Allright, I definetly play this too much. My knight is now lvl 21. I have also learned that I utterly loathe enemy mages. I can tank melee bosses easily, but a simple measly enemy mage.....
I have now made a rogue named Neiritfox. Please add Neiritfox, Ientirflare, and Tirienfox to your friends list. Or zombies!!! AAAAAAAH!
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 04:39:23 PM by Tirien »
"Crimson Flag Chat Room: The only place you can find marshmallow cheese, a dragon with hay fever, a snot-covered wolf, and a Tirien mistaken for a towel in one room." -Fen
"I scoff at your donut! It has done nothing!" -Draykin