It is I, that one lurker guy who's been around since comic 40- something!
And now, after so long, I have but three things to say!
One. That this comic - and by extension, it's writer - is awesome. Keep up the incredible work

Two. That there seem to be no non-relevant females. I recommend to put random ones in, just so that we won't be able to guess which of them will become weaved into the plot. Yes, random, I know.
And three; His hat-ram is magical, right? I mean, it didn't even dent the brick walls as it ricocheted around, yet it somehow managed to cut through the METAL bars, at the same time tearing and/or bending them out of the brick it was previously unable to do any damage to, in addition to apparently vaporizing a triangle-shaped chunk of steel out of each of said bars and giving them that odd angle that implies that they were never facing vertically towards each other at any given moment in the recent timeframe!
... Sorry. Darn me and my physics. Great work, as always