imagine remembering (says the guy who cannot remember even their oldest completions)
GEN 2 (UNPLAYED- Crystal Clear does not count, as that's a ROMhack with too much QOL to be considered base Gen 2 anymore, despite nearly having beaten it with a solidly balanced team)
Emerald (2018-2022): Blaziken, Manectric, Gardevoir, Walrein, Breloom, Altaria
Gale of Darkness (Multiple Playthroughs of separate years, not counting XG: Next Gen ROMhack): Espeon, Ursaring (I literally do not remember the other teams. They were so inferior compared to the main two. )
Diamond (2019): Infernape, Gastrodon, Bronzong, Carnivine, Abomasnow, Honchkrow
Soulsilver (2017-2020, Due For Replay): Feraligatr, Furret, Lugia/Alakazam (swapped between the two often), Ampharos, Ninetales, Golem
Platinum (2019): Empoleon, Magmortar, Froslass, Drifblim, Leafeon, Croagunk
Black 1 (2020?, Due For Replay): Samurott, Stoutland, Unfezant, Galvantula, Reshiram, Gyarados (WHAT WAS THIS TEAM)
Black 2: (2021?): Samurott, Virmireon (Flareon), Lucario, Flygon, Eelektross, Zoroark
X (2013, Original): Cannot remember the full extent nor can the full save be recovered due to the original 2DS this file was on being destroyed, but it had Venusaur, Delphox, and the gift Lucario, at the very least. Will replay.
Y (2021-2022): Delphox, Blastoise, Aegislash, Jolteon, Goodra, Hawlucha
Alpha Sapphire (2022-2023): Save file on cartridge was deleted and given to brother, will update if remember the rest of the team. Sceptile, Aggron, Medicham, unsure about the rest
Omega Ruby (2023-2024, IN PROGRESS:) Mudkip > Swampert...
Moon (2016-17): Primarina, Lurantis, Arcanine, Salamence, Machamp, Snorlax
UltraSun (2024): Decidueye, Alolan Ninetales, Kommo-o, Golisopod, Salazzle, Lycanroc
Sword (2020/2021?

?): Cinderace, Frosmoth, Venusaur, Galarian Slowbro, Urshifu, Zweilous/Hydreigon (Evolved after the League, but stayed for the DLC)
Legends Arceus (2022): Hisuian Decidueye. I don't think there's a hall of fame here, but that was my starter.
Shining Pearl (2019): Torterra, Lumineon, Pachirisu, Weavile (I wanted so badly for this to be Glaceon, but the new dex STILL didn't allow for Eevee to be a thing pre-National. COWARDS), Togekiss, Drapion
Violet(2022-2024): Skeledirge, Iron Treads, Tinkaton (THE G.O.A.T), Baxcalibur, Annihilape and Farigiraf
Annihilape and Farigiraf were replaced with Ogrepon and Vikavolt during the Teal Mask DLC and stayed during Indigo Disk.
Legends ZA (UNPLAYED): Yet to come.
At least 2 times for Diamond and a VERY old Y playthrough that happened shortly after my X file got destroyed, and a FireRed playthrough that never saw the light of day ever again. Maybe I'll get back to that one.