Author Topic: DoW the 3rd  (Read 151322 times)


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Reply #180 on: August 28, 2013, 02:01:02 PM
Turn 12

Digital Vulpine - (11-10=1) 1+3+5=9 moved
Donnie - (5-0=5) 5+3+6=14 moved
Draykin - (17-6=11) 11+0+6=17 moved
Fax - (17-14=3) 3+3+8=14 moved
FrostedLights - (11-8=3) 3+3+6=12
I am the IZOD - (7-7=0) 0+3+6=9 moved
Kenku - (40-20=20) 20+0+5=25 moved
Radioactive Toast - (14-9=5) 5+3+6=14
Snow - (10-10=0) 0+3+9=12 moved
Stormkit - (18-0=18) 18+0+3=21 moved
Tech - (11-0=11) 11+0+4=15 moved
Tizocoatl - (10-0=10) 10+0+2=12 moved
Trask - (8-8=0) 0+3+6=9 moved







Race color key

  The Balance
  The League of Necessary Evil
  The Unextinguished Hope
  Joy Afflicted
    Standard Tainted Army Responders-in Kruos
    Restoring Force-in Kruos
    Super Tactical and Necessary Deployment-in Krous
  Predatory Chain
  Adventurers' Guild
  Order of the Second Tail
  Sky Isle Ocean Brigands
  Legion of Shadows
  Order of the First Tail
  Elder Rights
    Army of the Elements-in Kelorn
    1st Brigade-in Htark
Followers of Origin-1
  Priory of Origin
    Flame of Purifying Light-in Blackwatch
    Avengers of Justice-in Blackwatch
    Followers Unto The Sun-in Highland
  The Order of Hunters
   Subraces: Tin
  The Plex
  The Mercury Eye
    Path Guard-in Maze
    First SightSeekers-East of Maze
  Church of the Lights
  The Hexogon
  Temple of Nyx
  Church of the Burning Light
    High Priest Army-in Sarsil
  Council of the Round Table
  Knights of the Round Table
  Order of the Third Tail
    1st Terran National Guard-in Ter
    2nd Terran Armored Division-in Ter
    1st Joule Infantry Regiment-in Say
    1st Say Marines-in Say
    2nd Say Fleet-in Say
    2nd Hayek Tank Division-in Hayek
    3rd Hayek Mobile Infantry Regiment-in Hayek
    2nd Columbian Infanty Regiment-in Columbia
    3rd Columbian National Guard-in Columbia
    4th Columbian Bomber Wing-in Columbia
    2nd Joule Mechanized Infantry Regiment-in Joule
    3rd Joule Fighter Wing-in Joule
  Order of the Fifth Tail
    Explorational Defense Force-in Den Zacatl
    Army of the Frost Blades-in Den Zacatl
  Order of the Fourth Tail
    Fleet of Joy-in Hugalot
    Legion of Happiness-in Daishi
    Harmony Corps-in Hugalot
    Squeak Squad-In Squeak
    Toysaders-in Snuggles
  Scions of Shadow and Moonlight
    The Black Hands of the Scions-in Delini Pusobu
    Deephallow Mercenary Company-in Deephallow
    Nightspire Lancers-in Delini Pusobu
    Shattered Coast Reavers-in Duchlesa Breh

Forces of Morgana
  From the Terrans:
    Army of the Vengeful Queen-East of Say between Terran and Chiaro lands
    Army of the Dark Gaze-East of Say between Terran and Chiaro lands
    Plague of Locust-East of Say between Terran and Chiaro lands
  From the Utoypians
    Jack-The-Ripper-In-the-Box's Army-in Snuggles

Adam Smith
Corvo the Allfather
Danyel Yekson
The Dungeonkeeper
Ember Wind Dragon
Fios the Sea-lamander
The Ghul
High Priest of the Church of the Burning Light
Isaac Newton
John Locke
Morgana, The Faerie
Myrddin Ambrosius
Richard, God of Fate
Syrask Kyuro
General Telectol
Trasiro Kyuro
The Wanderer
The Wheel of Fortune
The Zenith

Utoypian Assault on Daishi
2(roll)+9(Advances) vs 9(roll)+3(Advances)
11(roll)+9(Advances) vs 2(roll)+3(Advances) -1(prior combat)
The Toy Crusade begins with a bang as the Utoypians march south upon the Jeager city of Daishi.  The defenders scarcely had an idea of what to make to their neighbors to the north, and now they are attacking to "covert" and "Uplift" them.  Their rhetoric does not convince many Jeagers at all, as the superheated molten creatures converge on their capital to defend it with their lives.  Though the Utoypians possess overwhelming knowledge of magics, their haste to bring more followers to their ways leads them to underestimate their foes.  The Jeagers' extensive knowledge of fire and consequent heat abilities leads to several successful raids against the attackers, which cuminate during the seige when the giant Huggernaut attempts to breach the city walls.  The ground practically erupts with magma gushing from beneath, and concentrated fire slams the great beast until it can stand no more, falling dead and lifeless to the ground as it burns to ashes.  This takes nearly literally all the strength of the defending forces however, leaving them utterly unable to counter the assault from the Legion of Happiness, which breaches the walls and pours into the city almost without a fight.  The Toyification soon begins, with refugees streaming south into the mountains.

Utoypian Victory
Armies that survive: Legion of Happiness
Armies destroyed: Huggernaut

Follower Assault on Blackwatch
9(roll)+8(Advances) vs 6(roll)+3(Advances)
Hrakihk is not one used to dealing with the company of others often, and even leading an army (FINALLY without being tossed into the sea for once by mutinous underlings).  His orders are simple and brutal; take the enemy quick and hard.  The underground entrances to Blackwatch are stormed suddenly and without mercy, the Priors blasting their way through ancient and inadaqute defenses and quickly pouring into the tunnels.  The ancient city is one that was designed to be defended from attacks from the EAST, from the uncoordinated assaults of monsters and other ancient beasts who lurk in the dark.  Though the Chiaro quickly realize what is transpiring, and attempt to bravely mount a response, by the time any coherent organization is brought together the Follower Army is already on top of them, pounding through and slaughtering any who dare resist.

Follower Victory
Avengers of Justice takes Blackwatch

Follower Assault on Tuatha
3(roll)+8(Advances) vs 8(roll)+3(Advances)
Zerky's expedition quickly runs further east of Hrakihks; the two ad hoc generals regarding each other with mutual suspicion and distrust, especially once the cursed toy starts accusing the dragon rat thing of trying to nibble his strings and trying to unravel him.  This inauspicious start leads Zerky to try and press hard into the tunnels as soon as Blackwatch is taken, not taking sufficient time to reorganize the army for marching deep into the tunnel network.  This becomes a crippling problem, as the native Chiaro know the tunnels far more and begin setting ambushes and traps that start to whittle at the attackers.  They just barely reach the city with their forces as disorganized mess; still they look like they can possibly prevail against the outnumbered Chiaro.  But then Zerky starts smelling something familiar.  For among the defenders are small numbers of Zemari mercenaries, a scent zerky knows far too well for his liking.  He immediately panics, though has the sense to pull his army back in something halfway resembling coherent orders rather than 100% screaming and babbling at the top of his lungs.  Much of the army is lost, but enough survives to preserve it as an effective fighting force.  Zerky, as soon as they escape the tunnel network, leaves his army at Blackwatch and bolts immediately before Nicephorus can possibly learn about his cowardice and failure.

Chiaro Victory
No Armies destroyed.  Followers withdraw

Follower Assault on Highland
5(roll)+8(Advances) vs 9(roll)+3(Advances)
The Highland Watch is barely able to scout the attacking airfleet before being attacked, with Follower light airships darting ahead and hunting for Chiaro scouts.  The city is barely able to mobilize when the main attack arrives, though they are able to successfully drive back the right flank of the airfleet assault after bloody distance shots and boarding actions.  Nicephorus, however, is out for blood, and throws his fleet in straight at the city and the defending armies, willing to sacrifice as many of his forces as necessary to achieve victory.  While his loses are nearly crippling, the Chiaro break first from the overwhelming onslaught, leading to the bloody capture of the city and the city center rededicated to a temple to Adriana.

Follower Victory
Armies that survive: Followers Unto The Sun
Armies destroyed: Highland Watch
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 09:49:20 PM by Radioactive_Toast »

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #181 on: August 28, 2013, 03:17:05 PM
Terran high command is gravely concerned by news of two Exeter class nations breaching containment at the same time, and the President convenes a meeting of world leaders to discuss the formation of an alliance of free nations to counter this emerging threat. 

Additionally, Terran congress has authorized humanitarian aid for the Chiaro and has temporarily waived Chiaro immigration quotas in order to accommodate refugees. 

(actual actions that cost points will be worked out later)

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #182 on: August 28, 2013, 09:18:19 PM
Command Avatar - Syrask Kyuro - Create Army - 1 point.

Syrask creates a new army having heard the news that the Huggernaut fell in battle, to take It's place, a hopefully better design was made after contemplating the obvious weaknesses, to take It's predecessor's place, the Snuggernaut was formed in HuggleBurg.

Command Avatar - Trasiro Kyuro - Create Army - 1 point.

Trasiro also forms some extra readily made Utoypia straight from the facilities that made them, called Gigglers, they were created and stationed at Plushville for mostly defensive reasons.

Command Order - Toymancers - Create Army - 2 points.

The Toymancers decide to make more toys, these ones ready to spread the word of peace and joy to others, called the Bringer of Snuggles, these were equipped with extra emphasis on conversion, peacefully or otherwise, they were stationed and created at Snuggles.

Command Order - Puppetmasters - Create Army - 2 points.

The Puppetmasters create the Bouncy Ball Brigade, a prototype design of toys, crafted at Huggleburg, these curious toys were outfitted with all sorts of interesting innovations, erratic and unpredictable movement, and surprisingly well-armed, given their appearance.

Command Race - Utoypia - Command Armies - 3 points.

The Utoypia hear word of an evil race to the North East of them, and deploy the Bouncy Ball Brigade and Bringer of Snuggles to go attack the city of Highland, as anything not good and nice must be cleansed and converted to a better way, as their typical thinking goes.

9 of 9 points consumed, 0 remain.

(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.


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Reply #183 on: August 28, 2013, 11:24:57 PM
Points at Start: 21

Catastrophe: Summoning the Deep One - 10 pts.
It was not for nothing that the Aeons have been secretly stashing crystals everywhere for quite some time now. They have been placing them specifically in extra concentration around the floating vinyl islands, drawing energy from the corrupted waters of the east, activating in resonance until a hole is torn between this plane and one of darkness, and exchange is made. A great tentacled beast, its form obscured by the ocean depths is pulled into this world by exchanging the equivalent mass of the island upon which Hugalot stands and much of the surrounding ocean. The island with its city and all inhabitants are drawn screaming into the void of darkness where untold horrors await them in a place where time itself does not exist and a moment is the same as eternity.

While this dimensional gash remains open, torrents of negative energy pour through, corrupting the waters of F1-F4, creating a favorable hunting ground for this leviathan which is essentially an army unto itself, though its connection to this plane of reality is still somewhat tenuous. Shortly after its summoning, it wraps its tendril around the island of Snuggles and drags much of it beneath the sea, though Snuggles itself somehow remains mostly intact. The loss of so much water creates a low surge and the waves that fill it wind up establishing a new sea current from the NE, dragging with it cooler temperatures to E4, and F2-F4.

Command City (Trados): Raise Army - 2 pts.
Scientists of Trados act quickly upon the summoning of their leviathan and bolster its connection to this plane using further dimensional sorceries, increasing its power by that of another armies worth. The Leviathan is now essentially two armies that happen to always travel together.

Advance Race: Dimensional Aura - 6pts.
Using similar techniques to the outwash of corruption from the leviathan's home plane, Aeons have discovered how to warp and distort the area immediately around themselves to act as a sort of body armor. The kind of armor varies based on the plane it was pulled from, but all make spacial relations confusing making them hard to hit. Additional effects can include fire armor setting things on fire, wood armor acting as an extra layer of defense, etc.

Command Avatar (Khayos): Command Armies - 1 pt.
Khayos will direct the full might of the Leviathan an direct it towards the twice corrupted waters of F4 where it will attack Huggleburg with its tentacled fury, a mass of writhing tendrils that will wrestle with the Snuggernaut and attempt to drag it into the ocean. Regardless of how that goes, it will also pluck attackers from their safe shores and pull them deep into the depths of the corrupted sea where they never return from. However, sometimes in future years... when the sea is calm and relatively clear... you might swear you can see their forms, desperately reaching for the surface and hear on the wind their whispers, cries pleading for help. Any would be rescuers find nothing when they dive to seek them out and sometimes those rescuers don't make it back either... their faces added to the sea and their pleas added to the wind.

Command City (Kruos): Command Armies - 2 pts.
Having conferred together, The Balance and The League of Necessary Evil plan their follow up attack on Huggleburg. The dark Aeons (for that is what they have started to call themselves, having finally decided to rename the original elements of light and dark to umbra and lumen) will attack first in the order of the Standard Tainted Army followed by the Super Tactical one while the Restoring Force pincers from the other side. They arrive in Huggleburg to find to their surprise that the Leviathan is attacking here for some reason instead of the expected Snuggles, but they're pretty okay with this and will just collectively shrug and head over to attack Snuggles instead. With their deployment ability afforded to them from the anchor stones, returning to Kruos and redeploying at Snuggles is practically trivial.

Points Used: 21
Points Left: 0

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #184 on: August 29, 2013, 08:53:24 PM

As the years went on, the elementals went on their way, heading twoards the center of the world. From the west, the Ice elemental froze land and sea, as it trudged its way into the inner sea, and slowly began to climb the cold side of the split orbs isle.

From the north the fire elemental trudged on agian, covering the last easter of Kolorn in a thin layer of glass, and boiling the inner sea, as it collected the last red orb, and began to trek up the hot side of the split orbs isle.

It was at the top of the mountain where the Orb sat that they would meet. Those curious enough to watch the happenings would see the two elementals look at each other in the eye, press a hand into the orb, and then.


In a matter of moments the entire island exploded in a cloud of magic, smoke, dust and light, nearly blinding onlookers and thoes in the cities nearby, the cloud of dust shot straight up in the air, before flowing outward and began forming large dust storms that covered the lands about the ring.

As quick and violently as the eruption started, it stopped...and all that remained of the elementals at the island was a ringed lagoon...a ringed lagoon that had a large bright object floating over it. The orb, which to onlookers looked to almost be 50 stories wide, floated above the island with almost a tranquil look to it. As time went on however, the orb began to change, as strands of light began forming what looked to be a broad muzzle and short vulpine feet. Whiskers then formed as did triangular ears, before the body followed in the proper curved vulpinish shape. With the body done, the tails formed one at a time, until size long flowing tails flowed out from behind it, and the great kitsune awoke from his birth slumber with a rumble of a yawn. Looking about, the Kitsune looked over the lands nearby, and decided to try to greet people in the simpilist way it could telepathically saying to every person within 3x3 square radius of it "Hi".


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Reply #185 on: August 29, 2013, 08:59:58 PM
Starting points: 12
Command Avatar (Wheel) to Create Army (1)
Command Avatar (Zenith) to Create Army (1)
The twin avatars of the Chiaro had been busy. A young hero found the ancient gem left behind by the colossal elemental and had no idea what it really was, until he grew that extra tail and turned blue. The Wheel was being used as a gambling house's wheel of fortune, making such a profit for the owner that he turned his wealth toward higher causes. In any case, they began covert operations against the Followers and raised two irregular armies from within the enemy ranks: the Chirish Republican Army and the Burning Justice Brigade. Both "armies" surfaced in Black Watch, launching pyrotechnic attacks within the endless tunnels and vanishing again into the darkness.

Meanwhile, the mages of Tuatha and Ultima Thule worked frantically on a secret project. There were materials aplenty at hand, hewn from the rock and scavenged from the northern ice and steam, or traded from the east or the Aeon island settlement. To protect the project, the people realized, they'd have to evolve from "adventurers" into a more organized military force. Swinging a three-handed sword around was pretty cool for an individual but not all that effective when standing with fellow fighters to your left and right. Of course, there were heroes who argued that their traditional weapons of choice -- shields, boomerangs, books, oars, plush fish -- were fine in a formation, but even they admitted that pikes and bows might be more useful.

Command Order to Create Army (2)
Tuatha raised the Tuatha Home Guard from its own people, and hired a unit of Zemeri mercenaries known as the Black Lanterns, both in that city. The Chiaro were in the front lines. Their orders were to remain in the Tuatha area for defense.

Command Avatar (Zenith) to Retcon Lead Armies (1)
The Zenith holder gave a signal to have the Follower-based units try to open the gates of Black Watch and let the Black Lanterns in: ie. to have all three armies try to take the city! Little did they know that Terran units were en route. The attackers were willing to accept shared control of the city in the event of a victory, faced with overwhelming Terran forces claiming to be "peacekeepers".

Advance Civ (6)
"Then what does it mean to be a hero?"
"Never mind that, lad; leave it to the philosopher-mages in the back row. Our job is to buy time!"

The Chiaro bristled at the notion of how thoroughly outmatched they were in war. Some of the more independent-minded ones focused on perfecting Heroic Power to even the odds a little. With this dedication to defense of their homeland, using traps and area-affect powers, small parties of warriors and mages found themselves able to stave off whole armies... for a little while, anyway.

(Recap: 2 armies of Followers in Black Watch, 1 Zemeri in Tuatha.)
(Note: Tuatha has the city advance "Life Support", giving a +1 in battle due to high-quality medical backup and specialized application of magical barriers and wards.)(Probably irrelevant in this battle.)

Ending points: 1. Next turn bonus: +3.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 03:08:26 PM by Snow »

New fantasy book series: "Wavebound". The story of the novice Goddess of Water!

I am the IZOD

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Reply #186 on: August 30, 2013, 09:15:09 PM
Advance Civ (6)

After years of research of various enchantments, a brand new magic has been discovered.  Enchantments can now be made that shoot beams of light that burn what they touch.  Enchanting this into stock-shape pieces of wood, the Crondin now have Beam Weapons.

Command Avatar (The Ghul)- Create Army (1)

Volunteers hear news of a call to serve, and form the Volunteer Corp.  Coming together outside of Htark, they are welcomed with beam weapons, and trained in the basics.

Command Avatar (Richard)- Command Army (1)

Richard decided that things were just plain too boring in the southwest, and sets in motion a plan to make it more interesting. 

The 1st Brigade and Volunteer Corp realize that the Pendri to the south are prime targets, who have not experienced true aggression.  Convinced of their own superiority as a race, the armies march on the city of Korvesh.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 10:00:13 PM by I am the IZOD »


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Reply #187 on: September 03, 2013, 04:21:54 PM
Skip Turn



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Reply #188 on: September 03, 2013, 07:33:06 PM

"Reactor online."
"Sensors online."
"Weapons online."
"All systems nominal."
"Launch Avalon." Adriana spoke to the crew.

"Orbit achieved."
"Calibrations complete, Excalibur is ready."
"Strike the enemy with your blade."

EXCALIBUR vaporizes the Bouncy Ball Brigade and Bringer of Snuggles, the beam slashes the islands of E4, cutting through Snuggles and Squirkle, setting fire to the islands and Daishi island's forests They toy cities are standing but are on fire. The waters around where EXCALIBUR fired upon are raised in temperature due to the beam penetrating the ocean bedrock, exposing hot lava to the seas .

Command Avatar: -1 Adriana raises an army in Black Watch, Battlecruiser Camelot
Command Avatar: -1 Morgana, witnessing the beam from space, marched to the east and marshaled various beasts from the forests, Cursed Gryphons
Command Order: -2 Priory of Origin raises an army in Blackwatch, Knights of Camelot

Remaining Points: 0
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 07:43:07 PM by Donnie »

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #189 on: September 03, 2013, 09:19:27 PM
"There is a very unstable situation on the ground, that is unfolding very quickly."
The Terran Congress, recognizing that the situation on the Chiaro border is escalating rapidly, issues a formal declaration of war against the Followers of Origin.  They additionally pass the Lend-Lease Act, authorizing the sale of Terran military equipment to the Chiaro and their allies.

"We are going to have to act, if we want to live in a different world."
Command Avatar: Raise Army: 1 point
Isaac Newton raises the 3rd Joule Orbital Drop INfantry Regiment.

Command Avatar: Raise Army: 1 point
Adam Smith raises the 3rd Say Carrier Battle Group.

Command Avatar: Raise Army: 1 point
Publius raises the 5th Columbian Heavy Artillery Division.

Command City: Raise Army: 2 points
Ter raises the 3rd Terran Mobile Infantry Regiment.

Command City: Raise Army: 2 points
Hayek raises the 4th Hayek Tank Division.

Command Avatar: Command Armies: 1 point
Under John Locke's guidance, the 1st Joule Infantry Regiment, 4th Columbian Bomber Wing, 4th Hayek Tank Division, 3rd Terran Mobile Infantry Regiment, and 5th Columbian Heavy Artillery Division assault Blackwatch right on the tail end of the Chiaro commando strike, hitting the Followers while they are still off balance.  'Mechs and power armor stride across the battlefield between charging tanks while bombers and their escorts soar overhead.  Fire rains from the skies as bombs, shells, rocket artillery, and Peacemaker orbital cannon strikes bombard the enemy position.

Points left: 1

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #190 on: September 03, 2013, 10:32:09 PM
Fiery death rained from the heavens as the Jaegers watched the menace from the north burn and melt and bubble into lifeless piles of ash and puddles that smelled horrible. They watched as the great fire from the sky burned their island home, and they watched the fires spread. They began to feast upon the flames under the command of Ignis.

Advance Civilization: Jaegers: Flame-Assisted Leaping - 6
The changes came quickly with the ingestion of this fire from space, and the Jaegers fed upon it readily as it never wanted to cease its burning. They began once more to tinker with their abilities, and they discovered that with just the right amount of fire and energy, they could propel themselves into the air fours times as far as they could before, and move almost six times the distance horizontally in a single leap, impacting back onto land with devastating force.

Advance Civilization: Jaegers: Infectious Cauterization - 6
Another change to come to the fire golems known as the Jaegers was the terrifying ability to superheat their claws and teeth to leak living molten rock. This may seem simple, but it is oh so much more complex. When a wound is inflicted and the molten material seeps in, it begins to tunnel further into the body, burning, searing, and charring its was as tendrils of white-hot energy target vital organs. On the bright side, wounds become cauterized, so there is no real blood loss, though metals become completely devastated and usually melt.

Command Avatar: Ignis: Create Army: The Consuming Pyre - 1
As death rained down from above, Ignis saw opportunity, and rounded up his most loyal subjects. He was furious with the sudden invasion and defeat his creations had suffered, as had finally found that the time had come for his contented peace to end. Their orders were simple.

Command Order: The Order of Hunters: Create Army: First Spark Recon Corps. - 2
The loyal Order of Hunters was not about to let the Jaeger race become prey to those who would threaten them, even though they had shown no signs of aggression prior. They knew that first they needed two crucial pieces of information about their foes; Who they were, and how flammable they were. Thus, the First Spark Recon Corps was assembled, for the sole purpose to search, recon, and burn.

Points at Turn Start - 17
Points Spent - (6+6+1+2) - 15
Points Remaining - 2

It gets so lonely being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
I'm lying through my teeth!
Your tears are all the company I need


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Reply #191 on: September 04, 2013, 11:57:13 AM

There are two kind of people in this world those who are wise enough to know they are crazy and those who aren't.


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Reply #192 on: September 04, 2013, 08:21:05 PM
advance civ [6] (Ghestalian metamaterials) - The Zemeri continue their delving into the arcane arts of magicite metamatierals. In the process of doing so they devise a means of imbuing various properties into the essence of the material itself without directly consuming the magicite used in the process. This enables them to create a fantastic variety of new alloys with incredibly wide applications
advance civ [6] (Sub-orbital defense platforms) - Continuing their rapid advancement, the Zemeri develop a series of flying bases, designed to provide support to Zemeri forces at long range from the extremely high altitudes at which they are stationed.
2 x command avatar (raise army) [2] - The sudden appearance of the Excalibur unnerves the Zemeri, as such a weapon in the hands of the primary foe of their allies could be just as easily turned against them as against the utoypians. As a safeguard, they form two new forces: The Rekapivonian Superheavy Dragoons and the Hussars of Palazzo.


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Reply #193 on: September 06, 2013, 05:52:18 PM
The Pendri have taken notice of the warped melodians, lurking in the nights. They synthesize crystal magics of their own.

Advance Civ [6] (Crystal Magic Weaponry)

Command Order [2] (The Church of the Burning Light) - Advance City- The Third Tower

Korvesh needs a tower of its own, and so the church commissions built the Tower of the Twilight so that Korvesh can communicate with Alsimor, New Alsimor, and Sarsil through light telegraph. Korvesh braces for the coming night, as scouts bring back reports of the coming attack...

Points Remaining: 4

Not Just Another Weathermare


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Reply #194 on: September 06, 2013, 09:17:04 PM
 Command Avatar-Create Subrace-1 point
Zerky is quick to escape from the debacle at Tuatha, fleeing west as fast as possible and hiding out in the forests.  Even here he is not safe, as the earth quakes with disasters and armies.  While part of him giggles with delight at all the chaos, he’s rather prefer not to be in the middle of it, so continues to flee, further westward.  There, to his astonishment he discovers the Rightful Queen in Exile, Morgana.  Not completely ignorant of history (just mostly), his curiosity takes over and he meets with her.  Dining with the queen is a sordid affair, with the queen displaying barely hidden disdain for the creature in her presence, interested only in the fact that he seems to be rather zombie like and nigh indestructible, which intrigues her greatly.

Unfortunately, during the dinner misfortune strikes largely due to Zerky’s incompetence.  He ventures out into the tents behind while relieving himself, noting several strange potions in Morgana’s private collection.  Stashing several and hoping no one notices, he comes back to the meal… but come time to serve the wine several tripping over of servants and guests and moments of confusion result in Morgana imbibing a long-term-sleep spell.  Mortified, Zerky jumps in and claims that clearly the forces of the Terrans have poisoned her, to do away with the ancient Witch Queen once and for all.  This stretched explanation is given coincidental credence when Terran armies start marching through the area (though they are in fact headed farther east to Blackwatch).  Zerky immediately takes advantage of the situation, claiming that he knows the location of a cure to Morgana’s condition, but it may require her followers now follow the disheveled creature for a time.  Mostly following out of a fear of the marching and flying Terran armies, Morgana’s own much more primitive armies follow, not sure what to do without the orders of their brainwashing Queen.

Zerky leads them south, across the sea, deeming the whole northwest continent to be unsafe.  He dooooes sorta kinda have an idea of herbal ingredients that *might* lead to a cure, but he’s mostly just leading armies and having a good time of it.  Alas, as they “borrow” ships to move south the seas erupt into absolute and unremitted chaos.  First come the flying Utoypian armies, then the dimensional vortexes swallowing floating cities, then the giant Levianthans.  Zizagging the fleet in a panicked erratic course to avoid the latest disaster, Zerky and Morgana’s forces almost get wiped out when a massive energy beam slices from the skies  in front of them.  At this point Zerky just decides it’s time to get WAY away from this whole corner of the earth, sailing like mad to escape south.  So far south, they end up in the south pole.  The armies are now nearly mutinous, even in their brainwashed stupor;  the only thing keeping them from tossing the rat-dragon overboard is the fact that with all these disasters many of them believe the world is in the process of ending.  Making promise after promise, Zerky becomes increasingly unable to control the situation until they come across a strange floating pink Utoypian.  Flurps waves and takes pity on the fleet, though they do seem rather… strange and empty eyed, and Zerky strikes her as a bit untrustworthy.  Still, they’re lost and helpless out here, it’s her duty to help!  
Flurps leads the fleet northward through the ice fields to places of safety.  By now the True Queenites, as they have come to be called, no longer just scrapped together Terran stragglers and Chiaro and their descendents, band together to push forward, at last breaking into warmer seas.

Advance Civ-6 points
The Queenite tendency for ferocious blind obedience to Morgana is furthered during this period, resulting in an increased Fanatical Resolve.

Advance Civ-6 points
During this time, advances are made in a particular area that allows great mobility against large, cumbersome flying opponents that seem to populate so much of the world; Jetpacks

Command Avatar-Command Armis-1 point
As they ride north, Morgana begins to stir; the potion seems to be wearing off.  Becoming antsy and knowing his time for loot and plunder is short with this whole army behind him, Zerky moves to the nearest coast- here he discovers the Tialaca and their coastal city of Den Atzintli.  Though protected from the sea by tall icy cliffs, the Queenites’ new Jetpacks allow them to overcome this natural defense.  Wasting no time, and wanting to have as much surprise as possible, Zerky orders a full attack on the city.

Zero points remain

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
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