Author Topic: Weird Dreams  (Read 132119 times)


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Reply #45 on: January 23, 2011, 07:55:36 AM
So, I had a dream today in which I was a pilot in some kind of spacefighter squadron. I don't think there was a conflict happening, we "just" have been suddenly attacked and nearly annihilated by some weird new ships no one heard about. Hrm.

Much, much later, I've been doing another flight alone, and I'm attacked by another of those ships, this time he's transmitting blabber, in style of "Hey, I haven't seen one like this yet... nevermind, I'll kill them all, no one will steal my points" and such.

So, next thing I remember (alas, no memory of the fight) is that I know someone somehow is tricking gamers into thinking they're playing and sending them onto us. So I lie that guy (the one I fought before and shot down?) down... another interesting thing is that I carried him on wing of the ship...?! Anyway, we were near the ground, I dropped him somewhere, and was just slowly backing out (I have this weird impression of taking a turn next to my RL desk, which would say weird things about the size/scale of the ship and people involved {:P) when I learned about a group of hostiles (by hearing them talk on the radio, not by radar or anything... then I looked up and saw them in distance *shakes head*). I think I hid somewhere, they were sniffing around but missed me... but not exactly sure. Anyway, I woke up somewhere around this part.

Not a very original scenario, but... {;)

Thanks for reading,
-- Tvorsk

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Reply #46 on: January 24, 2011, 11:26:00 AM
Starts.... something about a military/private army/freedom fighter SOMETHING group, all I know is we had this base.  And there were these... things, the vague looking spirits that sorta had the shape of men, but almost invisible to the eye.  Anyway there was some earlier part in the dream, something about running and containing the threat.   

Anyway, I swear the dream started trying to develop into a narrative at this point, and I was aware of it.  Started with this one woman who was apparently jealous of my position in this group, and after a bit of 3rd person perspective of her talking with some other higher up, they speak vaguely of me and how to send me to the mysterious spirits.  Then I'm walking along, about to leave the "base" and I'm actually in a conversation with this woman.  I know in a narrative sense what's going to happen, or more accurately I can feel it, but I also play along on a different level, because that's apparently what this dream was all about.

Cue next scene and I'm investigating this residence, and I'm chasing this spirit, which we try to communicate with but there is no way to speak.  Then... chasing, corridors, mysterious elevator, then I get drugged with chloroform, or some kind of drug that's supposed to knock me out.  But this is where the dream's narrative clashes with my physical senses, because I don't feel myself slipping out.  Indeed, after thinking about "why CAN'T you really open you eyes?" I do just that.  There is, of course, a sense of violating the narrative that I can tangibly feel, but then I'm picked up.

Next thing I know I'm strapped to the edge of something, outside, presumably a truck, which starts and goes down the highway.  Nope, not quite.  Apparently I'm tied to a filing cabinet that's attached to a truck from the rear by a forklift device. 

And then I finally wake up in another residence area, and the dream's sense is that this is the exiled part, where I've been basically given to the spirits, and I think I'm no longer supposed to be human.  I explore, knowing that the spirits are nearby, and I go into a washer/dryer room there's drink rack obviously, along with a talking glass of mountain dew.  Apparently it's supposed to be a toddler too, and for some reason I get the feeling I'm supposed to be just like him.  Except... another part where my senses just can't seem to keep up with the dream.  To my eyes the cup seems just like an inanimate glass of mountain dew, and I'm physically normal at least as much as I can feel and how tall I am.  Apparently the spirits are supposed to look after us now like nice parents.  The gist of the narrative now I think is that now I'm exiled, I'm sent to the spirits, I have to make friends with the cup and others, discover the spirits aren't all bad, and then join them all together so we can have revenge on the jealous woman.

I wander back into the living area, genre savvy enough to sort of figure out that now comes the part where I try and act adult still but somehow the paternal spirit has to comfort me or something.  This occurs by me turning on the TV, and being confronted by a scene of a monster worm with a radial tentacle/toothy mouth.  Feeling the tug of the narrative I believe I'm screaming, and try to change the channel.  Except instead of changing a channel I grab another tape from the shelf, which mysteriously seems to be an 8-track tape.  I put that in, and instead of worm monster mouth, it's old black and white spider monster mouth (except lacking mandible oddly, just a big hole, but with all 8 scary eyes above).  I scream, and then behind me I see this green glowing blob, one of the spirits presumably.  It fluctuates and seems to rotate like a plane until perpendicular to me, then forms into an irregular TV like image of an old paternalistic helpful bearded man, with the effect reminiscent of 60's sci-fi of a powerful energy being summoning an image.  Apparently I can see and interact with these things now I'm in this altered form (again, something that my sense completely fail to cooperate with)

Then...stuff, I'm not sure exactly how, and the dream doesn't have much narrative at this point.  Or maybe it did but I can't remember it much.  Something... to do with getting to a facility that's trapped in a spacetime bubble.  We're waiting outside this complex, because there's been some accident, incident or whatever, because the lower levels with all kinds of important people in them have been swallowed up in a space warp and we can't contact them.  Worse, there seems to be a threat, that while the people inside are merely trapped in stasis now, the warp could change in most unfavorable way, and literally reduce the entire earth to a zero dimensional point (ie would destroy it completely and utterly in a limbo fashion).  Well we stand around waiting, but finally there's a breakthrough and we head down stairs and more stairs, until we get to the lower levels which are finally released from stasis.  Apparently the levels we are standing in aren't on Earth anymore, but are in a cosmic void, with only the flimsiest of energy protections and mathematics keeping it from from instantly dissolving it into cosmic nothing.  We find a room filled with surprised VIPs, including oddly enough ex British PM Gorden Brown.  We hustle them out, and I look around, just feeling the moment, feeling how fragile this place is with pure 0 dimensional nothingness that wants nothing more than to eliminate this speck of vibrance and disorder...  And then I wake up.

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


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Reply #47 on: January 26, 2011, 09:12:00 AM
One day in a fairly run down township, or something. There was a boy (me) and his pet cross fox (You know who). The fox chased an animal into an abandoned military base full of run down hastily abandoned portables. In fact the portables were so hastily left that much of the furnishings were still there. Including laminated chairs and computers that were scrambled before leaving. The portables were broken though and the rain water leaked through cracks. I chased my pet through the facility, trying to locate and attract him by whistling loudly. Eventually I found him and had a cute Lassie moment full of cuddling and nuzzling.


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Reply #48 on: January 27, 2011, 01:21:49 AM
I was on an island and me and a few other locals were being invaded. Or perhaps it was some sort of tournament, but the new people had to challenge each of us and win in order to succeed in their goal. The girl before me had just been defeated in her challenge which had to do with boats when I stepped up and said, "You may have gotten this far, but I know every inch of this island. I challenge you all to hide and seek."

So the challenge began and instead of them all seeking me, I sought all of them. Of course I had a trick up my sleeve that none of them saw coming and I turned into a wolf and tracked them by scent. I was able to run down most of them easily though one in particular was always a step ahead of me and I couldn't catch her. I soon realized that there was another person I could not find because he had no scent, a vampire.

At this point the dream switched into chibi-cartoon mode and the runner ran over a hill behind the vampire standing in the middle of a clearing and said, "I found the vampire!" with a thumbs up. The vampire sulked and said, "Gee... thanks." and I was able to get him pretty easily. I can't recall if I ever caught the runner and I think the dream ended near this point.


I don't recall the setup, but basically when people had a wish they dearly wanted to come true, a man came by and had them dance while he sang a song about it and then their wish came true. My dream identified this man as 'god' and I had a very insightful talk with him afterwards to which I replied, "Oh god, you just know everything don't you?"

I'm not sure if it was a lord's name in vain thing or if god just hates puns, but he started choking me halfway through the sentence. I actually suspect that when I realized it was a pun halfway through the sentence, momentum would have carried me through it, but I thought it was such a lame pun my dream found a way to interrupt it for me. That's right everyone, I groan at my own puns. There was a bit more after this, but nothing important.


There were tornadoes on my campus and they looked really cool, but when I tried to take a picture with my phone, all the screen showed was pigs and I was very annoyed. I figured it was showing a movie but I couldn't figure out how to shut the movie off.


I was a train (a la Thomas the Tank Engine) going down the tracks when I spotted the Brownies, two brown colored trains that were married to each other and were international spies. I knew they were up to no good so when I arrived at my destination as an ambassador to the locals and was entrusted with a relic of theirs, I was not surprised to be confronted by the Brownies who asked me to join them and/or give them the relic. I ran into a back room (we were all human by this point) and made my escape into the ceiling where I turned into a raccoon for better balance and to be light enough to not fall through.

The Brownies of course also turned into raccoons and followed me, but through a bit of acrobatics I was able to lose them and get away again. They were still after me of course but when they found me in the parlor they didn't recognize me because I had cleverly disguised myself as a girl so I escaped notice and was able to foil their plans and keep the relic safe.


I was some sort of other species (that happened to be human in appearance) and had somehow attracted the ire of a dangerous man. So me and a friend were running from him and realized we had to escape to a different dimension where he could not follow. So we climbed a very steep ramp (which our species could do but his couldn't that well) and at the top began the spell which involved each of us putting a foot in a somewhat wide bucket with green liquid in it.

However the spell wasn't working and our follower had thrown a rope up to the top of the ramp and was quickly ascending. I was able to delay him a bit and had hit him in the head with a can of soda but we could not keep him away for long. So my friend then admitted she knew why the spell wasn't working and it was because we were in the wrong spot.

The correct spot was actually at the top of the ramp but she had been hoping we wouldn't have to be there because where we actually were was farther from the pursuer who was already at the top of the ramp. Realizing we'd have to do everything right, we moved the bucket to there and I dumped a cup of the green liquid (which is apparently very lubricating) on the man who lost his grip on the rope and fell back to the bottom.

As he fell I could see the hate in his eyes and knew he would be back in almost no time at all so we had to hurry. As my friend began to recite the spell, a feeling of pressure began to build and with the man halfway up the ramp, she finished her rushed muttering, sneezed, and disappeared. I realized that since I had not said the spell or sneezed, I had been left behind with someone who dearly wanted me dead and now had static clinging socks that were able to ignore the effects of the lubricant.

Desperately trying to remember what my friend had said just before leaving, I was able to stumble my own way through the spell and finished just as the man pulled himself over the rim. Unfortunately I felt no particular need to sneeze and I was trapped up here with a very angry man. So I found myself fighting for my life, with my foot in a bucket of goo and desperately trying to make myself sneeze. After a few second I felt my nose tingle and as the pressure built I was finally able to force myself to sneeze. What felt sort of like the liquid in the bucket came up through my mouth and the world I was in vanished as I found myself waking up.


I also seem to have written down "lasertag dog" and "japanese island" but I honestly cannot recall the dream that prompted me to write those down. There is another one about a zombie theme park (theme park with zombies in it, not zombie themed theme park) but I don't recall much of it and what I do isn't really worth talking about.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 02:09:52 AM by Stormkit »

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Reply #49 on: February 04, 2011, 01:27:15 PM
Got another one.  Started kinda slow then got.... very interesting.

Starts in Louisiana near my aunt/uncle's place; the last 20 miles of I-55 that are this one big causeway that runs through a swamp.  For some strange reason, I (and vaguely someone else) am walking its side, wondering if a cop comes how screwed I'm gonna be.  Then I get to the last onramp (which looks nothing like what it actually does) and am surprised to see that there's a couple people here.  There's even a door to a small security shed of sorts, though no one is in it at the moment.  It descends into this old underground dimly lit passage, which oddly has a sort of water slide on it instead of steps.  Grabbing a mat I slide down it, and go back up easily enough seeing that it has a conveyer belt that brings it upwards.

I do this back and forth, several times, even though someone kinda wonders as I prepare to go back up again if we should really be doing this.  I go back up again, but when I get to the security station, I look behind the desk and find a security guard at long last, napping.  He blinks and looks at me as I'm wearing swimtrunks and dripping wet in the middle of his station.  I slink away hoping that he's still too dazed to do anything, heading outside until I find this shack which also happens to have a manhole, and I find myself going underground again. 

Exploration reveals a lab of sorts, and then I walk in and basically see a version of The Fly before my eyes, with a rather Jeff Goldblum looking person slowly morphing into a (slightly less warped than in the film) man-fly.  Of course there is a girl, though not quite the same as the movie, and he's begging her for help as she's stammering fearfully, and we end up with the jaw plopping off scene we had in the film, and then his proboscis forms, all gooie and boneless waving up and down like a giant worm (I think they're supposed to be exoskeletoned, no?), and it starts probing her, rubbing against her like an antennae almost.  This is all done to multiple camera shots, close ups, and dramatic angles just like it's in a horror movie as his face bulges and becomes bug like.  Oddly he's wearing some kind of clown gloves which rip open to these long fingers which almost more resemble bug antennae than anything else.

Then... then the dream gets interesting.  The woman runs away, and we have a cutscene to her as a bipedal mink (more than feral but less than anthro) standing in a grove, with this subdued Terminator 2 esque narration as she explains that the transformation  magic that affected him also affected her like her boyfriend, but more completely and more harmoniously in her case, hence her more complete form.  She starts practicing martial arts in this grove, saying she found a Japanese holy man and he taught her how to defend herself and how she could learn to live with her magic.  Unfortunately, Jeff Goldblum's magic has warped him and he cannot be saved, so in that grim Sarah Conner narration style she says that she must train to deliver the final blow her self as she waves a talisman as she practices her moves.

Then... the dream decides to top itself by keeping these ideas going in the background but now we are in a government lab of some sorts, and we have agents Mulder and Scully walk in to some mysterious pictures that were posted on a facebook account of a half man half fly (Because apparently insect politicians need to have their name get out apparently ];) ).  Included are oddly specific internal organ shots, and the X-File agents discuss what this could possibly be, wondering if this could really be a hybrid gone wrong.  The last photo is apparently a uterus full of growing maggot embryos, because apparently Jeff Goldblum is now Ms. Brundlefly and spontaneously made herself pregnant.  The agents agree they have to find the source and put a stop to it.

So then we have all this dramatic tension and awesome building and of course exactly at that point my body decides it's time to wake up.   Graaaaah, my duuuumb brain.

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️

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Reply #50 on: February 07, 2011, 03:37:27 PM
Here is a dream I had last night.

 I dreamt I was a peasent in a mediveal world, a farmer I believe.

I went out into the woods and was gathering things. ((Not sure what.))

I meet an old hag, silver hair, bad nose and everything else.

I moved away apologiesing for intruding but she would have none of that, using a feather duster fox tail she moved it over me and I became a fox.

I was then with a cackle told to do a race.
Beat her to a meadow and I can be human again.

I first came across aligators that turned out to be helpful and freidnly, and then a female fox joined in, refusing to leave.

So she helped me along.

((I had a journey, not sure what, but I felt I had gone a ways and a few days.))

I got to the meadow and there was the witch. She revealed that the female I had with me, was really a princess, and
having won I could return myself or the female to humanity.

((Showing selflessness I had the princess returned to normal before attacking the witch.))
perspective jump to the Princess months later, ((She was called the Fox Princess because she had some slight appearances of a fox, more like how she looked at the world and how she acted cunning.))

She made a law to not hunt foxes.
had her trackers trap foxes alive to find me, they didn't find me for a while and so the foxes were released into her forest.

During this time a baron killed a fox and his land and title were given to my parents ((farmers))

They finally found me, sleeping in the remains of a cabin.

it went back to me with me sitting down in frotn of the Princess and I woke up.
the dream didn't stop as I day dreamed about it while getting ready.

In the Day dream the Princess had me taken to the garden to talk to her wizard without me hearing it.

During that time the Prince who wanted to court the Princess and so showed up unnanouced tried again to woe her, she asked him to go into the garden, same one I went into, and talked over with the wizard.

The Courting Prince comes back demanding I be put down because of me beating him.

then the wizard announced that he found a way to break the curse on me, She calls her parents and my parents and stating law that she could marry either the Baron or the son of the Baron to inheerite the title, has the spell broken and we get married
((The day dream fell apart there, I want to make it into a story))


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    • Trask's FA! [Warning: Contains Toys, Tails and TF!]
Reply #51 on: March 07, 2011, 10:34:11 AM
It's Trask's dream time! I was my fuzzy self in it. [:) WARNING! Also it's long, really LONG! This was like a dream that I continued like a few times in my 18 hour sleep. it felt like I lived through it for real it was so vivid. Also this has fail grammar! yay!

        This dream starts off as me being in some bedroom, it's a basic bedroom with not much to say about, has a bed, a lamp, some computers, and other random stuff. I was playing on some game which I got no idea what its called, it was like a platformer, RPG, Adventure game. I got to play as a fox guy who did what most video game characters do: fight evil! I played that for a while, and afterwards I got bored and noticed some cool looking headphones, turns out they were busted, so I went on to fix them.

       I was apparently so good at it that I made it somehow run without any power. It could be configured to any frequency, and also could be as loud or quiet as you desired! and as an added bonus it was built with a microphone that also communicates at any frequency and also possessed a visor that had pretty much any type of vision mode. I also for no reason did the Link style lifting the item in the air as it rotated slowly with a: Da da da daaaaa~! I felt pretty accomplished and was looking at them with awe until outside became panic central all of a sudden. There was warning sirens and people running every which way and someone (some fox woman) burst into the room saying that there is a large war occurring near us and a bunch of dangerous tornadoes from a storm were headed our way!

        So I exited the house, and opened the door and realized holy crap! its REALLY windy! and the people trying to escape well they were just blown around mostly. So I decided no way I'm goin out there, thats a good way to basically end my existence! so I decided to just wait in the house, and I went down into some cool lab thing I had in the "basement". So I decided to wait there while messing around with some gadgets, one of them ate my face! I grew a new one somehow so no harm was done. I heard another type of alarm and went back up to the main floor and peered out the window, what I saw was that it was light rain and I saw some townsfolk rushing around looking frantic and stuff, I went outside and despite the slight breeze and rain it was really calm.

   I then decided that since I have no idea whatsoever of what is going on, that to do some scouting around would be wise, so I grabbed my headphone visor thingy, and some other supplies, which included some mega buster clone, beam sword, and some other neat stuff, and so off I went exploring around the small island town, from what I could see, the architecture was Victorian-ish, but yet sort of Italian too. I noticed some random suspicious guards, I had a feeling those were not friendly, so I kept away and instead went into the slightly more downtown area, and someone told me that I had to evacuate the people from the island due to the invasion that was occurring, I asked the dog man about that and he told me that some evil alliance wants our special underground crystals that are not found anywhere else on the planet.

      I was quite surprised and apparently even though I lived here I never knew that. We were also to be the last ones to leave, I looked at him and said: "What do you think I can do? I barely know what's going on!" he told me that I was destined to stop the invasion of this country and all that usual hero stuff. I sighed and accepted it, might as well try to save these guys. He then wasted no time to warn other people and off he went, I then looked around to realize the sky sure is dark! it looked like a typical giant thunderstorm cell with those really dark gray clouds, and nice sunset colored breaks in the clouds. After glaring at them for like what seemed like several minutes I decided it's best if I concentrated on my mission to save the island inhabitants.

       So I went and proceeded warn who ever was left on the island. I was wandering around making sure not to be spotted as I wasn't keen on being seen and possibly swarmed by enemy guards. I noticed that there was an injured dog girl lying on the floor just ahead of me so I gave her immediate healing and off she went to escape at the location I told her. It randomly decided to stopped raining too, and I found a relatively barren beach and I noticed that on the north there was a number of BIG water spouts directly in my direction I was facing! Well I wasn't sure what made those, or why, but I didn't want to eventually get sucked up and probably die.

       So I looked around and from the beach there was what appeared to be a school portable section that has double doors, wooden stairs with railings and a couple lights. The front door looked like typical school doors too, so I decided to enter the building, why not right? was probably a better idea than just being outside in the open. When I entered it looked empty and everything appeared to be off, I crept slowly through the hall and noticed some area ahead that was lit and a bit noisy. I slowly approached it and peered through the window, it was in fact surprisingly crowded and it looked like a bar with TVs and the table and stools and well what you'd think a bar would look like, it looked like it was inhabited by the islanders I was supposed to rescue.

      So I opened the door quietly and slowly walked inside, I glanced around and I found that same dog girl I helped out earlier so I asked her: "Why are you here? arent you supposed to be at the ships in the port?" well she told me that while there was guards watching over the area and evacuating the people into the ships there was some enemy soldiers that had landed via by landing craft, well I kinda figured what with the enemy patrols and such. I told her I was gonna be back, so I proceeded through that bar which was not only just a bar, but it had a mall and arcade and everything! And what I noticed is outside the bar was monsters from various video games (Final Fantasy, Mario bros, Zelda series, Star Fox, Sonic, Dr Mario, Pac-man, Tetris Blocks, and tons of other stuff).

       So I stepped back around the corner and thought: "That's a lot of monsters! How will I take them all out?" I was trying to think of a plan, I noticed one area only had a couple and so I snuck over there to take them by surprise! I pulled out my beam sword-thing and activated it, suddenly it quickly flashed to life with a pretty semi-opaque blade of blue/silver energy. So I Stabbed it into the goomba and it disappeared FF-style! The other mobs heard it and a "Oh crap!" feeling washed over me. So I said to myself: "I have never done anything useful in my life, always been branded an outcast, a failure, and a general wierdo. But at least I can fight valiantly for the freedom of the people I am affiliated with, and if this is the end, I have given it my all for those I care about!

        So in a combat-ready stance I braced for a swarm of monsters, I killed them with various abilities, spells and techniques. I fought with all my strength but still they kept coming, I blasted them, hacked and chopped dozens, I spammed deadly shiny AoE spells, giant explosive ones, I even buffed myself with barriers and healed my wounds while dealing heavy damage all around me. I was growing weak and tired, and was slowly but surely being overwhelmed, the spirit and body were draining with each passing second of constant battling. I was certain it was the end and that I have failed everyone.... But out from nowhere a giant blinding flash and a loud explosion thundered through the building! and I was saved by some shadowy figure wearing a cape, with a noticeably canid outline.

        He said that you must save the day for I am only a mysterious helper! I just stared in shock for a little while as he disappeared suddenly in a plume of black smoke. I then face-pawed and thought: "Wow what kind of universe is this? A movie or something?" So after complete annihilation of enemy monsters I got up and continued through the massive building and went outside after I rested, and noticed there was monsters everywhere in the streets attacking random civilians, I thought: Damn! I better try to save them! So I went and attacked one of the monsters and it BSOD'd me! yes you read this right: A Blue Screen Of Death in my dream! I remember getting angry and growling at it and it eventually went away and I lost consciousness. So I woke up and found myself face to face with.......with........PIKACHU! I wasn't sure how to react to that.

       He pointed to the right and I saw a VERY large Evil face of Yoshi so then I Yelped loudly, and woke up! I was dazed and confused, and I was standing outside like nothing happened, I wondered what was going on. I saw those same monsters and I decided NOT to attack it, but simply teleported it into the water! It was a success and it drowned in the ocean/sea and died a nice FF-esque death! And then I stepped forward and a VERY large goomba poofed out of nowhere and went WOOOOOO! really loudly, and it restarted me back to where I was again! What was with those monsters!? I got a bit frustrated and I decided to try a different approach. I teleported that monster in the water which gave the BSOD and then flew over that spot and landed and proceeded to wipe them all out!

      So I readied myself with my beamsword and focused a powerful spell which totally wrecked all the monsters and sighed in relief. Finally we have delt with those monsters! I asked the civilians whom I saved about what was going on, and apparently it was Bowser, some others, and some dark evil emperor guy. Well that would explain the goombas, but why there was other evil things? I wasn't sure at all and no one seemed to know. I rushed over to the port and it didn't look good, looked like a big portion of the populace was dead, and some dead city guards too. I felt very upset, that it was my fault I wasn't strong enough to save them or something. So I searched around the port area, it had lots of evil guards, robot soldiers, and random video game enemies. I knew that I was probably one of the last remaining who could still fight, but I figured a head on attack would be obviously stupid and suicidal.

        So I crept away from the port to some other area of town and what luck! I found that flying wooden bowser ship from super mario bros. 3! I noticed a lack of guards and decided to sneak up and knock them out! I was slowly sneaking over when a robot soldier thing spotted me! "Blast! this was not gonna end well!" I thought, but then I had a really silly and possibly brilliant idea! I posed the robot a multiple choice question: Are you: A) Evil B) A Robot C) Scrap Metal D) All of the above? Well it somehow had a logical paradox, and that forced himself to go berserk and charge wildly at the large enemy area I came from. I was a bit panic-stricken, what if it drew too much suspicion? I suddenly had a sinking feeling, so I decided not to think of a: Trask gets swarmed and killed/arrested and detained in a dungeon situation. Well amazingly the ship guards did not notice the commotion, I snuck up and destroyed the guards and climbed up the chain which the anchor was attached to.

          I eventually made it inside and it was pretty interesting, it was wooden sure, but it had computerized systems and terminals on the walls, it had a very log cabin look inside the ship. Anyways I snuck around and found a mini-storage room of some sort. There appeared to be some deactivated robots, some weapons, lots of crates, etc. I took a look at the robot nearest to me, and I poked around at it's circuitry for a while. I finally got it to work and I controlled it remotely using my visor thing. So I decided it's probably safer to use a robot than myself to scout this ship, it was MASSIVE inside! There were rooms of goombas and koopa troopas, mess halls, dormatories, everything a large military ship would have.

           After a while of looking very ordinary in my movements and mannerisms piloting the bot, I got a chance to peer out a window. It was a much nicer view here, I could see the large fleet of ships slowly approaching the island in the distance. I found a rather large looking variant of the ship I was on, it had fancy decorations and such, from what I could tell with the robotic optic zoom, I knew I had to reach that ship if I was to end this! I searched more of the ship until I found a hanger filled with various high-tech looking fighter and bomber aircraft. I knew then that reaching the hanger and hijacking a fighter was my ticket off this thing, and to reach the capital ship. So I guided the robot to another storage closet and deactivated it in there when no one looked. So I set out to make my way slowly and stealthily to the hanger, which was relatively uneventful.

         I then arrived inside the hanger and carefully made my way through undetected, I eventually got into a fighter but as spotted as soon as I entered! I hit the ignition and out I went, I hit the boost and went for a mad dash to the flagship in the distance. I could tell I was noticed, the Mario bros 3. cannons were randomly shooting at me and soon 1 by 1 other ships joined in and fired at me too! I didn't like this at all, I dodged and weaved through the shots without much trouble, and shortly fighters were released by the ships in front too. I readied the weapons and prepared to fight my way through!

          I managed to down a few before I was hit and taking severe damage. Damn! there was just too many...I couldn't stay airborne for much longer if this kept up, I proceeded to hit the 2nd stage boost and bee-lined it to the flag ship, I was slowly making it closer and closer as it got slowly larger on the horizon. Luck was not on my side as I was hit by a Bowser ship cannonball and was out of control, I braced for impact on the ship slightly to my right. I crashed into the upper part of the hull and managed to not be too injured, enemy troops swarmed the spot, I grabbed my beam sword and leapt at the nearest ones chopping them down, and using magic to blast the ones in clusters behind me.

          I held my own for a short while but it would all end in a heartbeat, I was shot by stunners by a group of commando-looking snifits while I fought the other troops in front of me, I quickly lost consciousness and blacked out. There was an intermission time! It was a black screen with a dancing fox! yay! it went so fast it went to PLAID! Then after wards I woke up and I couldn't see clearly at first, then I realized: "Oh shoot! I got captured!" as I slowly regained consciousness I looked around, I was trapped in a dungeon. I was chained to the wall made of a magic proof substance so that I would be unable to cast anything. It looked pretty grim, trapped in a ship with no hope in sight of my escape, I was more certain than before that I was doomed.

       It felt like I was there a whole day, before a guard came in and gave me some really disgusting looking gruel or something, I didn't really feel like eating since well, I wasn't hungry. After a few more hours passed, I was laying on the floor, feeling pretty crushed, as the light faded from the window as it turned to night, so too did my hope. I wondered: "why it was all up to me?" I was alone, I can't fight an army by myself, I just sat there mostly motionless as the hours went by. I hoped for the return of that black caped guy who saved me, but figured that to be highly improbable. However just as I thought he couldn't save me, the black caped guy appears again and he frees me by cutting those chains for me and he cloaks me for a short while.

        He told me the spell will last long enough to reach the prison cell storage containment area to obtain my stolen gear and the hanger to retrieve an aircraft to fly. I thanked him and he replied: 'No need, I have always watched over you", or something along those lines. So I merely waited for a chance to escape through the door. I heard footsteps in the distance, "Yes! this must be my chance!" I thought to myself, the door opens and I slip through the door before the guard even noticed I am missing. I make a quiet scurry to the T-intersection, not sure where exactly to go, I decided left was a fair choice and proceeded down the hall. After a long long through the detention area, I finally found the confiscated goods area, it looked like it was gonna be another wait before I get inside.

        After a short while a guard opened the door and I slowly tailed behind it, this was my chance, I used a small lightning spell to temporarily deactivate the robot as I took the key cards. I went and opened the chests, lots of random things where in there, and after a bit of searching I finally got my gear! wasting no time I quickly exited the area to seek out the hangar, however, I was lost...Yeah, being lost in an enemy warship in a fleet of enemy warships was a totally great situation.

        I sighed for a moment and decided random wandering might be my best bet. My random wandering took me through many interesting halls, some had Bowser statues, some had goomba and koopa guards, robot guards, interesting paintings of a fox I couldn't make out, and some were just boringly empty. I was really unsure at this point where I was, and I was certain my limited cloak would be expiring soon, so I followed some guards around quietly from behind, and what luck!

        Finally something fortunate my way! I reached the hanger, wasting no time I quickly made my way to a ship, when my cloak wore off! "No no not now! This is not good!" I was instantly sighted and suddenly I was being attacked by everything from lasers to koopa shells! I quickly got out of the hanger and used a Haste spell to make me go faster. I turned some sharp corners, hiding in little areas to avoid detection. I eventually found the weapons area where they made bob-ombs! "Wait...bob-ombs?" something tells me this was a bad area to find! upon realizing there were bob-ombs next to me it was too late.

       They released a powerful explosion which sent me flying into another compartment of the weapons module, apparently there was a portal there and I got thrown into it! And suddenly I find myself in a Pac-man maze world! the objective? Live for 10 minutes in a massively large maze! I guess in this case I was "Pac-Man" (or pac-fox!) vs about 6 ghosts. There was spams of pellets everywhere to eat and plenty of pills to eat the ghosts with! so off I went after game "started" and I proceeded to "eat" the dots. The ghosts were particularily sneaky, but they failed to realize I had a distinct advantage! where pac-man cannot attack without pellets, I can fight using my abilities and spells!

       So every time I would be cornered I would simply slash the ghosts or destroy them with a magic spell! I collect several points and even grabbed a cherry! Once I would clear out one side of the maze a random object would appear giving lots of points, and alter the maze and remake some random amount of dots and pellets. After a while of dot collecting, fruit collecting, and "eating" ghosts, I finally completed the game! But that was not all! I was warped to super Mario bros. in world 1-1. Which was not long at all, I beat it super quickly.

       I was teleported to a legend of Zelda world, I wandered around in what appeared to be A Link to the past, I was apparently supposed to infiltrate the castle to find the portal out of here. When I was hijacking stuff in people houses I was surprised to learn that they don't really seem to care if you raid their stuff! After random looting for no reason I eventually got to Hyrule castle, I looked around and found a crack in the wall covered by bushes! I snuck in, and dropped down a dimly lit hole, I summoned a light orb to see, It looked like a dungeon with no one inside.

       I made my way out and up the stairs, I found a bunch of metal-clad soldiers with flails and swords. I chuckled as I thought: "Armor is no match for magic!" I simply annihilated them all in the room and pressed on. After much battling and discovering chests full of junk I will never use, I finally got to the throne room. The throne room had the portal behind the king, he didn't look so happy to see me, as he transformed into a giant robot king!

       I thought to myself: "Wow! that is SO not fair!" And then we did battle! I noticed he had a shiny target on his back so I went to go poke it with my sword and it broke! The super smash bros. announcer voice yelled out: BREAK THE TARGETS! I was whisked away to break the targets. However there seemed to be a catch, to "break" the targets, I had to do battle Final Fantasy Style! The targets were needless to say, really tough! they crippled me with so many different attacks, and after what felt like forever, broke all 10 targets!

       I then was awarded with a successful fanfare and the: Awesome Fox! Award. It got very bright suddenly and I was back onto the ship. So I remembered I have to get off this thing before I am captured again or worse. It looked like though everyone forgot I was even here, taking advantage of this calm, I found a robot off to my left from the portal. I went over and knocked him out with a shock of lightning, I had a wierd idea to just take pieces of the robot apart and slap the parts on me, I dunno why but I did! And the best part! as I wandered around, THEY TOTALLY BOUGHT THE CRAPPY DISGUISE! I mean I am a fox! I have my bushy tail sticking out and everything, and yet they think I look no different!

      Anywho, so off I went to get to the hanger (once again) to obtain a means of transport to the Flag ship. I slowly made my way around the ship, saying hey to the odd guard, one of them told me a silly game code which I found very amusing and funny. I then eventually made it to the hangar and spotted the plane I wanted. So off I went to casually pilot it, and I took off again this time with clearance! I flew around and noticed it was still busy in the skies, I just calmly went over to the flagship. Once they asked me about my license and registration, I just told them: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, start. And I was in! I guess that silly robot henchman turned out to be useful!

      So I landed in the hanger and I got out of the plane and realized: Uh oh! my disguise fell apart! So noticing a large cluster of not so nice enemies in my vicinity, I quickly sprinted on all fours out of there, I took a moment to time an ambush, I saw a small squad of robots and then quickly destroyed them with my beam sword. I made a dash to a terminal down the hall, It asked me what I wanted to do. I tried to tell it something like self-destruct but all it did was yell FORK!! at me. I then thought: "Hmm, surely that code from earlier was useful!" So I input it, and it made a high square tone and I was warped into the prison area.

       I looked around and saw some captured people, and for some reason Klonoa was there too. I freed everyone and we proceeded to the bridge, fighting off enemies, I got to an armory. Everyone was now armed and we were ready to take over this ship! I decided before we stormed in to mess with the mainframe! So I just chucked in a bunch of code and did a bunch of silly things and before long a large SYSTEM ERROR appeared on the screen! from what the error code was telling was that: You really doomed us all! and suddenly the Peanut butter jelly time dancing banana came out of no where and decided to make a wierd laugh-ish screech sound thing and self-destructed! With immense destructive force, it blew a good portion of the ship, and we were thrown to the bridge!

      How convenient! We entered the bridge, with boss theme music playing and what we saw was Bowser, some giant angry robot thing, and an evil 1920's style shady con man! some boss self-gloating phrases uttered by each one, that YOU SHALL PERISH! and what not. So after some threats were made of blowing up that island I lived on, and offering to join them, I obviously refused. I know better than to join the bad guys! they are jerks and they always lose anyways.

     We then started an epic boss battle! round after round of grueling combat! Super special skills being used and random anonymous henchmen being destroyed! (It would be really long and tedious to just type out the whole battle, doubt you guys would want to read it all), So after they were felled we took control of some of their ships somehow and proceeded to do battle with the many monsters invading some nearby city of some sort. It had the same style buildings as the island town, but WAY larger.

     It had cool cannon towers, and some like silly looking steam punk style robots with death beams and tanks fighting that evil army. we swept in and decided to help! I dropped down from a transport ship and fought alongside the random guys there. As usual I caused much mayhem and destruction to the enemy! We fought valiantly and we overcame the invasion for the most part! But once again, another twist! For another flagship flew in, and in a drop pod emerged an absolutely horrid looking shadowy figure!

     He had a Darth Vader style voice, he told me that I was the chosen one, and that I will either join him, or die. Well with a threat like that, not like I will say: "Sure! I will join you! Yay evil!" it doesn't work that way for me! So he then proceeded to fight me 1 on 1! It was a long and destructive battle, but eventually I emerged victorious! however he poofed away in a dark plume of smoke. I stood there a bit shocked, not sure if I had won or not, I guess I did...But it didn't feel like it.

     So some random guy tells me that the air ship above us is what's causing all the trouble and mayhem and that it has a teleporter that brings in enemy troops constantly. Well at least I knew what they were now, but there was no time to waste! I somehow learned that cool black smoke teleport and I warped into the ship and pressed a bunch of buttons on the nearest console. On the PM system it said: "Thank you for using the self-destruct function! You have 3 minutes before ship self destructs!"

    In the chaos all the enemies on board just panicked and flailed around randomly, I teleported to the bridge and set a course to some where FAR AWAY. Then I teleported off the ship to the ground, And off it went, that ship was on a one way ticket to somewhere. Once the ship blew up, it stopped being all stormy and dark, and it was daylight, pretty blue skies, it felt all summertime like etc. I was praised as the hero who against all odds, and plenty of unexpected help, saved the world from evil! My dream afterwards showed little "cutscenes" or something of me enjoying life and battling evil. THE END!

(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.


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Reply #52 on: April 30, 2011, 07:49:08 AM
So, I don't remember much of today's one... but it was oddly... violent... compared to my usual dreams.

First part I vaguely recall was something that felit quite like being in a point'n'click game - like, I touched a stone, and the whole view changes to "standing on its other side", and the things I "picked up" there appeared in a bar at the bottom. Don't remember nearly anything about that one, except talking to a fox.

Another part (and I feel there was some more things in between) was me driving to some kind of skyscraper, going up in a weeeird elevator that could be moved both horizontally and vertically, then leaning our of it, grinning to some guy at far end of the office (the main villain, or something like that), then quickly taking the elevator back down, jumping off it at unexpected moment, and running away in an expensive Mercedes (most probably belonging to that villain, but not sure).

And well, the third part...
I have no idea what that place was. A closed area, like inside a huuuge building. I mean, kinda like a dome or something - big "open space", but covered from all sides. Inside there was some kind of... village? Random set of small buildings? Something like that... with a perimter part-fence, part-wall, depending on the area. That fence never reached the "ceiling" nowhere. I know it was meant to keep people from outside from getting in, not other way around, too.

Anyway, I sneaked in there, explored around stockpiling in ammo, and climbed one of the roofs. The bad guys arrived, and started trying to get in. Severe fight ensued - beside me, the inhabitants of the area did defend too. Speaking of, I have no idea if all of them were, I plainly "don't remember", but there was a properly-colored gray fox nearby, under heavy fire. I was trying to help him run away, well, at one point he fell down to the ground. Well, I peered down... and I see him unconscious... with a half-full health bar above and "46" next to it. Two other foxes approached, one pulled a big (and looking like a low-polygon computer game object from early 2000s or so) med table out of nowhere, and well, healed that wounded fox back to full. So Yeah.
Anyway, I again don't remember much, there were TONS of dead "bad" commandos, then there was fight with some actual "characters", as opposed to cannon fodder, then I was coming back through a conveyor-filled area which has been "Swweped" before, and of course a ton of new enemies pops up...
Well, I was out of weaponry, nosing around, and then I find a lever in some shed. I'm like "YEAH, that's what I was looking for!", pull it... and, urm, restart level or something? I'm again at the entrance to the compound, it's dark and quiet, so on...
Anyway, I see that supposed-main-villain (older, thin, semi-bald guy with a beard and a smug face) coming in alone... I jump at him from behing, knock to the ground... and repeatedly smash his head into ground trying to kill him. I think I was screaming something at him too, but no idea what. Blood everywhere, but he's still not finished... and well, I woke up somewhere around there. Not sure if he survived or not.

And while, well, I'm quite... shocked by doing something like that, even in a dream... I have to wonder what made me do so.

Sorry for the imagery, folks... *hugs* {:(

Thanks for reading,
-- Tvorsk

Draykin: And blast it, what is the world coming to when one cannot find a decent metal remix/cover of the Imperial March?


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Reply #53 on: May 04, 2011, 08:32:50 PM
Recently, I had a dream that I've lost a lot of detail too, but it was very sad. It was definitively set in a sci-fi future, and focused around the minion of a Big Bad dark overlord kind of guy. He was an alien, who could infiltrate people's brains and take them over, and kind of looked like a very squiggly, worm-y sort of brain himself. Through years of work he did what  he was told, but at the end he didn't want to do it anymore because of all the nasty things he'd done to people, and died.

I know I remembered more of it before, but I don't remember a lot know. But that dream still makes me just a little sad.

When was the last time you hugged your sammich?


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Reply #54 on: May 04, 2011, 09:09:04 PM
Sry about the duplicate topic. I couldn't find this one.

Anyhow, this is copypasta'd from that other topic I made, and had since removed.

Quote from: Risu
I had a wonderful dream last nite. Pardon the low-quality of writing. I'm worried I might forget, so I'm just putting it all out there before I forget.

First I was at some sorta picnic feastival. I was in my fuzzy form, so that was cool and I was happy. Suddenly, the picnic was attacked by three extremely powerful enemies. Somehow I was able to determine their HP were over 94000 or something, LoL. Nobody seemed to panic; it was more of an inconvenience than a disaster. So they all walked to their cars out in the parking lot and left. I on the other hand, and a few other fuzzies, stayed to try and fight. We were horribly weak by comparison, at only 400-600 HP. But we had help from some magical relics. Apparently, the enemies shoulda had crippling weakness to them, but all the relics did was annoy them. So there was a short, anticlimatic fight in the parking lot.

Next, the fight ended when my new friends and I had to go to karate practice. I finally asked them their names, and one of them, a golden retriever (?), replied "Adamonjaku". That was good enough for me o.o" So we were at karate practice at this big, fancy rec center. Then the FBI came in and began telling certain people something. Everyone who listened stopped what they were doing and followed. Adam & I noticed the coffee bar guy followed the FBI, so their post was unattanded. Rather than take advantage of the free coffee, I took over their position! I didn't know what to do, and people started ordering coffee. I began panicking, but one of Adam's female friends helped me out.

Then, we were all offered free samples of some sorta energy drink. When we took them, we TF'd into.... More advanced versions of ourselves?

After that, we went to Adam's house. His pet cat ran away, so he had a pet Virmir instead. [:) And then I woke up, and I was sad.

"Mission taken!" [:P


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    • Trask's FA! [Warning: Contains Toys, Tails and TF!]
Reply #55 on: May 12, 2011, 01:12:11 AM
I shall add another random fuzzy dream I had a couple weeks ago.

This dream starts off with me outside in a small western town at night, which was in a desert, but somehow it was snowing. I saw a saloon about maybe 30 feet in front of myself, I decided it was too cold outside and wanted to escape the snow and entered it, and inside there was vikings instead of the usual pioneers and such you would find inside doing the usual activities like play cards, flaming shield toss for some reason, and enjoying alcoholic beverages and the like. I walked inside and felt very confused and out of place, I wandered around a bit and found a table with Tvorsk sitting there. I poked him and he looked at me with a confused expression, I realized I couldn't talk for some reason, so I made very poor attempts at some kind of paw-signals and such, and he just fell asleep there, I shrugged and decided to just wander around the saloon some more. I came to the realization that this saloon never ended, it looked like it was gigantic inside, endless tables and rooms everywhere, with some silly other things like clothing booths and a restaurant.  I found a peculiar looking viking and I poked him, he turned around and he was actually a traffic cone, he spoke in a text box and made dial-up sounds at me when he "spoke", I wasn't sure what he was saying since the text in the text box was in Swedish.

So I picked up a banana and stared at it for NO reason, and then I threw it behind me, it made a loud, giant blinding explosion but nothing happened, no evidence of an explosion, no one noticed or anything.
I wandered around some more and found a sign that said: "Beware.......asdf." I was confused by the sign and I heard a sound and when I turned around, there was this dog or coyote or something (I couldn't really tell) standing there, dressed in like those western dusters and a hat. He stared at me and I just stared at him nervously in return, and he suddenly vanished, wierded out I decided to visit the washroom nearby. I opened the door and it looked all modern inside but flipped upside down, when I stepped inside I flew up through the roof and fell onto the second floor room above. I was dazed and when I got up to look around, it was a rave party for a split second, and then it was just some random room styled like a pioneer building. I found a door and walked through it and I was in a walkway with a balcony and railings overlooking the first floor, it was a very nice view and it seemed like it was several stories tall. on one of the tables next to the railing had a plate with a waffle on it, I decided to eat it and when I was done Tvorsk walked up to me and told me it was time to go, and that's when I woke up.

Not my usual standards of crazy silliness, but the fact I never dreamed of vikings in a western setting before, Tvorsk being in it for no reason, and the fact this song was playing the entire time I was dreaming made it notable.  [;)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 01:16:24 AM by Trask »

(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.

Shifting Sands

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Reply #56 on: May 13, 2011, 07:46:05 AM
So, I finally had a dream I remember that was SEMI-fuzzy, and thought I might as well post it...

Apparently someone, somewhere, somehow, had made some-anime-series-thingy for everyone in the chat... and even though I've only seen anime about 2 times in my life, I figured I'd order it (BOUGHT IT ONLIIIIIINE). I mean, it would be fuzzy, right? So, somehow I got my copy of it before anyone else, and the first thing I noticed was that there were five volumes, or whatever you wanna call them; seasons, parts, sequences, books. I took the first one, obviously, and "used" (I never put the disc into anywhere, it just turned on the TV) it and started watching.

Now, after that, things were a little hazy, but I do remember that some evil military dudes who had a PLAAAAAAGUE of some sort wanted to use it on some small little town built in a gas station. However, two boys walked out of it, both teenagers, but one older than the other, while the soldiers were sneaking by, ruining their element of surprise. So... they just used the two kids as a tiny group of experiments! They threw some green vial right on top of them, and it exploded over their heads; one kid right away shrank down into a green kitten (I'm guessing Zavier) and the other... kinda just resisted for a moment, I guess. As the soldiers approached them, the kitten ran back into the gas station, while the other kid was too dazed to do anything, and was promptly captured.

From there, the soldiers and the diseased kid went onto a train... but it kinda just... broke down halfway, and the boy escaped. So... he was growing dark brown fur, and ran back toward the gas station (how does someone find that as a shelter?).

Anyway... I definitely want to watch the rest of this series in my dreams |:P


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Reply #57 on: June 08, 2011, 04:32:45 AM
Hmmm.... I see this thread is fitting of this... This a dream I had awhile ago. (AKA like a week ago)

Well... I can't remember much of the dream itself, but I can recall it involved Spiderman, and his powers failing at every point where he tried using them. Almost like a montage of failure. I recall a few "scenes" in particular. One is where Spidey's running from some bad guys (A tactical retreat) and trying climbing a brick wall, only flailing at it, and then getting beat down. The second one, all I saw was him running a roof, him jumping, and then a very comedic scream.


It gets so lonely being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
I'm lying through my teeth!
Your tears are all the company I need


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Reply #58 on: June 13, 2011, 11:56:33 PM
I had a dream the other night, that when I went to reply to Silber's "Fuzzy Trade School" thread, it told me, "No Risu, you can't write an entry becos' you aren't awesome enough." {:(

"Mission taken!" [:P


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Reply #59 on: June 25, 2011, 06:37:05 AM
I had a really odd dream last night... felt kind of like me reading a story written by someone else, and at the same time being "in" the story as I read it... as in, walking around, watching the characters and all... I'm not sure, but I think I might not be "a character", just some kind of immaterial observer, I'm almost sure no one ever acknowledged my presence.

I don't remember nearly anything... I walked through something that resembled ruined modern city, and entered a weird area... kind of a corridor, I think, ahead of me was something weird... that looked like the continuation of the corridor, but as a low-quality, pixelated, blurred image. It showed different things at different moments, I think always having some kind of extension of the corridor in it.

Anyway, there was a bunch of peeps in front of it. For reasons unknown, only ones I'm sure of were Draykin, Medik (On few occasions as Jacklyn) and for some odd reason, Tal. Most of the others were familiar fuzzies, they "just" (sorry {:() didn't survive the wakeup clearly enough.

There's this atmosphere of being scared but determined... there's something out there, no one's talking, only whispering.
I don't remember much, but it's implied there's some great force against "us".

And there's that one tiny creature, I have no idea if it was this way in the dream for sure, but at this point I'm having the image of Mara (from Reyan Saga), except... urm... purple in color?
It was kind of... seeming to know what this is about, giving advice and half-orders to others...

It was all very, very odd.

One thing I realized after a while of "observing" is that for some reason talking is dangerous, and helping whatever they're hiding from and conspiring against, and they were humming and half-singing instead. Weird enough already? {;)

Anyway, there are three scraps I remember.

First was Dray and Medik coming in from somewhere (I don't know if it was "from that picture", so please don't assume it either), and starting to say something due to forgetting... that purple thing is like "Did you forget every word helps <thing>?!", and they meep and kind of... shrink down a bit?
<thing> was something big, I totally forgot it... not an "own name", a noun, kinda in style of "the evil", or "the darkness", giving that feeling of dreadful looming power... but I totally can't remember what it was. Something long and fancy, but known to me.

Second was that purple thing being asked who it is. I'm like, 4/5 sure she answered "Band of all bands". (Kinda fits the singing vs speech conflict?) "Wait, that means... you are...?!" "Meerka, yes." (No, not meerkat. {;))

And third was Tal going out from the group and wandering off, thinking stuff like "I want to go out of here, but how? We're in the middle of the woods, everything's out to get us...".

So, yeah. Odd.

Thanks for reading,
-- Tvorsk

Draykin: And blast it, what is the world coming to when one cannot find a decent metal remix/cover of the Imperial March?