(23:29:26) * (Taur_Draykin) pokes Virbot.
(23:29:26) VirBot: Gah!
(23:29:34) * (Taur_Draykin) pokes VirBot.
(23:29:34) VirBot: *retaliates with ROCKET PUNCH*
(23:29:45) (Burning_Dragonfox): o.o
(23:29:47) * (Taur_Draykin) is sent flying across the room, into a wall.
(23:30:01) (Taur_Draykin): Ow...
(23:30:13) (Burning_Dragonfox): Only one fuzzie is allowed to do that to Draykin, and thats me!
(23:30:26) (Burning_Dragonfox): VirBot! I challenge you to a duel!
(23:30:26) VirBot: *earperks*
(23:30:40) (Taur_Draykin): As if my muzzle wasn't sore enough already...
(23:30:43) * (Burning_Dragonfox) slaps Virbot with a crab
(23:30:43) VirBot: *shifts eyes as a dull CLANG resonates throughout the room*
(23:31:04) * (Burning_Dragonfox) pords VirBot with Elvis' spine!
(23:31:04) VirBot: *shifts eyes*
(23:31:05) (Taur_Draykin): VirBot goes ahead and punches me...
(23:31:05) VirBot: *shifts eyes*
(23:31:22) * (Burning_Dragonfox) kicks VirBot while wearing the Iron Boots.
(23:31:22) VirBot: *retaliates with METAL CHOMP*
(23:31:30) * (Burning_Dragonfox) bleeds all over VirBot!
(23:31:42) * (Burning_Dragonfox) chainsaws VirBot!
(23:31:42) VirBot: *shifts eyes*
(23:31:57) * (Burning_Dragonfox) punches VirBot!
(23:31:57) VirBot: *tosses a fox plush at (Burning_Dragonfox)*
(23:32:05) * (Taur_Draykin) is stuck in the wall... ._.
(23:32:16) * (Burning_Dragonfox) Hadokens VirBot and the fox plush, which was a trap!
(23:32:16) VirBot: *tosses a stern glare at (Burning_Dragonfox)*
(23:32:25) Trask: (Taur_Draykin), how do you always manage to get into walls?
(23:32:32) Trask: Is it fail no clipping?
(23:32:39) (Taur_Draykin): VirBot punched me!
(23:32:46) Trask: Yipe!
(23:32:57) Trask: VirBot! why do you do that?
(23:33:01) * (Burning_Dragonfox) grabs Trask and uses him as a drill to pierce the hea- I mean... Stab VirBot.
(23:33:02) Trask:
(23:33:15) (Burning_Dragonfox): Ha. That killed him.
(23:33:15) Trask: Haha I see what you were gonna say there.
(23:33:24) Trask: Oh wait I AM THE DRILL!
(23:33:24) * (Burning_Dragonfox) plays FF Victory music!
(23:33:36) * Trask is cruched and grinded.
(23:33:45) Trask: crunched*
(23:33:49) (Burning_Dragonfox): And yes, im going to post this in the Tirien Vs Virbot thread.
(23:33:49) VirBot: *shifts eyes*
(23:33:57) (Taur_Draykin): HE LIVES!
(23:33:59) * (Burning_Dragonfox) murders VirBot!
(23:33:59) VirBot: *shifts eyes*
(23:34:53) * (Burning_Dragonfox) grabs the wall Draykin is in, and uses it to destroy VirBot!
(23:34:59) (Burning_Dragonfox): ....Whew.
(23:35:08) * (Burning_Dragonfox) plays victory music again!
(23:35:24) * (Taur_Draykin) falls to the ground, since his head was what killed VirBot.
(23:35:37) Trask:
(23:35:48) (Taur_Draykin): You ok, Trask?
(23:36:05) (Burning_Dragonfox): Posted on the thread, now.
(23:36:57) (Taur_Draykin): Trask?
(23:37:36) (Burning_Dragonfox): Trask? Trask!? Traaaaaask!!
(23:37:40) (Taur_Draykin): Trask! Speak to me!
(23:37:51) * (Burning_Dragonfox) shakes Trasks dead body!
(23:37:52) (Taur_Draykin): Tirien! You killed him!
(23:38:09) (Burning_Dragonfox): I thought he was VirBot!
(23:38:09) VirBot: *tosses a pirate ferret at (Burning_Dragonfox)*
(23:38:29) (Burning_Dragonfox): Noooooooooooooooooooooo!
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 01:39:09 AM by Tirien »
"Crimson Flag Chat Room: The only place you can find marshmallow cheese, a dragon with hay fever, a snot-covered wolf, and a Tirien mistaken for a towel in one room." -Fen
"I scoff at your donut! It has done nothing!" -Draykin