Author Topic: A-Fox Ranks Up/A Kitsune Thief Double Feature  (Read 5561 times)


  • Solid Fox, Daren Crevan
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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    • Foxgamer01 of DA
on: October 06, 2019, 07:39:53 PM
Hey there, everyone. Well, my vacation has gone off the rail, to put it mildly. To make the long story short, we went to California to be with some relatives for a week (Monday to Saturday) while the floors to the house got removed and replaced. But when we got back, the floors were still being worked on (despite them assuring us that it'll take three days minimal to complete). As a result, after a night in the hotel, we're now back in California until Wednesday.

Man, I feel like an adult now since that having a vacation extended is an annoying part of it. >.|.>

In any case, here are a couple of stories I wrote a few days ago. They both involved macro and growth.


(19:14:28) Virmir: All of Foxgamer's pics are either super happy or BATTLE.
(19:14:53) Virmir: Except that one roo one.


  • Solid Fox, Daren Crevan
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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    • Foxgamer01 of DA
Reply #1 on: October 06, 2019, 07:40:39 PM
A-Fox Ranks Up


Welp, that was far too annoying just to only get a fried chicken leg. The feral red fox with a pink underbelly and two tails walked through a forest with a large mountain looming nearby, chicken leg in mouth. How could such people get so annoyed at such a hungry little kitsune who was just hungry to the point of chasing him for a mile?

Then again, A-Fox is always hungry.

A-Fox, so-called because of the white A on his back, was once taken in by a mage when he only had one tail. He still remembered it clear as day when, after getting bullied out of a group for his weak magic even for a single-tailed kitsune, a mage came by and examined him. The wizard said that A-Fox has what is called a ‘divine pneuma,’ but that mage wouldn’t elaborate what he meant by that. Just that the A on his back is a sign for having it.

Since then, A-Fox had been cursed for a lifetime as a way for the mage to control the kitsune. Right next to the transformation section, the mage applied two curses that left him with an insatiable appetite and a stomach that has no limit to how much it could hold. With the wizard’s tower in a far-out place, he was the only one who could feed A-Fox and, because his hunger pangs never go away, at best ignored for only so long, the kitsune could never stray too far away from the tower without feeling hungry to his displeasure. And when he does, he got fed so much food that he couldn’t walk for days with a stomach that big.

That was his life until he gained his second tail.

It was an odd feeling, something that he wondered if other kitsunes experienced when they gained their new tail. A surging of power, filling him up far more than any foods he ate in a lifetime. As if a flood of power, long since building up, has been unleased at once, overcoming the tiny island.

In fact, so much power that he fought the mage and won, despite the tales saying that a mage is around the level of a four tailed kitsune. Perhaps those stories exaggerated how powerful they are since the mage went down as easy as A-Fox once did when he had one tail. As such, the mage lost all of his powers and is now living as a feral fox.

It’s almost a shame that A-Fox couldn’t find a way to remove those curses implanted onto him. Almost since A-Fox always liked eating foods, just that he ate far, far more than before.

So now there he was, eating a chicken leg, in the middle of a forest. Such a sweet chicken leg, with the crust, crisped to perfection, as well as the dark meat within. The sweet, crunchy taste flooded his tongue as his heartbeat fast in excitement. It was a shame that those people couldn’t let him have any more than just this.

It was then where A-Fox felt his tails tingled a bit. His ears twitched, but his teeth chewed through the chicken leg with a grin. Whatever that meant, it could wait until he finished-

He then blinked, looking at the leg that had somehow got smaller? Why did the leg get smaller, at around half of its original size? He stared at leg some more and saw that it was still getting smaller as the tingling feeling on tails increased. He then looked back at his tails and saw a golden glow around two of them.

Wait a minute, he thought as he straightened himself up and got a better look at his tails.

An even brighter glow in the shape of the third tail was there next to the other two.

His sea blue eyes widened as he looked around the area and saw that, like the chicken he was eating, the area was shrinking. Or rather, he was growing. Was this the power he gained when he got his third tail? He looked back at his tails and saw the third tail glow faded and solidified into a tail.

It would’ve been an amazing time if it wasn’t for the overwhelming power from before also making a comeback.

A-Fox gritted his teeth, his body growing large by the second. Just a minute before, he stood at around two feet on all four, but now he reached twenty feet with no sign of stopping. He emitted a growl, his iron-like muscles, despite his lanky looks flexing by instincts, as such power filled him up. Heck, it even made the last power surged back when he gained his second tail felt like a mere wave against a continent. Even the power gained from a deity potion felt like a walk in a park compared to this.

The trees then brushed against his red fur as he reached up to thirty feet tall, the leg now a mere speck to him. His growl became deeper as his paws dug into the ground, with the dirt getting ripped away for every foot taller he grew. His heart felt like it may explode in any second from the stress as his eyes closed shut.

The ground shook from the growing kitsune, the tails, also having grown larger on their own during this time separate from the rest of his body. Once, they were a decent tail, only half of his body each. But now even just one of his tails was larger than his body. His height grew up to fifty feet as his teeth gritted tighter, his tails straight behind him.

His head then turned up, and he gave out a massive roar that ranged within anyone’s ears for miles. The pace of his growth quickened, with him doubling in height, as his voice blew any loose leaves off the trees as his body crashed into the trees due to his growth. The rubbing against his fur from the trees decreased from feeling like he walked through tall grass to almost like walking on sand in several seconds. The power flowed through him easier as the ground shook more, his tails breaking down any trees in the way. Then the power flowed stopped as if it got dried out from the sun too close.

A-Fox flopped back as he emitted a sigh of relief and opened up his eyes. His sea blue eyes then skimmed down to the forest below, with shredded trees below where he stood. The paw holes he dug were almost like craters as he flopped back, and a great crack emitted from behind. He turned back and saw the mountain, once far and huge to the two-tailed kitsune he was, now near and small to the three-tailed kitsune. The kitsune blinked, being at 30,000 feet in only a few minutes of growing. At least it was just a forest and not a city. He shivered at the thought of growing within the city he was at only this morning. He may be a mischievous kitsune, but he doesn’t wish to kill anyone.

His muscles, sore throughout his body, limped down as he looked at his now massive tails with a small grin. Perhaps it was only a sign of his powers, but he always liked to have his tails huge. The macro abilities were just a bonus at this point.

A thought then occurred to him as he looked up at the noon sky. Could he also shrink in size, smaller than his regular size? That would be a useful ability to have since, with it, he would sneak into chicken shops while small and go to their supplies. Having a meal would be so much easier.

His stomach then growled as he looked down, the rumbling of a hungry belly heard and felt for miles away. He then gave out a grin as he looked over to the nearby city he was at.

If there was a perfect time to test out his new powers, this is it.

(19:14:28) Virmir: All of Foxgamer's pics are either super happy or BATTLE.
(19:14:53) Virmir: Except that one roo one.


  • Solid Fox, Daren Crevan
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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    • Foxgamer01 of DA
Reply #2 on: October 06, 2019, 07:41:13 PM
A Kitsune Thief


Crickets chirped as an orange fox snuck by, his three tails swishing behind him. Ahead lay a house within a mountain-side, where his friend lived. But his goal for the day wasn’t to meet with him, but to get inside without his friend knowing. That way, he would get the special potion within.

There the kitsune waited outside, looking at the door, waiting for his friend, who was also a three-tailed kitsune like him, but red with a pink underbelly and a white A on his back, to come out. The orange sune, named Chris, watched with dark blue eyes at the door, his fur bristling with anticipation. If he succeeded, there would be loads of fun for the next 24 hours. But, if he failed, all of that fun will be directed back at him, and that will be no fun.

His ears twitched, detecting a doorknob turn, and, with quick movements, hid behind a tree trunk.

Soon the door swung open and the red kitsune, named A-Fox, stepped outside, his black ears stood up and alert. His sea blue eyes looked all around the area, them looking at every shadow that lay on the earth. Though he saw no one, he closed the door behind him and, with his tails, locked the door behind him. He then walked down the road, his stomach growling.

A minute passed, and Chris flopped down onto the ground, his back legs sore from standing up. He then sighed in relief before he walked towards the locked door. His eyes skimmed over the doorknob, sensing an enchantment within. From the feel of it, Chris thought as his tongue felt swollen by an illusionary strawberry taste, the enchantment is meant as an alert for A-Fox if anyone but him tries to unlock the door. The orange kitsune then gave out a foxy grinned before his own tails hovered over the knob, with them shining a light at the keyhole. Soon, the doorknob turned, slow and steady to not trigger the spell within. Then a clicking sound echoed, and the door swung opened inwards.

Chris grinned wider while his mind echoed a reminder that it was just the first security he met, and there was bound to be more than just that. His dark blue eyes then looked within the first room, observing at every corner of the room. He then shook his head, having seen no more enchantment, and raised one of his white paws forward before a thought struck him. He then looked up at the door frame above and saw a red glow above.

He grinned wider, recognizing that particular enchantment as a fire test. Both Chris and A-Fox are fire kitsunes, the orange kitsune noted, so it makes sense that he will make sure that one who steps in is one themselves. His throat felt the tingle of fire before he opened his mouth and expelled fire at the enchantment.

The fire met spell, and it turned green.

Chris blinked as his heartbeats quickened.

Of course, A-Fox would make sure that a fire kitsune who would be able to sneak would be capable of green fire, which Chris is incapable of, he realized.

Still, Chris thought as he arched his back and his back legs flexed, there was one solution to this.

He sprinted within, passing the doorway as the enchantment flickered multicolored lights. The orange fox’s eyes widened up as he sprinted further, knowing that A-Fox will realize that there has been a break-in and will turn. But then, as long as he got to the potion within, everything will be fine.

He sprinted through another doorway, his heart beating faster as his teeth gritted as he entered into a hallway. His legs felt sore, his head felt light, and his nerves felt fried, but still, he ran. He looked within any doorway along the way, looking for that potion, but there was none.

Until he got to the other end of the hallway, that is.

There it sat in the middle of the room in the middle of the table. The potion, with the container embosomed into the shape of a crystal, glowed with purple and black mixed together. His eyes stared at the potion as his mouth drooled in excitement and joy. His eyes skimmed through the room, but he detected no traps and spells within. As such, he stepped in.

Chris hopped onto the table itself and picked up the potion. His eyes glimmered with greed as his tongue licked his lips. He then popped open the potion—

“What’s going on here?” a voice coming out from the hallway said. Chris’ eyes shifted at the door and emitted a dramatic flair as A-Fox stepped in, his eyes wide with fear. “Oh, no. CHRIS, DON’T!”

Chris drank the potion, the tasteless liquid flowing down his throat that somehow felt warm.

Deity potion consumed, Chris thought.

Chris grinned wide as he felt every part of his body down to the cells feeling a spike of energy that increases by the second. His fur stood up as his tails hypnotically wagged behind him, with them splitting apart into nine tails. His fifth tail stood out as a blueish-grey rode formed around it. It soon tied itself up in the Obi style, ending with a silver bell forming on it.

His back, which had a red four-sided diamond on it, burned with white fire as his eyes glowed, feeling more and more power filling him up. Soon, almost through instincts, a leather cloth formed in front of Chris that ends with beads. It wrapped itself around Chris’ neck as if it was a yodare-kake as he grinned with overwhelming pride.

Yet, power still filled up Chris, enough that even his body couldn’t contain the overwhelming power of a deity. Yet he murred, welcoming any more power that comes with being with a deity since such a problem isn’t an issue if one knows how to fix it.

His eyes returned to normal as his body soon grew in size. The orange deitysune, once a mere two feet tall, soon doubled in height to four and again to eight in a few seconds. The table below him creeks under his weight before it broke into several pieces. The deitysune body soon encompassed the entire room, his tongue sticking out in cheeky joy, as his head met the ceiling and it cracks.

A-Fox, who stood there mesmerized by his changing friend, soon regained his grip on reality and ran when he realized how much the orange deitysune grew. His eyes widened as he kept on running, the floor breaking apart under his feet. The red kitsune ran out of his house, his heart feeling like it was about to explode from nerves and fear, and he flopped down onto the ground twenty feet away from the door.

The ground then shook as A-Fox felt sweat forming around his body. He then turned back and saw huge cracks on the mountain itself, with crackling sounds. A huge tail then burst out of the door and, with a swing, broke the mountain even more. Soon, an orange muzzle burst out from the mountain tip as if it was erupting, with boulders flung around the area. The deitysune laughed so that it echoed for miles away as he kept on growing, the mountain shattering into pieces as if it was sand.

A-Fox’s eyes widened at the sight before he turned and ran, despite his protesting heart. The trees fell around him as he sprinted around them, his legs sore and his mind clouded. But then he felt his paws leaving the ground itself. He gave out a mighty yelp as he felt pulled back to the deitysune himself, who stood at 100,000 feet as the smallest he could be.

Chris grinned at the tiny A-Fox, who whimpered like a puppy. The entire universe is nothing more than his personal playground. With his powers, he could do anything he always wanted to do as A-Fox got lifted up to his eye level.

“Well, well, well,” Chris said in a soft voice. “I guess you should hide your stuff better. But now the fun really begins, buddy, and it starts with you.”

(19:14:28) Virmir: All of Foxgamer's pics are either super happy or BATTLE.
(19:14:53) Virmir: Except that one roo one.