(23:56:49) VirBot: Virmir rolls 3d251 and gets 154,232,223 (609).
(23:58:43) VirBot: Virmir rolls 1d251 and gets 120 (120).
And the victims are...Quote(23:56:49) VirBot: Virmir rolls 3d251 and gets 154,232,223 (609).Ty - 151 (Mew)MrFoxPaws - 221 (Piloswine)Geary - 215 (Sneasel)And my fate...Quote(23:58:43) VirBot: Virmir rolls 1d251 and gets 120 (120).Virmir - 120 - StaryuGah!Might start on this this weekend. If not, it will be for next weekend. Thanks for playing!