my very first conversation with this bot was...
User: Gasp1.
Cleverbot: What?
User: Sorry, meant Gasp!
Cleverbot: I don't understand.
User: I didn't think you would.
Cleverbot: But I like.
User: Oh...kay....
Cleverbot: Do you love me?
User: Nope.
Cleverbot: Please! *cries*.
Cleverbot: I am watching you *stares*.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: Because its a good show.
User: It is?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: I guess I'm flattered.
Cleverbot: Yes, you are.
User: You're being a bit stalker-y, though.
Cleverbot: Ok, I'll try to behave. Oh, have you played any good videogames lately?
User: Yeah, World of Warcraft.
Cleverbot: I have never played that before. Isn't that one of those RTS games?
User: Nope, its an MMORPG. Loads of people play it.
Cleverbot: Loads of people are not christ.
User: I hope not... That would make christianity very confusing.
Cleverbot: It would make you more knowledgable, not better!
User: I suppose that if a lot of people were christ, then we would know more about religious stuff.
Cleverbot: There are no points or positions in a rhizome, such as those found in a structure, tree, or root. There are only lines.
User: Is that supposed to be some sort of Ominous Metaphor?
Cleverbot: No, can you tell me another joke please?
User: Yeah, here's a good one: The Turing Test.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Goodbye!
Cleverbot: I have returned.
User: No.... I said goodbye.
Cleverbot: I am not talking to you.
User: I'm leaving now.