Author Topic: The Large Legend of Melbucon, page 11  (Read 4541 times)


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on: June 02, 2019, 11:47:40 PM
It does take a lot of effort to make it in and out of the Skull Basement.

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Reply #1 on: June 02, 2019, 11:55:06 PM
The skull basement is very clearly the final dungeon. You just need the required items to be able to enter, which would probably be some sort of rolling bed or wheelchair to reduce weight loss.

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  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 3
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Reply #2 on: June 03, 2019, 12:31:37 AM
The skull basement is very clearly the final dungeon. You just need the required items to be able to enter, which would probably be some sort of rolling bed or wheelchair to reduce weight loss.

Now we've just got to figure out what opponent he has to beat down there. With his luck, probably a dinosaur.

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  • Somebody else.
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #3 on: June 03, 2019, 09:05:50 PM
The skull basement is very clearly the final dungeon. You just need the required items to be able to enter, which would probably be some sort of rolling bed or wheelchair to reduce weight loss.

Now we've just got to figure out what opponent he has to beat down there. With his luck, probably a dinosaur.
That depends on the dungeon item. What would he keep in his skull basement that can defeat things?

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