You need not apologize for making awesomely detailed characters I want to draw.
Okay, second test printing is in!
Like last time, some issues. Here are some pics. mentioned a few posts ago, the provider (The Game Crafter), ditched their old printing service/methods and got a new one. Therefore these cards look like they have been printed by a totally different company.
Good things:- They "feel" more like playing cards. A bit thinner perhaps, but these feel more like something I'd play poker with, and not title-deed-esque like the old batch. I rather like this.
They are still a bit thinner, and less tough than normal playing cards, mind you, but still quite sturdy.
- Rounded corners!
- The print quality is better. Comparing the old and new cards side-by-side, the old ones look a tad blurry now. Yay.
- My adjustments to the border look great.
Some reservations:- As I tried to capture in the bottom two pics above, some cards are very obviously not centered well. I'd say about a third of the 26 cards I had printed make me shift my eyes to various degrees.
- Some cards have sort of a rough edge to them. It's not like they'll fray or anything, but there's just this weird crease to a few of them.
- The cards arrived just slightly bent... I think it might be due to how they were squished in the packaging. I am currently squishing them underneath a giant heavy jar of penny, so will report how well they flatten out.
- This printer is even darker than the last... I'm going to have to lighten these up even more for the next run. Not a huge deal.
In short: I'm pleased except for the off-centering. It just plain looks bad, and looks to be a random thing. I followed the rules when making the templates, and the cut edges are indeed outside the "safe zone", which means that even the off-center cards are inside the acceptable margin of error according the template. I'm not entirely sure I like this margin of error to be so large, so will think about this more.
One possible solution is to design a background with less obvious borders. I'm not really sure I want to do this though.
Thoughts and feedback appreciated. We shall see.