Sigh, I knew I'd have to make this discussion someday. I actually have no interest in furries or any sort of furry community, I'm not like everyone who just hates and discriminates, I think that behavior goes to show how people in this day and age are to extreme in their ideals, you're either completely one side or the other, no in between. I post here because this is the first time in my life I've ever done anything close to social media with anonymous posts, I post my comics here it's an extremely small community compared to most of the internet that cares about the legitimacy and privacy of its users. I also post my comics here because I'm a fan of your artwork and I know the website is run by a person who is okay with just letting artists express themselves as long as its okay, instead of some faceless money-making algorithm. So, in conclusion, I continue to keep posting my comics online only to this website until I am confident I can (at all) enter any kind of more public community where I am willing to expose even parts of my personality or opinions to the wider online community.
Also, I apologize for the crude nature and intention behind the comics posted recently. Not only do I understand every reason why anyone would be justified in censoring that specific content, but I understand succeeding is about learning to look at yourself with more criticism than raw confidence. Also, I wanted people to watch this video ( because I do think it is a very legitimate and fact-based analysis of the causes behind most major geopolitical issues in the world right now that are shaping everything about our lives, and having a better understanding of that is (in my opinion) essential so we all have more organic opinions based on a wide range of facts rather than what little news/updates we are being fed through the lens of the media. I should have known better and tried to draw attention to it in a more open-minded way, rather than putting it right beside something based on the information it contains but filtered through my thoughts/imagination to make it seem like the non biased information in this video was, in fact, pushing a point.
The future, is comin' on, its comin' on, its comin' on...