Author Topic: A Kitsune Gift - A Corbyn Gift  (Read 9153 times)


  • Solid Fox, Daren Crevan
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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  • Posts: 324
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    • Foxgamer01 of DA
on: August 26, 2022, 11:00:31 PM
A-Fox was tasked with a mission: to give one of his potions to Corbyn as a gift. But when none of the standard ones proved interesting to the indecisive blue kitsune, he decided to go ahead and offer up one of the deity potions. How will Corbyn react to being a deity, even for a short time?

Silliness, that's what.

While I had the basic blueprints for this story for a while, it changed a fair deal between outline and story. As such, I saved it until it was his birthday, even if it came to him a bit late. But better late than never, right?

In any case, enjoy!


The sun shined down upon A-Fox’s back as he walked through a field, his three large tails swaying behind him. The wind blew past, brushing through his bright red fur with a white A on his back, his sea blue eyes shining bright. Yet, despite the heat pressing against his paw pads,  his red legs turning black halfway down, the heat doesn’t bother him.

Soon, he stopped and sat down, his pink torso fluttering in the breeze. He lifted his front-right leg and turned to it as though he wore a watch before turning ahead and around. His tails, tipped in white, twitched along with his black ears, yet he waited.

Ahead, a figure came into view, and A-Fox smiled. Like himself, this figure was also a kitsune, with blue fur instead of red and anthro instead of feral. His three tails, tipped white as well, wiggled as he stepped toward A-Fox, adjusting his rectangular glasses, which hung on his muzzle, his blue eyes gleaming. His blue hair-fur veered with the wind, his bright blue coat with black linings swaying as he walked, open to expose his flat chest and stomach. Soon, he stopped before A-Fox, who got up and rubbed his side against his light blue jeans.

“Hey there, Corbyn,” A-Fox said, his tails wagging.

“Um, hi,” Corbyn said, leaning down. “Is there a reason you wanted me to come over here?”

“There is, to be honest,” A-Fox answered, his lips curling into a grin. “You see, our mutual friend wanted to get you a gift, but he wasn’t sure what you wanted.” A-Fox reached into his tails, his front-left leg sunk in deep, and he pulled out a potion vial, its contents having a slight green glow. “So, he decided to pay me to offer you a potion of your choosing.”

“I see.” Yet, Corbyn returned with a blank stare even as A-Fox pulled out potion after potion until he showed thirty different types in various shapes and colors.

“Now, this was a personal favorite of mine,” A-Fox said, holding a gemstone-shaped flask, its contents red and having an image of a four-legged animal next to an upward-pointing arrow. “By drinking this, you’ll grow in size in proportion to how much you eat during its effects. But it’ll also turn you into a feral form as well.”

“Huh.” Corbyn grinned and giggled, yet he said, “I don’t know.”

A-Fox nodded and placed it down, replacing it with a green one with the shape of a sideway coin with a dragon drawing. “This one will transform you into a dragon. Depending on your character, you can turn into a beefy dragon, a noodle dragon, or a friend-shaped dragon.”

“Huh.” Corbyn rubbed his muzzle before he shrugged. “I don’t know.”

A-Fox tilted his head, but he placed the potion down. “This looks like it’ll be tricky.”

“Sorry,” Corbyn replied, placing his hand-paw against his face and shaking his head.

“No, no,” A-Fox said, holding a paw up. “We just need to find the perfect potion for you. That’s all. Nothing to stress about.” Corbyn relaxed even as A-Fox reached down to a potion, this one blue with a candlestick-like shape. “This one will increase your muscle mass exponentially.”

“Hmm.” Corbyn giggled before he shrugged.

#   #   #

An hour passed by, with A-Fox offering potion after potion. And yet, despite a few interests, such as Corbyn considering turning into a reindeer, none of them seemed to click with him. By the end, all thirty potions were placed into A-Fox’s tails, with him shrugging to Corbyn.

“I’m sorry that none of my potions seem to be clicking with you,” A-Fox said, rubbing his paw from his forehead to the back of his head.

“I’m really indecisive, OK?” Corbyn gave an embarrassed grin at him, rubbing the back of his head. “All of them are interesting for one reason or another. But it’s hard for me to choose.”

“Hmm.” A-Fox rubbed his muzzle before reaching into his tails once more. “Looks like it’s desperate measures time.”

Corbyn blinked even as A-Fox pulled out a vial from his tails; its contents glowed white. The glass was shaped like a tall four-sided pyramid, with A-Fox handling it with reverence. Corbyn tilted his head upon it, the potion not having any kind of label on it.

“What’s that?” Corbyn asked, and A-Fox lifted his head at him.

“I’m sure you remember the two times when Chris became a deity, right? I mean, I was FED the moon the second time!” A-Fox blushed even as Corbyn nodded at him. “This is how he does so, for this is the deity potion.”

“Deity potion?” Corbyn’s blue ears twitched even as A-Fox nodded. “What’s that?”

“For up to twenty-four hours, though it can be stretched out for much longer (something that I do NOT recommend), you will become a god-like being with the ability to shape the universe to your desire.” A-Fox placed the potion on the ground even as Corbyn nodded. “Of course, much of your changes will get undone once it wears off, so you don’t have to worry about any destructive stuff.”

“I see,” Corbyn nodded, though his tails wagged behind him. “So, I’ll become a god?” A-Fox nodded, with Corbyn’s tails wagging faster. “Neat. Though, how DID you make them?”

A-Fox blushed, with him rubbing his belly. “Sometimes, when I get a really huge hunger bout, I stuffed myself with so much food that, when digested, I was given a ton of energy. During such events, I found out that I sometimes leak out some of that energy, which I managed to collect and contain in vials like this.” He poked the potion. “And after mixing some ingredients such as Diet Pepsi, I found that it generates so much energy that it cannot be named other than the deity potion.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Though I managed to create stronger versions of this potion, which was the one Chris drank before feeding me the moon. Maybe I’ll get back at him one day.”

“Huh.” Corbyn giggled as he crouched and patted A-Fox’s head. “For someone with only three tails, you somehow create power that many envies.” He turned to the deity potion and blushed. “So, you think it’ll be OK?”

“Sure.” A-Fox picked it up and handed it over to Corbyn. “I trust you.”

Corbyn hummed for a few seconds, with him tapping on the cork for a few seconds. Finally, he blushed even deeper, tugging on the cork until it popped out, the glowing white contents swaying without a drop flying off. He hesitated for a few seconds before he tipped it over his muzzle, its contents tasting like fizzing soda as it went down his throat.

Corbyn rubbed his muzzle before handing the empty bottle back to A-Fox, wagging his tails. But before he could say anything, his stomach rumbled as he felt a power growing within him, spreading throughout his body from his toes to his ears. A-Fox snickered before he hopped onto Corbyn’s shoulders, with Corbyn blinking at how light A-Fox felt.

Behind him, his tails split from the tips, spreading out until one tail became three, and nine tails wiggled behind him. Yet, they kept growing, doubling in size even as the ground got pushed away from Corbyn’s feet-paws, with him growing in size. Corbyn grinned wide, the power flowing through him only growing more robust instead of weaker.

His coat stretched out, fighting against the expanding muscles within his arms. Yet, when his jacket almost lost, with a rip forming from a bulging bicep, Corbyn poked it, and the seams shut. Soon, each tear was repaired, and his coat grew and stretched with his muscles. Once flat and thin, his chest widened with his pecs pushed forward, pumping out bigger by the second. Soon, they jet out farther than his chin, with his abs forming a tight six-pack that bulges out.

Even as Corbyn giggled, flexing his arms with the biceps pushing against his shoulders, his legs thickened with muscles. The thighs swelled out, pushing against each other with the calves stretching against his jeans. He laughed and blinked as his voice deepened and had a reverb effect, his neck thickening. A-Fox grinned wide, rubbing against his swelling neck even as Corbyn blushed, his nine tails wagging.

Yet, even as he grew in size, Corbyn poked his coat again, and the bottom stretched down from below his waist, reaching his ankles. It soon held a starry effect even as Corbyn held up his hand-paws high, a circlet with a sapphire forming upon it, and he set it upon his head. Afterward, a necklace was created around his neck, a glass sphere containing billions of galaxies. He grabbed it and rubbed the miniature universe, with him having a kind grin towards it.

Still, he kept growing in size, with clouds pushed away against his bulky body. The ground rumbled as tons of soil were shoved away from his feet-paws, with them sinking deeper into the ground. Corbyn laughed, spreading his arms out as blue flames formed upon them.

Soon, he stopped growing, becoming a mountainous size in both height and muscle. His blue fur shined upon the light with a slight glossy gleam and was as smooth as silk. His blue eyes held a subtle glow even as he heard the stars singing throughout the universe. Finally, he turned to A-Fox, who grinned back at him.

“So, what do you think?” A-Fox asked, his tails wagging fast. “I hope it wasn’t disappointing.”

“Disappointing?” Corbyn winked at him. “Why, I feel FANTASTIC!” He pressed his hand-paws against his hips as he laughed. “I guess it’s good I didn’t choose the other potions because this feels great!”

“Good.” A-Fox rubbed his side against Corbyn’s neck. “So, my blue deity kitsune. What will you do with your awesome powers?”

“Hmm.” Corbyn rubbed his chin even as he sat down, his tails folding behind him, so they served as a makeshift chair for him. “I don’t know.” A-Fox’s ears folded back, but Corbyn laughed. “No, I’m just kidding. I have a perfect idea. But it involves Chris.”

“Oh?” A-Fox perked up, grinning.

“It’s a secret for now.” Corbyn got up before walking down the field, the world shaking beneath his feet-paws. “Though I got to ask, is he the mutual friend you were talking about?”

“Chris? No. It’s another one.” A-Fox chuckled, with Corbyn returning with an eyebrow raised at him. “He asked me NOT to give you a deity potion. We argued until we agreed that I offered you at least thirty potions before I offered you a deity potion.”

“Oh.” Corbyn rubbed his right ear before he giggled as well. “Still, I’m glad that you gave it to me.”

“Same here, buddy,” A-Fox said, nuzzling against Corbyn’s neck.

#   #   #

Chris tapped against the keyboard, his three tails rubbing against a chair. His deep blue eyes remained steady upon the screen, his headphones pressed against his white ears. His pale-orange fur, with a red hollow diamond shape on his back, fluffed up even as he tapped faster onto the computer, his legs white halfway down and having a red fuzzy circle between the white tails tip and pale orange fur.

“Come on,” Chris said, gritting his teeth. “I got to win a Team Fortress 2 match against bots someday!” The room shook as he tapped his keyboard, leaning closer to the screen. “OK. Maybe I can taunt-kill this bot.” The room shook again even as he laughed, but he gasped in horror. “Oh, you got to be kidding me. Who programmed bots to launch a DDoS attack upon getting a taunt kill!? I’ll burn them to—”

The roof ripped off upon Chris’s house, with him blinking at the sudden sunlight upon him. He turned up and gasped, his eyes widening upon a massive Corbyn, with thick bulging muscles all over him. He leaned back, his ears folded back even as Corbyn snapped his fingers, and a blue glow surrounded Chris.

Chris blinked before he got pulled into the air, with him screaming at the top of his voice. The ground became a blur as he moved faster, passing through a couple of clouds along the way. Soon, he became level with Corbyn’s muzzle, and Corbyn reached over, grabbing onto Chris’s tail. Chris curled up, becoming small even as A-Fox waved at him.

“Hey there, little buddy,” Corbyn said, grinning at Chris. “Guess what? I drank one of A-Fox’s deity potions, and it feels GREAT! So, to celebrate, how about you become my pillow? OK?”

Chris let out a whine even as Corbyn breathed in.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2022, 04:17:06 PM by foxgamer01 »

(19:14:28) Virmir: All of Foxgamer's pics are either super happy or BATTLE.
(19:14:53) Virmir: Except that one roo one.