Hi, KieliIndustries here with a message from KyleTheRed to all of you! As you may have heard, I'll be helping him keep in touch with everyone here on CF since he's not currently able to be here much! But he's still very much interested in being a part of this community! This is what he has to say:
"Hey folks! I am officially opening up icon requests! If you would like to get a custom icon from me, please let me know in the comments below! These are completely free, and all you need to do is just say you want one and provide me with a reference! Thanks! Here's an example!"
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b5pe17-EumfWT8_hy7GMN6xSIePy87HS/view?usp=drivesdk I will pass along any info to him whenever I check and see any new comments. But I also recommend getting in touch with KyleTheRed with your requests through his email address! ( corbinplayzmc@gmail.com )