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Art Gallery / Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 10 (Open!)
« on: October 23, 2020, 10:24:33 PM »
#44 with Tails230 at #45

I like to have huge Faith, dressed as an Absol, holding a large trick-or-treat basket with A-Ninetales, who's dressed as Shulk, in it. Both of them are trick-or-treating with both of them happy in this image, though Faith might be too excited since this is her first time.

Faith the Vulpix:

Writer's Guild / A Lion to Remember - A Talcott Commission
« on: September 24, 2020, 07:30:57 PM »
Hey there, everyone. This commission is a little belated, particularly since this story wasn’t as long as the last story, but it’s done. This story is a commission request from Talcott, where he transforms into a, well, lion. A feral lion, to be exact. So, not my typical transformation story. In fact, the last story I ever wrote that has a feral transformation was with Lugia TF, which was back a decade ago. So, I went full circle here.

In any case, I hope you guys enjoy this story.


Steve’s dark eyes looked over an eBay page as his nimble fingers typed in a couple of numbers and clicked a few links. A few seconds passed and his phone vibrated while it played out a little tune, the screen displaying a PayPal icon with some text. His eyes, ignoring the phone, looked above at the browser’s tabs and saw several other links, each one to a different site. The curser moved up to one of those tabs and clicked on it, visiting a gaming website, and his lips curled into a greedy grin. Of course, while it’s different from eBay in many ways, they do have one thing in common.

“Oh man, look at that price on Dark Castle for the Genesis,” Steve said as he looked over the screen, brushing back his longer than usual black hair, semi-curled. “And it comes with the CD-i version as well. And the price is around $50 too? That is so worth it!”

He clicked on the buy link and waited a second for a page to show up, where he typed in all the personal information required to deliver it to him. Soon enough, he clicked on another button to pay it with PayPal, where he grinned even wider before he leaned back, waiting for it to load to a PayPal page. He looked away for a second, looking at the golden lights glowing down to within his room between the blinds before he looked back and flinched.

The money within his account was about twenty dollars short.

“Ah, come on!” Steve said in a high-pitched voice. “That was an awesome sale, and I wanted it!” He shook his head before he looked at the information within the page. “And I need to wait a couple of days until the bank refills my account. Man, this suck!” He shook his head before canceling the sale. “Jeez, this is just bad timing. I want that as part of my collection. I hope that it’ll still be there when I get back.”

He frowned as he leaned forward and opened a couple of new tabs, clicking on a few links. Soon enough, he entered his email account on one such tab and looked over at the folder for his PayPal emails. He clicked on it, with the number next to the folder’s name at the double digits, and seeing loads of unopen emails within. All the emails were received today for the past couple hours, and all of them had something to do with buying on eBay or a retro gaming store.

“Hmm, even with the extra pay work has given to me, I’m spending loads of money. Maybe I should cut down on them,” Steve said as he looked at the other link, which leads to his PayPal account, and he hit the transfer funds from the bank link. He waited a couple of seconds before he typed in a few numbers and clicked a link, with it displaying some text that money will be sent to his account in a couple of days. “Nah. What’s the harm in that?”

He smiled to himself as he leaned back against the couch. “Hmm. I can’t do any more retro shopping for the next couple of days. What else can I do so I don’t suffer from boredom in this apartment?” He rubbed his shaved chin a few seconds before his eyes flashed up. “I know. I’ll talk to him!”

He grabbed a pair of headphones with a mic attached to it before he placed them around his neck for a moment. He then picked up the pair of jacks at the other end of the headphones and inserted them into his laptop. He smiled as he lifted the headphones up and over his ears, lowering the mic so that its level to mouth, and he clicked the Discord icon. Soon, the Discord app appeared front and center of the screen, and his eyes skimmed down the various icons and usernames on it. A second passed before he saw the icon and username of the one he wanted to talk to.

The icon displayed a drawing of a figure, abet a realistic one to a shocking degree. The model there was a green fox, though the guy would insist that he’s a kitsune, with golden hair on his head, the ears tipped with black, and black marks on his muzzle. All of it was done in such a realistic way that one could’ve claimed that it was the photo and, in fact, that guy did contend that it was. Still, despite his lack of ‘off-switch’ regarding RPs and such and only knowing him for a couple of weeks, Steve enjoyed talking with him.

The icon displayed a green circle as Steve gave out a wider grin, with him clicking on the phone icon. It rang for several seconds before his friend answered the Discord call. “Hey there, Glorfindel.”

“Hey there, buddy,” Glorfindel replied, the icon having a green halo around it when he spoke. “How are you doing this afternoon?”

“It’s evening over here,” Steve replied with a shrug. “But it’s all good. Been binged purchasing old video games. Need to wait until more money comes to my PayPal account since it’s low.”

“Um, you said that last week also,” Glorfindel said. “And you said that last month back then as well.”

“Hey, I can’t help that the games are such a steal to buy,” Steve said with a slightly mocking tone in his voice.

“Perhaps, though I think it’s better to think things through,” Glorfindel said. “I mean, my ‘acquaintance,’ to put the term nicely, never put much more thought to his spells than he felt he needed, despite wasting a lot of magic along the way. Honestly, if his ability to access his magic gets restricted in some way, he’ll be a helpless dragon. If only he thought about what he could-”

“Uh, right,” Steve said with a shrug. “You still need to cut down on that RP talk.”

“I wasn’t doing any such talk.”

“Of course,” Steve said with a slight strain grin on his face. “In any case, alright if I offer to play you a song? Just to bring you back to reality.”

“The ukulele again?” Glorfindel asked.

“Nah, this time with my guitar,” Steve answered as he reached over the side of his couch and pulled up a guitar. He then leaned forward to the coffee table, where his laptop sat on, and grabbed a guitar pick, thin and smooth to his fingers. “There’s this awesome song I found at the end of some silly video, and I’ve been practicing it when I can. Want to hear?”

“That would be wonderful. Thanks.”

Steve nodded, and his fingers held onto the pick as it strummed against the guitar’s strings, with sounds projecting from the hollow chamber. His other fingers fretted against the strings, making unique tones to the sounds. This continued for a few seconds, his hands working quick at playing the music before he opened his mouth and sang.

“They keep playing sad songs on the radio and I feel like I'm so alone on this fifteen-hour drive.”

A few minutes passed as Steve sang out the song, singing it soft so that his neighbors wouldn’t be disturbed. In the end, when he gave out a final strum, and he let the strings hummed out the final notes, he leaned back, sporting a giant grin on his face. He then placed the guitar to the side before he spoke to his strange friend.

“What do you think?”

“Hmm. I heard a couple of notes played out wrong, and your voice isn’t always in tune, but otherwise, good work,” Glorfindel answered. “In fact, that reminds me of something.”

“What’s that?” Steve asked as he tilted his head.

“Oh, I wouldn’t reveal everything just yet,” Glorfindel said, though there was a slight mischievous tone there. “Just know that I’ll be giving you a gift in my own creative way. Then you’ll see the magic of this kitsune mage.”

“Oh. OK,” Steve said as he shook his head.

“In any case, talk to you very soon,” Glorfindel said, and the call disconnected.

Steve blinked before he shrugged his shoulders and folded down his laptop. Welp, he thought as he looked around, that was something. He then blinked as he heard a loud growl, and he looked down at the source, his stomach. He then looked over at his watch and saw the numbers 7:54 PM displayed to him, with him blinking.

“It’s that late already?” Steve said as he looked out the window and saw the dying golden light out there. “Yeesh, it’s a bit late to make a complex dinner, and I’m not in the mood to get food delivered to me now. Even with the extra pay, I would rather spend it on more personal projects like upgrading my computer. Or getting a new picture commission and more retro games. Most likely the latter.” He then shook his head before he rubbed his chin, which already felt a bit of a stub. “I guess it’s time to use my emergency food for times like these. Cooking my leftover frozen pizza!”

Steve got up and was careful not to brush aside the table since it was filled with stuff like his laptop as he walked away. He walked over to his kitchen and leaned down before he opened a cabinet. He smiled to himself as he pulled out an aluminum pizza pan and placed it on the oven, with it making a sharp clank sound. Then, with quick fingers, he pressed various buttons on the stove, and it turned on.

The black-haired man then walked over to the refrigerator and opened the freezer half of it, exposing various frozen foods which included the pizza box. At the same time, he also opened the fridge half and pulled out a bag of multiple shredded cheeses with his other hand, and he turned around, placing them onto the countertop. He turned back to the refrigerator and closed the freezer half as he pulled out a few other pizza toppings for it. Then, after he placed them against the cheese bag, he ripped open the pizza box and pulled out the pizza box wrapped in plastic, cold to the touch and with the ice already melting from contact. He grabbed a pair of scissors and cut open the plastic covering, removing the plastic covering, and holding the pizza up. He grinned as he placed it on the pizza pan, and he grabbed the shredded cheese back, opening it up and grabbed them half-handful. While the frozen cheese and the other ingredients on it were fine, it would help it a lot by spicing it up with fresher versions as well. Then, with the pizza made, he opened the over and shoved the pan in, the heat within already hot.

Steve set up the timer for the meal before he walked away and came back to the living room. It would take around twenty minutes, he thought, before the pizza is done. But how to fill up the time? Then a light came to his mind, and his lips curled into an evil grin before he walked over to his TV, where an old gaming console lay beneath. This console, dark grey with a number screen next to the disk player and ejector, looked more like an old DVD player than a gaming console. Of course, it preceded the DVDs by a few years, and it wouldn’t be able to play them because of that, but he didn’t care about that. What he did care about is what he could play on it as he pulled out a disk box on top of it, opening it up.

“Let’s play the CD-i Zelda games!” Steve said as he popped open the console and inserted the game.

The evening sun faded from the sky, and the lights became dark for a bit before the lampposts turned on. Yet, as that happened, Steve played Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon on the Philip CD-i, laughing at the awkward controls, dumb cutscenes, and especially the hilariously bad voice acting. At that, he thought as he, for the fourth time, entered through a door without meaning to, is gold for all the wrong reasons.

Even as he played it, the smell of melted cheese along with the other ingredients flowed into the living room until he could smell nothing else. He gave out a goofy grin as he heard his stomach growled even louder, with him laying back against the couch.

Three knocks echoed in the room.

Steve jumped a bit when he heard them, his dark eyes looked around before he looked at the front door. His eyes, looking through his glasses, then looked over to the TV and laughed, his mind spinning like a whirlpool. That sound must have come from that game, he thought as he lay back again. Yeah, that must have been it. Although the screen showcasing a field would be an unusual place to play such a sound, even for a no-budget game.

The knocking sounds emitted through the room again, and his wide eyes darted at the door.

A figure then walked by the window, and the black-haired man jumped back on to his feet, his sneakers squeaking against the floor as his eyes observed this person. The lights don’t show much other than him being a guy with the lights reflecting a golden glow from his hair. The shadows neck down doesn’t offer much as well, though Steve thought he could’ve sworn he saw green on that shirt the figure was wearing. Yet, the oddest thing was that shadow that looked like a stick, as tall as him, with it ending in a circle.

Steve leaped over to the front door and turned the knob, opening it. His ears heard something tapped hard against the floor as he poked his head out and looked to the right. But there wasn’t anyone there as he felt his heart beat hard against his chest. His room was on the second floor of this apartment complex with a straight path for thirty feet, nowhere to hide without entering any of the rooms along the way. Even so, he didn’t see the figure ran and, even if he did, there would’ve been much more sounds than that tap.

Sweat formed on his head before he sighed and lowered his head, moving back. But his eyes then spotted a box before him, sitting in front of the door, and he paused. He opened the door wider and crouched down, looking at the white box. It wasn’t too large, at most two feet tall and half a foot wide, but there wasn’t any labeling or markings on it. His mind gave out several ideas on what it could be, whether if it’s a prank or even a gift, before he placed his hand on it and wiggled it. There weren’t any false bottoms, it wasn’t heavy, and it doesn’t make a sound outside of a shuffle of paper.

“Eh, what the heck,” Steve said before he grabbed it with another hand and picked it up. “Even if it’s a prank from some kind of perp, at least it’ll be interesting.”

He turned away from the door, closing it and locking it while his eyes looked over the box. He tilted his head before he blinked, wondering if he paused the game, and his eyes looked over to the TV. He saw a game over screen, and he groaned, with his playable character, Zelda, dying in-game, and he lost his chance of continuing. Welp, that’s one point against that perp, he thought as he walked away and entered the kitchen, with the pizza smell now overflowing.

He placed the box onto the counter, and he looked it over in the light. As he saw before, no sign of any markings. Heck, there wasn’t even a message from the one who sent it. He shook his head as he reached over to the scissors and exposed its sharp blades. The sharp edge sliced through the plastic tape just enough for him to put the scissors down and snap off what remains with his bare hands, with him thinking that he needed it after the ending of that playthrough. The box opened, wit his eyes seeing a bunch of crumpled up old newspapers, each one having a misleading headline, and he shook his head as he reached within the mess. Soon enough, his fingers felt something smooth with a few ridges within, and he grinned.

Steve then lifted the object up and saw a black figure, made of clay, and in the shape of a cat. This cat was molded and carved with unique skills, with every bit of it looking as realistic as possible. Indeed, if it wasn’t for the shine from the paint, the small kitten-like size, and the lack of fur, one could mistake it for a real cat. Its yellow eyes gazed outwards, meeting Steve's own dark eyes while it remained frozen in sitting position.

“Huh. That’s neat. This will look great sitting on this table,” Steve said as he carried the cat over to the table across from the counter and placed it at the center, with its black surfacing contrasting with the bright brown wood, yet somehow fits. “Thought so. Though I wonder why someone would give me something as well done as this figure.”

The black-hair man then stepped to the side, with his hips shifting towards the counter before he paused. He then blinked at the figure, noticing a slip of paper on its back. That’s strange, Steve thought while turning back towards it. Though he wasn’t touching the end that much when picking it up, he could’ve sworn that he didn’t felt a piece of paper on it. His nimble fingers then grabbed onto that card-sized paper, which disconnected from the figure with unusual ease for something that stuck itself on it. He looked over that paper and noticed some handwriting on it, almost spider-like.

It said: Make a Wish

“Really? That’s what stuck on you?” Steve said as he looked at the cat figure. “Yeesh, whoever this perp is must be a hilarious guy with a weird sense of humor. I mean, come on. A wish-granting cat figure? That’s ridiculous!”

Steve then placed the note in front of the cat before shrugging, soon hearing the beeping from the timer going off. “Still, what the heck. I wish for something exciting to happen to me. I don’t even care what.”

He then shifted towards the oven while laughing to himself, his spirits lightened from such an amusing joke. Yet, as he grabbed a pair of oven mittens hanging on the wall, the cat figure’s eyes glimmered, and the note burned. The flames on that note weren’t hot, nor did it emit any smoke; it wasn’t even reddish-orange at all. The green flames soon consumed the note as if it never existed.

Steve turned off the oven and opened it up, grabbing the metal pan as he continued to grin at himself. But as he lifted it up and out, his lower back cracked, and a massive amount of pain flow through him. His eyes widened, barely managing to lift it up and onto the oven top as the pain spreads, from up his back to down his hips. He then pressed his hands against the counter next to the oven, sweat forming on his head.

“W-what?” Steve said as he looked back, his eyes wide.

At that moment, he felt and heard a massive rip on his pants, and he blinked. His dark eyes saw a tail, short at first, but it grew longer by the second. It was covered in a short, sandy-color fur with the very tip being bushy and brown. Soon enough, it reached down to the heels of his feet and it wagged.

“The heck?!” Steve said before he gritted his teeth, feeling a similar pain on his hands. He looked down at them and opened his mouth as he saw several long and sharp claws pierced through the mittens. His hands, covered up by the mittens, expanded and shifted as well, with them ripping through those mittens. The fingers also shortened as his palm grew thicker into a paw pad, and a similar sandy-color fur grew on the back of his hands. His thumbs shrunk down and moved back away from the hands, which looked like huge paws. He slammed them down onto the counter, with his claws piercing through the wooden surfacing as if they were nothing. “Why is this happening!?”

At that moment, his feet cramped up and he looked over at them, with his eyes widening more than before. His shoes, once comfortable with room to spare for his feet, now felt as though they’re several sizes too small. Several sharp claws also pierced through the toes of his shoes before they got ripped in half from his widening feet. His toes, apart from the little ones, grew thicker in size as the sandy-color fur also grew on them. The tiny toes, in contrast, shrunk and fused with the one next to it. His feet bones cracked as he wiggled, trying to hang on to the counter and remained on his two legs. Yet, his feet morphed so he could only stand on the tips of his feet, which made balancing difficult.

Steve thought that he should call for help, that he should scream out and hope that someone would come. Yet, his nerves froze as he felt a mix of stress and fear throughout his body, making any desire to cry out futile. His heat slammed against his chest as he closed his eyes, his muscles spamming throughout. He opened his mouth, only to felt something down his throat that made making sounds challenging.

“I-I arrr! W-wh-rrrr! He-he-grrrr!” Steve’s jaws opened as wide as they could, only to somehow widened up even more. His mouth shifted forward as his lips blackened, his nose also moving forward and blackening. The nose shape-shifted so that it looked like an upside-down triangle as his fangs became larger and far longer than before. The rest of his teeth became sharper, but not as long or sharp as the fangs as a sandy-color fur grew around his face. “N-n-n-aaaaaa!”

His glasses, already struggling to remain on his face, bent outward from his growing head until they snapped off. The two pieces fell onto the counter as he opened his eyes, no longer dark but now a bright amber color. His ears moved up his head as hair turned into a brown color and growing longer and far bushier. His ears became rounder and covered in sandy-color fur as his brown hair grew around his neck and below his chin, just as bushy. His shirt shifted underneath, with the brown mane growing within, and the collar of his shirt ripped.

Steve’s eyes looked down as he felt a massive ache from his shoulders and feet. He gritted his sharp teeth, trying to stay standing on his two legs just a bit longer, but it was more futile by the second. His shoulders soon gave up and he fell, landing on his two front legs as his back legs moved forward, more comfortable than before.


His shirt and pants shifted underneath him as more fur grew underneath, and he felt a massive itch around them. Part of him wanted to take off his clothes, but he resisted that thought. Whatever is doing this to him was taking his humanity and he desired to cling onto it as long as he could. No matter how uncomfortable as his clothes get, even as his belt and button strained from the awkward posture and his shirt felt tight and hot, they were what remained of Steve the human. He couldn’t just get rid of them.

Yet, as those thoughts crossed his mind, Steve felt every bone and muscle shivered, and his eyes widened up. His torso grew longer and larger as his shirt ripped apart, with his muscles growing larger. His belt snapped off along with his pants’ button popping off, with the hole caused by his tail expanding. Soon enough, every bit of his clothes became nothing more than shreds. Indeed, if one could see the room at that moment, they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between Steve and a lion.

“Grrrr? Arrrr?” Steve tried to say words, but none came out. Yet, despite his transformation into a large lion, his mind retained the same human thoughts. He could remember what happened throughout his life, what he ate during the day, and so on. He wasn’t sure if this made things better or worse for him since he doubted he could be returned to his human self ever again. Still, as he closed his eyes, he tried to think of what could have caused this.

Then he remembered the clay cat figure and that message.

He opened his eyes before he walked over to that table, with him noticing just how natural it was for him to walk on all four even as he preferred to walk on two. He then extended his front left paw onto the table and lifted himself up, somewhat tilting the table forward to him, and he looked at the cat figure. The note there disappeared despite knowing that this is where he last place it, but that wasn’t the only thing grabbing his attention

The cat figure’s expression had changed from a neutral expression to a grinning one.

Steve gritted his teeth as he emitted a growl from his throat, feeling a strong desire to grab that figure and smash it to bits. Yet, the rational part of his head resisted that thought, and he lowered himself from the table, with the table straightening itself up. Of course, whoever or whatever this perp is must be a powerful one to cause such a magical change, he thought. Though it might be cathartic to destroy it, it would likely just trap him as a lion rather than undoing it, perhaps take all his memories away out of spite.

His ears then twitched as they heard the doorknob rattled. He gritted his teeth as he prowled over to the living room, his amber eyes glaring out at the locked door. They soon see the lock turned on its own while the lion blinked, and the door opened.

A familiar figure stepped into the room while Steve tilted his head, trying to remember. He soon did, and he growled, recognizing him as the one who came by and ‘delivered’ that package that caused this. His hair, golden-yellow and a little long, slowed by as his strange blue eyes looked directly at the amber eyes. His staff, which ended with a yin-yang symbol, tapped with every step he made as he had a look of bemusement on his face.

“I must say,” the stranger said as he looked at Steve, “of all the things I expected you to turn into, a non-anthro lion wouldn’t be among my top guesses.”

Steve extended his claws, which pierced through the floor.

“Now, now, my friend,” the stranger said as he held up another hand. “I meant no harm with that act. This was nothing more than a bit of fun.”

This guy’s idea of fun is warped, Steve thought before retracting his claws. Still, it’s best not to provoke this guy into changing him into anything worse.

“That’s better,” the stranger said, and he gave out an unusual foxy smile that somehow suited him. “I should introduce myself properly, Steve, but first, let me see my idol.”

Steve blinked, and the cat figure flew over his head, with the stranger catching it. He turned around and saw no one else but the two of them. His eyes widened, now with serious proof that this guy is some kind of wizard, and he looked back at the stranger.

“Hmm. I see. So, he gave you a half-snide wish, and you granted it by giving him exactly what he asked for,” the wizard said, and he shook his head. “Of course. While I know he doesn’t think things through, you could’ve just given him a warning. Then again, given that you’re somewhat based on me, I may have done something similar.” He looked at the lion, who’s looking back with half-closed eyes. “Sorry. Apparently, my test creation still needed to learn something called tact in the face of snark. But I’m sorry, my friend. I should’ve told you who I am sooner.

“My name is Glorfindel,” the stranger said, and the lion’s eyes widened. “As you can tell, I am a mage. A kitsune mage, to be exact. I’ve been expanding out my knowledge among the arts of magic, though my specialty is metamorphosis and transformation. I also like to test out my magic with others and on myself.”

Steve looked over at the laptop and back at Glorfindel.

“Yes, I am the same Glorfindel,” He said before he laughed. “Did you honestly think that I just couldn’t turn off role-playing? I was honest the whole time.

“Still,” Glorfindel said as he walked over to the lion and petted his mane, “I can tell you aren’t entirely happy with this. If you want me to, I can change you back. Or I could give you an ability to shift forms between a human, feral lion, and anthro lion. Or I could turn you into an anthro lion. Or I could keep you like this but with a lion’s instincts. It’s your choice.”

Steve thought about it and nodded.

Writer's Guild / A Big Braixen Problem - A Tails230 Commission
« on: July 31, 2020, 08:36:02 PM »
. . . Whoops. I forgot to share this story here. XD

In any case, here is the official second commission story I did, this time for Tails230. This time a macro theme story about how a Braixen recovering from a sickness got a Dynamax Serum instead of an energy booster.

To begin this explanation, when I started to write this story, I didn't plan on it being a part of The Pokémon Prometheus universe. It was expected to be its own thing. But, as I continued to write it down, it made too much sense for it to take place within the same verse, so I did by the halfway point. It also allowed me to put up hints as to how The Pokémon Prometheus 2 will proceed when I finally completed that story.

In any case, enjoy it!

By Tails230's request, June's name has been changed to Helia.


Helia the Braixen sat down on a bed with a replaceable paper covering as she breathed in and out, her breathing much more comfortable than the previous week. Her white hand-paws rubbed against her white chest, extra fluffy with a mane, while her black legs wiggled from side to side, not touching the floor. Her right arm then moved down to her vast yellow fur down the waist, almost like a skirt, while her yellow ears twitched, and the thick, dark orange turf of fur extending from within wiggled with the ear.

The Braixen gave out a soft sigh to no one within this sterile room, and she flinched, recalling how painful her past week was during her stay within the Kleptifux General Hospital. Of course, the pain only began the morning before her visit when she woke up with a fever. Despite also having pain within her chest’s right side, within the ribcage, she didn’t think it was much more severe than the flu. But the pain increased in intensity, making it harder for her to breathe. But much more troubling to her was how her strength declined as the day continued onward. Although the flu would make her more tired, this sickness was strong enough that she couldn’t walk farther than a few steps when even the flu wouldn’t drain her that bad.

She at least had the sense to realize that whatever she got, it was much more severe, and she contacted her town’s hospital through the new electronic phone system and asked to be taken there. Within half an hour after she made that call, she was surrounded by Chansey and Audino at the medical center while on a wheelchair and bed, carrying her and doing various tests with tech created by the Pokémon of Kucheat town. Another hour passed and, after all the tests (including a fever check and x-ray), she was diagnosed with pneumonia. Upon this discovery, she immediately got various tubes attached to her body, pumping her with antiviral, pain killers, and energy boosters, with orders that she must stay here for a few days or so.

She couldn’t remember much about her stay within this hospital other than the pain she endured, despite the pain killers injected into her body. Even sleeping felt like having a rock weighting down her lungs, making it almost impossible to sleep no matter how much she wants to. Still, since yesterday her breathing became far more relaxed, and her energy became overflowing rather than draining thanks to the energy boosters. And this morning, her breath turned back to normal without all of the pain within her lung.

And yet, she couldn’t help but winced whenever she thought about the Poké she needed to pay to the hospital. The tech brought from Kucheat town was expensive at outrageous prices and they needed a way to pay for it all.

The door then swung opened and a Pokémon stepped in, only a few inches taller than the Braixen herself. This pink and cream Pokémon (though the pink was washed out due to his age), with the pink reminding Helia of a lab coat, gave out a kind smile as he rubbed his ear extension with his right paw-hand and leaned against his walking stick with his left. The elderly Pokémon approached the yellow, white, and black Pokémon patted her leg before walking to the dark chair. He pressed a button on it, which lowered, and he sat on it with it extending upwards again until his head was leveled with Helia.

“How are you feeling, Helia?” the Audino asked, taking hold of her arm and pressing his ear extension below the back of her hand-paw.

“Never better, Dr. Swift,” Helia answered as she tilted her head. “Though I think you’re checking the wrong side of my arm, sir.”

“Hmm?” Dr. Swift said, and he looked at her hand-paw. “So, I was.” He then turned his arm over and pressed his ear extension against the other side of her arm. “Now, I can hear your heart better. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Helia said as she twitched one of her foot-paws. Though she doesn’t dislike her doctor, with him taking care of her since she was a Fennekin, the Braixen was surprised since she got in how bad his vision got since last time she met him. From his comments, he was at least color blind and he had a hard time seeing past his nose. Part of her wished that he would take the hint his body is telling him that he should retire while the other part felt pity for him.

“I sensed that your chest has returned mostly to normal,” Dr. Swift said, moving his ear extension up and down her arm. “Much of the fluids within your lung is gone. Your heartbeats have returned to its normal state. And your emotional state shows a healthier feel. Though I suggest that you stop feeling sorry for me. I’m not done with this job just yet.”

“Um, OK,” Helia said. Although Dr. Swift may not be able to see as clearly as he did years ago, his ‘stethoscopes’ was accurate as ever. “Will I be able to head home now?”

“I believe you can head home today,” the Audino said with a smile. “But, just in case, we’ll inject you with one last energy booster and we’ll let you go.” Dr. Swift pressed the button and the chair lowered itself before he hopped off. He then half-limped towards the door, only looking back once. “Don’t go anywhere, Helia.”

“I won’t,” Helia said and watched as Dr. Swift walked through the door frame and the door closed right behind him. She then emitted a sigh before she looked to her right. There, right on top of a black desk, was an envelope with her name attached to it. Though she hadn’t opened it, she guessed that it was the bill for her stay here and with a high chance of being up to 70,000 Poké. Her green eyes then looked up, wondering how she would be able to pay for such a bill without being in debt by the end of the decade, and sighed again. “Such rotten luck.”

The door opened in front of her again and she looked back, seeing the Audino walking in and carrying a syringe. She gave off a soft smile before she tilted her head, her green eyes looking at the contents of the needle. Of course, being injected with energy boosters for the past week made her believe that she knew what they looked like, with it being transparent with a slight whiteish color. And yet, this energy booster has a crimson color with a slight purple glow.

“Um, Doctor?” Helia said as Dr. Swift hopped back onto the chair and it raised up to her. “Did this hospital just created a new kind of energy booster, or did you get the wrong one?”

“Huh? It still looks like an energy booster to me,” Dr. Swift said as he swiveled the chair to a small extended table and picked up a swab. He dipped it in a liquid before turning towards Helia. “Your arm, please.”

Helia looked at the syringe some more as she emitted a blush and her heartbeats quickened to the point of feeling some pain there. Almost on instinct, she moved one of her arms to her tailed and grabbed her ‘wand.’ The Braixen then opened her jaw and closed it on the stick, trying to calm her nerves.

“I know that you don’t like needles, but it’ll be the last time until your next stay, which I hope will be a long time,” Dr. Swift said with a shrug. “We do feel that you’ll need this energy booster before you can leave. So, please make it easier for all of us.”

Helia nodded and, against all of her instincts and fear, she extended her left arm to Dr. Swift.

Dr. Swift smiled before rubbing the swab against a bit of Helia’s arm, with it feeling calm and yet burning to the Braixen. The doctor then pierced the needle into her arm as the Braixen winced, biting tight onto her stick, and the contents were injected. The yellow, white, and black Pokémon shivered, sensing the materials flowing through her veins and into her heart and yet not being that much different than the standard energy booster. However, for some reason that she couldn’t explain, there was something intense about that injection.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” the Audino said before spinning the chair around until his eyes saw a bandage box. The pale pink and white Pokémon then pulled out a bandage and applied it onto her arm with a kind smile. “OK. I’ll notify the front desk that you’re clear to go.”

The BRaixen nodded and, as she placed her stick back on her tail, watched as the Audino lowered the chair and hopped off of it before walking towards a blocky phone attached to the wall. The doctor then pulled it from the wall and, after pressing some buttons, he applied it against his ear. He spoke some words to the other side, but Helia wasn’t paying attention; her focus shifted to her fur sticking up as she felt something cold flowing through her body. What was it that her almost blind doctor injected into her?

“OK,” Dr. Swift said as he hung up the phone and turned back towards Helia. “The front desk is now aware that you’re leaving. I’ll take you there and-” The Audino paused, tilting his head at the yellow, white, and black Pokémon. “Have you just evolved? You looked bigger than normal.”

Helia blinked as she looked down at the floor, now seeing her feet-paws much closer to the floor than a minute ago. She then turned up at the ceiling and her eyes widened, with it also much closer to her head. Her jaw dropped, stunned that she was much bigger just as her doctor said, but she hasn’t evolved. What was going on?

“Dr. Swift?” a female voice said from outside the door as both Braixen and Audino looked at it. “What did you do with that syringe? You KNOW that we aren’t supposed to use it until we can verify what that Ninetales said about it is true! We can’t just lose something as experimental as-”

The door swung open and a green and white Pokémon stepped in before freezing at the sight of Helia. Although she was a tall Pokémon at 5’3” in comparison to a Braixen’s 3’3”, Helia had doubled in size by that point. The newcomer’s blue eye, one always covered by her green bang, then looked back and forth between Helia and Dr. Swift as she rubbed her front red fin-like horn with one of her hands.

“Oh, so it wasn’t just a dream I had. Just as I feared,” the Gardevoir said in a calm voice before glaring at the Audino. “You idiot! Do you realize what you just did?!”

“Um, I thought I had unintentionally evolved my patient with an energy booster,” he said before he squinted his eyes at the ten feet tall blushing Helia. “Although, I didn’t think a Delphox could get that big and I thought there was a darker color of gray down the waist instead of black.”

“Doctor, you just injected her with the full contents of that Dynamax Serum that Ninetales gave us!” the Gardevoir said in a loud and angry voice.

Dr. Swift blinked at the words as Helia winced, feeling her ear turf of dark orange fur brushing against the ceiling and the bed she sat on cracking under the weight. The bed then broke in half with her sliding off, the landing giving the room a slight shook, as the twelve feet Braixen blushed red on the cheeks.

“Oh,” Dr. Swift said with a quiet voice.

“We need to get her out of here now!” the Gardevoir said as she grabbed one of the Braixen’s hand-paw. “Can you move?”

Helia nodded as she got down to her knees and the floor cracking underneath the growing fire-type. Her hand felt a tug from the Gardevoir as she followed the green and white Pokémon on her knees, her cheeks blushing brighter than before. Her arm and head squeezed through the doorframe, despite her dark orange ear turfs felt tight when going through before her hips got stuck at the frame. While contrary to what some Pokémon expected in how Braixen’s hips looked, they were smaller than what their fur suggested, and yet she grew just enough for it to get stuck.

“Don’t worry about not damaging the door!” the Gardevoir said as she pulled Helia’s arm harder. “You’ll do far greater damage if you stay and that can harm the other patients here. Just force your way out!”

Helia nodded, bright red on the face, and pushed her legs from within, snapping the doorframe off with her. The frame remaining on her waists creaked as she continued to grow, going up to fifteen feet tall and the ground making snapping sounds below her knees. Some Pokémon stepped out of various rooms with their ears twitching and, seeing a growing Braixen before them, either screamed, ran out as fast as possible, or both. Helia winced as her ears wiggled, lowering herself, so she was on all four when even on her knees, her head brushed against the ceiling. The ground shook, with the entire center wiggling, as the Braixen gritted her teeth and followed the green and white Pokémon. The seconds passed, and her green eyes soon saw a glass door before as the Gardevoir grinned, with the doorframe on Helia’s waist giving up and snapping off.

“Looks like we can get you out in time after all,” the Gardevoir said as she turned back at the twenty-five feet tall Braixen and stepped aside. “Get out before you get too large.”

Helia nodded and crawled towards the glass doors before stopping, with even her back pressing up against the ceiling. Her face became dark blue before she lay down and, with sweat forming on her head, her green eyes half squinting, and her teeth shut tight, swung her arm ahead and dug deep into the floor. The Braixen then pulled herself forward and, with another arm swing, slammed through the floor and pulled closer to the doors. Her heartbeats banged against her chest, and yet she saw just how close she was at getting out. Just one last-

The entire entrance room rumbled.

The yellow, white, and black Pokémon blinked as she felt her head and back wedged between the ceiling and floor, leaving her stuck. Her face flushed of all colors as her eyes widened, noticing how much faster she was growing at this rate since she just passed by the forty feet mark and the realization struck her. There’s no chance of getting out of here without doing some severe damage to the entire room and everything around it. Her eyes looked ahead at the glass doors, only a mere ten feet away, while her ears and tail vibrated and sweat poured out from her head.

“Oh sweet Arceus,” she heard the Gardevoir said behind her. “Your ears and tail are growing!”

Helia blinked as she shifted her eyes at one of her ears and they widened. Though her Pokémon line was well known for having huge ears, her ears were expanding in size as well, separate from the rest of her body’s growth. And if her ears were growing, then perhaps her tail was also given what was said. Her jaw widened, which caused her head to pierced up through the ceiling.

“Don’t worry about how the entrance looks!” a loud voice from a lady said. “Pull yourself out before this entire center falls down on everyone!”

“O-Ok,” Helia said through gritted teeth and, smashing through various chairs and glass, her hand-paw broke through the double glass door entrance. Her hand-paw then clawed down at the hard ground and, with a massive pull and eyes closed, her head crushed through everything smaller than her. A second passed and her head exited the building.

She opened her eyes as she let out a massive gasp, the building behind her rumbling while her body surpassed the sixty feet mark. Then, with another lunged with her outside arm, her hand grabbed against the brick ground and pulled herself, getting her other arm, chest, and waist out from the medical center. Her arms then pushed herself upwards, moving her legs out from the building, and she blushed, her tail still stuck from within. She then grabbed her rear and gave a mighty pull, with it making the enlarged entranceway even more extensive, and she gasped at the sight of her tail.

“W-what is happening to me?!” Helia said, with her loud voice making the surrounding area vibrating. “What do my tail and ears grew far larger?!”

The Braixen blushed at her tail, with it already doubled in size before she shifted her eyes at her ears and rubbed them with her hand-paws. Her large ears had also grown at the same rate as her tail and she gasped, with her looking back at what remained of the hospital’s entranceway. Her eyes then looked at the four-story tall hospital and, despite some cracks on the walls, still stood, her face turned dark blue with shame.

“I got to get out of here!” Helia said and she spun around, her tail knocking down several trees below her like they were mere toys. Her legs then broke out into a run, with every step causing the ground to shake, as she continued to grow with her height passing by the eighty feet mark. Her ears bobbed up and down as they heard someone crying out behind her, but she ignored the voice, determined to get away from the town.


The town of Kleptifux was a peaceful place, with a rare bit of his behind it in comparison to most populated towns and cities in this world. While most areas populated by Pokémon were well known for either being based on or even build because of a giant Pokémon, Kleptifux doesn’t have one. The isolated location with a steep mountainside at many angles and a harsh sea at its remaining side made it difficult for even huge Pokémon to travel through and from. It wasn’t until this century that travel became possible and profitable thanks to plenty of Tyranitar opening the way over the centuries, even it was still rough. It was because of this isolated state that Kucheat town, from another continent, was willing to open trade with advanced anthro tech to them in comparison to all other places even within its own mainland. Even then, the prices from Kucheat were massive enough that few Pokémon bothered to buy from them.

However, for the first time in its history, a macro Pokémon walked within its grounds.

The ground rumbled as a giant Braixen walked the road, already at a hundred- and fifty-feet mark with houses smaller than her paws. Despite her size, she thought that getting out would be a breeze considering how few Pokémon travel in the middle of the day. And yet, her eyes widened at a mass of Pokémon lineup in the middle of the road, with them looking up at the massive Pokémon huger ears and tail. Her paws shifted as she went down to another path, only to find another group of Pokémon in her way. The yellow, white, and black Pokémon looked around, sometimes spinning and knocking down a couple of houses with her tail as her body grew more. She blushed as her tail’s destruction as she gave out a yelp before walking away again, only for her to emit a gasp when she saw far smaller Pokémon avoiding her massive paw.

“W-why are there so many Pokémon in my way?” Helia asked herself, with tears forming in her eyes. “I just want to get out of town!”

The ground shook and broke under Helia’s feet-paws, forming a pawprint, as she twisted them and looked down another street and walked there. Yet, another mass of Pokémon was there, all gasping up at the enormous fire-type Pokémon. She blushed loads more as she placed her hand-paw on her hips and walked away, leaving behind large prints. But there was another large group there at the other end, with the Pokémon becoming more like dots to the two hundred feet tall Braixen. Because of that, her feet-paws halfway lowered upon a pack of Poochyena before pausing and, realizing what they were, moved her foot-paw away and crushed a tree, her face paling.

“P-please, get away!” Helia said in a loud voice, rumbling the building around her. “I need to get out!”


The Braixen blinked before she looked to her left, her green eyes spotting a Dragonite with a large bag (a red plus sign painted onto it) flying towards her. She tilted her head before she saw a Gardevoir on the pear-shaped Pokémon and her mind flashed back to the hospital she left not too long afterward.

“It’s you,” Helia said.

“Follow me,” the Gardevoir said when the Dragonite hovered ten feet away from the Braixen’s nose.

“To where?” Helia asked, looking down at the ground and spotting the Pokémon dots below her. “There’s so many Pokémon in the way and I don’t wish to hurt anyone.”

“Trust me,” the Gardevoir replied, and she patted the Dragonite’s neck. The Dragonite nodded and flew away, with the green and white Pokémon still looking back at the two hundred- and thirty-feet tall Pokémon.

Helia’s face turned white as she shifted her sights between the two Pokémon in the air and the ground below her. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, stepping over the buildings with her tail raised up, with each pawprints becoming more substantial with every step. And yet, to her amazement, the path the other Pokémon gave her had far fewer Pokémon in the way. A minute of walking and an extra seventy feet passed before she managed to leave her town.

The mountains before the Braixen were huge, each one at around 25,000 feet tall with a massive amount of snow on top of them. She blushed at the sudden cold breeze brushing against her fur, with her rubbing her arms. She then sighed before she walked a few more steps and sat on a mountainside, with it cracking against her back.

“Whew,” Helia said as she rubbed her eyes and grabbed her stick, which grew with her. “I got out. And it seems like I stopped growing.” She then raised her head and her green eyes saw the Dragonite hovering above before lowering and landing on her yellow muzzle. “Thank you.”

The Gardevoir got off the Dragonite’s back and got down on her knees. “I’m deeply sorry for the mix-up. We knew Dr. Swift had been losing his vision, but his pride resisted all attempts at asking him to retire. As a result, we’ve been shifting him from area to area where his vison problems wouldn’t be an issue at that time. But his sight sharply declined as of late and, if I had realized far sooner, I would’ve forced him to retire.”

Helia gave out a slight nod as she rubbed her stick. “That I can tell. It’s been years since I last saw him and I realized just how bad it got when I began my stay at the hospital. He kept mixing up which side of my arm is the palm side. What will happen to him now?”

“Now?” the Gardevoir said as she got up and rubbed her chin. “He had been one of the best doctors of our hospital, but given on what he unintentionally causes, the best case for him is being fired while forced to pay for every damage caused by injecting you with Dynamax Serum.”

Helia’s face paled. “And will I-”

“I’ll make sure you don’t have to pay a single Poké,” the green and white Pokémon answered. “Heck, after all you went through, I’ll forgive even the medical bills in your account for your week-long trip.”

“You can do that?” the giant Braixen asked, her eyes widening.

“Yes. I am the chief physical of the Kleptifux General Hospital, after all,” the Gardevoir replied with a grin and a shrug. “My name is Dr. Bell.”

Helia blinked. “You’re THE Dr. Bell?! That famous physician who solved famous cases like that Drednaw by just looking at him? No one would want to go near them when they’re in an angry mood.”

“The one and only,” Dr. Bell answered with a bow. “I didn’t go near him either, but I didn’t need to since it was quite simple. Given how he limits his neck movements, it suggests to me that he sprained his neck. Of course, given how he was unsuited for the job he did, it was only a matter of time. I told him to change careers for his own health.”

“Yeah, I heard about it,” Helia said, recalling that the Drednaw, as reported, was working as a spotter for incoming Dragonite, which required him to stretch up his neck for hours at a time. “I guess he told you about his job.”

“Not directly,” Dr. Bell said with a wink. “It was his front legs that told me. They showed some signs of fatigue, like he has been forcing himself to look upwards.”

Helia stared at the Gardevoir for a few seconds in wonder before a question popped into her head. “In any case, how did you know where to direct me? There were crowds of Pokémon wherever I go and I was so afraid of just stomping through.”

“To be honest, I kind of expected that this might happened,” Dr. Bell answered with a red blush. “I had a dream last night where I was flying on our standby Dragonite for emergency transport,” she gestured to the pear-shaped dragon who grinned, “flying towards a giant Braixen with enormous ears and tail. When I woke up, I didn’t think much about it until I recall that we have that Dynamax Serum and a Braixen resting in the hospital. We Gardevoir can see into the future after all.

“When I realized the solid possibility that this might occur, I contacted the police chief and warned him that we might have a giant Braixen rampage. He initially laughed it off, even pointing out that we haven’t got the ability to Dynamax for over a thousand years when the anthros disappeared. It took me a while until he at least agreed to set up psychic barriers where Pokémon will be prevented from traveling through unless they were large enough. When I got back to the hospital after I observed the barriers set up and I saw the missing Dynamax Serum right next to an energy booster, I sensed that something has gone wrong. If I had got there quicker, maybe this could’ve been avoided.”

“Oh,” Helia said, slightly blush as she gnawed against her stick and rubbed her hand-paw against a tree, almost grass-like to her. Still, it explained why there was an unusual amount of Pokémon in the way. Their route must have been diverted due to the sudden barriers set up. “Still, I looked so weird with such huge ears and tail. Why did that happen?”

“Honestly, I’m not sure,” Dr. Bell answered as she tilted her head and rubbed her chin. “While I can observe even the little things that could give me a clue for sickness and whatnot, I still need the facts and evidence to get to that answer. And we know very little about Dynamaxing. I heard there was a variation called Gigantamax and even then, the changes described are far more dramatic than what you endured.”

“Thanks,” the massive Braixen said as she gnawed onto her stick harder. “How long will I be like this?”

“Hmm,” Dr. Bell replied as she shook her head. “The one who gave it to us said that it’ll last up to two days for just a fifth of the serum and you got the whole thing. Hopefully, it’ll still be as long and maybe your ears and tail will return to normal.”

Helia shifted her eyes as her back felt sore against the craggy mountainside. “Great. Just great.”

“Once again, from the bottom of my heart, I apologize for what you endure because of our mistake.” Dr. Bell got to her knees again and patted the yellow muzzle. “I’ll make sure your time as a huge Pokémon will be as comfortable as possible.”

Helia stared at the Gardevoir’s blue eyes and gave a small smile. “Alright.”

-----Two Weeks Later-----

Despite the damages done to the town through tail smashing, foot-paw stepping, and outgrowing, the repairs turned out to be far quicker than expected. The mayor of Kleptifux got into contact with Kucheat town for some assistance for reconstruction, despite the outrageous prices they give. But, to her surprised, Kucheat gave them all the supplies and equipment needed for a fraction of the cost. When asked why it was so cheap all of a sudden, the Pokémon of Kucheat evaded giving out an answer. Despite that, one of the deliveries Dragonite explained that Kucheat town suffered from a massive attack as well just days prior and was trying to get all of the assistance needed to rebuild. Even if it meant forgoing their usual prices and restrictions.

Helia walked down to the Kleptifux General Hospital, her massive ears bobbing up and down with every foot-paw step. She looked back at her just as massive tail and its own companion at a similar size with its own stick. The two-tailed Braixen turned forward at the new glass doors as she gave out slight blush from the Pokémon like a Nickit looking up at the five feet tall fire-type Pokémon with confusion.

The glass doors slid opened and, some feet away, stood a bit taller Gardevoir with her looking at Helia with amazement.

“Still not normal,” Dr. Bell said as her eyes skimmed up and down the Braixen. “And I see you have a new tail as well.”

“Yeah,” Helia said with a high tone. “I just woke up this morning with a new tail and ‘wand’ for some reason. Might had something to do with that blasted serum given to me two weeks ago.”

“Even though it had worn off four days ago? Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because of some residual effect,” the green and white Pokémon said as she walked around the tall Braixen, her hips swaying. “In fact, I’ve been thinking about that time when we got that Dynamax Serum, and the more I think about it, the more unusual the whole thing became that I didn’t think about.”

“What do you mean?” Helia asked as she placed a hand-paw on her hip.

“To explain, it was given to us by a Ninetales with unusual blue eyes,” Dr. Bell explained as her eyes pointed upwards. “Said that he created a new serum that he thought might interest us and that he can trust us with it. I admit that I didn’t take his claims seriously about him creating a serum that simulates a Dynamax effect until I had that dream. I also thought that it was odd that I couldn’t sense his thoughts or emotions, even if I tried to. He seemed to be aware of what I did, and he kindly asked me not to probe into his mind any further. Plus, there was a sketchy feel around his body, almost like he was hiding.”

“A Zoroark, perhaps?” Helia said as she tilted her head, one of her ears bending downwards.

“Maybe, but even then, I could see through an Illusion soon enough and this one I was unable to.” Dr. Bell closed her eyes. “The most I could sense was a color for some reason. Green. Even though he looks like a normal golden-white Ninetales, I sensed the color green behind it.”

“Huh,” Helia said before she stretched her arms above her head. “Did he leave you a name at least?”

“Yes. Glorfindel is what he calls himself,” the Gardevoir answered before she shrugged. “In any case, shall we check you over and see if there’s anything else off with your body?”

Helia smiled. “Of course.”

Here is another commission request I got from Aleph, this one being a sequel to Daren and the Temple of Pancakes. Of course, outside of some nods, it should still make sense even if you didn't read the first one. It was also a bit of a struggle to write it down since I write the rough draft on my laptop at work and things like to mess with me this month (getting kicked out of conference/training room because an employee came in sick and had to be 'quarantine' until her ride takes her home, having the room taken over by a manager meeting of some sort, trouble connecting to the building's internet, etc.). So, it was kind of cathartic that I completed the final draft this morning just before work.

In any case, enjoy!


The afternoon light shined down upon a longsword as it struck down upon an anthro tiger. His yellow eyes were wide as his life left his body, yet not a drop of blood was dropped. The two anthro foxes, one red and the other slivery black with blue hair and silver highlights, stood before the fallen tiger with their weapons held tight.

The red fox kneeled at the tiger and the device he was holding to his death, its red lights flickering as it emitted sparks. The machine flashed and made some screeching sounds for several seconds before stopping, and the lights faded into darkness. The red fox looked up at the silver vixen, her wielding a longbow with glowing blue lines on it and her face sad.

“Another Nex Mutatio down,” the silver vixen said as the bow morphed into water and faded into her chest, where her heart is. “Yet, not without a cost. How many more of these machines exist throughout the multiverse, Daren?”

“I do not know, Zelda,” Daren replied as he stood up, with his longsword bursting into flames and fading into his chest as well. “The TF can only sense them when they activate, so I can bet that the number is far higher than what the systems show. Still, this is the only way we can find Fear.”

“Yes. Only then will this endless cycle of his corruption will stop,” Zelda said before she shook her head, her silver highlights within her hair looking as if they glowed in the sun. “Still, this is a downer way to end this day, isn’t it? And besides, you said that you came here to this universe before, and it was one of the more fun ones, right?”

“Oh, yeah,” Daren answered as he rubbed the back of his head.

It was only just a month ago since he was here for a week-long vacation, Daren noted in his head. This universe was one of the strangest ones he ever came to during his lifespan. It was one where the universe’s physics are akin to toony physics frequently seen in cartoons, like flattening someone, stretching them out, or even filling them up with breath air and watching them float away. Yet, they all turn out alright. There might be other differences between their original universe and this one, but it was only a weeklong stay, and the red fox was only there for a break, not for research.

Although he did have a flattening experience near the end of that trip.

Though he might be a denizen from another universe, with far different reality rules, Daren and Zelda’s Athrú biology allowed them to temporarily obey the rules of other worlds as long as they stay there. Of course, that also meant that they couldn’t use their own origin universe’s laws as a means to bypass any other universes’ laws even if they disagree. It also means that, if they found themselves in a magicless world, their own magical abilities will be limited to a few things. At least it kept Daren alive when he got flattened up as thin as paper right when that vacation ended.

It was during that time where Zelda had him go for weekly vacations in other universes with the help of the TF. He didn’t think he needed it, but she insisted, and the points she brought up about how the previous year went for him were hard to argue against. When the points involved a stressful year with his left arm and their first ‘vacation’ after his arm got cured morphed into a three month long stay in a war, it’s difficult to debate against a break of any kind.

The red fox turned to where the tiger lay and wasn’t surprised to see his body gone, with only the destroyed device remaining. “What do you suggest we do as long as we’re here in this world? Especially as long as the sun is up before we leave.”

Zelda’s lips curled into a foxy grin. “I suggest having as much fun as we can.”

Daren blinked as he looked back at Zelda. “Um, Zelda? Did you just-”

But the silver fox has turned and jogged away by that point, her hair bobbing with every step. He stood there, dumbfounded, for several seconds while his ears flattened back and his mouth crooked. The thought of running after her only crossed his mind after she disappeared from sight.

She must be sick, Daren thought while his eyes shook, with his head looking down at the wrecked Nex Mutatio. This isn’t like her at all. Zelda wouldn’t just run off and explore without having some form of reservation about *anything*. If anything, this is something HE would do while she brought up a list about everything that could go wrong, most of them being correct.

Daren then shook his head. His knees bend down as his eyes focused on the path ahead, where she went off to. His feet paws went off to a sprint-

-and he felt a sudden force crashing onto his back.

“What the?!”

Daren stumbled forward as he crashed down onto the ground, face first. His ears twitched, and his tail fluffed up as he lifted his head off from the ground, no longer seeing dirt and grass since the fall. His eyes flinched as he shifted his limbs, feeling that the object behind him pinning them close to his sides. Daren blinked, feeling a sign of a shirt on that entity and realizing that it was an anthro.



Daren’s ears flickered as his eyes half-closed. “Aleph, is that you?”

The red fox heard a hum that sounded like a ‘yes,’ as his arms got released from that massive glomp. He sighed as he pressed his hands against the ground and pushed himself up, with the light blue wolf still half-hugging him and rubbing his back. Despite the awkward feeling and sudden meeting, Daren couldn’t help but laugh as he got back on his feet-paws and, twisting around, rubbed the wolf’s head.

Aleph soon let go of the red fox, with his arms and hands pressed together while the light blue shook with an eagerness that Daren doubted that anything could calm. This toony wolf, who Daren helped during the tail end of that vacation trip back last month and, by accident, caused his first and (so far) only flattening in this universe, stood before him, with his silver-grey tail tipped with the same light blue wagging behind him. His paws, plantigrades to contrast with Daren’s digitigrades paws, wore no shoes while his blue jeans brushed against the heels. Though Daren did notice one significant change since his last visit: the type of shirt he wore since they last met.

“I see that you’re wearing the Hawaiian shirt I gave you,” Daren said with a laugh, with the light blue wolf blushing.

“Yup! It's just so soft and amazing!” Aleph said as he rubbed the red with white tropical flowers button-up shirt with his hands. He gave out a wide grin as his tail wagged faster. “And I see that you got another version of that shirt as well!”

Daren nodded, looking at his own red aloha shirt, which hung open over his green shirt. “It’s a style that I love as well. Though I must say, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Aleph nodded back as he grinning, pressing his hands against his hips. “Maf. I like to explore around the world, meet new people, and find new treasures. In fact, I heard that there was some sort of old device around in this area.” Aleph leaned to the side and looked behind Daren. “In fact, that object over there fits the report that I got.”

“Huh?!” Daren said as he turned around, only seeing the Nex Mutatio on the ground, slashed opened by his sword.

“Yup. I read somewhere that it was some kind of device that was once used by a line of rulers long ago, though it also said that they all went mad in various ways,” Aleph said as he walked past Daren and leaned over to the gutted machine. “Not to mention how they always led their regions to ruin by attacking a country far bigger and more powerful than them. I head that it was around here within one of these ruins, but it looked like someone destroyed it. I wonder why?”

Daren blinked as he felt a chill running through his back and the realization of what Aleph was talking about sets in. Of course, it’s natural that a megalomaniac would go insane and try to fight against someone far more powerful than themselves. Especially if they have some sort of secret tech or power that would give them an advantage. But it’s doubtful that history here ever realized that it was due to this Nex Mutatio for causing the rise and falls of rulers, with that tiger from before being the final in that line.

The fox swallowed as he shook his head, trying to think hard on what to say. He doesn’t wish to tell the wolf about his life story, which could fill several books, about his experiences with the Nex Mutatio, their creator, and the means to find them throughout the multiverse. It wasn’t just that it would be so long, but he doesn’t wish to darken his dear young friend with his bloody history filled with regrets and shame.

Aleph turned back at the red fox with a kind smile. “Though, given on how all of their owners got a bad end, I think it might be best that it did get destroyed. Must be some form of jinx, right?”

“Yeah, it was likely best that it got destroyed,” Daren said as he sighed in the inside.

“But that wasn’t the only reason why I came here,” Aleph said as his tail wagged some more. “You see, I heard that there were a couple of temples around here! I was going to explore them one at the time on my own, but now that I met you here, perhaps you can come with me!”

“Oh?” Daren said before his gaze turned to where Zelda had run off to. He felt a tug to follow her, to understand what caused her to explore this world on her own. It wasn’t like her at all to pull that kind of stunt.

And yet, he couldn’t leave Aleph here to explore those temples alone. And besides, he knew Zelda long enough to know that, whatever she encounters, she will be able to handle it herself.

“Sure. I can come,” Daren said with a strained grin.

“Yay! Thank you!” Aleph leaped up and down several times before he pounced Daren by the chest, with the red fox stumbling back while holding up the wolf.

“You’re welcome,” Daren said as he looked at Aleph’s yellow eyes and rubbed his ears. “Just one thing we’ll need to get before we go out to explore those temples.”


“Nice that you thought of getting an air tank before I did,” Aleph said, his tail wagging behind him. “Much like last time!”

Daren gave out a slight grin, patting the large air tank that he brought as a detour before coming to this temple. Even without firsthand knowledge on how Aleph got flattened so much during the last trip, so much that they ran out of air from a similar-sized tank, he would’ve thought it was a good idea. After all, hours ago, both Daren and Zelda encountered a huge Absol, at around 200 feet tall, with a green bandana and yellow eyes. This Absol didn’t seem to notice the two puny anthros as she stepped on some and knocked down other trees along the way. The trees themselves were either shattered into toothpicks or were flattened like a pancake. At least there were cabling around the area with a sign put up, indicating that a pathway was being made. Daren himself winced at the sight, the intro to what kind of universe they found themselves into, while Zelda right beside him had an odd expression on her face at the time.

“Much like last time,” Daren said as his head turned towards the temple. “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

The temple right ahead of them stood at around 150 feet tall and about in a square, with ramps that evened out four times before they reached the top, though sloped in a way that made it difficult to climb up that way. The vines gripped against the pillars and walls tight, with cracks forming on them, as the doors ahead of them were some form of worn and yet sturdy stone, a different, darker shade of red to the temple’s walls. Even with the walls and the ceiling, those double doors remained as the least worn-down part of that temple.

Daren walked towards it before he pressed his hands against one of the two doors, applying force against it. The feet-paws dug deep into the ground as he pushed harder against the door, but it remained as is. His sea-blue eyes looked up at the door and ceiling above it, seeing only the top bits of what looked like symbols, or perhaps numbers, but his head turned down as the fox pressed more against the stubborn door. Half a minute pass of pushing and shoving before he stepped back, his arms sweaty along with his brow.

“Whew,” the red fox said as he shook his head, knocking away several drops of sweat off. “That there is heavy and sturdy. I wonder how those people of old could even move them.” His toes then flexed along with his feet-paws, with bone cracks emitting from them. “In any case-”

“It’s because the ceiling above it is holding down against the doors, keeping it in place,” Aleph said, his yellow eyes closed as his arms motioned ahead of him. “There’s also a device on that ceiling that makes sure that it doesn’t shatter the doors, but I’m not sure if it was due to worn down or because they set it up like that that it won’t release the doors. In any case, they saw little reason to undo it, so they must have decided to left it there.”

“Huh? How could you-” Daren asked as he turned towards Aleph, but stopped when he saw the wolf with his eyes closed and his hands holding onto some kind of blue and black fire that glowed. A memory was triggered in his head, remembering his last visit to this universe, as it helped answered his question. “Sorry. I forgot that you can use Aura.”

“It’s no big deal,” Aleph said as the ‘flames’ faded away, and his eyes opened, his eyes glowing blue for a second before returning to his normal yellow. “Still, that does leave us with the doors there that still need to be open.”

“Yeah,” Daren said as he turned towards the doors, his right leg feeling a sudden burst of energy. “As I was saying, I think it’s best to smash them down.”

“Yup. Maf,” Aleph said as he gave out a grin, pressed his right fist against his left palm, and cracked his fingers. “And I know just how to do it.”

“Huh?” Daren said as his head turned back at the smaller wolf, the energy burst within his legs fading. “Are you going to use an Aura Sphere?”

Aleph doesn’t answer as his eyes closed tight, his grin growing wider as his feet-paws dug into the ground. Daren tilted his head, one of his eyes half-closing, while an ear flattened to the side. He then opened his mouth again, only for the words to get caught in his throat as his eyes widened.

The light blue wolf before him, who was only a foot and a half shorter than Daren, grew to around Daren’s own height in a second. And yet, his growth hasn’t stopped as the red fox noticed other changes going on with the wolf’s body. His muscles, once just as thin as Daren’s own muscles, being mere skin and bones, expanded and pumped up. His pecks grew and widened up, with the aloha shirt popping open without losing a single button, as his abs became thick and defined. His arms thickened up with muscles along with his neck and back, with them looking as if a rifle meant to pierce tanks would have its bullets bounce off of him. His legs, once small and thin, expanded in size with the pants stretching out to fit the wolf’s new size.

Soon enough, Aleph stood before Daren at around nine feet tall, with the winds blowing the Hawaiian shirt as if it was a cape. The red fox took a step back, his eyes wide and his ears stood up and alert, as the massive wolf took a step towards the door, the ground forming paw-like craters with every step. The muscular wolf flexed his fingers as he gave out a mad grin, his hands smashing against one door each and gripping onto them tightly. Then, with no effort at all, the giant wolf ripped the doors off and flung them right over Daren’s head, too stunned to even move away while the air blew his hair back.

“Um, this is new,” Daren said, his sea-blue eyes straining to remain open.

“HAHA! Those doors were powerless against me!” Aleph said in a loud, booming voice, with his arms splayed out. He emitted a massive grin at the ceiling right above him-

-only for the roof to slam down onto him. Daren blinked as the vast, muscular wolf soon flattened against the ground, with the roof attached to some wooden machinery. Cracks formed around the impact area as the ceiling trap for a few seconds before it lifted itself up from Aleph, who is flat as a piece of paper.

“Even as some kind of werewolf, or whatever you just did, you are still the same trap prone wolf I know,” Daren said as he shook his head and picked up the five feet tall air tank.

The red fox took a step forward but paused as his eyes stared at the paper-like Aleph shaking on the ground. The flat wolf soon fluttered upwards from the floor before he POP himself back into shape, with his feet-paws slamming against the floor. The stone floor cracked, with paw-sized craters forming where the muscular wolf’s paws landed, as the entire temple shook, with Daren stumbling back.

“W-what the-” the red fox said as he steadied himself, dropping the air tank.

“MAF! I am UNSTOPPABLE!” Aleph declared as he turned back to Daren and flexed his muscles. Daren blinked, stunned that despite the enormous levels of physique changes done to his own body, the light blue wolf is still just as adorable as before, perhaps even more so. As Daren raised a finger, Aleph then bounced against the walls within the entrance, each of his impact forming fewer cracks than the last. Soon, Aleph leaped out of the entranceway and stood before the red fox, his body restored to normal with even the buttons on his aloha shirt buttoned up again.

“Um,” Daren said, staring at the wolf’s swirling eyes.

“Maf,” Aleph said, stumbling right and left before he shook his head. “That was fun!”

“What did you just do, and how did you do it?” Daren asked, one of his ears flattened to the side as he stared at the now smaller wolf.

“That was my toon star form, my big bad wolf!” Aleph answered with a cheeky grin. “For as long as a half-hour or so, I can pump myself into a strong wolf who can do impossible things, even getting flattened and unflattened at will. I’m just embarrassed to show it to people.” Aleph rubbed the back of his head as he stuck out a tongue, blushing. “Maf. Plus, I can get strange.”

“Uh, huh,” Daren said as he looked up at the reddening sky. “Perhaps Jung isn’t as much as a quack after all.”

“Who’s young?” Aleph asked as he half-closed one of his eyes.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Daren said with a shrug. “I was just talking to myself then. In any case, I think we should explore that temple while we still have sunlight.”

“Yup!” Aleph said as he hopped a bit and wagged his tail. He then walked forward towards the open entrances, his paws brushing aside the shattered stone, as Daren picked up the air tank and followed behind him, with the red fox struggling not to smile at all of the silliness. He almost forgot how lively this place can be, even if he doesn’t think he belonged here. He took a few steps into the entrance before pausing for a few seconds and looked up and round the ceiling traps. His sea-blue eyes saw multiple cracks and multiple shards of stone missing due to Aleph’s impact, and yet the numbers 189, carved into the ceiling, were still visible. He then shrugged before following the toony wolf, hearing an impact ahead and an echo of one world. “Maf.”


The hour flew by as the two travelers journeyed through and up the temple, with their progress slow. While this temple wasn’t even half the size of the ‘Temple of Pancakes’ that they went through previously, it was stuffed with far more traps from top to bottom. And unlike the previous temple, this one has more variety regarding how the traps played out.

“Maf?!” Aleph said as he wiggled against a pair of ropes that grabbed onto one of his legs each and stretched them out in opposite directions, his eyes wide while pressing against the ground.

Daren chuckled a bit before he drew out his katana and, with a speed that could outrun a car and a couple of slashed that sliced into the stone ground as well as through the ropes, released the trapped wolf. “Doing alright there, buddy?”

“Aleph’s eyes spun a bit before he shook the dizziness away. “Maf. Yup!” He then looked over at his legs, which are ten feet and twelve feet long each and spread wide apart from each other. “But I don’t know how I can walk like this.”

The red fox rubbed his chin for a second as he sheaved his katana at the right hip, with an idea clicking into his head. He walked up to one of the legs and grabbed onto it, lifting it up. He then turned and dragged it so that it was placed in front of Aleph and did the same with the other leg. He then gave out a grin as he picked up the shorter of the two legs. “Hold onto the ground, please.”

Aleph blinked, his yellow eyes wide while he sweated and with his expression looking concerned, yet he grabbed onto the ground behind him all the same. The light blue wolf cried out as his leg got stretched out again, stretching as long as his other leg. He blinked more when he saw Daren picked up the other leg and pulled both now, with the wolf holding onto the floor tighter. The wolf winced, with rubbery, stretchy sounds emitting from his legs while they stretched out beyond twenty feet before the red fox grinned wider.

“This might hurt a bit,” Daren said as he let go of the legs.

“MAF?!” Aleph said as the legs snapped back at him, striking him hard. His grip loosened as he flew back against the wall behind him, hitting it with his head. Aleph’s arms flailed against the light red walls, rubbing against the cracks the impact made, yet his head remained unseen. He then slid down the wall, his back against it, yet his head remained flat, his eyes spiraling.

Daren approached the flat-headed wolf, rubbing the side of his muzzle as his eyes looked over Aleph. He thought for a few seconds as to how to assist his little friend in this case without using the air tank since it was getting low on air before an idea struck him. The red fox walked up to the light blue wolf and helped him back up onto his feet-paw before grabbing onto his tail tip as the wolf winced. Daren looked at the flat head while turning the tail like some form of a crank, and the head soon expanded upwards again, refilling itself back to normal. The wolf shook his head as he held onto his forehead.

“Maf,” Aleph said before he looked up at Daren. “Thanks a lot! That’s just like my Pokémon friend did to help me long ago.”

“That’s nice to hear,” Daren said as he looked over at the hallway upwards, which should lead them to the very top of this temple. He mentally sighed within his head, annoyed that he couldn’t detect the traps as well as last time. The traps placed within this one, in comparison to the ‘Temple of Pancakes,’ were more well-crafted in how it hid its triggers. Not to mention that, due to the lack of previous explorers like last time, there weren’t any clues to indicate that there was a trap nearby. Even so, the red fox felt that he should have known better.

“Yup. A-Ninetales really helped me with making sure that I stayed out of trouble,” Aleph said as he walked ahead of the red fox, walking upwards in the hallway. “And helped me out when I do get into trouble. Wish we could’ve encountered each other yesterday when he was here. I bet you would’ve been great friends with him.”

“A-Ninetales,” Daren said, more to himself as he rubbed the golden A on his belt.

“Yup! He is a nice Ninetales who can be massive,” Aleph replied while wagging his tail. “Him along with his friend, Saria.”

Daren’s eyes flinched at the names and descriptions mentioned. “That sounds interesting. Say, he wouldn’t be able to hop between universes, would he?”

“Maf,” Aleph said as he rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger extended, his eyes rolled upwards. “Now that you mentioned it, he can due to that badge of his developed by that green kitsune. Saria also can since she now has a badge and bandana by him. And he came here for a visit as a bit of a break from training. Wouldn’t explain much, but he mentioned that it involves a Vulpix. Why?”

Daren turned aside, his eyes averted from the wolf. “I was just curious. But that is interesting news, to say the least.”

Aleph’s eyes turned back at the red fox, but he soon realized that the red fox wasn’t interested in opening up yet as his ear flicked.

The two then reached the end of the hallway with no other trap triggered as the red fox looked around. Although Daren liked it when the path ahead was smooth, it was unusual for a temple as loaded with traps as this one suddenly became lenient with the amounts of traps by the end. The floor leveled down flat as they reached the arch doorway and looked inside the room. His arm flexed outward as a flame appeared and fused into a longsword while his eyes looked within.

The room was a small one, at least bedroom size, and with little else outside of a pedestal at the center of the room. The brick walls, light red, showed various signs of worn due to neglect as the light shimmered downwards from the hole above the pedestal. The sky through the hole revealed red with hints of blue and a couple of white stars shining through the horizon.

Daren’s eyes looked around some more but couldn’t see anything else. He felt something rumbled, and he thought he heard a crack, but it doesn’t feel like it came from this temple at all. “Aleph, could you use your Aura powers to detect any traps.”

Aleph nodded as hie closed his eyes and extended his arms, with black and blue energy flames appearing on his palms. He moved them around while his ears stood up straight. A minute passed before the ‘flames’ faded away, the arms lowered down, and his eyes opened up with a brief glow. “Sorry. I couldn’t see any traps here.”

No traps?” Daren asked, his stomach tensed as he looked around. “Are you sure about that? Have you even checked below that pedestal? And what about that rumble?”

“Maf,” Aleph replied as he nodded. “I checked even under there. But I didn’t see anything here. It’s just a clean room. That rumble must have been from outside the temple. After all,” Aleph pointed up at the hole, “we now have an opening out of here.”

“Huh,” Daren said as the Spiorad burst into flames, and it entered back into his heart. His eyes then looked ahead at the pedestal, and they noticed an unusually large red gem on it attached to a silver chain like some form of a necklace. The red fox then looked around some more, looking for any sort of clue, but there wasn’t even any writing left behind. Just a big red jewel at the top of this temple.

“Maf,” Aleph said as he shook in place, his arms pressed close to each other. “At least this means that we can take the treasure without any danger, right?”

“I guess, but I’ll take it first. OK?” Daren said as he placed down the air tank and walk forward to the pedestal. “I really don’t want a repeat like last time.”

“Awww. OK, then!” Aleph said as he saluted Daren with a broad, cheeky grin.

Daren couldn’t help but chuckled for a second as he walked over to the pedestal. His digitigrade paws tiptoed down the brick flooring, his claws tapping on it, while his eyes darted over from side to side. So far, no sign or a trigger or even a trap, and yet he felt a chill rolling down his spine like an ide cube tucked down his shirt, but less wet.

Soon enough, the red fox stood right in front of the pedestal, where sat that red gem the size of a fist. Daren’s hand slipped into the back, underneath his Hawaiian shirt and, while his eyes pointed ahead, his fingers felt leather wrapping around a wooden handle. He pulled on it, and it exited out without a sound from underneath his shirt along with a silvery blade it was attached to. The edge was then pointed at the golden chain as sweat formed on his brow, wiggling the knife underneath the chain. He then lifted it up along with the chain it was attached to before he jumped several feet back in half a second.

The fox’s eyes darted around the room, but there was nothing. No ceiling collapsing down on top of him or even all around the room, no walls crashing in, no floor opening up and consuming him whole. Heck, even the pedestal remained as is with no changes happening to it.

Daren gave out a sign before he felt a tight hug right around and underneath his chest. “Maf! You’re alright!”

“Yup. Thank goodness,” Daren said as his eyes darted down at the knife and the necklace around it. “Though I must say, after all those traps, getting to this treasure without even one final trap feels anticlimactic. Not to say that I wanted a trap added to the end where it can flatten or even kill me,” Daren added as he looked back at Aleph with an embarrassed grin. “Just that I was expecting something more. Or at least far more treasure than this gem.”

“I think that gem is fine,” Aleph responded with a kind smile while he wagged his tail. “And I think it’ll look good on you. Why don’t you put it on?”

“Er,” Daren said as he looked back at the gem, the red surfacing reflecting brilliant lights all around. The golden chain is long enough that it can go over his head and sit on his neck and yet felt light enough to not cause any issues. However, even after the anticlimax of getting this jewel, the stress within his guts remained. His sea-blue eyes looked over at the eager wolf’s own yellow eyes that begged for him to put it on, and he sighed. “Sure. Just be careful if this is the real trap.”

“Yep!” Aleph said while he took some steps away from the red fox, huffing up his skinny chest.

Daren gave out a low hum as his fingers grabbed onto the golden chain, his knife lowering and coming back into the sheave underneath his aloha shirt before fading away. His fingers rubbed over the chain, with it feeling cool despite it likely spending a couple of hours underneath the sun. Come to think of it, Daren noted as he rubbed the red stone, it doesn’t look or feel any signs of wear or damages despite it being exposed to the elements. His stomach tightened, yet he still raised his head and carried the necklace around it until it lays around the back of his neck.

The gem gave out a slight glow as the red fox winced. “Just when I realized it. This gem has some magical properties.”

“Oh?” Aleph said, stars shining in his eyes as he looked at the gem. “What sort of powers will you get?”

Daren blinked at the wolf, his mind wondering why he is so excited about it even after all of the traps they went through. Still, if nothing goes too wrong, he should be alright. He looked at the passageway to get out of here, and his eyes widened. Just a moment ago, the arch of that doorway was only a couple of feet taller than the red fox, but now his hair and ears would brush by it.

“What’s going on?” Daren asked as he looked over at his hands.

“Oh, wow!” Aleph said while wagging his tail. “You’re growing! I wonder how big you’re going to get.”

“I-I don’t know-” Daren said before he gained another surge of growth, his head slamming against the stone ceiling. He winced, bending down and rubbing his head while one of his eyes looked up at the ceiling, seeing cracks formed where his head impacted it. He looked over at the smaller wolf as he sat down, and be blinked as he surged in size, now doubled his height. “I don’t think I’ll stop soon, though!”

“Woah!” Aleph said as he rubbed the fox’s massive foot-paw. “This is amazing!”

Daren stared at the light blue wolf for a second before his next growth spurt happened, his paws slamming against the opposite wall with the doorway in between. The temple shook from the impact as he groaned, seeing paw-shaped craters where his feet-paws slammed against on the wall. He looked up at the ceiling, which looked closer to his head than before he put on that necklace, before he vibrated and grows again. His back slammed against the stone pedestal and shattered it as if it was fragile wood while his eyes darted all around the shrinking room.

Daren looked over at Aleph, between his two massive paws, and grunted as he reached over to the wolf. “Hang on!”

The growing red fox held Aleph close against his chest with one arm while pressing his other hand against the ceiling, cracks forming around his palm and fingers. His body expanded in size again, his back slamming against the wall while his head rubbed against the top. He gritted his teeth as his eyes looked up, feeling massive pressure against his head. There are plenty of cartoons that Daren saw in his life regarding macro growth that showcase the toon breaking out of the building with ease like hatching from an egg.

He hoped that it’s like those kinds instead of the ones where the room crushes him instead.

The red fox grunted as he shot up in size, the room rumbling against the growing fox as his legs winced from the pressure. His eyes darted forward and gritted his teeth as he pressed down against the wall. It soon gave away, like a popsicle stick snapped by an ax, just as he expanded in size again, with his head cracking through the ceiling.

Daren gave out a loud yelp that was heard for miles, his muzzle holding onto some debris. He looked ahead and just managed to see his black feet-paws and the air tank flying into a tree out in the distance as he grew again, soon cracking out from the top of the temple. He shook his head of any more debris the size of boulders before looking down at Aleph. The wolf hung against the red fox’s arm and chest with a happy face and a wagging tail while Daren blinked. He looked around, feeling large with his height around fifty feet with his rear sitting on what remained of the treasure room before his body vibrated again.

Daren blinked before his body gave out a massive surge in size, his body crushing the entire temple with his huge mass. He gave out a louder yelp, falling on his back and now feeling any major or even minor damages done to him. Not even his clothes, which grew with him, where harm during his growth. He gave out a massive sigh, tripling to a hundred and fifty feet tall as his muzzle pointed over at the light blue wolf, who has stars in his eyes.

“Woah~!” Aleph said, lifting half of his body up against Daren’s black forearm while grinning wide. “That was awesome, Daren! I knew it was a good idea to explore there with you!”

Daren gave out a small smile. “Sorry. I’m not used to being this big. But I’m glad that you’re alright despite all of the damages I’ve done there.”

“It’s no worries, especially since we got that gem,” the light blue wolf with an aloha shirt said, wiggling off from Daren’s arm and walking up to the red gem, now more massive than the wolf’s entire body. He rubbed it with a hand, feeling the smooth surface. “And I thought that you needed some cheering up.”

Daren tilted his head a bit before shrugging. “I was upset, but you brightened up my day. Well, evening, I supposed. But at least we haven’t got flatten together like last time.”

“If you say so,” Aleph said with a slight disappointment in his tone before he looked above. “What’s that falling down onto us right behind you?”

“What?” Daren said while looking up.

A black paw, far more massive than Daren’s entire body, crashed down onto the two, with a shockwave felt for hundreds of miles.

“Oops. Guess I overdid it there.”

The black paw lifted from Daren and Aleph’s body, both of their eyes spinning from the sudden impact. Their bodies, both paper flat, lay there within the paw crater, with Daren groaning and Aleph giving out a maf. The ground shook as Daren felt his body getting peeled off by a huge black hand. Daren’s eyes spun before looking ahead, yet his vision was still blurry from the impact. The most he could see was black, white, and blue.

“Hold still,” a lady’s voice said as Daren blinked, knowing it. He tried to open his jaw, only to feel something clamp shut around it. Soon, Daren felt a massive amount of pressure as the red fox felt air flowing into his mouth and throughout his body. A few seconds passed before his body popped back to normal, and he gave out a large gasp, pushing away from the large lips and looking up at the gigantic vixen’s head.

“ZELDA?!” Daren yelled out, his sea-blue eyes wide while his ears pointed up.

“The one and only,” Zelda replied, and she gave out a giggle. “Must say, you look unusually small for a macro such as yourself.”

Daren’s cheeks blushed. “H-hey! That’s not fair! And how did you get that huge anyway?”

“From the looks of it, the same way you did.  Through exploring a temple and finding a gem, though the one I found was blue,” Zelda answered, and Daren looked down at her neck and chest, seeing a silver chain necklace with a large blue gem on it. “An Absol led me there. I admit that I always wanted to be a macro, but even if Alex did figure out some way to bypass the square-cube law, it would be massively unsafe and destructive, costing hundreds of lives with just a move of an arm. But, in this universe where physics is far more flexible, there would be little if any lives lost.”

Daren blinked some more as the far more massive vixen lifted him up and placed him on her muzzle. The red fox moved from side to side, feeling rather small despite being a macro himself. He looked out to the side and see hundreds of feet of distance between himself and the ground before he flopped back. The vixen’s deep blue eyes looked at the startled fox and giggled again.

“My, my. You’re unusually shy and scared,” Zelda said with a grin, moving her finger above the red fox’s bead and rubbing his ears with a claw. “What’s the matter?”

“Um,” Daren said before realization struck him. “Aleph! Where is he?”

“Maf,” a voice said, and the red fox looked down at his chest, seeing the flattened wolf planted against it. He gave out a grimaced before he wedged a claw between the flat wolf and his shirt until Aleph popped off and fluttered onto the nail. Daren raised up the claw to his muzzle and place the light blue wolf where he can see him.

“Are you alright, Aleph?” Daren asked, his sea-blue eyes wide as he looked at the paper wolf.

The wolf with a Hawaiian shirt wiggled before he rolled himself up back to his feet, causing the red fox’s eyes to widen even more. “I’m alright here. Is that massive roller still around?”

“Er,” Daren said as his eyes darted back at the amused vixen for a second. “You can say that. But how can you still stand like that?”

“You showed me how,” Aleph answered, rubbing his flat hand against the back of his head. “Remember? When we got flattened at that temple last month, and you carried us out of there? You showed me that it was possible, so I’ve been training in various ways to move while flat. What do you think, maf?”

“That’s actually pretty cool,” Daren replied with a small smile. “Though I rather have you back to normal. I do hope that the air tank is alright and didn’t shatter upon landing on that tree.”

“You’re not very used to this kind of universe, are you?” Zelda asked in a mocking tone, with a tongue sticking out.

“What do you mean?” Daren asked before the ‘ground’ shook, and he grabbed onto Zelda’s muzzle fur.

“If this is a toony universe,” Zelda explained as she bent forward and reached out at a tree, “then that means that every person and thing here is far more flexible to any damages that might happen.” She grinned as she plucked up a metal object between her claws and lifted it up to the small fox on her muzzle. “And that would mean-”

“The air tank!” Daren said, seeing the air tank lowered down before him. He grabbed it off from her claws, the tank tiny to him as if he was holding a toy, and placed it near the flat wolf standing on his muzzle. Daren then, with nimble fingers, stuffed the hose into Aleph’s mouth and turned the valve, with it popping off from the force. The red fox winced as he watched the light blue wolf expand with air until he popped back into shape, just as the air ran out. “Feeling better, Aleph?”

“Maf,” Aleph said, his eyes spiraling before he shook it away and restored to his regular yellow eyes. “Never better! And I see that your friend is here as well.”

“Oh, yeah,” Daren said as he looked back at the far larger vixen. “This is Zelda, Aleph. Zelda, this is Aleph.”

“Hello,” Zelda said as she gave a small wave to the two on her muzzle. “Daren told me a lot about you from his last trip to this universe. You did tell him that we’re from another universe, right, Daren?”

“Um, I don’t think I directly mentioned it to him?” Daren answered as he blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

“It’s no worries. I sort of guessed that he wasn’t from this world anyways,” Aleph said as he stuck his tongue out and rubbed the back of his head, with both foxes watching him in confusion. “I mean, it was easy to tell from how awkward he acted from any form of flattening taps even if only fell into one. Plus, a bunch of my friends travels across worlds anyways like A-Ninetales, so I knew that it was possible.”

“A-Ninetales,” Zelda said as her eyes looked at Daren, who nodded back. “That is very interesting. But anyways, do you wish to learn how to properly control your macro power, Daren?”

“What do you mean?” Daren asked as he blinked, with Aleph looking back at him. “Isn’t this the largest I can get?”

“Only because you were too shy to continue growing after a point,” Zelda replied as she pressed her finger against Daren’s nose. “You can actually grow up to this size once you put your mind to it. And besides, it’s fun.”

“If you say so,” Daren said and smiled when he saw Aleph hugging his muzzle.


A day passed by, with the three of them testing out the gems’ power, seeing how big they can grow them. Indeed, when Daren did put his mind to it, he could become as large as Zelda herself up to 1000 feet. Aleph, when he placed it on, was the largest of them all who once accidentally squished them both under his foot-paw. Still, they all had a good laugh and, when the time came for Daren and Zelda to leave, they both hugged Aleph at their standard height and they went their separate way, towards the sunset.

“Must say, I haven’t seen that side of you, Zelda,” Daren said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Zelda giggled as she grabbed onto the red fox’s arm and hugged it. “Same with you. I guess this place really brought out the other side of us.”

“Yeah,” Daren said with a shrug. “In any case, you did leave the gems back with Aleph, right?”

“Yeah, yeah, I did,” Zelda said with her tone a bit higher than usual. Daren looked at her with an eyebrow higher than the other as the silver vixen sweated.

Aleph waved at them, his mouth opened wide in a massive smile while his tail wagged. He watched the two foxes disappear from his sight before his ears twitched, hearing movements beside him. He looked to the side and saw an Absol with yellow eyes walking out from the bushes, wearing a green bandana which held onto a custom Explorer’s badge. The Absol then stood against the wolf’s hand before the wolf laughed and rubbed her head.

“You did well, Saria,” Aleph said as he went down to his knees and petted her more.

“You’re welcome,” Saria answered with a grin. “It wasn’t easy to lead that silver vixen to that other temple, but it worked. Though, if I may ask, why do you want them to find those macro granting gems?”

“Why? To be honest, it was to cheer them up,” Aleph answered while rubbing the back of his head. “I noticed how upset they were when they put down that tiger. Not sure why they did so, though they did mention words like ‘Nex Mutatio’ and I did know that all of the previous owners of that treasure went mad, so that might be the reason. And when I saw Zelda getting excited about having fun in this world, I thought it might be a sweet treat for them.”

Saria looked forward and nodded. “That’s sweet of you. In any case, I saw you slipping in those gems to that vixen.”

“To be honest, she asked for them,” Aleph said as he raised both hands and pressed them against the back of his head. “She asked for them, and I saw how much she had fun with them. Even Daren had plenty of fun, even if he is still unsure about this world. So, I agree and gave them to her while Daren wasn’t looking.”

Aleph walked away while the Absol laughed, the wolf walking passed a tree with the numbers 189 engraved on the bark. Though the number 9 on it was crossed off and, just below it, was scratched on another 8. Saria looked at the numbers with her left eye wider than her right one before following the light blue wolf.

“You wouldn’t happen to be the one who wrote those numbers on that tree, right?”

“What numbers?”

Huh. It has been a while since I posted a new story. At least it wasn't as long as that drought during that time at Amazon. XD

In any case, here is a story I wrote as a commission for Aleph. I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as he does.

Squash. Flatten. Squish.


With a flick of a tail, Daren Crevan leaned back within a diner of an isolated town. The fox, bright red with a white torso and black arms and legs down the elbows and knees, looked unusual at this diner with even an occasional person glancing at him. Other than his clothing, a red with white flowers button-up shirt over a green one and blue jeans, there wasn’t anything off. And yet, there was something unusual about him that everyone there sensed.

The simple truth of the matter was that this fox with sea-blue eyes wasn’t from this universe at all, having come from another one. With the help of the TF, Daren hopped from his own universe to another for weekly vacations. It wasn’t something that Daren does regularly, but Zelda insisted on it. Although, of all the worlds he went to, this one was one of the more unusual ones he went to because the physics followed cartoon physics. It was one heck of a shock for him when he saw a coyote who got flattened by a massive roller and was still alright, even walking way despite being paper-thin.

For the past six days, Daren had done the odd jobs here and there just to support himself since the TF was set up (by Zelda’s insistence) to hop back into its original universe until his week is up. As such, he is pretty much stranded in this universe until it comes back tomorrow and thus cannot get any extra resources until then. The red fox was also lucky since he managed to avoid getting himself flattened for the past six days, though Daren was also sure he can survive it. While the universe he came from doesn’t have ‘toon physics,’ his biology was also unique. Athrú’s biology allowed him to adapt to another universe’s environment, even if it contradicted the rules of his original universe’s laws. Of course, this also meant that the fox had to follow this universe’s rules and learned how it works, and he cannot just use his own universe’s laws to bypass it. The exception to it was his magic in a magicless world; even then, his magic would be diminished while at such a universe. Daren was confident that his
body would allow him to survive being squashed or crushed while within this universe, but he wasn’t in any rush to find out.

The red fox then leaned forward, his eyes looking at his breakfast, a stack of pancakes with sweet strawberry syrup on it (with the syrup spelling out 219), and sliced it with a knife. He then picked up a fork, cool to the touch, and pierced through the pancake chunks and, lifting them up to his jaws, eat them. His tongue tasted the strawberries and the soft pancakes as his tail wagged behind him. His knife then sliced up another when the brown door opened, emitting a cracking sound.

Daren looked at where the sound came friend, his eyes observing the other patrons in the meantime and noticing that they weren’t reacting to the sudden noise. The newcomer who came in wore a cloak, black in color, and with a hood up so that one could only see a shadow of a muzzle. Yet, despite that, Daren’s left arm flinched when he recognized the snout shape. This wolf seemed to look at the red fox, with Daren blinking in response, before the wolf’s light blue hand-paws went up to the hood and lowered it behind him.

Daren tilted his head while he blinked more, realizing that this light blue wolf was a young one, a teenager from the looks of it. The cloak’s parting also allowed Daren to noticed an unusual combination of gadgets if seen in his own universe; a few Pokéballs and a Digivice. Of course, Daren had seen a few Digimon and Pokémon while on this world of various shapes and sizes. One of the more memorable ones he saw was a giant Absol with a green bandanna and yellow eyes. The red fox even theorized that this universe was used as an in-between universe to others. Still, despite the others doing their best to ignore this wolf, Daren couldn’t help but be curious about this wolf.

The wolf then approached the red fox, grabbing him by the right arm.

“Maf,” the wolf said, his yellow eyes shining bright. “Could you help me, sir?”

Daren raised an eyebrow. “Sorry? Who are you, and what do you need help with?”

“Oh, sorry,” the wolf said, letting go of Daren’s arm and sitting across from him. “My name is Aleph. I like to travel and explore dungeons and temples for temples. I found one that wasn’t too far away from here and I was hoping that you can help me.”

“Huh,” Daren said, flicking an ear before looking around again. Aleph's voice wasn’t loud, but ‘treasure’ tended to be one of those magnet words that everyone in the room would hear within a minute. However, the others seemed to be doing their best to ignore the wolf, like this was some sort of con and they caught on. Still, the red fox was curious since he had one last day here. “Care to explain more? Especially on why you needed me since I saw that you have the help you can call on.”

“Maf,” the wolf answered as he gave out a slight blush, rubbing his Digivice. “My buddies are elsewhere, mostly out of town on a job. Because of that, I’m alone here and I needed as much help as I can get.”

“I see,” Daren said before looking down at his breakfast. “If you don’t mind, let me eat my food and then I’ll think about it.”

“Yay!” Aleph said, swinging his arms up, which tilted the table forward so much that the foods and drink slid towards Daren. The red fox reacted quick enough to prevent them from falling on top of him, his eyes wide and his teeth shut tight and exposed, as the wolf hopped off. “Thank you, mister. I’ll be waiting outside.”

Daren watched the wolf exit the diner, Aleph’s silver with light blue tip tail wagging behind him. Soon enough, the light blue wolf disappeared and then a rush of movements happened all at once. Daren’s ears twitched, hearing many hushed whispers that he had a hard time discerning on what was being said. Although what was the weirdest part about this wasn’t that they finally discussed about him and that wolf, but how they seem to be betting on the outcome.

Among the noise came a clicking sound and Daren looked up, seeing a waitress appearing, her beak curled into an amused grin. She paused to look at him for a few seconds before she walked up to him, one of her wing-hands within her pocket. Daren craned his head up at the anthro grebe, who patted his back almost in sympathy.

“Sorry to see that you’re the latest target of Aleph,” she said in a sarcastic tone.

“Care to explain?” Daren asked, one of his ears flattened to the sides as he squinted one of his eyes. “Is this some sort of con?”

“A scam? That is a definite no,” she answered as she chuckled. “However, this Aleph is a bit of a klutz and oblivious to his surroundings. Half of the people here got flattened up along with him.”

“Huh,” Daren said. “I’m guessing that he has been here for a while.”

“Wrong again, foxy boy,” the grebe said. “He had only been here for two days. Really, the most surprising thing about this is how Aleph chose to approach you over all the others here. Perhaps he thought that word had spread out too much and it’s best to stick with someone who couldn’t possibly know.”

Daren blinked at the grebe. “He has been trying to get through that temple for two days? And despite all the help here, he still couldn’t get through?”

“I doubt that it’s the same temple he’s leading you to,” she answered. “This place has a lot of ancient temples ready to be plundered and guarded by traps. Though given his track record, it might be the same one. As I said, Aleph is just that clumsy. It’s almost like he wanted to be flattened.”

“What do you advise me to do?” the red fox asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

“I won’t urge you either for or against joining the wolf to explore that temple,” the grebe replied with a light shrug. “That part is up to you. All I can suggest is that, if you DO decide to help Aleph, be sure to bring an air tank.”

Daren gave out a sigh as he looked back at his breakfast, cooling down fast from the time passing by. On the one hand, he wasn’t in the mood to get flattened up. Though there were plenty of near-misses that Daren encountered during his break here, the red fox managed to avoid getting flattened up so far. Yet, on the other hand, he doesn’t have anything better to do and Aleph seemed sincere.

Ten minutes, an eaten breakfast, and a few gold coins spent later, Daren exited the diner and reencountered the wolf. He stood a foot and a half shorter than the red fox, with him removing the cloak and stuffing it into a khaki-colored backpack. Though part of Daren wished that he kept it on since the rest of Aleph’s clothing seem almost mundane in comparison, with a black hoodie and blue jeans.

Aleph’s tail wagged quick when his yellow eyes saw the fox before him and, with a leap, hugged Daren. “Maf!”

Daren blinked, looking down at the shorter wolf. “Um, you haven’t heard my answer yet.”

Aleph wagged more while he nuzzled up to Daren’s Hawaiian shirt. “It’s no worries. It’s just a hug. But wow, your shirt is so soft.”

The red fox tilted his head, grabbing a bit of his red with white flowers’ shirt. “This old thing? It’s been taken well care of, but I haven’t thought of it being soft like that.”

The light blue wolf gave out a blush, letting go of Daren. “Sorry. I can get too affectionate, maf. But yes, your shirt there is so good and soft! I want a shirt like that! Though have you decided? Will you help me out with this temple?”

Daren looked at the light blue wolf at his yellow eyes, his mind taking notes on him. Could he ever have been as innocent at this wolf before him when he was at that age? The red fox knew at the bottom of his heart that he was already broken at that point several times over. It has always been a question he asked himself that, if things go well and if “L” never entered his life, would he be happy and content with little struggle?

But whatever could and should have happened, Daren knew that such innocence should be preserved if possible. “Very well. I accept your quest.”

“Yay!” Aleph said in a loud voice before leaping up and hugging Daren again. “Thank you very much, Mr.-”

“My name is Daren. Daren Crevan,” the red fox said, somewhat hugging Aleph back. “Of course, there is one thing we should get before we go into this temple.


“It’s a good idea that you brought that air tank, Mr. Crevan!” Aleph said, standing in front of the temple entrance with hand-paws to his waist. On his back, the wolf carried that backpack, which Daren noticed was large and stuffed to the brim with items with some he thought were too large for it. Its khaki color was far lighter than the temple’s sandy colors, with one of its pockets holding on halfway a rolling pin.

Daren rolled his eyes and yet could not suppress a smile from his muzzle while he leaned against a five feet tall air tank. The temple before them was made with light brown stone, aged into a sandy color and with cracks on the walls and plants curled around the columns. Daren observed the stone ground before them and saw that it was worn down by a few inches deep and curved upwards the farther he investigated the entrance.

“Looks like we weren’t the first team who tried to search this place,” Daren said before looking at the wolf, whose eyes were closed. “Have you tried searching within this place before?”

“This specific temple? No. Maf,” Aleph said, raising his arms up and towards the temple itself. “I just found it a few hours ago. There were other temples nearby, which the town helpfully searched with me yesterday. They were filled with all sorts of traps, but there were also treasure!”

“Traps, eh?” Daren said, gripping on the air tank. “And it was mentioned to me that you asked the other townsfolks for help with them. Is it related to why you chose me to help you?”

“Oh, far from the truth!” Aleph said as he grinned, waving his arms around with gentle care. “I’m sure that the folks back there will help me out if I ask. One of the real reasons why I noticed you and thought that you’ll be a good helper is that you have a strong aura.”

“Strong aura?”

Aleph opened his eyes, which glowered for a couple of seconds before fading back to normal. “Yes! One of the strongest I’ve seen. I also saw that this maze is straightforward, not a maze like that last one, but this one is filled with many kinds of traps. It’s best to be careful.”

“Um, what are you talking about, Aleph?” Daren asked, tilting his head.

The light blue wolf turned his head back at the red fox and snapped his fingers with a grin on his face. Soon, a blue and black flame-like substance emitted from the hand. Daren blinked at the sight before the flames faded away and the wolf turned back at the entrance.

“Yup! Aura. Like a Riolu and Lucario,” Aleph explained with a confident aura, walking towards the open entrance. “It allows me to see others’ aura and my surroundings within half a mile. I saw that you have a good and strong aura, though that wasn’t the deciding factor. What was are your eyes.”

“Um, Aleph,” Daren said with increasing horror as the wolf passed under the arch over the entry. “Be careful.”

“But in any case, with my aura, I can see traps ahead and even see what triggers them. There’s no way this temple can sur-”


The stone under Aleph’s foot-paw clicked and pushed downwards. Half a second passed before the two slabs of walls closed in onto the light blue wolf, with his eyes wide and stunned. The walls soon enough encompassed the wolf as Daren looked on, just as shocked and with an arm extended.

A couple of seconds passed, with not even Daren seeing the thin line that separates the two walls from each other, before they slid back to their original place. The red fox blinked, his sea-blue eyes not seeing the wolf ahead or even on the walls that crushed him. Then a fluttering sound, like paper, came from that spot and Aleph’s twisted and flat form showed itself, flatten at thin as paper.

Daren breathed a sigh of relief, happy that this didn’t happen in his world, as he walked forward and carrying that air tank. The paper Aleph wiggled in the air, trying to stay upright as he turned towards the red fox, his eyes as wide as baseballs. The fox grabbed a hold on the flat Aleph and paused, realizing that despite how paper-like the wolf looks, he felt like a silk cloth. He then grabbed the air tank’s hose with the other hand and stuffed it into the wolf’s muzzle before turning it on.

Seconds passed, and the wolf expanded, with his limbs filling up and his chest moving sideways. Creeks, like an expanding rubber balloon, emitted from Aleph as his head grew more full, with his cheeks blushing red. His tail snapped upwards, like air rushing to fill it up, as his legs and feet-paws unfused from each other. Even the backpack he carried made popping sounds as it somehow filled up with air; Daren wondered if this was a regular occurrence in this world. Soon enough, the light blue wolf popped back into shape and Daren shut off the valve.

“Maf,” Aleph said, his eyes spinning and with him grabbing a hold on Daren.

“Are you alright?” Daren asked, rubbing the wolf’s ears.

“Never better,” Aleph replied before he shook his dizziness away. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

“I was, and it’s because of the floor,” Daren said as he pulled out a torch from his pants pocket.

“Woooooah,” Aleph said, looking at the wooden torch the red fox carried with stars within his eyes. “I didn’t expect you to have your own hammerspace as well. That is so cool!”

Daren opened his mouth, about to explain about the Fóntais belt and its properties to Aleph, before he stopped and his eyes looked upwards. He then closed his mouth and shook his head a bit. “I guess I do have what you call a hammerspace.”

“Nice!” Aleph said with a bit of a hop before he rubbed his chin. “Although, you were expecting a trap where I stood. How did the floor lead you to figure that one out?”

Daren grinned a bit before getting onto his knees and rubbing the floor with his hand-paws. “You see, the floor here is worn down, which suggests that loads of people have tried to come into this temple at any given time. You can tell by the walks, where their intricate structure curved downwards to a craggy side, as if this was meant to be a floor instead. But it curved an inch upwards by this point, which shows that this location was the first obstacle that explorers encountered. The fact that the pressure slab you stepped on is also unusually tall by a few inches compared to its surroundings tells me that this is the trigger.”

“Oh, wow!” Aleph said, his tail wagging fast. “You’re very smart!”

Daren chucked before he stood up, grabbing a hold on the tall air tank and slinging it onto his back. “I learned a thing or two from my travels. Of course, the deeper we get into this temple, the fewer clues I can pick up since fewer explorers will leave them one way or another. We should be careful.”

“Don’t worry about me, Mr. Crevan!” Aleph said as he walked forward with a childish grin. “I’m always careful!”

Daren chuckled as he looked at the unlit torch and, with a snap of his fingers, red and orange flames emitted from the fingertips and he pressed them onto the torch. The tip of the torch lighened up, with a fire brighter than the one on his hand, which he quenched. He then followed the light blue wolf with a kind yet cheeky grin.

“Then why didn’t you spot the trap from before?”

“I was distracted!”


Outside of the temple, over three hundred feet away, sat in a white vehicle two figures. One held up a pair of binoculars against his eyes, looking at the temp entry, as the other wrote down notes in her notebook. Soon, the male figure placed down the binoculars onto his lap and looked at the anthro bird.

“You sure about this?” He asked. “Shouldn’t we follow them?”

“I’m sure,” she answered, placing her pencil down onto the car cupholder. “We’ll be ready when they come out for help.”


An hour passed by as both wolf and fox traveled through and down the trapped-filled temple. The walls within it containing some form of drawings at times, abet with some drawing style inconsistency with each other; Daren guessed that they were made by explorers and not by the architect of this place. It helped that they gave out crude illustrations of the coming traps and their appearance became infrequent as they travel deeper into the temple. Daren, for his part, found it to help in expecting a trap and get the air tank ready.

“Maf,” A flat disk that is Aleph said, eyes dazed with his head the only visible body part.

Daren gave out a hearty laugh as he hovered the torch over the circular wolf. “Doing alright there?”

The red fox didn’t wait for a response and instead stuffed Aleph’s flat muzzle with the air tank’s hose, his sea-blue eyes gleaming in the fire-lit chamber. His hand then turned the nozzle and watched as the light blue wolf creek and stretched out from air back into shape. Aleph’s height grew taller by the second, though it slowed down by the time he reached half his height. Daren frowned at this before removing the air tank from his back and looking at the gauge. His eyes widened, seeing the pointer leaning at the red E, as the rest of the air filled up Aleph back to normal.

“Whew. I think that is the most time I’ve been flat in a single day,” Aleph said before stretching out his arms.

“I hope that it’s the last time today,” Daren said as he turned back at the wolf. “The air-tank has run out.”

Aleph blinked as he looked at the air tank himself and gave out a slight whimper. “Eep. Oh geez, I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?” Daren asked as one of his ears flattened to the side.

“For not paying enough attention, maf,” Aleph answered as he rubbed the back of his head. “I’m sure you think that I’m a nuisance, don’t you, Mr. Crevan?”

Daren gave out a light laugh. “To me? Not really. I’m sure some people might. I know one friend who would. But you’ve given me one heck of a show. How can I stay angry at you?”

“Maf,” Aleph said, wagging his tail and leaping up, giving Daren a big hug. The red fox blinked before hugging back with one arm. “Thank you, Mr. Crevan!”

“Please, call me Daren,” Daren said as he rubbed Aleph’s hair-fur. He then lowered the torch to Aleph. “In any case, we should be nearly at the end of the temple. I think you should be the one who lights the way from here on out.”

Aleph nodded, giving out a light pink blush on his cheeks before both of them looked forward. His muzzle then curled into a confident grin as he walked forward, lifting the torch up above his head. The red fox smiled as well as he extended one of his arms and a jet of flames, while reformed into a sword, appeared that Daren grabbed. He then followed the wolf, the red-orange light bobbing up and down.

A few minutes passed before they reached the end of the pathway, where they encountered the heart of the temple. So important that there was a series of glass opening from above, lighting up the room with sunlight. Daren blinked at the ceiling, wondering how did the builders of this temple create glass, before shrugging and looking in front of him. At the center of the treasure room sat a pedestal, which held the object that this temple guarded.

The treasure was a gem, carved in a brilliant diamond shape and purple in color. The red fox tilted his head at the purple diamond before his eyes looked over the room. No real signs of decay or travel-worn from what the red fox could see. Nor were there any signs of other pieces of treasure outside of this gem. Despite finding the treasure, Daren couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

“Would’ve thought that there would be more considering how many traps we had to get through to get here,” Daren said before he gave out a slight sigh. He then looked over at the light blue wolf, who has stars in his eyes that brightened more from the torch’s flames. “In any case, it’s best that we be careful. Care to use your aura to find out any signs of traps or even other rooms?”

“Maf? Oh, sure!” Aleph said before closing his yellow eyes and waving his free arm around. The wolf frowned a bit as the seconds passed, and his eyes opened up. “That’s weird.”

“What is?” Daren asked as he walked over to Aleph’s side, gripping onto his sword tight.

“I don’t see any other rooms we can get to,” Aleph answered as he rubbed his chin. “But the walls here have some sort of gears behind them. And I don’t see any signs of triggering them. Not on the floors or even the walls. It’s like they’re there for no reason.”

“No reason?” Daren said in a half-whisper while lifting up his sword. “I always hate it when something is made and has no point in existing. That’s just a set up for a surprise.”

Aleph looked at the purple diamond as he tiptoed his way to it, having a mischievous grin on his face.

“OK, Daren,” the ref fox said to himself. “If there are no triggers on the floor and walls, what can be the trigger? And what will it do if it does? Hmm.” He closed his eyes. “Given the theme of this temple, it’ll most likely try to flatten the trespassers. But where is the trigger if it’s not anywhere near the purple dia-” The red fox opened his eyes. “Unless it is the diamond!” His head then turned towards toe light blue wolf, who’s hand-paw were inches away from touching it. Daren’s eyes widened as his legs leap out into a sprint. “Stop!”

The wolf looked back, confused, as he picked up the diamond.

Several things happened during that one moment.

The pedestal where the diamond sat on for who knows how long lowered itself into the ground, half a foot reduced than the floor. The room darkened a bit as the room rumbled, with dust gathering up. The walls between them then closed in, far faster than any person could run. Aleph turned towards one of the walls, lifting up both gem and torch, while Daren stared at the wolf, arm extended. The walls then consumed them with a thundering thoom that echoed throughout the temple.

The walls then moved back, making a grinding sound with one of them, the one Aleph found himself stuck flattened to, stopping halfway. The other wall continued to move back to its original position as the flat form of Daren fluttered down to the ground.

Daren’s eyes still contained the last emotion he felt when the walls flattened him: pure horror. And yet, despite finding himself as flat as a paper, he was surprised as how painless being this flat was. Even more so since he felt nothing but pain and saw nothing but darkness when the walls squash him. At the very least, he did confirm that his Athrú’s biology would allow him to survive a flattening while in this universe.

Daren’s eyes then moved up to where Aleph was, just as flat and with cracks on the wall around his body. The red fox sighed a bit, seeing the diamond just as flat as they were along with the torch. Even his sword was paper-flat before it burst into flat-looking flames and entering into his chest. Though at least the torch’s flames got put out due to the walls. Still, Daren grumbled, wondering how they will get out while this flat.

“Maf,” Aleph said, his eyes wide and his expression frozen.

The red fox’s eye then shifted back to the opening, where they came in, as he focused his mind on moving an arm. A slick sound emitting from his arm as he shifted it, removing it off from the rest of his body. He blinked, only to blink again when he realized what his eyes just did. Though he may be as flat as paper, perhaps he wasn’t as immobile in this shape as he thought.

Hope swelled up within Daren’s chest as his hand-paw pressed down against the rough floor, gritting his teeth as his other eye lifted off from the dirt and dust. His other arm made another sticking sound while it was unfused from the rest of his body. The red fox then winced; his vision split into seeing two opposite sides at the same time. To think that some paper-like characters could have such view from his universe’s fictional works and still see normal.

The fox closed one of his eyes, the one staring at the floor, as he moved his head up, his senses feeling overwhelmed from relearning how to move. The smell of the room felt powerful and dusty, his movements sounding like paper flying in the breeze sounding much louder, and his touch feeling wrong. His hand-paw lifted him up higher and higher until his legs separated themselves from each other, and he spread them out. They then touch the floor by the very edge, and he leaned upwards until he stood up. From a certain angle, he looked normal, but his movements showcase just how flat he was.

His head twisted over ninety-degrees until his open eye saw Aleph, who looked back with admiration.

“Woah!” the light blue wolf said with starry eyes. “You’re back on your feet so quickly. You’re a real natural!”

“Um, thanks,” Daren said as he moved towards the wolf with an unusual level of caution, trying not to fall. He then shifted his hand-paws under one of the wolf’s feet-paws and pulled while gritting his teeth. Despite the lack of mass between each of them, it was difficult to peel off someone flat from the wall. Yet, after a few minutes of struggle, Daren managed to lift the entire leg off, and the rest of the wolf’s body slid off. “In any case, we should get out of here as soon as possible.”

“Don’t forget the diamond!” Aleph said as he moved one of his legs down, stretching it out while it remained flat.

Daren wiggled in a nod and, sliding his fingers under the gem and his thumb over it, pressed them together and pulled it off from the wall. “Forget the torch. We can’t light it back up like this. Let us just get out of here.”

“Yup! After you,” Aleph said with a silly grin that did not hide his blush.


While Daren may think that traveling out of the temple would be difficult with the traps and their limited movements, they didn’t trigger any pitfalls in the process. It confused the red fox when he saw Aleph walked on top of a trigger. Yet, the trap was not activated despite it being one of the many traps the wolf fell for. Although, as Daren thought about it, their mass was lost from being paper-flat somehow and, as such, any chances of triggering any traps were small.

Still, it wasn’t a smooth trip back. Daren gritted his teeth as he does his best to keep his balance, not helped by the occasional draft that knocked Aleph off from his own paws. His limbs felt tired, almost like he traveled around the world in one walk, and his head felt light. The times that Daren fell down himself took several minutes for him to get back up along with the diamond, which for some reason felt burdensome to him.

After two hours of walking as fast as paper can go, Daren’s open eye saw a bright light from the outside. Daren curled his arm in a half-circle behind Aleph’s back as he half-lifted the wolf in their travel to the sunlight. The air felt hotter as they go, with Daren emitting a sigh, and soon enough, they exited out from the temple.

Daren’s grin of relief shifted into horror as he felt a powerful gust of wind, knocking him to the side along with Aleph. His other eye opened, his head ached, and the mouth opened in shock as they brushed against the ground several times. He then felt something landed on top of him, like a giant claw, and his eye looked up. It saw two figures over him and Aleph, though he couldn’t see as clear as he would have due to his overwhelmed senses form the travel. His mouth was forced open, and he felt something stuffed into it while he blinked.

“Don’t worry. We got you.”

Daren’s eyes widened as he felt air forced down into his maw, the fox emitting a massive blush on his face. His body made popping sounds as air forced its way around his body, encompassing every space it could get. His limbs enlarged back to normal, his chest expanded sideways, and his head popped back into shape. The hose was then removed from his mouth, with him giving out a loud gasp for air as he felt restored to normal.

“Are you alright?” a female voice asked.

His vision readjusted itself as he shook his head. He then turned towards the two figured who helped filled him up with air and were doing the same to Aleph with the same hose and air tank. He tilted his head, not recognizing the male anthro horse but knowing who the female was.

“You’re that waitress from that diner,” Daren said.

“Yup,” the anthro grebe said. “I thought that you’ll need our help. Aleph here means well, but he attracts trouble like honey to a bear.”

“That makes something we have in common,” Daren said as Aleph popped back into shape. The grebe looked at the red fox with an odd eye, but he just shrugged his shoulders. She then shrugged back before patting Aleph on the air.

“Maf,” Aleph said with spiraling eyes. He then shook his head and looked straight ahead. “Where is the treasure?”

“Oh, um,” Daren said before looking down at his hand-paw. The purple diamond, which was once paper-flat, had also snapped back to its standard shape with the sunlight giving it a light glow. He then smiled before giving it to Aleph. “Here you go.”

Aleph took the diamond as his body shook a little, and he tossed it into the air as he grinned, the canine tooth shining in the light. The gem then fell and, with a speed that Daren didn’t believe the wolf had, he unzipped the backpack while remaining on his back and not exploding from being overstuffed. The gem then landed within the pack and, just as quick, Aleph zipped up the bag before he leaped up and pounced the red fox.

“Maf!” Aleph said, hugging Daren as he wagged his silver tail. “Thanks a lot!”

Daren smiled back before hugging Aleph in return. “You’re welcome. Is there any more help you need?”

Aleph shook his head. “Nope! This was the last temple that I needed to explore.” His hand then rubbed Daren’s Hawaiian outer shirt. “Wow, this shirt is still so soft!”

Daren chuckled a bit. “You seem to like this shirt, eh? In that case,” Daren slid the shirt off from his shoulders and arms before giving it to the wolf, “take it as a gift.”

Aleph looked down at the red with white flowers button-up shirt with wide yellow eyes before looking up at Daren, now only wearing the green shirt. “You really want to give it to me?”

Daren grinned at the wolf before patting his head. “Hey, you gave me a neat adventure I never thought I’ll experience. Plus, it was a peaceful and mostly harmless one, something that rarely happens to me. I think it’s worth it to give you something in return for it.”

Aleph gave out a massive blush on his face before giving him a thumbs up. “Thank you very much, Daren! I’ll always treasure it.”

Daren nodded before turning to the anthro grebe and horse. “Thank you for helping us when we came out from that Temple of Pancakes.”

The grebe gave out a laugh. “The Temple of Pancakes? Is that what you decide to call it?”

“Why not?” Daren responded before bowing and waving at them and Aleph. “In any case, it’s time for me to leave. Thank you. I hope to see you another time.”

Daren then turned around, his head pointing upwards as his sea-blue eyes shined in the sunlight.


The three remaining anthros remained there for several minutes as they watched the red fox left them and faded into the distance. The grebe gave out a half-smile as she placed a wing-hand into her pocket, her tail feathers spread out behind her. She then turned back at the light blue wolf and her eyes widened a bit, the wolf already taken off his hoodie and having on the shirt Daren gave him.

“That was quick,” she said before shrugging. “Where will you go now?”

Aleph rubbed his chin for a moment. “I think I have enough fun exploring temples for now. Instead, I’ll hang out at your town and see what fun will happen next.”

The grebe gave out a bitter laugh. “If you can find any fun there. I guess you can ride with us. Right, hon?”

The anthro horse nodded as he crossed his arms.

“Oh, thank you so much!” Aleph said as he wagged his tail and pressed his hand-paws together. “Everyone there is really kind.”

“If you say so,” she said as she patted Aleph’s head and lead him to the white car. “Though, if you don’t mind me asking, if you do feel that our folks are so helpful, why did you ask the one outsider for the last temple?”

Aleph’s face glowed as he smiled. “A couple of reasons, in fact. One is that he has a strong and kind aura that I sensed even at my max distance. The other is his eyes.”

“His eyes?”

“Yeah,” Aleph answered as he pulled out a Pokéball. “They are exactly like that Ninetales I know, who was a companion that I captured before he left on his own journey. A-Ninetales is what he is called, though I know that wasn’t his actual name. In fact, I just met him a few days ago, along with his giant Absol friend.”

Aleph rubbed the Hawaiian shirt as the anthro grebe and horse gave him an odd look.

“Exactly the same eyes despite being two different species?” the anthro horse asked.

“Yeah!” Aleph said as they came to the car, and they hopped into it. “Small world, isn’t it?”

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 566
« on: February 28, 2020, 09:20:03 PM »
Um, you're in contact distance with that tail. You can remove that evil spirit now. XP

Writer's Guild / Saria's Walk
« on: November 04, 2019, 06:50:23 PM »
Here is another new story, one that I also wrote during my vacation in California (specifically the extended part of it), but now going to post it. Why did it take me so long? I honestly forgot about it and only just remembered it. ^.|.^;;;

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy my story. =)


A huff of wind flew by, brushing a white and black Pokémon’s fur, as said Pokémon walked towards a city on her four legs. Her ruff felt an unusual tightness with a green scarf tied around her neck, with it holding onto a silver Pokéball with golden wings that had a green A engraved onto it. Her face, feline in designed, looked towards the city with yellow eyes as her long black claws clicked against the road to it.

She gave out a toothy grin as she wagged her scythe-like tail, and her single crescent horn hung by the side of her head. On the other side of her head hung beside one of her eyes was a bit of turf as if it was hair as the black oval, adorned on her forehead, glimmered in the winter’s sunlight.

Saria walked forward, as large as any Absol were, as her eyes looked down at the scarf, a gift from a friend of hers who also made one for her love. Her heart swelled at the thought of him as she reached the edge of the city, the road ahead empty of any humans and anthros.

Such a fantastic sight this city would’ve been in its prime. The buildings, as tall as 700 feet, scraped their way into the sky with the glass on them, reflecting as bright as the stars in the night. At the heart of the city stood a building, the tallest of them all at 2,000 feet tall, being so large and spacious that it could be considered a town within a city. Founded over two hundred years ago, this city’s leaders fifty years ago made a decades-long plan ending with that mega-building to make it the prime jewel of the country. Heck, the mega-skyscraper was so big that it could house the entire population of the capital. It impressed the country’s leaders to the point that there was serious consideration twenty years ago that the capital and all that entails moved to said megabuilding.

Such an amazing feat of construction. Such a shame that it had to be all for nothing.

The green A on her badge glowed as the Absol grew, with the unusual tightness around her neck released. Her height, once nearly four feet tall, doubled to eight feet within one second and doubled again to sixteen feet in another second. Soon, she sat down at an impressive twenty feet tall, with the nearby cars hopping and honking in response from the sudden quake.

“Oh, this is the best part of what I do,” Saria said in a singsong tone. “But why take it fast when I can just show-off?”

She wagged her tail before she walked into the city, her claws ripping the ground by a simple placement of a paw. Her tail swung in one direction, cutting and breaking through steel and glass in the process as her yellow eyes looked down at an old car that would have hold six anthros. She placed one of her paws on it, which only covered the roof of it, and grew again. The car groaned from the sudden weight, which worsens with each passing second until her paw encompassed the entire vehicle. She then curled her paw up, crunching the old car into a ball of plastic and steel, with the glass and the mirror shattering and the wheels exploding.

The Absol giggled to herself. “I wish I could say that they should make them like they used to, but it’s pointless if abandoned cars always ended up like this one.”

She then uncurled her paw and pressed down with all of her weight. The ground broke beneath as the remains screeched and groaned until it became fused itself into the road. The Absol, closer to thirty-five feet now, walked forward, with her growing larger with every passing second. If anyone saw her grin, they would run away in terror if not from her growing form. Her tail swayed to the other side of the road and ripped through more glass and steel as she exited one lane and entered another.

A shadow covered Saria as she looked upwards and saw an extension of two buildings on the opposite side of the road connecting them under one roof. She rolled her eyes before she emitted a laugh. Then, with one of her paws, she picked up a dusty fire truck and flung it up to that extension. It collided, and the extension bucked upwards from the impact, with the truck ripping through to the other side. What remained of that truck continued its flight until it slammed against another building, with said building’s side breaking inward into a crater. As it did so, the extension split apart into two and fell in front of Saria, slicing through the glass on both sides.

She grinned at the carnage. “Who would’ve thought that building a city like this is a bad idea? So much for housing the capital then.”

Saria spun around, her height approaching fifty feet tall, and kicked back what remained of that extension. It flew upwards, breaking apart into ever smaller pieces, and piercing through what they impacted, no matter how thick the walls were. The building ahead, the one that the truck crashed against, groaned before collapsing. Dust covered the surrounding areas, with it reaching up to her neck, as the collapsing building knocked down a couple of nearby buildings, one of them reminded Saria of a rude gesture.

“That wasn’t a serious loss at all,” Saria said before she laughed, the windows wiggling and cracking from the soundwave. “I wish Daren would enjoy this. This is awesome!”

She spun around again and walked forward, the Absol reaching up to sixty feet in height. The ground gave away to the ever-growing Absol, with the sides of the buildings now becoming closer to her body. She leaned her head to the side and giggled as her horn ripped through a building side. She then turned down the road before she paused and looked down.

Ahead stood an anthro with ragged clothes as Saria frowned. The anthro cat stood there, frozen with eyes as wide as baseballs and with an extra-large backpack against his back. Saria walked forward to the anthro cat, and he came to life for a second before falling back on his rear. She then leaned down, and her giant yellow eye looked over the figure.

“I-it’s true,” the cat stammered out. “It’s really true—”

“Didn’t think to meet someone like me?” Saria said with a soft voice. “Are you alone, or are there more idiots like you?”

“U-um,” the cat said, his eyes averting away from the glaring eye. “There’s a couple of others by the other side of this dump. There’s nowhere else to go.”

“Do me a favor and try to contact them,” Saria said, laying down on the ground, crushing the nearby small car with her body. “I’m sure that they’re smarter than you.”

“Um, miss?”

“What are you waiting for? Contact them.”

More cars collapsed and crushed between the Absol’s body and the buildings.

“I-I can’t help but notice that you’re growing and—”

A huff of air blew at him with a force that flung him several feet away.

“I know little one. Get out while you can.”

The cat gulped before getting back up on his two feet before running down the middle of the road.

Saria gave out a heavy sigh before she stood back up. Such people, whether humans or anthros, always bothered her with their lack of common sense. Her coming was national news for weeks, and everyone should have listened. Such a waste of time since this meeting delayed her for a few minutes—

The building crunched on both sides of the Absol as she gave out a yelp. Her limbs pinned between her body and the cold, empty skyscrapers, hung down as she gritted her teeth. She looked down at the anthro cat, who paused for a few seconds to shout a few words. She only her part of his message but, from what little she heard, she guessed what it was as she frowned and growled at herself.

“I tried to warn you, miss!”

Saria’s paws flex as the buildings creaked and broke against her growing form, now at over a hundred feet. She looked upward and saw the tall buildings shining above her with reflected light. She shook her head before she pushed out with all four legs, the steel bending against her strength. The Absol gritted her teeth as buildings leaned back against her. Her ears heard a snap, and the buildings fell downwards. They smashed against other structures, shattering in a mixture of steel, plastic, and glass, as they collapsed down to the ground. Dust then climbed up, even higher than before with it, despite growing up to 120 feet, reaching up to her face.

She shook her fur of any remains as she looked forward to the main star of this city, the megabuilding. She looked at her sides, now too wide to be able to walk down the roads like this. If she was more massive than 175 feet tall, she could have, but she wished to save her main growing event for the end. An idea then formed into her head, and she gave a wide grin.

She looked at what remained of the skyscrapers and, seeing one still intact, dug her claws into it. It groaned, and creek as the Absol climbed up the 500 feet tall building. Debris fell with shredded steel and plastic as she rose to the top, the holes she implanted in the buildings growing broader and deeper as she got higher. Her eyes looked on at disdained at the spiral top of the building before she looked forward to the mega-building, which made her feel small despite being 200 feet tall.

The Absol then leaped off of that building and onto the next, sometimes as high as 600 feet and sometimes as low as 400 feet, yet the results were the same. All the buildings Saria leaped to and from broke down and collapsed under the force and weight of the growing Absol. She laughed with every leap, knocking down any ugly buildings she got her paws on.

Soon, an hour after she came into the city and begun her destruction, she stood in front of the mega-skyscraper, painted black like some sort of obelisk. Such were the arrogance of the anthros who build it, who felt that it was indestructible and a symbol of infinite possibilities. But they overpaid the price and suffered for it.

Saria grinned as she pressed her paws in the middle of the walls and ripped it opened with some difficulty. She shook her head before diving in headfirst into the wall. Glass shattered, plastic splintered, and steel buckled, and yet the 300 feet tall Absol dug in further. In time, the scythe-like tail was what could be seen by any remaining onlookers before it zoomed back in. The building’s hole, shaped like some gaping mouth, seemed to consume the giant Absol hole.

The ground then shook, light at first before even cars at the edge of the city hopped up and down. A massive roar echoed throughout the place, with the buildings’ glass nearest to it shattering from the force of it, as the mega-building’ walls ripped off bit by bit as if it was shedding them. A horn then burst through the very roof of the building, which housed dead trees and plants, and knocked them aside. Then Saria’s head ripped through and gave out a mighty laugh. Her growth quickened during this period as her tail pierced out from one of the megabuilding’s walls. Soon, the entire building collapsed downwards, and there stood, in its place, a 2,000 feet tall Absol.

She laughed again, which gave out a forceful echoed. “Alright. Time for the grand finale!”

The Absol closed her eyes, and her fast growth became even faster, with her paws knocking down any buildings in its path. She grinned and leaned upwards as her tail wagged down, knocking down several tall buildings at once. In time, Saria stood at 5,000 feet tall as she then opened her eyes. She then sat down with a massive force, and the shockwave and the earthquake knocked down any remaining buildings in this city.

Such a great city in its prime, but now nothing remained but dust.

Her ears then heard a beeping sound from her badge as she gazed down at it. She then pressed it and smiled.

“Hello, Daren.”

“Hey there, dear. Is the city destroyed? Was no one there when you did it?”

“Yup! Not even two bricks stood on top of each other now. As for the other question, I met one guy, and he mentioned others. I don’t know if they got out or not.”

“Oh, dear. I’ll see if I can get someone to locate anyone around. In any case, our mission is done, and the abandoned city is no more. I hope they’ll make a forest in its place.”

Saria tilted her head and gave a small shrug. Despite the mega-skyscraper construction and the high hopes that it would be the capital, it soon proved to cost the city far more than its worth. The citizens left in droves over the past two decades because of the increasingly high price levels that even buying a single chicken leg there cost a regular city a month’s rent. Because of the dwindling citizens' number, it was passed over, which only increased the rate of citizens leaving. The homeless soon outnumbered even the homeowners despite the increasing empty rooms to buildings. It got down to the point that the country’s government offered her and A-Ninetales loads of money to demolish the city, which she accepted.

“I don’t know. I personally hope that they’ll do it right next time. Or, if they fail again, I get to destroy it all over again,” Saria said.

“You really enjoy destroying stuff, my dear,” A-Ninetales said in a teasing voice. “In any case, time to head out.”

Saria nodded and stood up again, walking down to the east without leaving behind a single pawprint. This is the best part of being a macro, she thought as her eyes shined. The ability to showcase that there’s no such thing as indestructible.

One day, she hoped, there will be a planet that needs demolishing. And she hoped that she’ll be there when it happens.

Writer's Guild / Mewtaur and TwoMewtwo TF - A Midday Art Trade
« on: October 25, 2019, 05:22:14 PM »
This story took too long to make and post. I'm so sorry, Midday-Mew.

To explain, we planned out an art-trade so many years ago. It all began in (check Notes) October 29th, 2011-


Um, to be fair (to both Midday and myself), the original plan for both of our art-trades is far too ambitious for us to achieve. What he wished for me to write is TFing ten people into Pokémon by Midday's powers (the first choices being Umbreon, Glaceon, Vaporeon, Pikachu, Machamp, Lucario, Lopunny, Gallade, Gardevoir, and Misdreavus, all of them are anthro). While I initially wish for sprite animation and a sprite page, he asked for a story idea instead since he felt that he was too new at sprite animation at the time. I gave a couple of ideas (one of them explaining Ash's hybrid as a drackal since it was in part genetics) before we settled on a Mario to dragon TF, something that Midday felt needed to be a multichapter story.

This is where the fun began.

I admit that during that time, I was addictive to being a part of a site Crimsom Flag created by Virmir. Specifically, the chat, where I was there for nearly every day since 2012. That, combined with using a laptop as my computer, thus taking the CF conversation with me everywhere (even in college), I forgot to write it, preferring to chat. It doesn't help that I have some other stories I wished to write, and other people wanted me to write (like Jackal TF). And because it was initially a Halloween piece, I lost track of time until it got past Halloween 2012.

We had another chat (Midday has just posted the prologue to the Mario story), and we decided that he should have the Mario cast be TF victims. Except here's the other problem, this time on Midday's end. I can handle writing long stories that last several chapters, but he can't. Because of that, he gave up on it not too long afterward (though I still feel bad about not making much progress on my part)

As such, we agreed to downgrade it to me writing a Mewtaur and TwoMewtwo short story and him writing a Mario and Luigi fusing into a two-headed, four-armed dragon. So, you might be asking, why has it taken so long for me to write it?

We agreed on the downgrade in February 2014. If you recall on my two journals, I was working at Amazon at the time for night-shift, and it was a lousy writing place and a more miserable motivation place. To be fair to myself, I did wrote it (on a tablet at the time), but I didn't like how it was looking. As such, I planned to rewrite it, but I put it on the shelf for years, and we both kind of forgot about it. I said kind of since, a couple of years back, I did bring up the topic of said art-trade in a journal, where we afterward agreed to have him write a Fennekin TF poem while I complete the Mewtaur and TwoMewtwo story.

I was unsure since I was just hired by Safeway not too long afterward, but soon it proved to be a far superior writing spot, with me writing The Pokémon Prometheus story as a welcome back to myself. I then, using the text already written from the tablet and already ported onto my Dropbox, I wrote down a revision of the story. And it took several years, my old laptop dying from abuse, a new desktop computer, and a backup laptop dedicated to writing. And it was completed by Christmas time, 2018.

But wait, you may say. If it was completed back late into December last year, why are you just posting it this year when it's nearly Halloween?

Because I suck at grammar, which Midday, who is a dedicated editor, reminded me. If I knew I was going to be a writer back in middle and high school, I would pay more attention to English class.

He was kind enough to edit it for me, but it took a bunch of emotion pressure on him, which he only admitted to me back a few days ago. I felt terrible about it, especially since I wished to bring up the art-trade editing a while ago, but couldn't work up the courage to do so (though he doubted that he would've reacted that well if I did bring it up, which hasn't lessened how bad I felt). As a result, here is the story.

Jeez, this took longer to write than I thought.

In any case, enjoy it!

Here is the poem Midday wrote for me.


Jacob opened his mouth in utter shock at the glowing screen in front of him and his friend sitting next to him. His purple eyes stared at the motion images displayed on the TV, showcasing a vague-looking alien creature being blasted off a giant platform by a red-haired warrior. His hands gripped the black Nintendo Switch Pro Controller so tight that veins formed from under the skin as his teeth gritted, the red-haired warrior taunting as an explosion appeared from where the alien creature went and the green GAME flashed in the screen.

“Daniel!” Jacob said as he turned to his friend in an exaggerated yell. “That was a cheap move you pulled!”

“How was that cheap? You ran into Roy's charged attack!” Daniel replied in a playful tone as he relaxed back on the brown couch. “Not to mention that Mewtwo sucks.”

“Hey!” Jacob said, doing his best to keep it in a defiant voice yet he couldn't help but grin. “Mewtwo is the greatest of all Pokémon!”

“Last I heard,” Daniel said with a mischievous light in his pinkish eyes, “Rayquaza is. Or rather, Mega Rayquaza is.”

“Just because Mega Rayquaza can Mega Evolve without a Mega Stone doesn't make Mewtwo any less awesome,” Jacob said as he rolled his eyes. “Either way, shall we have another match?”

“Can't. Ran out of time,” Daniel said as he got up from the couch with his nimble fingers pressing on the home button on his Nintendo Switch controller. “I need to complete my calculus homework for tomorrow. You know how complex they are, even with a calculator.”

“Oh. Right,” Jacob said as his mind reflected on the college calculus course and how it took him all night with half a dozen of sodas to complete the assignments. If it wasn't for the fact that he needed to take it to progress with computer programming, he would've refunded it within the first week. “I guess this is goodbye for now.”

Daniel nodded as he pressed the power button on the Nintendo Switch, with it turning off and the TV screen glowed black. He then picked up a remote control and, with a press of a button, the TV turned off as well. While that was happening, Jacob had turned on the lights above them, illuminating them in a white light that showcased the green carpet below them and the blue walls to their sides. He then stuffed his controller to a close by blue-and-black backpack before zipping it up and slinging it on his back.

“See you tomorrow at college then,” Jacob said as he opened up the front door to Daniel's apartment.

“See you tomorrow as well,” Daniel said back before the door closed behind his friend.

Daniel sighed as he pulled out a mini-table from beside the couch and unfolded it, setting it in front of the couch. He then reached down into his own backpack, red and gray, and pulled out a two-inch thick book. He placed it on the mini-table with a slight thud and opened it up, with each page showing numbers that don't make sense even when put together as far as his mind can tell.

He examined each calculus problem, doing his best to see if he could, in time, figure out what they mean. But then he shook his head, feeling like his head was going to explode from pure numbers running through his head. Wouldn't it be great if there was an easy way to store such knowledge that could allow him to pull it out whenever he needed it and without forgetting it? Couldn't there be a way to collect such cognition without his brain frying itself? His head drooped as he pulled out his notebook and calculator from his backpack.


Jacob walked down the cracked sidewalk, his worn down white shoes kicking away the small rocks off the ground. His shirt, black aside from the Mewtwo on it, glowed in the night from the outlines. His blue shorts jangled with several coins in his right pocket as his purple eyes looked around at the surroundings.

It was a desolate place that was once a shopping market. Once there were thriving stores willing to sell out several items from groceries to video games, but now not a store was open. Even the two fast food restaurants were no longer running there. Jacob recalled the area with an almost magical aura in his memories, even though it was a mundane place until the stores began to close.

As he walked some more, he looked around and, seeing no one, decided to talk to himself to let out some steam.

“Yeesh, you've gotten worse in that game.”

“It's not my fault that the game just came out and I haven't practiced the last Super Smash Bros game.”

“Deny all you want. You still kept the Wii U and you still haven't touched it to prepare for those battles.”

“Because I had to do some homework, you idiot.”

“Which you always do at the last minute, like what you're doing now.”

“It's hard to decide when I want to do two different things at once.”

“Yeah. It's not like you can split yourself into two, so be more decisive!”

There would have been a response if Jacob had not heard a sound coming from a nearby alley between the empty stores and houses. He walked back and saw a figure there, hiding in the shadows, in their hand a black bag. Behind the figure was a locked huge trash bin, gathering dust from disuse, with a hand near the lock, holding what looked like some kind of rod. Despite his decent night sight, Jacob couldn't discern what the figure looked like because they were wearing what looked like a cloak over the head and back.

“Sir?” Jacob asked and the figure looked back. “Is there anything wrong? What's with the cloak?”

The figure pocketed the rod, and with surprising speed, sprinted down the alleyway.

“What?” Jacob said before he felt his legs running after the figure. “What's wrong? There's no need to run.”

Jacob wasn't sure if the figure heard him or not. All the figure seemed to care was that they'd been seen.

The figure tripped on a large rock, with them doing their best to suppress a yelp, Jacob noticed. They dropped the bag and half-ran/half-limped out of sight, but not before they dropped the cloak they were wearing. He got to the cloak and bag, with him wondering what the heck was going on. After all, it wasn't every day that someone did something secretive in this city, so secretive that they didn't want to be seen.

His hand brushed against the cloak and felt something ticklish from them. Jacob tilted his head to the side as he pulled out a smartphone and shone light over the cloak. He blinked, realizing that what was all over the cloak was some sort of fur.

“That's interesting,” Jacob remarked as his hand pressed against the bag and felt something soft from inside. He looked at the bag just as confused, and with a steady hand, opened it and aimed the phone's light inside of it. Inside was what looked like Pokémon plushies, but all of them were misshapen, like a Blaziken with four arms and a Garchomp with three tails and Salamence wings on its back. “Who would make these things?”

“Why not ask Daniel? I'm sure he'll be amused by all of these plush toys.”

“Good idea.” Jacob took a snapshot and texted it to Daniel. He also included a message that said: “Found this while walking home. Want 2 examine what more Frankenstein-like creations are in this bag?”

“I was joking, you idiot. You know that he wouldn't just skip out of homework just for a bunch of toys.”

“You may never be sure.” The phone beeped with a message from Daniel. “And he seems to be cool with it as well.”

“What?” The other side of Jacob paused. “Okay, if he's cool with it.”

“Okay,” Jacob said in a declaration-like voice, and picking up both cloak and bag, he walked out of the alleyway.


Not too long after Jacob left the alleyway, the figure stepped out of his hiding place within the shadows. It's amazing, he felt, on how being an apprentice to an amazing and unique store had taught him on hiding so he doesn't startle people.

But now, he realized, he had made a massive screw-up. Those Pokémon plushies weren't meant to be in anyone's hands, which was why this place was chosen: a rundown store center's trash bin where not even the people taking away the trash could get their hands on them.



Daniel leaned back, his arms crossed on his green Xenoblade shirt as his blue shoes tapped against the carpet. He had managed to complete a couple of tough calculus problems when he got a text from Jacob, showing him a bag filled with misshapen stuffed toys. It was a silly thing, he knew, to stop working on his homework when there was so much to do. He just had a soft spot for Pokémon toys, and a part of him loved to see them, even if they were a deformed mess.

The door reverberated a knocking noise in a pattern that Daniel knew was from Jacob. He smiled as he got up, uncrossed his arms, and went to the door. He reached down to the doorknob, turned it, and opened the door, with Jacob standing there at the other side.

“You just had to find a bag someone tried to throw out, didn't you?” Daniel asked as he let Jacob in.

“Sorry,” Jacob responded as he placed the bag in the middle of the room and the cloak on a couch. “Just that I had to see what was the big issue in trying to throw this away.”

Daniel took a quick look over the cloak. “Man, someone has a pet that sheds a lot.”

“I know,” Jacob said as he emptied the bag's contents. “Must've been from someone's pet cat or several of them. I only wish whoever it was stayed instead of being so secretive.”

Daniel grinned as he looked over the stuffed Pokémon toys below them, each one having parts grafted from another Pokémon or had an extra part from the same one, like a Raichu with five tails and a Buizel with three pairs of wings from a Swellow. It was amazing to see what insane creations someone with too much time on their hands created. Though some are of a more sadder sight.

“From the looks of it, someone tried to take apart a Pokémon so they could edit it, but gave up midway, leaving it a shredded mess,” Daniel said as he looked over a ripped apart Chimchar. “Who would do such a thing?”

“I have no idea,” Jacob answered as he looked over a torn Zorua, with stuffings falling out from it. His eyes then shined when he noticed a Mewtwo within the pile of Frankenstein's creations of Pokémon mismatches. He'd just stifled a chuckle when he saw that, from the waist up, the Mewtwo was split into two Mewtwo, like an attempt of it cloning itself from top to bottom and it gave up half of the way. He reached down and picked it up. “Haha. This is hilarious and adorable, isn't it?”

“Not really. More like it's just hilarious,” Daniel said with a slight shake of his head. Jacob gave an exaggerated glare at his friend as Daniel picked up another plush. “Now this is just adorable.”

Jacob looked at the plush Daniel was holding and smiled. It was a Mew, but it had an extra torso and pair of legs so that it looked like a centaur. A Mew taur, as it were. “That is ador-”

A shock coursed through Jacob's body, like a massive punch to the gut as he bent forward and clutched his stomach. He felt a burning sensation under his skin as if he was on fire as he fell down with a thud, dropping the plush.

Daniel looked at his friend while it happened, too shocked to even react. He dropped the plush and bent down to try to help Jacob, only to feel a shock himself throughout all of his nerves. He fell down not too far from Jacob, as he felt his chest involuntarily tighten, his breathing coarse.

As Jacob looked over his hands, his eyes widened in surprise, seeing four of his fingers on each hand fusing into two, with the tips on each along with the tips of his thumbs becoming larger than the rest. In fact, Jacob noted through the pain, they looked kinda ball-like now. He gritted his teeth as his feet felt tight, before they ripped apart the shoes they were trapped in. Like with his hands, his four smaller toes on each foot fused into two and, much like a cat's foot, his big toe moved upward on his feet until it was at the back end, by his inner ankle bone.

Daniel wiggled on the floor near the changing Jacob as he felt the clothes he was wearing become looser. He looked over himself with a quick eye and was shocked that he was shrinking in size. His feet slid off of his now too-small shoes as he flailed his arms, with them shortening in length at every point, in particular with his fingers which became nothing more than stubs, the pinkies and thumbs shrinking away. If that wasn't bizarre enough for him, his feet grew longer as four toes on each foot merged into two, leaving him with three identically-sized toes on each foot, pushing off the clinging socks from them, as his legs contracted in length to the point that his feet were longer and larger than what remained of his legs. Additionally, his “finger” and “toes” had lost their nails, which had melted away into skin.

Jacob gritted his teeth as he felt his skin change to purple, with his arms, head, chest, back, and legs growing a thin layer of light, almost-white lavender fuzz, while his belly and rear became a deeper purple but furless. He heard a rip from behind and blushed as he felt a massive, fleshy, furless purple tail grow out from his pants. He clung onto what remained of his shorts as some sort of tube grew out from between his shoulder blades, ripping through his shirt. It lengthened and curved into the back of his head, fusing with it, as his face lengthened into a muzzle. Yet worst of all was his hair falling out of his head—leaving just the light lavender fuzz behind—while his ears moved to the top of his head and extended upwards, reshaping themselves to resemble (without actually being) a pair of horns.

Daniel shrunk down more, with his room becoming more massive from his point of view, as he felt a tail growing. It grew long and thin, poking out of his clothes, as it thickened at the tip of it, as his skin grew a light-pink fine fuzz. He wiggled his arms to his face as his handpaws felt his face morph into a muzzle, much cuter than Jacob's fierce muzzle. His ears then moved up the sides of his head as they became more triangular, like a cat's ears. What's not like a cat's though, he felt, was 'shedding' all of his hair on his head until there was none. At least a cat kept most of their fur when they shedded.

Jacob looked over to his friend and saw him covered in very loose clothes when his bones cracked on his back. He gritted his teeth as his arms spread out, feeling like two trucks on both of his sides were pulling on his arms until he split into two. He then blinked as his vision changed with an unusual depth like he has three eyes instead of two. Then his head morphed and separated until he had two heads instead of one, with them tearing apart from each other from the neck.

The neck soon divided itself into two necks for each of their heads, with both heads looking at each other in shock. The changes continued with their torso splitting apart, each new torso sprouting a new arm on the inside, for a total of four arms, tearing up the shirt he was wearing to tatters, like they were becoming two Mewtwo instead of one. However, the change seemed to have given up when it got to their hips, with them now looking like the misshapen Mewtwo plush they were holding earlier.

Daniel pulled off the clothes he was wearing and looked at his weird-looking friend when his back popped as well. He looked down and saw that his torso was growing longer. He rubbed the lengthening torso with his little arms when he saw a pair of bulges forming at the middle of the torso. They grew longer and reformed themselves into an extra pair of hind legs as his back curved upwards so that he would stand upright on four legs instead of like a bug with six limbs. He looked over himself, his eyes as wide as dinner plates as he reached down to his new pair of legs and squeezed them with his handpaws, feeling the pressure he was applying. His torso and arms then grew slightly longer and larger, becoming anthro in proportion, but still small compared to that of a human, as his handpaws grew back the lost thumbs, but the digits remaining stubby and still without nails.

The pain they were having faded as they all sighed and stood up. Or rather, Jacob stood up since Daniel was squirming on the ground trying to stand up on all four. At least he was small rather than big or else, with all that wiggling and such, he could destroy the room they were in.

“Woah,” one of Jacob's heads, the right one, said. “This is amazing.”

“Are you freaking kidding me?” the other head said to the first. “This is horrible.”

JacobOne glared at JacobTwo. “What are you talking about?”

“Look at us!” JacobTwo said, yelling at JacobOne as Daniel below them tried to cover his ears. “We're freaks! We look like Siamese twins!”

“So? We're still Mewtwo,” JacobOne pointed out.

Daniel gritted his teeth as he felt his head swelling with thoughts from the surrounding area. How could the others ignore it?

“That doesn't make it better! That just makes it worse!”

The now JacobOne and JacobTwo screaming at each other doesn't make it any better.

“Maybe if you stop freaking out, you can see the benefit of being like this!”

The room shook with the TV vibrating and the couch giving out a low hop off of the ground. This is too much. Daniel felt himself slipping. If only they would shut up.

“You freaking idiot! What good is it to look like a failed attempt of another cloning of Mewtwo?!”

Screw it.

“Will you two just shut up already?!!” Daniel shouted with a psychic force that blasted the Two-Mewtwo off of their feet and into the wall. The Mew taur slammed his handpaws together as JacobOne's head slammed against JacobTwo's. He then gave out a sigh as the Two-Mewtwo fell onto the floor, both of them dazed. “Huff. Seriously, it's like dealing with a pair of children while dealing with a massive headache and-” he paused as he blinked. “Huh. The voices are gone now.”

“What voices?” JacobTwo asked, looking up.

“You didn't hear them with your telepathy?” Daniel asked in turn. “After all, we're both Psychic-types now.”

Both heads of Jacob were silent. Then JacobOne answered, “No, I didn't hear any voices.”

“We were too busy arguing,” JacobTwo added.

Daniel closed his eyes and focused his mind. He imagined a wall being built in front of him, brick by brick, until it was around him. The voices, he realized, could be filtered and blocked out with this method. And there was something more. “Yes, yes. Now I see.”

“See what?” both Jacobs asked.

“Answers to calculus questions,” David answered in an excited tone as his eyes shot open wide. “I can now see how they work with my mind.”

“You can?”

“But that's impossible.”

“You need something like a computer to figure them out or an excellent brain.”

“Yes. Which we,” JacobTwo stopped as his eyes widened. “Which we all now have.”

The Jacobs spread their four arms out as they floated up to the air while being covered in a blue psychic energy. Daniel smiled as he also spread his arms out and the Mew taur, engulfed in a pink light, also drifted in the air.

“Say, this is pretty awesome,” JacobTwo said with a grin.

“Told ya,” JacobOne said.

“Now that we're Pokémon, some of the most powerful ones around, what shall we do now?” Daniel asked both Jacobs. “I mean, it's not like we can go to our family like this.”

“That is a fair point,” JacobOne said as he rubbed his chin. He thought for a few seconds. “I suggest that we go out and travel the world.”

“I can't think of a better idea,” JacobTwo said with a shrug. “But where shall we go, though?”

“I always wanted to go to Japan,” Daniel said as he waved his tiny arms at the door and it swung itself open.

“Yes, that sounds cool.”

“Let's go then.”

The group flew out the door and into the night sky, with the stars shining down to the earth along with the full moon. The Jacobs spun around in the air as they flew higher, despite one of their heads looking green. They looked out to the west and floated to that direction with Daniel's long and thin tail wagging behind him. Whatever happens, they would be able to deal with it.


Back on the ground, a lone figure remained as he looked at the sky, observing Jacobs' and Daniel's shadows in the sky. He was close to the house they were in, so close that he wondered if they would've realized that he was there. But they hadn't noticed despite their psychic powers.

He took a step inside of the house, his pawsteps making padding sounds and his claws making clicking noises against the floor, as his long tail swept across behind him. His green eyes skimmed over the floor and saw what remained of the plushies. Then, putting on thick rubber gloves, he stuffed them all in the bag until every bit and piece of them, no matter how small, were contained. His tail then picked up the cloak and, putting it back on, the jackal ran out the door.

This wouldn't have happened, Luke thought, if he was able to stop them from getting the stuffed toys.

-----One Hour Ago-----

Luke sat back on a wooden chair as his eyes skimmed through the table screen. His handpaw swiped across the screen once in a while between writing down numbers, as his footpaw tapped against the floor. Reading through and adding together sales figures was boring, but he must start somewhere. Especially since he was the assistant of Mr. Undecim Medicus and his wonderful, technomagical shop.

Four weeks it had been since he'd been picked up by Mr. Medicus. Four weeks since he was transformed into an anthropomorphic jackal, having to relearn basic stuff like washing himself, since it was difficult to shampoo himself on every part of his body. Four weeks since he entered a new world he had never known before. A world filled with magic and technology fused together in harmony.

“This place was created by the Athru of long ago,” Mr. Medicus said to Luke during his tour of the shop, a shop that could go from one place to the next in an instant as long as there was an empty room that was larger on the inside. “At the core of this place is the power source that granted all of its ability, with its most impressive ability being traveling through time.”

“It can travel through time?” Luke asked in an incredulous voice.

“Yes, but only within a five-year period,” Mr. Medicus answered as he rubbed his hand against his black hair. “The power source, while hailed as unlimited because it's some sort of emulator for another, greater power, isn't powerful enough to grant full ability to travel through every point in time.”

“And you just happened to find this place?” Luke asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“More like it found me. You see, I'm not the first Mr. Medicus. In fact, the Mr. Medicus I was apprenticed to wasn't the first either. It was just a cool name we all upheld in order to protect this place from those who'll misuse its power,” Mr. Medicus explained as he showed Luke a rack filled with dragon rings of various types. “Not just because it has something akin to unlimited power, but because of its transformation capabilities. It's amazing how having an army of dragons will turn the tide of war.”

“And you wish that I'll be a ‘Mr. Medicus’ as well.”

“Sorta. But you don't have to be a Mr. Medicus if you don't want to.” Mr. Medicus gave a cheeky grin when he saw Luke's ears twitched as Luke tilted his head to the side. “It was also upheld until the time when we could find the proper owners of this shop, the Athru, and I met them. They allow me to still run the place since they don't have any need for anything here outside of what Alex, their technological genius, researches here from time to time. As a result, the promise was fulfilled and anyone afterwards could retain their own names.”

Luke stretched his back as his long tail swung behind him, brushing against the floor. His back popped as he shrugged his shoulders. He felt stiff, like he was a statue that just came to life and felt resistance in his joints when he tried to move. For something that only sold a few toys and rings each day, there was a surprising amount of sales figures to add together. Of course, it was because the figures had been neglected for a long time and he was given the job to play catch up.

He gritted his teeth as his claws clicked against the floor, doing his best to suppress a yawn. Maybe he could finish writing down the numbers tomorrow morning. But that would mean that he would push tonight's work to tomorrow's work and it does add up if he pushed tomorrow's work to the following day's work. No, it was better to just push forward and finish it up.

Still, if his body being stubborn about moving wasn't a big enough sign, nothing was. Maybe a ten minute break away from the work by walking would help him recover in body and mind, he hoped. He pushed his chair back in a quick motion with his tail and stood up on his digitigrade paws and walked out of the room.

He walked down the hallway, his resistance to the yawn receding as he opened up his canine jaw wide and yawned. Despite the fact that all he did was write numbers for several hours, he felt like he ran a hundred miles during that time. Still, it wasn't a boring job, since there's always a new transformation happening each day due to some random customer coming in for a product, as this place had every kind of ring and plushie imaginable.

And yet, he noted as his mind flashed back to yesterday, not all seemed to be sold.

“Sir?” Luke asked Mr. Medicus in a sheepish tone as the man in front of him turned around. “I looked at the sales figure and I noticed that, for the last few years, you haven't sold anything related to Pokémon with the exception of that custom one. Even then, that one was changed so heavily that you couldn't call it a Pokémon anymore.”

“I'm afraid that I do not know what you're talking about,” Mr. Medicus answered as he waved his hand to no one. “I've sold plenty of Pokémon since I've inherited this shop.”

“Not according to the books you gave me,” Luke said as he pointed at the stacks of books on a desk, high enough for all seven Harry Potter books. “I've skimmed through all the sales and they don't say anything about a Pokémon ring or plush being sold.”

“You see, that's the thing about skimming through a work,” Mr. Medicus said as he clasped a hand on the anthro jackal's shoulder. “You'll often miss something important, especially the first time around. I mean, how many people read through a mystery novel or a series of novels like Harry Potter, and miss a clue that they only realized was a clue when they read it again?”

“Sir, Harry Potter is a fantasy novel series,” Luke said as his ears flattened to the sides. “Not a mystery novel series.”

“Oi! It's a fantasy series and a mystery series,” Mr. Medicus said in a declaration-like voice as he pointed at Luke's black nose with his other hand. His hand then let go of Luke's shoulders as he walked away with a skip. “If more people see it like that, then maybe they could've seen the clues better.”

Luke blinked as he stood there, wondering if he should follow and argue more regarding the Harry Potter genre it was in. He turned around and walked away, before his head snapped up, his ears shooting up in realization. That tricky man, he brought it up so he could steer it away from the lack of Pokémon sales numbers. He looked back, wondering if he should then bring it back to Pokémon before shrugging. There's always another time.

Though, it was unusual that Mr. Medicus would be so reluctant to talk about Pokémon.

Luke then returned to the time that was now and that was walking through shelves of plush toys of various animals. His green eyes looked at them over as he gave out a grin, showing off fangs that could pierce wood if he bit hard. Regardless of Mr. Medicus's reasons on why he doesn't sell any Pokémon stuff and why he doesn't want to talk about it, there was no doubt that this shop has plenty of wonder in store. His ears flickered as he wondered if anyone had tried to put on two separate rings or hug two different plushies, and if so, what happened. Did they become a fusion or did one cancel out the other? Was the fusion uniform or was it just a random mishmash? So many possibilities, so many-

His ears flickered as he heard a sound. It wasn't a clanging, a punching, or even a knocking sound. It was a ripping sound, like someone was slicing through a shirt with a knife or a sword. He felt a shiver that traveled up his spine as he stopped walking. Then, with his toes curled upwards so the claws weren't touching the ground, he silently padded to the source of the sound.

After a minute of walking, he looked behind one of the many shelves of the store and saw a pile of torn up plushies, all sliced up so their stuffing was pouring out. Luke blinked as he examined them all closer as it dawned on him that all of the destroyed toys had one thing in common.

All of them were Pokémon.

Luke held his breath as he looked at them in horror, the sense of horror only magnifying as an idea formed in his mind on who destroyed them all, since he was the only other person in the shop. Still holding his breath, he turned to walk away, when his eye caught one Pokémon plushie that wasn't touched by the carnage. He turned back and then got a closer look at it, the silvery winged Pokémon sitting at the center of the ruined toys, as his heart beat faster.

It was a Lugia plush.

Luke turned back around and walked away, like a guy retreating from a car crash pileup they’d instigated by tossing a rock at a car. He only stopped to catch his breath, to try calming himself, when he was in the room with the books filled with sale numbers, sitting down at the desk. His eyes were closed as he felt his heartbeat slow down.

“Hello Luke. I have a favor to ask of you.”

Luke gave out a yelp and stood up, picking up a pencil like it was a knife to defend himself with.

“Are you alright, Luke?”

He blinked when he was that it was Mr. Medicus. “Yes. I'm just tired from all of this work.”

Luke placed the pencil down with his ears flattened to the sides as Mr. Medicus said, “Sorry about that. Anyways, I have a favor to ask of you as I was trying to tell you.”

The anthro Jackal looked up. “Sure. Go ahead and tell.”

“To explain, I found some products that I would like you to dispose of.” It was then when Luke realized that Mr. Medicus was holding onto a plastic bag. The black haired man opened it up and showed the contents to him. Luke turned green for about half of a second when he saw that it was the ruined Pokémon toys from before. “As you can see, these plushies are ruined to the point that there's no way to repair them without some sort of magic and, well, it's too late for that.”

“Sir? What do you mean by that?”

“Look closer.”

The jackal looked into the contents again and his eyes widened. “Why, some of them are fused together now.”

“Exactly,” Mr. Medicus said as he closed the bag up. “The magic in the store that affected all the products also help prevent disrepair from befalling them. Even ripping them in half would eventually heal them if the pieces are near. But it doesn't always know what product goes with what or when to stop if there's an excess of materials to repair with, causing such misshapen toys.”

“Wha-what caused them to get damaged so badly?” Luke asked as he looked back up at the man.

“I don't know. Might be some vandals that came in and decided to destroy stuff as a prank,” Mr. Medicus answered.

Luke guessed that he wasn't being honest, but there didn't seem to be a point in debating it. “So, I should just throw it away?”

“Not only that, but set them on fire.”


“Oh, don't you see?” Mr. Medicus said in an impatient tone. “They still are affected by the magic in the place. If someone got to them, they'll be transformed into such creatures. I mean, who'll want to be a Buizel with three pairs of wings?”

“Oh. Um, OK.”

“Good,” Mr. Medicus said as he handed the bag to Luke. “Be sure to wear rubber or plastic so you won't transform again.”

-----Present Time-----

Luke stood in front of the dumpster with a fire lit inside of it. All of the Frankenstein-like toys were now on fire, with a glow emitting from the bottom on it. The anthro Jackal looked on with sadness in his face. Even though it would've been for the best if no one managed to get to them, it was still a sad sight for a fan like Luke to witness them get destroyed.

Yet, as Luke thought to himself as he walked away, there was one plush that was missing from the bag. One plush that was spared again. Why was the Lugia plush spared?

Luke shrugged as his tail brushed against the ground under the cloak he wore. Whatever was the answer, he was sure it would pop up in time as long as he worked with the man he's sure who had slashed them in the first place, along with the answers to all of the other questions.

-----Three Months Later-----

There was a saying that New York is the city that never sleeps. Yet, Daniel thought as he floated over Tokyo with a camera on hand, that also applied to every major city with millions of people. The lights of the city shone high up to the sky to the point that it was nothing less of a miracle to see a single star in the sky that wasn't the sun.

Daniel floated in the air for a few minutes, looking over the amazing lightshow that was Tokyo while snapping a few pictures, before he phased out of the night sky. He had little doubt that he would be spotted in the sky, but there's only so much a psychic projection could do to make himself 'invisible' to the citizens there. Mythical Psychic-type Pokémon or not, it was a strain to his mind to project to tens of thousands of people an image of a bird flying in the sky.

He just as fast phased back into existence inside of an apartment in the city. It was a small apartment, even for one that was supposed to have two to three people living in it, with only two small bedrooms and a kitchen connected to a living room. Of course, Daniel doesn't mind, since he was small even as a Mewtaur; after all, his bed is gigantic in comparison. Jacob and Coby, on the other hand-

“Stop smacking me with Fox's tail,” Jacob said to Coby (that was who they decided to call the left side of the Two-Mewtwo), his voice raised high as he struggled to keep his headset on. “It's ridiculous that he can hit twice by attacking upwards while jumping.”

“Then stop trying to get hit by that attack by falling towards me,” Coby replied back, his voice just as high. “Jeez, you act so entitled for a fair game.”

“Settle down you two,” Daniel said as he pressed his little arms against both of their heads. “It's surprising that I'm the younger one and yet I have to act as the parent to you two.”

“Dude, we're streaming,” Jacob said, pointing at the computer set up that's connected to the TV. The monitor was also displaying the game as it was being streamed on Twitch. “The fans love it when we bicker.”

“Doesn't make it any less annoying,” Daniel replied as he floated around Jacob and Coby. “I was hoping to use the computer to upload some photos of Tokyo and some other places. Mind it I use it?”

“After the next game,” Coby said, his hands hovering around the levitating Joy-Cons. “We still need to settle our tie. Why don't you-”

A knock echoed through the room. The three looked up and their eyes stared at the door. Daniel, the closest to the door, floated to it and, with his psychic projection ready, opened the door. 'Hello.'

There was no one there.

Daniel blinked as he looked down the hallway at both sides. Despite being quick to open the door, with only a couple of seconds passing since the knock and the door opening, the hall appeared to be empty. Not even a quick psychic scan showed anyone near and running. His eyes then looked down and saw a package below. It soon gave out a pinkish glow and floated in the air as Daniel pointed at it and 'pulled' it inside. Then, with a few mental tugs, it unwrapped and opened up.

Inside was an envelope, white and unwritten on the surface. Right next to it was a couple of blue gems, each tied up in a string so that it worked as a necklace. He hovered his hands over the gems, and while they don't look wrong, they do have a sort of aura emitting from them. Perhaps it was because he was a Mewtaur that he could sense something like that.

He then lifted the envelope up with his mind and opened that one up as well. He unfolded the letter that had been contained within, and to his surprise, it was written in English. While being a Psychic-type, a powerful one like Mew and Mewtwo, allowed them to scan into others’ minds and read what they were saying without understanding the language they spoke, it was a different matter with the written part of that language. It was impossible for Daniel, Jacob, and Coby to translate it with their psychic powers since there was no mind to read; as long as anyone who understood the language wasn’t reading the same words.

Written in the letter was the following:

Dear sirs who took the plushies months ago,

I do apologize that it took so long to track you down. It seemed that the former owner of the shop, when he asked me to dispose of the stuffed Pokémon toys a couple of years ago (my time), he also removed the means to track who was transformed by them on the toys themselves. Such a shame, though it would have avoided some trouble on my end.

As you certainly know, those toys weren't normal toys. They came from a magical shop where I work, with magic from the Hope Emulator seeping onto them, and because the creators of it were the kind that love transformation, they trigger changes from contact with them. I admit that I don't fully understand why they love such a thing, but I don't mind that much. After all, I'm a 'victim' of such a change myself and I love what it did to me.

I know it's too late, but I would like to say that I'm sorry for what happened. The former owner had uncomfortable memories regarding Pokémon because he lost someone he loved. From what I could tell, she was turned into a Lugia and, while she doesn't mind, he did and it gnawed on him for years. He used to just keep it on the back of his mind by only keeping the Pokémon products on the back of the store, but when I brought up the lack of Pokémon sales, it caused him to go on a rampage on the stuffed Pokémon toys.

They weren't meant to be sold when they fixed themselves wrong after he ended his rampage, but one of you two spotted me and took the toys that I was going to destroy for good. By the time I found where you two were, you were already changed and left.

Inside are the two necklaces that, as long as you're wearing them, will restore you to your normal human selves. I'm not sure if you two will use them, but here they are just in case.

I hope you'll forgive me.



Daniel looked over it twice as Coby asked, “What's wrong?”

“Nothing's wrong,” Daniel replied as he tossed the necklaces and letter in the trash. “Just a prank.”

Art Gallery / Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
« on: October 18, 2019, 09:45:47 PM »

I like to see Glorfindel wearing a Virmir costume (made by a unwilling Virmir, of course) with him posing with his staff on one hand and a wooden hammer with another.


Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 547
« on: October 18, 2019, 09:38:42 PM »
It's never over until it's over. And it's not over yet.

Writer's Guild / Re: A-Fox Ranks Up/A Kitsune Thief Double Feature
« on: October 06, 2019, 07:41:13 PM »
A Kitsune Thief


Crickets chirped as an orange fox snuck by, his three tails swishing behind him. Ahead lay a house within a mountain-side, where his friend lived. But his goal for the day wasn’t to meet with him, but to get inside without his friend knowing. That way, he would get the special potion within.

There the kitsune waited outside, looking at the door, waiting for his friend, who was also a three-tailed kitsune like him, but red with a pink underbelly and a white A on his back, to come out. The orange sune, named Chris, watched with dark blue eyes at the door, his fur bristling with anticipation. If he succeeded, there would be loads of fun for the next 24 hours. But, if he failed, all of that fun will be directed back at him, and that will be no fun.

His ears twitched, detecting a doorknob turn, and, with quick movements, hid behind a tree trunk.

Soon the door swung open and the red kitsune, named A-Fox, stepped outside, his black ears stood up and alert. His sea blue eyes looked all around the area, them looking at every shadow that lay on the earth. Though he saw no one, he closed the door behind him and, with his tails, locked the door behind him. He then walked down the road, his stomach growling.

A minute passed, and Chris flopped down onto the ground, his back legs sore from standing up. He then sighed in relief before he walked towards the locked door. His eyes skimmed over the doorknob, sensing an enchantment within. From the feel of it, Chris thought as his tongue felt swollen by an illusionary strawberry taste, the enchantment is meant as an alert for A-Fox if anyone but him tries to unlock the door. The orange kitsune then gave out a foxy grinned before his own tails hovered over the knob, with them shining a light at the keyhole. Soon, the doorknob turned, slow and steady to not trigger the spell within. Then a clicking sound echoed, and the door swung opened inwards.

Chris grinned wider while his mind echoed a reminder that it was just the first security he met, and there was bound to be more than just that. His dark blue eyes then looked within the first room, observing at every corner of the room. He then shook his head, having seen no more enchantment, and raised one of his white paws forward before a thought struck him. He then looked up at the door frame above and saw a red glow above.

He grinned wider, recognizing that particular enchantment as a fire test. Both Chris and A-Fox are fire kitsunes, the orange kitsune noted, so it makes sense that he will make sure that one who steps in is one themselves. His throat felt the tingle of fire before he opened his mouth and expelled fire at the enchantment.

The fire met spell, and it turned green.

Chris blinked as his heartbeats quickened.

Of course, A-Fox would make sure that a fire kitsune who would be able to sneak would be capable of green fire, which Chris is incapable of, he realized.

Still, Chris thought as he arched his back and his back legs flexed, there was one solution to this.

He sprinted within, passing the doorway as the enchantment flickered multicolored lights. The orange fox’s eyes widened up as he sprinted further, knowing that A-Fox will realize that there has been a break-in and will turn. But then, as long as he got to the potion within, everything will be fine.

He sprinted through another doorway, his heart beating faster as his teeth gritted as he entered into a hallway. His legs felt sore, his head felt light, and his nerves felt fried, but still, he ran. He looked within any doorway along the way, looking for that potion, but there was none.

Until he got to the other end of the hallway, that is.

There it sat in the middle of the room in the middle of the table. The potion, with the container embosomed into the shape of a crystal, glowed with purple and black mixed together. His eyes stared at the potion as his mouth drooled in excitement and joy. His eyes skimmed through the room, but he detected no traps and spells within. As such, he stepped in.

Chris hopped onto the table itself and picked up the potion. His eyes glimmered with greed as his tongue licked his lips. He then popped open the potion—

“What’s going on here?” a voice coming out from the hallway said. Chris’ eyes shifted at the door and emitted a dramatic flair as A-Fox stepped in, his eyes wide with fear. “Oh, no. CHRIS, DON’T!”

Chris drank the potion, the tasteless liquid flowing down his throat that somehow felt warm.

Deity potion consumed, Chris thought.

Chris grinned wide as he felt every part of his body down to the cells feeling a spike of energy that increases by the second. His fur stood up as his tails hypnotically wagged behind him, with them splitting apart into nine tails. His fifth tail stood out as a blueish-grey rode formed around it. It soon tied itself up in the Obi style, ending with a silver bell forming on it.

His back, which had a red four-sided diamond on it, burned with white fire as his eyes glowed, feeling more and more power filling him up. Soon, almost through instincts, a leather cloth formed in front of Chris that ends with beads. It wrapped itself around Chris’ neck as if it was a yodare-kake as he grinned with overwhelming pride.

Yet, power still filled up Chris, enough that even his body couldn’t contain the overwhelming power of a deity. Yet he murred, welcoming any more power that comes with being with a deity since such a problem isn’t an issue if one knows how to fix it.

His eyes returned to normal as his body soon grew in size. The orange deitysune, once a mere two feet tall, soon doubled in height to four and again to eight in a few seconds. The table below him creeks under his weight before it broke into several pieces. The deitysune body soon encompassed the entire room, his tongue sticking out in cheeky joy, as his head met the ceiling and it cracks.

A-Fox, who stood there mesmerized by his changing friend, soon regained his grip on reality and ran when he realized how much the orange deitysune grew. His eyes widened as he kept on running, the floor breaking apart under his feet. The red kitsune ran out of his house, his heart feeling like it was about to explode from nerves and fear, and he flopped down onto the ground twenty feet away from the door.

The ground then shook as A-Fox felt sweat forming around his body. He then turned back and saw huge cracks on the mountain itself, with crackling sounds. A huge tail then burst out of the door and, with a swing, broke the mountain even more. Soon, an orange muzzle burst out from the mountain tip as if it was erupting, with boulders flung around the area. The deitysune laughed so that it echoed for miles away as he kept on growing, the mountain shattering into pieces as if it was sand.

A-Fox’s eyes widened at the sight before he turned and ran, despite his protesting heart. The trees fell around him as he sprinted around them, his legs sore and his mind clouded. But then he felt his paws leaving the ground itself. He gave out a mighty yelp as he felt pulled back to the deitysune himself, who stood at 100,000 feet as the smallest he could be.

Chris grinned at the tiny A-Fox, who whimpered like a puppy. The entire universe is nothing more than his personal playground. With his powers, he could do anything he always wanted to do as A-Fox got lifted up to his eye level.

“Well, well, well,” Chris said in a soft voice. “I guess you should hide your stuff better. But now the fun really begins, buddy, and it starts with you.”

Writer's Guild / Re: A-Fox Ranks Up/A Kitsune Thief Double Feature
« on: October 06, 2019, 07:40:39 PM »
A-Fox Ranks Up


Welp, that was far too annoying just to only get a fried chicken leg. The feral red fox with a pink underbelly and two tails walked through a forest with a large mountain looming nearby, chicken leg in mouth. How could such people get so annoyed at such a hungry little kitsune who was just hungry to the point of chasing him for a mile?

Then again, A-Fox is always hungry.

A-Fox, so-called because of the white A on his back, was once taken in by a mage when he only had one tail. He still remembered it clear as day when, after getting bullied out of a group for his weak magic even for a single-tailed kitsune, a mage came by and examined him. The wizard said that A-Fox has what is called a ‘divine pneuma,’ but that mage wouldn’t elaborate what he meant by that. Just that the A on his back is a sign for having it.

Since then, A-Fox had been cursed for a lifetime as a way for the mage to control the kitsune. Right next to the transformation section, the mage applied two curses that left him with an insatiable appetite and a stomach that has no limit to how much it could hold. With the wizard’s tower in a far-out place, he was the only one who could feed A-Fox and, because his hunger pangs never go away, at best ignored for only so long, the kitsune could never stray too far away from the tower without feeling hungry to his displeasure. And when he does, he got fed so much food that he couldn’t walk for days with a stomach that big.

That was his life until he gained his second tail.

It was an odd feeling, something that he wondered if other kitsunes experienced when they gained their new tail. A surging of power, filling him up far more than any foods he ate in a lifetime. As if a flood of power, long since building up, has been unleased at once, overcoming the tiny island.

In fact, so much power that he fought the mage and won, despite the tales saying that a mage is around the level of a four tailed kitsune. Perhaps those stories exaggerated how powerful they are since the mage went down as easy as A-Fox once did when he had one tail. As such, the mage lost all of his powers and is now living as a feral fox.

It’s almost a shame that A-Fox couldn’t find a way to remove those curses implanted onto him. Almost since A-Fox always liked eating foods, just that he ate far, far more than before.

So now there he was, eating a chicken leg, in the middle of a forest. Such a sweet chicken leg, with the crust, crisped to perfection, as well as the dark meat within. The sweet, crunchy taste flooded his tongue as his heartbeat fast in excitement. It was a shame that those people couldn’t let him have any more than just this.

It was then where A-Fox felt his tails tingled a bit. His ears twitched, but his teeth chewed through the chicken leg with a grin. Whatever that meant, it could wait until he finished-

He then blinked, looking at the leg that had somehow got smaller? Why did the leg get smaller, at around half of its original size? He stared at leg some more and saw that it was still getting smaller as the tingling feeling on tails increased. He then looked back at his tails and saw a golden glow around two of them.

Wait a minute, he thought as he straightened himself up and got a better look at his tails.

An even brighter glow in the shape of the third tail was there next to the other two.

His sea blue eyes widened as he looked around the area and saw that, like the chicken he was eating, the area was shrinking. Or rather, he was growing. Was this the power he gained when he got his third tail? He looked back at his tails and saw the third tail glow faded and solidified into a tail.

It would’ve been an amazing time if it wasn’t for the overwhelming power from before also making a comeback.

A-Fox gritted his teeth, his body growing large by the second. Just a minute before, he stood at around two feet on all four, but now he reached twenty feet with no sign of stopping. He emitted a growl, his iron-like muscles, despite his lanky looks flexing by instincts, as such power filled him up. Heck, it even made the last power surged back when he gained his second tail felt like a mere wave against a continent. Even the power gained from a deity potion felt like a walk in a park compared to this.

The trees then brushed against his red fur as he reached up to thirty feet tall, the leg now a mere speck to him. His growl became deeper as his paws dug into the ground, with the dirt getting ripped away for every foot taller he grew. His heart felt like it may explode in any second from the stress as his eyes closed shut.

The ground shook from the growing kitsune, the tails, also having grown larger on their own during this time separate from the rest of his body. Once, they were a decent tail, only half of his body each. But now even just one of his tails was larger than his body. His height grew up to fifty feet as his teeth gritted tighter, his tails straight behind him.

His head then turned up, and he gave out a massive roar that ranged within anyone’s ears for miles. The pace of his growth quickened, with him doubling in height, as his voice blew any loose leaves off the trees as his body crashed into the trees due to his growth. The rubbing against his fur from the trees decreased from feeling like he walked through tall grass to almost like walking on sand in several seconds. The power flowed through him easier as the ground shook more, his tails breaking down any trees in the way. Then the power flowed stopped as if it got dried out from the sun too close.

A-Fox flopped back as he emitted a sigh of relief and opened up his eyes. His sea blue eyes then skimmed down to the forest below, with shredded trees below where he stood. The paw holes he dug were almost like craters as he flopped back, and a great crack emitted from behind. He turned back and saw the mountain, once far and huge to the two-tailed kitsune he was, now near and small to the three-tailed kitsune. The kitsune blinked, being at 30,000 feet in only a few minutes of growing. At least it was just a forest and not a city. He shivered at the thought of growing within the city he was at only this morning. He may be a mischievous kitsune, but he doesn’t wish to kill anyone.

His muscles, sore throughout his body, limped down as he looked at his now massive tails with a small grin. Perhaps it was only a sign of his powers, but he always liked to have his tails huge. The macro abilities were just a bonus at this point.

A thought then occurred to him as he looked up at the noon sky. Could he also shrink in size, smaller than his regular size? That would be a useful ability to have since, with it, he would sneak into chicken shops while small and go to their supplies. Having a meal would be so much easier.

His stomach then growled as he looked down, the rumbling of a hungry belly heard and felt for miles away. He then gave out a grin as he looked over to the nearby city he was at.

If there was a perfect time to test out his new powers, this is it.

Writer's Guild / A-Fox Ranks Up/A Kitsune Thief Double Feature
« on: October 06, 2019, 07:39:53 PM »
Hey there, everyone. Well, my vacation has gone off the rail, to put it mildly. To make the long story short, we went to California to be with some relatives for a week (Monday to Saturday) while the floors to the house got removed and replaced. But when we got back, the floors were still being worked on (despite them assuring us that it'll take three days minimal to complete). As a result, after a night in the hotel, we're now back in California until Wednesday.

Man, I feel like an adult now since that having a vacation extended is an annoying part of it. >.|.>

In any case, here are a couple of stories I wrote a few days ago. They both involved macro and growth.


Writer's Guild / Re: Dragon Warrior TF
« on: August 18, 2019, 01:58:30 PM »
Yeah. The Art Trade I have with Midday Mew is technically completed, but it's being looked over for *checks calendar* for eight months at this point. And then I got a commission from Eisen asking for a TF, which I thought was perfect for Luke. Plus, due to my old job at Amazon being a weak writing spot, I'm so way behind on many of my stories. XD

Writer's Guild / Re: Dragon Warrior TF
« on: August 17, 2019, 03:28:39 PM »
I love this story. Also, who's Luke?
He seems like a nice guy.

That's great to hear. =)

As for who Luke is, he's actually a character from an earlier story who was once human. You can read the story here.

And wooooooow does checking back on that story made me realize how much time I wasted between his last appearance and this story. Deeeeeeerp. XD

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