For the most part, Yilin started out rather enthusiastic about the meal. Then came the part where they kept trying to serve him live... squirming things. He had long ago given up the thought of hot, cooked food, ever since he left the surface, but there were standards that he had as far as his underwater food went! That including making sure that it was *dead*. No squirming, wiggling, and preferably not very slimy...
The worst part though was when he tried to eat more "normal" food. Apparently it kept getting caught in his throat causing him to cough it up; having lost most of his teeth and having his digestion system rearranged made it nearly impossible to eat like he could before. He practically couldn't eat anything unless it was fresh and slid down his throat.
Needless to say, the man turned eel didn't actually get around to eating very much. Mostly he just sat in the corner, folding his arms, bubblemumbling to himself. In fact he was rather eager once the whole thing ended. Also a plus that strange, creepy otter critter was no longer accompaniying them, so that made things a little more tolerable. Now if only the seahorse could get eaten...
"Well, what else could we buy that we haven't already been provided with? Unless we could maybe find some alchemical ingredients for Undying Fire..." (OOC: thing Greek Fire).