Post references to your Pokemon characters you would be okay with me including as a cameo if, in theory, I were to be in the middle of writing a 150-200 page Mystery Dungeon comic which, if, in theory, I decide I like, I may end up drawing.
Also check which of the following apply:
_ I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
_ I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
_ I am okay with Virmir brutally killing this character.
This script, if it exists, is an 11 on the snark level. Like a full level beyond Virmir-World.
This story focuses on lower level Pokemon. (At least, THIS part of it.) But higher levels may appear in backgrounds occasionally.
This is not a request topic, and I definitely will not be including all characters. Only those that happen to fit.
I'm probably not going to include any character with crazy colors or major alterations or complex outfits. Think
Eevee with stylish hair and cape or
Riolu with purple highlights and an eyepatch.
I'm more likely to cameo established characters VS. ones that people just made up because they saw this topic.