Power Armor features a completely self-contained environment with advanced atmospheric filters, temperature regulators, water recycling systems, and oxygen reserves capable of sustaining an active Terran for up to six hours in a complete vacuum.  

Command Avatar: Raise Army: 1 point
Isaac Newton is pleased with the rapid pace of technological development, and raises the 2nd Joule Mechanized Infantry Regiment to demonstrate the latest breakthroughs.

Command Avatar: Raise Army: 1 point
Publius raises the 3rd Columbian National Guard to police the city while it undergoes reconstruction, and ensure that the officials overseeing the restoration do not become oppressors themselves.

Command Avatar: Raise Army: 1 point
Adam Smith, with his invisible hand, ensures funding is available for the 3rd Hayek Mobile Infantry Regiment to protect the Federation's trade lanes and the newly emerging deep-space mining industry.

Points left: 0

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #158 on: August 17, 2013, 02:52:35 AM
So just to get this out there... Aeons are preparing for war.

Advance civilization - 5 pts
Their scientists study a couple of joy afflicted kept captive to determine just what happened to their brains as they begin to devise a defense against it and other similar effects of brainwashing. Hopefully one day they will be able to cure their wayward souls.

Advance civilization - 5 pts
While elemental alchemy can do many nifty things, the produced artifacts don't exactly have large area impacts. Unless they work together... After much testing, a way is figured out how to combine artifacts to have bigger and better effects, essentially flat out magitech by now. There are also hints at larger... very widescale applications and Aeons have started leaving crystals hidden around the oceans near Utoypia.

Command Avatar: Create Order - 1 pt
The Unextinguished Hope
Not all the joy afflicted were captured, especially not the ones who were lesser effected. These good natured Aeons who didn't quite go crazy found they had to lay low for a time due to the ill advised actions the the joy afflicted. These remnants found their way guided, oddly enough, by the very commander of the army that rounded up all their former compatriots and banished them. These remnants realize that it is best to stay underground until the anti-good fervor dies down a bit.

Points at Start: 14
Points remaining: 3

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.


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Reply #159 on: August 19, 2013, 09:51:54 PM
Advance Civilization (Magicite) [5] - A highly secretive group within the Zemeri artizans and researchers stumble upon something curious. Having retained a number of explorers who had been lost in the labyrinths beneath zemeri lands in a near death state they discovered a means of crystalizing their power into a gemstone. These stones were found to be able to lend their power to those that bore them, enabling a rare few of the otherwise magically bereft Zemeri to partake in the arcane arts. None but a select few actually know the origins of the stones.

Command Avatar (Create Army) - The Dungeonkeeper declares the need for additional military forces and so founds the Nightspire Lancers. The lancers are tasked with protecting the southern borders of the Zemeri Territory.
Command Avatar (Create Army) - In agreement with the Dungeonkeerper's declaration, the Wanderer founds the Shattered Coast Reavers, after the northern coastal region of the Zemeri Territory.


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Reply #160 on: August 20, 2013, 01:32:29 AM
Starting Points: 16

Advance civilization (Force of Night) - The Pendri find strength in their curse, and at night their strength is bolstered.

Advance Civilization (The Great Towers) - The Pendri maintain naval and air superiority via the two mighty towers.

Advance Civilization (Blindsight) - The Pendri of the Emerald Grotto no longer require light to see, courtesy of their curse.

The High Priest raises an army, a mighty force to stand against the darkness. (Command Avatar)
Remaining Points: 0

Not Just Another Weathermare


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Reply #161 on: August 20, 2013, 06:04:02 PM
The tiMe Of inSight is coming... The TRUTH will bE knOwn....

So said Entopius as he walked to the shore with his new found followers. "We shall spread the path to oneness. All shall be scoured until all truth is one. When I was a child, I was much like you." He continued pointing to a fox like Knowlsek. "I saw man attacking a young lady much like this fair child" Pointing to another more otter like lady. "I asked them to stop... asked them why they were doing this... they would not stop... I pleeded with them...  I lived a wealthy life of pleasure... I wondered why it was not like this for all... I saw these men, and knew that they were at lest part of the reason why this world was broken... but why where they broken? Where did their evil come from? I asked these questions... I felt compelled to find out, to fix this world. I started that day... "

"I took them apart... slowly, to find out why... what made them tick.... why they did what they did. It took time, they lied at first, but as I fought them, my power of the separation started to become more clear. The same energies we to power our world are in all things, I found I could draw them out, dividing them... and dividing the object holding them as well. I learned about their lives, how they came to be what they were... but as it answered questions more arose. I soon realized my struggle was not to be answered easily. After years of fighting those who opposed my body was failing. Everytime I deconstructed something tho, I learned how it was made... I used this information to make my form harder, solidifying my form in this manner. I wish it was not as repulsive as it is. but that is from the scars of war. And within is the purity of form, strength, power, speed and wisdom!"


With that he sent his men far and wide!

Form avatar -7
In the lands of Utoypia his men found a new follower Jack-The-Ripper-In-the-Box. He was not the normal toy... and he wanted to find this new justice a home.

Command Avatar - 1 Form army
Entopius formed the first SightSeekers in the woods east of Maze!

Command Avatar - 1 Form army
Jack-The-Ripper-In-the-Box worked hard and started building constructs using Utoypia advanced knowledge to build a force worthy of the cause requiting any other Utoypian toys who felt that this path could be the way to fix the rest of the world!

There are two kind of people in this world those who are wise enough to know they are crazy and those who aren't.


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Reply #162 on: August 20, 2013, 06:19:06 PM
The Halls of Celeste flickered from the light of thousands of candle lights illuminating the grand atrium, the grandiose marble architecture glosses and shines only tarnished by the boots of the tech foremen bringing in reports from the labs.

"How goes the call to arms?" Adriana spoke through her walls of flame.
"The workers are tired, my lady, but they are driven to accomplish their tasks and please thyself."
"And they will be rewarded as their due."
The servant bows and leaves the halls, the military adviser steps forth, "My lady, the threat at hand?"
"Distribute the new weapons to the ground troops. I had wanted to unleash Avalon on our foes."
"Yes my lady, Avalon is not yet complete."
"So be my displeasure that the unbelievers would dare unleash such an abomination upon our sacred citadel."

Advance Civilization -5: Excalibur A Mysterious Weapon
Advance Civilization -5: Camelot A Mysterious Defense
Advance Civilization -5: Avalon A Mysterious Power

A strange mound has formed in the forests around Lyndisfarne......

Remaining Points: 0
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 06:24:07 PM by Donnie »


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Reply #163 on: August 20, 2013, 08:00:26 PM
Advance Civilization-5 points
In the city of Nuz the Miz happen up on a chance discovery while one individual trader experiments with the various gasses the Knowlsek have used for generations now.  While not able to extract the exotic gasses at their source, they do discover how to liquify and transport these gasses in a stable liquid form that can be condensed into a workable size.

Advance Civilization-5 points
The Carcharodons long labor and learn under the eye of Aelous, eventually learning some of the great beast's arts of manipulating weather.

Advance Civilization-5 points
The Nocturnals over the course of generations learn how to harness the power of night, gaining powers of stealth and invisibility.

Command Avatar-Corrupt City-1 point
Nicephorus further corrupts the area around Lindesfarne, further eradicating the odious taint of harmony and working for his master's goal of created a righteous and ordered land in her own image.

Four Points remaining
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 01:24:26 PM by Radioactive_Toast »

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


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Reply #164 on: August 20, 2013, 08:00:52 PM
Looks like we're moving on to the 3rd age then

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️