Looking good Omni, keep up the good work. Art takes time and practice, you'll get there. You're already close.
My only problem stopping me from trying digital art is my father, and time. So for now I'm kinda stuck at traditional art.
Also! Updated the first one because I just realized I used an older version. Guess I should link some more art I've done in the past c:
http://i.imgur.com/SBiX3Di.jpg -This one was from a few years ago, first getting used to scratch art in my art class. Lest it be said I had an extremely good art teacher.
http://i.imgur.com/45Otyfq.jpg -Now this one, probably the best shaded, best detailed face I've made strictly because I took that itty bitty picture in the corner, and hand drew a larger copy. Which yes, it's shaded in lyrics to Sabaton's "Whermacht" to fit the picture.
http://i.imgur.com/G7EuNTI.jpg -This'll be the last one for now, another scratch art I had done before the first one I linked above.