So after careful deliberation and a much unexpected interest in the whole thing, I've picked out the participants. I expected, like, a couple maybe, but with some more I'm thinking about expanding the event into more of a whole campaign-type thing rather than just the one-on-one browser game that it originated from. That's purely because I don't think I can run four different browser games at once. Let me know what you four think.
Those four happen to be
1. Virmir (you get top of the list so squelch your ego)
2. Toast (I guess this makes up for the five thousand TFs you've given me?)
3. Stormkit (never even talked to you when you actually hung around the chat years ago so here's the opportunity I guess)
4. Draykin (I don't have anything funny to say)
Assuming you're all still interested, even if you all have to come together and become a singular party (don't worry, I won't just cast party-wide effects), then we'll line out the rules a bit. The stats will boil down to these:
STRength - how hard you hit physically
AGIlity - how easily you can dodge or take physical attacks
MAGic - how hard you hit magically
RESistance - your resistance of those magic attacks
CHArisma - the ability to sweet-talk or wile your way out of danger
INTelligence - general smarts and how you'll fight against silver tongues
Some of those stat thingies should seem pretty familiar if you looked at Vir's art, so you have a general idea of how transformations can affect your stats. Becoming an ogre, for example, would give you massive strength, resistance, and agility, whereas your magic, charisma, and intelligence would suffer.
That's the idea of the game, after all - you want transformations, not only because they're fun, but because you'll be able to change up your stats, and you'll want to aim to make them improve over time, if only in a couple of categories. Becoming a party makes this idea more interesting - you can have the typical roleplay setup with a charismatic leader, a brute, a damage sponge, and a wizard... OR you can all hit things really hard with tiny tiny brains. It's your choice!
All of the stats will be used in combat. All of them will be used out of combat, too, so there will be some scenery chewing as well as brawling. I don't want one side to become favored over the other - any approach you take should have its usefulness apparent in a roleplay sense as well as in a fighting sense.
Assuming you're all still hooked, I need to know a general layout of the character you bring to the table. I don't care if it's "you" or some OC or whatever, I just need to know the gut feelings you get as to how their stats would be lined up. I'll do the actual number crunching (unless you really insist on assigning points or something, but don't). It'll also be the form that's built off of, so if you start as a tiny Jimminy Cricket or something, you probably won't become much bigger without a significant alteration!
If there are any questions, now's the time to ask them!