Author Topic: Islands of Infinity  (Read 48859 times)


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on: July 14, 2010, 07:40:10 PM
It is nighttime in the city of Krisnaf as dark motes cloud the sky. Through the darkened sky float tiny glints of light forming patterns and beautiful designs. The residents of this city do not pay this rare sight any mind though. They are used to the odd weather patterns that are so frequent in this world and there is nothing quite so jading as life in a city.

In a tall building near the island's dock entrance, a fox sits by a window. His sharp eyes make out a darker than normal shadow fly across the sky.

Towards the middle of the city, this shadow flies on his way to rendevue with a client who hired him to steal the Eye of Lamas, a crystal that originated from a far away island and tugs gently, trying to return to its home.

Underneath this shadow, a figure rests briefly in one of the few parks this city has to offer. This city is really no place for one such as he and he intended to end his visit shortly.

Nearby in the common room of an inn, a gambler's luck was starting to go against him. The other players were starting to suspect him of cheating and his recent losing streak wasn't convincing them otherwise.

In a quieter corner of the lounge, near a figure sitting in the shadows trying not to attract attention sat another fox, this one brighter somehow. He helped draw attention away from the figure in the corner, but this fox didn't notice with his muzzle buried inside a book from the local library.

These five people, all going about their own lives, never suspecting that fate would soon bring them together. Never suspecting the adventures that awaited them... in the Islands of Infinity.

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #1 on: July 14, 2010, 07:50:07 PM
Diving into a shadow of a nearby building, Nightmare quickly changes his fur to help blend in to the shadows the lights nearby cast, and the night itself. While he knows that he was able to leave unnoticed, he was not taking any chances as he returned to the "Crimson Steel". Looking accross the street at the Tavern, he tried to spy his contact for the trade, having told him that it was best dealing with it outside of the bar than from prying eyes within.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 09:35:42 PM by Kenku »

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #2 on: July 14, 2010, 09:08:41 PM
Seigfried Fuchs turns his attention away from the night outside and back to his work.  He carefully turns some small knobs, winds a spring, and closes the case.  He reaches around the back and flips a small lever, and the clock springs to life with a steady ticking.  He checks the hands against his pocket watch and smiles smugly.  To the second, just as planned.  He packs up his tools, snaps the latches on his briefcase closed, and says,
"There you are, sir, good as new.  That will be one point two five sil  for the new spring assembly, and two point seven five  for the time.  That brings the total to four, I believe." A pause to look out the window, then, "Quite a night we're having, wouldn't you say?"

« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 12:10:22 AM by Digital Vulpine »

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


  • Avid Bookworm Cat
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Reply #3 on: July 14, 2010, 09:59:37 PM
OOC: Hehe, I don't have a name for the currency, but you may as well go with the bronze/silver/gold system. One hundred per each. Also you can control how the NPC getting your watch reacts. The only important NPC just now is Kenku's contact.

The figure in the shadows stirred. It was almost time for his meeting, and his contact didn't want to meet inside. 'Too many eyes,' he said. The figure shook his head ruefully. No one payed attention to anything in a place like this, but then he supposed it didn't hurt to not take chances. So leaving coin on the table for the drink which had been his excuse to not wait outside in the cold, he got up and passed the fox with his nose in a book. It was probably just as well... atmosphere was getting tense, a fight was likely to break out soon.

Making his way to the designated meeting point outside the figure, now revealed to be a tan furred hare, he saw that Nightmare was already there. A strange name for a person to have... probably a business name. The hare was not inclined to such things. A name... any name could always be traced back to a person if you weren't careful. But then a person such as Nightmare would need people to be able to find him if he wanted work. Still, not the sort of life the hare cared for. He kept his business short and straightforward. It loathed him to have to move in secrecy like this. Quickly checking to make sure the person waiting for him was the right one (or a very good impersonator) he then asked, "You have the delivery?"

OOC: Do you mind if payment for this is the Ring of Shadows or do you think your character would need that already for the work he does?

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #4 on: July 14, 2010, 10:42:26 PM
The bat with its grizzly looking smile steps halfway out of the shadow with a small bag in his hand. "That I do" he says, unwrapping the bag and showing the bright blue sapphire and holding for the hare to see. "You have my payment?"

OOC: Hmm...I would figure it would be more difficult to have captured the gem, but if you want to use it for story reasons, I have no problem with it.


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Reply #5 on: July 14, 2010, 11:54:38 PM
"Of course I have it," the hare said, almost scornfully. "But first I want to make sure." The hare pulled out a glass looking sphere. Inside it floated a small rock which was rotating slowly and drifting off near the top and to one side. The hare twisted off the lid and removed the stone before grabbing the Eye from Nightmare's open hand and popped it in. The gem started spinning and drifted off in the same direction the stone had been floating.

"Right," said the hare, pulling a small bag from his belt and handing it to Nightmare before putting the sphere with gem still inside back into the sack he pulled it out of. The rock he placed back on his neck. Inside the bag is a ring and two gold coins, payment for the job (and the crystal) and enough money to last a person for quite some time.

OOC: By estimation... common market purchases should be within copper range. A person could easily live on a silver per day when one considers food, rent, etc. You probably won't get jobs like this very often and it's probably been a while since your last job but those two gold will last you almost a year of regular living.

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 12:12:37 AM
An older gentleman replies,
"Quite, I haven't seen one like this in many years."
There is a clinking of coins as the money changes hands, and he continues, "You certainly do fine work, though my wallet tells me you know already know that."

Seigried takes the money and chuckles lightly,
"And you have a sharp eye for quality.  Don't hesitate to write if anything goes wrong, if it's the spring again I'll even do your wallet a favor and fix it for free.  I must be off now, time waits for no man."
With that Seigfried makes his way down the stairs, and out into the night.

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #7 on: July 15, 2010, 05:58:31 PM
Kyan swipes three of the house dice from the table before him.  He rolls two back onto the table, and slips the other under the strap securing his right glove while everyone watches the dice.

"Snake Eyes."  Kyan frowns, and pushes the dice across the table to his opponent.  "Your roll."

He knew he shouldn't be staying this long, but he'd already turned a decent profit, and intended to leave before he risked losing even half of the day's income.  Still, he could practically feel the distrust of his fellow gamblers, and his luck had clearly started to turn.  "This will have to be my last game."

Swishing his tail briefly out of sight, he shifts the fur thereon to be longer, and black. 

"Well, what are you waiting for?"  He stands up, and goes and stands beside his opponent.  "Aren't you going to roll?"


  • Avid Bookworm Cat
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Reply #8 on: July 15, 2010, 06:12:42 PM
The cat's opponent frowned and rolled the dice, a little distrustful. Once, twice they bounced before landing, once again on snake eyes. Before anyone could do anything, he snatched up the dice again and rerolled. Snake eyes. Again, and a fourth time and the roll was exactly the same.

"I knew it! You've been using weighted dice haven't you?" the stoat accused. This of course sent up an instant uproar and the stoat launched across the table at Kyan shouting, "I want my money back you two faced cheater!" The rest of the spectators hardly wanted to be left out of a fight and in their haste to join jostled each other. This merely turned their attentions to other targets and soon most of the common room was in uproar.

The barkeeper looked a little flustered, unsure how to deal with the situation but that wouldn't last long. Old Henry may be old but he wasn't weak and had a reputation for dealing with fights in his bar harshly.

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.


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Reply #9 on: July 15, 2010, 06:33:27 PM
"I can assure you I didn't weight those dice, you foolish stoat!  They're yours!"  ((That's what I meant by "house dice" anyway.))

Kyan blocks the stoat, throwing his hands in front of his face, and slides to the side, pushing the stoat in the direction of his preexisting movement.  When his hands drop down, his eyes have changed--they are no longer blue, and don't match.

Kyan grins, and turns to face the exit, letting his fur lengthen and fade to black over a few seconds.

"Well, guess I'd best be off, then."  Kyan begins to elbow and brawl his way towards the exit, always keeping his opponents within his aura.


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Reply #10 on: July 15, 2010, 06:52:04 PM
Sennel's witchlight pulses red as he gets up, and from the side of his chair he picks up a carved staff of wood. "Keep it down!" He shouts irritably. Moving the staff in time with the melody in his head, he casts a spell and a quick tremor runs through the ground. Though not strong enough to even disrupt the patrons' glasses, it serves to destabilize the brawlers ((who presumably would also be under the ill luck aura for extra effect)).

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie


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Reply #11 on: July 15, 2010, 07:07:12 PM
Kyan's reply is lost in the clamor, but his shove was certainly noticed by the stoat who crashed into the bar. With a shout of rage (also lost in the clamor) he started making his way back to the cat. About this time the bartender finally got his act together and with a roar loud enough to be vaguely heard over everyone else, turned into a towering (but still short enough not to hit the ceiling) golem.

One by one he started tossing people out the door, picking them up from the crowd starting with Kyan and ending eventually with the stoat. Shifting back into the somewhat more amiacable bull he'd started as, he spotted a fox near the back. Heading over he spoke up, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I know you didn't have much to do with this but I'm closing up early for repairs."

OOC: Several points of interest. The first is that the stoat thought you'd switched out the dice for your own. The multiple snake eyes were more because of your bad luck than any sort of weighting. As you your aura... you really can't use that as a weapon. Sticking near enemies doesn't make them liable to suddenly trip over stuff and your aura really only extends as far as arms reach anyway so you'd have to be pretty darned close. With prolonged exposure maybe they'd start getting unlucky (or lucky) but the little bit you've got so far does nothing. Only reason the dice are paying attention to your luck is because you've been playing with them all evening.

As for you Jonas, it's not actually music... that was just a metaphor. As for that spell you just cast, you probably wouldn't be able to focus enough on it if you weren't able to just ignore them and keep reading. If there's enough of a distraction that would interupt you reading, than that's enough to make any spell greater than a witchlight hard to focus on.

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.


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Reply #12 on: July 15, 2010, 07:19:29 PM
((yeah, I know.  I figure I've apparently been playing against the stoat for some time.))

Kyan lands on his feet a full black cat.  "Thanks for the exit, Barkeep!" 

As the stoat also regains his footing, Kyan tries to stay out of sight and out of the fray.

"Well, no sense delaying any more."  Kyan drops to all fours and starts towards the edge of town.


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Reply #13 on: July 15, 2010, 07:22:34 PM
((He stopped reading due to annoyance rather than inability to concentrate. Either way, if they weren't under any other effects the quake wouldn't have done much))

Suddenly very aware that the gamblers have turned their attention to him, Sennel grabs his bookbag and runs off after the cat. If he was going to be the target of angry bar patrons then he wasn't going to do so alone!

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #14 on: July 15, 2010, 07:44:48 PM
"Excellent" William smiled as he put the coins in his coin pouch, and looked at the ring. The polished black stone with almost lightning like patterns gleamed in the low light. "I must thank you. This ring will definitly better my work. I do hope I can work agian for you another time." he says as he put the ring on his wing finger(basically I seem him with two fingers, his thumb, and the natural finger that bats have).