Author Topic: Transformation Theater  (Read 99980 times)

Shifting Sands

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on: May 03, 2015, 05:23:07 PM
Holy crap, no post on here for months, huh? Disturbing.



There was a browser game that I played a while back that consisted of DnD-style stat rolling gameplay and written TFs based on your choices and your rolls. In more concrete terms, roll d20s and see what comes of it. The goal can be victory, failing and getting to be a horrifying chimera, becoming a very specific organism and staying as that, or whatever else you can imagine.

So... I intend to bring that here! I'm a budding writer (this is where people should vouch for me, cough cough, please) and I want to keep up my practicing. I need things to write, and this is something that keeps my brain running and rolling, making up all these actions, scenarios, and descriptions. It also helps if I want to run DnD things.

(Speaking of, if I like the impression you give here, I might try and pull you into some campaign that still needs one more person)

In essence, I'm looking for people to say who/what they are if they are roped into a sort of "transformation theater," as I put it in the title, and I need justification/reasons/whatever for why I should include you. SELL YOURSELF! This is an application, and I reserve the right to turn away or accept anyone I choose. If you want to include an example of writing, do that. If you think I like you and will bring you in because of that, go ahead. The "application" is WHATEVER YOU WANT! But the more your "application" appeals to me, the more likely I am to pick you out of the chaff.

Sorry for calling you chaff.

So if you're interested, post up! The specifics of the scenario, stats, and all that will be discussed after I've got genuinely interested and intelligent people. I need those first!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 05:30:05 PM by Medik Jackal »

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #1 on: May 03, 2015, 05:43:43 PM
Hello! I would like to apply for this fun! Because I have always had fun with transformations, and when needed, writing them!


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Reply #2 on: May 03, 2015, 06:07:57 PM
*He wakes with a start, the teen jolting upright with a gasp. The dream he had woken from was bizarre, something about an adventure about to begin... but where? The memory was already fading. Once his senses began to return to him, he got to notice his surroundings. He was in some kind of dense forest, lying on a thick carpet of grass, surrounded by the chirps and calls of various wildlife. The air wall dry, and mildly warm, the perfect weather to be outside... though maybe not for sleeping in the woods with nothing but the clothes on your back. On that subject, the teen thought, what the heck was he wearing? It felt strange, flowing down him like some kind of dress. Looking down, he saw it WAS a dress, of segmented white parts. Underneath, he was surprised to see slender, snow-white legs, completely unlike the mild tan he normally had. In fact, he realized with a shock, that the entire HE part of his anatomy had vanished! Leaping to his- her, feet, the teen saw her body had become lean and femine, and ghostly white, the odd segmented dress seemingly atrached to her! A red horn protruded from her chest, and she had green, helmet-like hair. Seeing a small pool nearby, she darted to it, staring into the reflective surface. The face that stared back was not her own, but it wasn't unfamiliar either. The teen kneeled there, frozen, before taking in the realization.

"I'm a... Gardevoir?"

*Bows with a flourish* Thank you~



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Reply #3 on: May 03, 2015, 11:31:43 PM
Dear Sir or Madam,

I should be a part of this because I am more important than everyone else.  My noble upbringing has refined my senses and iron wit into sharp blades of irrefutable knowledge and skill.  My experience in transformation magics is entirely self-taught, leading to hands-on personal discoveries from perspectives untouched by lesser forms of learning.  Also, I can shoot fire out of my hands.

Fondly awaiting your favorable response,

His Majesty Fuhrer-President Lord Virmir

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #4 on: May 04, 2015, 05:28:04 AM
Dear sir I wish to protest the previous application as it impuges greatly upon my own reputation.  My importance is miles, light years beyond the importance of any others.  Why just last week I accidentally nuked a small country in Asia that no one has heard of and now no one ever will.  My incidents of folly blanket whole planetscapes with chaotic levels of radiation that lead to the most entertaining tailsplosions.  I come well versed in the skills of being the consummate clueless victim as well as the bringer of physics-breaking anarchy.  Also I'm a prettier girl than our esteemed Fluff Lord.

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Reply #5 on: May 04, 2015, 10:27:39 PM

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #6 on: May 05, 2015, 06:31:20 AM
I don't need radiation to wield chainsaws.  I'm sure I can work on my styling if I can practice on some bone sculpting =D

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Reply #7 on: May 07, 2015, 05:21:46 PM
Hmmm, I think I'd be willing to give this a go, certainly. Transformational stuffs tend to be pretty cool. I hereby apply, be it for chittering chitin or clanking metal, shining scales or fluffy fur.

It gets so lonely being evil
What I'd do to see a smile
Even for a little while
And no one loves you when you're evil
I'm lying through my teeth!
Your tears are all the company I need


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Reply #8 on: May 07, 2015, 08:47:23 PM
Hey there, it's certainly been a while! I don't stop by CF all that often these days because there isn't enough RP stuff to keep me interested, but I do have my spies and this sounds right up my alley ^.^

As this is a theatre (the classier way to say it of course), consider this as an audition. I'm versed in story writing (see Metamor Keep: A Cursed Kit), as well as RP in various forms including freeform, classic DnD, whitewolf, and more. As a TF fan, I'm familiar with a wide breadth of devices ranging from straight up magic spells to cursed items and even costume/makeup. I often look at multiple angles and can be quite devious. On a completely unrelated note *cough*, my friend baked a bunch of chocolate chip cookies so I brought them along and figured I'd... share them with the competition. They're in the breakroom if anyone is interested. >.>

Back to the selling point though, I always keep my commitments when I make them and give projects like this my full attention. I'll make sure to let you know if I can or can't make a day well in advance. I realize you don't know me as well as you do many of the other applicants, but I figure everything is also worth a shot. So keep me in mind if you mysteriously have trouble finding the other applicants when you've made your pick! And also try not to step on any of the kittens. Not that I have any idea where those came from...

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Shifting Sands

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Reply #9 on: May 07, 2015, 11:03:21 PM
So after careful deliberation and a much unexpected interest in the whole thing, I've picked out the participants. I expected, like, a couple maybe, but with some more I'm thinking about expanding the event into more of a whole campaign-type thing rather than just the one-on-one browser game that it originated from. That's purely because I don't think I can run four different browser games at once. Let me know what you four think.

Those four happen to be
1. Virmir (you get top of the list so squelch your ego)
2. Toast (I guess this makes up for the five thousand TFs you've given me?)
3. Stormkit (never even talked to you when you actually hung around the chat years ago so here's the opportunity I guess)
4. Draykin (I don't have anything funny to say)

Assuming you're all still interested, even if you all have to come together and become a singular party (don't worry, I won't just cast party-wide effects), then we'll line out the rules a bit. The stats will boil down to these:

STRength - how hard you hit physically
AGIlity - how easily you can dodge or take physical attacks
MAGic - how hard you hit magically
RESistance - your resistance of those magic attacks
CHArisma - the ability to sweet-talk or wile your way out of danger
INTelligence - general smarts and how you'll fight against silver tongues

Some of those stat thingies should seem pretty familiar if you looked at Vir's art, so you have a general idea of how transformations can affect your stats. Becoming an ogre, for example, would give you massive strength, resistance, and agility, whereas your magic, charisma, and intelligence would suffer.

That's the idea of the game, after all - you want transformations, not only because they're fun, but because you'll be able to change up your stats, and you'll want to aim to make them improve over time, if only in a couple of categories. Becoming a party makes this idea more interesting - you can have the typical roleplay setup with a charismatic leader, a brute, a damage sponge, and a wizard... OR you can all hit things really hard with tiny tiny brains. It's your choice!

All of the stats will be used in combat. All of them will be used out of combat, too, so there will be some scenery chewing as well as brawling. I don't want one side to become favored over the other - any approach you take should have its usefulness apparent in a roleplay sense as well as in a fighting sense.

Assuming you're all still hooked, I need to know a general layout of the character you bring to the table. I don't care if it's "you" or some OC or whatever, I just need to know the gut feelings you get as to how their stats would be lined up. I'll do the actual number crunching (unless you really insist on assigning points or something, but don't). It'll also be the form that's built off of, so if you start as a tiny Jimminy Cricket or something, you probably won't become much bigger without a significant alteration!

If there are any questions, now's the time to ask them!


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Reply #10 on: May 07, 2015, 11:27:04 PM
Virmir--cartoon gray fox fire mage


Giant cartoon hammer--perfect for smashing

Stylish cape--useful for stashing items and also looking stylish

General attributes:

Strength--not very strong!  Hammer may help, though.

Agility--somewhat lithe, being a fox, but rather frail

Magic--an expert on blowing things up!

Resistance--not an expert, but knowledgeable enough to deflect some spells (except of course ICE IS BAD)

Charisma--probably pretty charismatic.  Good at yelling

Intelligence--entirely full of himself, which automatically makes him pretty smart
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 11:56:01 PM by Virmir »

[fox] Virmir

Shifting Sands

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Reply #11 on: May 07, 2015, 11:36:40 PM
Before I get too far ahead of myself I should really make note of the nuances of "combat" specifically that drove my test subject insane in the prototype of the game.

Most things will be rolled in terms of a d20. If you aren't a nerd, get your certificate in order.

"Crits," or natural 20s on your rolls, will usually do double damage or have some additional effect. You're free to give your input on a crit if you think it should do something in particular. (Out of combat stuff obviously won't do the double damage)

I should mention that crits by the enemy will lead to an immediate change as well as more damage! Need more ways to change, after all, even if you play perfectly.

In terms of health, most things will rely on the rule of Nintendo-Three. You know, where things take three hits to kill. Except you take three hits. To kill.

You won't really die, though. In the event of being "killed" you're going to just be defeated and knocked down for a bit. You won't be kicked out for the entire gig - however, your form will be DRASTICALLY altered. It takes a lot of quantum chaos (or some other excuse) to keep you alive rather than dying and falling into the aether!

I don't know if there's more to add to this. Maybe the test subject can tell me if I missed something that irked him.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 11:42:43 PM by Medik Jackal »

Shifting Sands

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Reply #12 on: May 08, 2015, 12:16:47 AM
Stormkit said that setting would play an influential part on his character design, so I figure that would be a good thing to set up first. So we'll run that bit first.

I have some ideas set up, so I'll just list them real quick:

1. Underwater fantasy. Like Atlantis, but edgy... sort of. It's an idea I've been trying to execute in a sort of DnD campaign for months but it's been hell to get running. This could finally be my chance for it. I've got plenty of ideas set up for it, so this is probably the most fleshed out idea I have. Races and monsters of my own design, conflict that I've got planned in advance... it's my "best" idea.

In terms of how people come together, all surface races in this setting (except for dwarves and oreads or earthy things) are driven to the water by massive overpopulation of monsters, mainly wyverns and dragons. Farms and villages and castles and countries are roasted to ash, and the ruined land won't support anything for a while. The water is the biggest and "most obvious" choice for crazy magicians and scientists.

2. Egyptian-themed fantasy. I'm a total nerd for Egyptian history and mythology and have some events in my mind in case some sort of story or gig like this were to occur. I like to think I'm pretty smart about it, but I'm not a genius or anthropologist or anything, and I haven't even seen Stargate. Some of this will be concrete, and some will be ramshackle, as-I-go. Sort of a look into how I bridge my ideas together, if you want to see it.

Characters here will come together by method of divine intervention because some deities need a hand in their problems and need mortal lives for possible sacrifice. Just think general fantasy characters with more of an African or Asian flair.

3. I don't know! If you've got an idea, pose it to me! If you all like it, I'll work with it! This might take more time, but it could be an awesome idea that becomes some novel I write in the far future.

This was sort of what I did with Vir. I ran a "labyrinth" that was full of encounters and monsters and it was fairly linear. I made things up on the fly. It wasn't the most constructed stuff, but I think I had enough of a coherent idea to pull it through! Of course, it was with one person, so keep that in mind.

I guess I should give a small, out-of-context example real quick too!

"More laughter comes from the aboleth, who begins to let the proboscis back out again. It climbs down from the height it was at, moving in, but has to put up a spout of shadowy, oily water to blot out your fireball.

ARC 1d20+10 = 26

Its magic is powerful enough to keep the fire off of it, setting the spout of water alight and providing an excellent backdrop as it pounces on you with its proboscis, hooking it straight to your head. It doesn't drain, but instead pumps, like the stinger from behind, numbing your mind further.

CHA 1d20+5 = 18 "


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Reply #13 on: May 08, 2015, 01:47:43 AM
I like the Atlantis setup but don't yet have an inspiration for it yet. I'm thinking perhaps though a literal animal as in four footed and not that intelligent. No magic talent, but great strength and/or agility. Which kind though is as yet undecided.

The egyptian setup seems like a good place to try using a djinn though. Spirit of air and fire that is good at magic, but not so strong. Probably decent agility though subpar magic resistance as creatures of magic are more easily affected by magic! Charisma and intelligence are likely average.

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Reply #14 on: May 08, 2015, 01:46:15 PM
If this is a matter of a vote, I vote for the Atlantis one

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