There's a good number of us here who've stumbled upon Earth Eternal and find it somewhat entertaining. Myself included.'m not much for these MMO things though, and I kinda find playing by myself boring. On the other hand, that time I went out with four other CFFs (Crimson Flag Fans!) and killed everything in sight was an absolute blast.
I propose we set up a scheduled time for all of us to come together and play and make it a weekly event or something. And when we set up some established times, we only play during those periods and never by ourselves so we don't get too far apart in levels. (You can create multiple characters of course, so you can make one just for these CF events and still have fun doing whatever you want with other chars).
What is a good time for everyone to play? I think we should do a two hour period once per week. (I can't sit still and play games for too long, mind you.
) I'm available most of the time weekends, as long as it's not too late. If I were to throw out an ideal date/time for my schedule, I'd say:
Saturdays, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (US Central Time) (Edit: Times have been slightly changed as per discussion below)That's very flexible too. I can go several hours in either direction. Suggestions? If we can't come to an agreement, we could always take turns letting someone pick his/her own ideal time.
Also we should keep track of our general levels. And if someone misses a get-together, he/she can do a bit of solo leveling to catch up.
Thoughts? Ideas? Discuss!
Next meetup:Saturday, 5th December, 5PM- 7PM US Central Time, (6-8pm Eastern)
Location: Camelot, (Camelot 2/Angoloum 2)
Shard: Camelot 2/Angoloum 2Mission: Wilheims Crypt Quest Level: 14/15/16 Meeting Spot: Camelot, North Square, just infront of Big ben.