Author Topic: Digimon Scanners  (Read 10984 times)

Aira Fox

  • Fox of the Forest
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on: April 16, 2013, 03:06:31 AM
In the Digital World, the method of evolution has become lost. Zenon Shinohara is a boy who found himself transformed into a mysterious Digimon known as Zeemon in this strange world full of amazing creatures. Using the power of the Data Scan, Zenon is able to unlock Zeemon's true potential. However, what he doesn't realize is that he's been to the Digital World once before, and the secret to evolution lies within his memories.

Originally titled "Digimon Memories", this is a one-shot Digimon story I felt like writing. If there is a demand for more, I'll continue Digimon Scanners as soon as I finish up Soul / Link.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Like with Soul / Link, I've attached a copy of my preferred writing method below. You can also find the FA link below if you don't wanna download the original copy.

FA Link: Digimon Scanners
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 06:44:12 PM by Aira Fox »


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Reply #1 on: April 16, 2013, 03:14:21 PM
Good read, and good writing. Seemed rushed at times, but that's probably just my player's perfectionism that keeps him from getting anything of his own off the ground.

My player considers himself a digimon fan (at least more than a pokemon fan) and he liked what he could derive of a bigger tale from the foundation of this story. He was a big fan of Digital Frontier... which was actually the last digimon anime he was able to watch in it's entirety. He doesn't know what he thinks of Digimon TF though... he was going to approach things different if he ever wrote digimon fiction.

If you end up writing more of this, I'll like it and probably enjoy it... but it's really up to you what you want to write.

Aira Fox

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Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 10:56:11 PM
Thanks for the comment. May or may not have been rushed at some points, but I also didn't want to drag things out unnecessarily at others.

Yes, it is up to me, but I have so many different ideas I want to write next that it's really hard for me to settle on just one. The was just the most prominent idea in my head at the moment.  [:)


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Reply #3 on: April 23, 2013, 08:02:47 PM
Enjoyed this as well! This is very much a chapter 1 (or episode 1 since it felt like I was watching a cartoon) though, as you build up quite a bit and don't really resolve anything. It's not much of a "one shot" in that regard. [;) I am quite interested in reading more though!

[fox] Virmir

Aira Fox

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Reply #4 on: April 24, 2013, 11:09:15 PM
It's a pilot chapter, so it technically is a one-shot. I may use this as the real first chapter, or I may go with an alternate idea I had for the first chapter if I do continue this.

Glad you found it enjoyable.  [:)

Aira Fox

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Reply #5 on: October 26, 2014, 06:43:57 PM
After a long time, I decided to write the second part to Digimon Scanners. I've included chapter 2 below in it's original form attached below. Here's the chapter in text format:

Digimon Scanners

Story By: Airafox
Digimon is copyright Bandai and Toei
Zeemon belongs to Airafox

Chapter 2: The Lakeside Monster! Defeat Seadramon

"It was surreal! Unlike anything I've ever seen," spoke the Dinohyumon, taking a swig from the glass of what looked like juice in his hands. The dinosaur-man Digimon looked like a muscular green human, on large cleaver on his back and another at his side. Two blade stuck out from his wrists, though his face looked more like a beak-less turtle than a dinosaur. It was his ankles that resembles more of the dinosaur-look.

"You sure you saw it right? There's no way it could've been him," replied the Hookmon sitting across from him. As the name implied, he was a Digimon that resembles a pirate, a hook in his right had and pistol in his left.

"I'm tellin' ya it's true!" answered Dinohyumon. "The whole pack of Garurumon... wiped out by a single Digimon! It was unlike anything I had ever seen! Who else but Zeemon could be capable of such a feat?"

Unaware that their conversation was being overheard -- though it was unlikely that they cared -- a lone figure from the corner of the bar lowered his glass from his lips. A silent gasp escaped him. Dinhyumon and Hookmon considered their conversation from  a few tables over.

"I doubt it was THAT Zeemon..." Hookmon said, raising his hook. "Even if he were still alive, why would he go out of his way to get involved in a territorial dispute between those two packs?" Hookmon brought the back of the hand holding his pistol to his face, contemplation taking hold of his mind. "Still... a Zeemon, eh? What does this mean for the state of the Digital World if another one has appeared?"

"IT'S HERE!!!" screamed a panicked voice that echoed into the pub from outside. The old western-style doors swung open; the night air outside was now enshrouded within a murky fog that blocked out even the light of the moon. Standing there was the samurai armor-clad Musyamon, only his sword looked like it had a huge bite taken out of it. The kanji on the blade was no longer legible. "It's here! Take cover, everyone!"

Following behind the Musyamon was a torrent of running water, flooding into the town and into the pub. While the Digimon inside were quick to jump to the ceiling to avoid it, the unfortunate samurai Digimon who had taken liberty to warn everyone was not so lucky. The water swelled over him, and as quickly as the water came in it started rushing back out. All those caught in the current were dragged out toward the lake on the edge of the town, consumed by the ravenous blue-scaled sea serpent that rose from the water with a mighty screech. Watching it all from the top of the pub, the figure who had previously been inside the pub could make out the shape of monster.

"That poor fool didn't know what he was up against," came a low, but serious male voice from behind the figure.

"It was weak," retorted the figure.

"Don't you think you're being a bit harsh, Rioma?" the voice replied. "He tried his best, and he may have saved--"

"I was talking about that attack," interrupted the male figure. "I expected far more from Seadramon based on the reports, but it didn't destroy even a single building. I expected it to be much more capable." The mist cleared with one final roar of the Seadramon, causing it to submerge and leave the townsfolk quaking in the fear the Digimon had sewn. The mist revealed that the figure was a human, likely no older than Zenon. His black hair obscured the side and back of his head due to its length, but stopped just short of his neck. Piercing blue orbs dotted his face, the only part of his head the hair didn't seem to cover completely. "No matter... I have a new target now~"

Rioma reached his the pocket of his blue jeans, pulling free a black-colored Digivice. One of the dots was steadily moving toward them. "I don't know who you are, but that Zeemon is mine."

* * * * * *

As the sun dawned upon the horizon, the Gargomon were still chanting and cheering Zeemon's name after a night of celebrating. Zenon rode upon the back of the leader, who at this point was honored just to have him riding on his back.

"You really are something, Zeemon!" he praised. "I didn't expect to run into the Garurumon, but I'm glad we did! Thanks to you, we no longer have to worry about them."

"I don't know if that's really something to be happy about," Zenon replied with a feigned smile, trying to hide a sigh. He remembered how he had told the Garurumon leader that they that the Gargomon were just escorting him and he didn't want to fight when they ambushed him. He didn't understand it himself, but when the Garurumon demanded that he either side them and destroy the Gargomon or be destroyed with them, he just lost it. He scanned the Gargomon's breath attack to access his Wind Mode again. He didn't know just how strong he was, but before they pack of Garurumon knew what had hit them, he had beaten them all.

"Maybe not you, but to us you're a hero, Zeemon!" another Gargomon cheered.

"It must run in the blood of all Zeemons!" giggled another. Hearing a Gargomon giggle was kind of creepy for some reason.

"You guys keep mentioning Zeemon," Zenon noted. "What exactly is so special about being a Zeemon?"

He didn't need to look to feel the eyes of all the Gargomon falling upon him as if he were crazy. Then again, nobody even knew there was a second Zeemon, though looking back it shouldn't have been a surprise. He was probably recently hatched.

"I'm guessing you're a young'un," the leader finally said. "If you just hatched recently, then you probably don't remember what happened about a year ago." He cleared his throat, but did not stop walking.

"Only a few years prior, a group of seven Digimon known at the Demon Lords ruled the land. The Twelve Royal Knights, Yggdrasil's elite, fought against them, resulting in a battle that threatened to rip apart the entire Digital World. The Demon Lords knew there would be no point in ruling the Digital World if none existed and backed off, and the Royal Knights knew they couldn't continue the battle either. There was a lasting ceasefire, but the Royal Knights knew they couldn't let the Demon Lords keep charge, especially when they were encroaching upon Lord Yggdrasil's keep. With no other option, the 13th member of the Royal Knights, Dorumon, called for three humans from the Real World.

"Something about the power of humans allowed the Digimon to achieve new levels of power, using the same kind of gadget you hold now! The humans each found a partner Digimon, but the one who stood out the most... was Zeemon. While Dorumon led the Royal Knights into battle once more, Zeemon led the humans and the other two partners, and an army into battle from the rear. It was thanks to him that the Royal Knights were able to defeat the Demon Lords... but at the cost of his life."

"Digimon are usually reborn after they die," added another Gargomon. "That isn't to say they still aren't, but something happened after that battle. Some say it was a final curse set up by the Demon Lords, but whatever the reason, we Digimon lost the ability to perform a Digital Evolution, also known as Digivolution. And because of that, the eggs created from the Digimon who died can no longer hatch."

All of these technical terms were lost on Zenon, but he listened in regardless. He was the one who had asked, and he knew they would be even more confused about him if he asked unnecessary questions, well... unnecessary to a Digimon. There was something he could ask though that related to the story, he just had to phrase it in a way that the Gargomon wouldn't be suspicious about.

"Hold on... You said earlier that I probably hatched recently, didn't you? How could I have just hatched if Digimon eggs can no longer do so?"

"He just told you, Zeemon," the leader sighed. "He said those who died, can no longer be hatch; they can't be fully reborn. Even prior to now, it wasn't so uncommon that Digimon hatched into their In-Training or Rookie stages. The fact you don't know about all this if proof enough that you're both not the Zeemon that perished during that final battle, and that you weren't alive at the time. Even the youngest Digimon born shortly after that know the tale." His head turned to face Zenon, a smile on his face. "So don't worry about it, Zeemon. You're a Zeemon, so power runs through your data! Even though you're just a Rookie, you defeated me and beat all those Garurumon."

Zenon once again couldn't bring himself to point out how wrong they were about him. He wasn't born a Digimon, but he became one when he arrived in the Digital World. He just went with it and nodded, deciding he may as well enjoy the escort to the next town. It was nice having company, despite the earlier scuffles.

They had arrived at their destination a little over an hour later, Zenon sliding from the Gargomon's back as they dropped him off at the edge of the town. "You sure you don't want a few of us escorting you further? With the Garurumon out of the way, we can afford having a slightly smaller pack," asked the leader of the Gargomon pack.

"Thanks, Gargomon, but you've done enough for me already," Zenon replied. "I don't really know where I'm going, and I'd feel bad dragging your family members on such a journey. You have your own territory to look after."

"You've done far more for us than we have you, but if you're sure, then this is where we part ways. If you ever need our help, don't hesitate to send word," said the leader, smiling and bowing his head. His pack responded in turn, but only for a brief second. Letting their feet take over, the Gargomon turned and ran, disappearing beyond the horizon with one last howl of thanks. The howl attracted the attention of the Digimon currently residing in the town. Having just recovered from the damage caused by Seadramon, they all feared an attack, but were relieved to discover there was no imminent threat.

Even without the threat of an attack, a look of relief hardly decorated the faces of the Digimon that came to investigate the situation. Their faces didn't change, but it wasn't out of fear this time, but something else. Standing there, just on the edge of town, was a Zeemon. Zenon had expected such a reaction after what the Gargomon had told him, so he tried not to let it get the best of him. Humans acted much the same way when a celebrity walked in their midst. He pulled out his Digivice, only for his to droop in disappointment.

"It's gone..." he mumbled, noticing that the signal had disappeared. It hadn't moved like the other blip, just vanished. "It was here a couple hours ago. I'm sure of it! Is this thing broken?" He flicked at the screen, but when that failed to produce results, he wondered if any of the Digimon in the town could help him. There were Digimon eyeballing him right now.

"Excuse me, could any of you help me with something?"

It was the moment he spoke to them that they realized their eyes weren't deceiving them. There really was a Zeemon right there. All at once they began the small group of Digimon that had come to check things out began swarming around him, echoing the name Zeemon over and over again.

"Er... sorry. I only needed help with a question if I wasn't clear," he told all of them.

"Oh thank Lord Yggdrasil, Zeemon you have to help us!" pleaded one of the younger Digimon, a helmet-wearing turtle-like Digimon known as Kamemon.

"Help you?" Zenon blinked. "Help you with what?"

"Hey, hey! Clear out, guys! Can't you see you're not giving him any space?" announced an almost hyper male voice. A line parted among the crowd of Digimon as a cat-like Digimon less than half the size of Zenon stepped forward on two legs. Zenon's Digivice already out in the open, he wound up scanning the Digimon with the camera on the back of it. A profile popped up on the Digivice:

Stage: Champion
Type: Beast
Attribute: Data
Bio: A very intelligent Digimon, it is usually calm and docile, but when it comes to battle it makes sport of the enemy with its nimble movements, and fights using its specialty martial arts.

Special Attacks: Nikukyuu Punch, Neko Claw

"Mikemon?" Zenon wondered.

"I'll explain the situation to him," Mikemon declared. "You all get back to reinforcing the the town." The crowd dispersed on command, when Zenon noticed something odd about Mikemon that was different from the profile. It wasn't the tiger-like pattern of his fur, but the fact that the claws on his left paw were broken. Mikemon noticed that Zenon was looking at his claws.

"Oh. This... Yeah... Come with me, Zeemon, I'll explain everything." Mikemon led Zenon toward the pub and ordered a drink for both of them on his tab. Mikemon was very quick to the point. Zenon felt obligated to hear the Digimon out, though he didn't understand why himself. "You see, Zeemon, during the last rain event, the lake and connecting river flooded pretty bad. Somehow, a Seadramon managed to make its way up the river. The river is usually pretty shallow, so when the flooding subsided, Seadramon had no way to get back to the ocean. Unfortunately, it's caused trouble for all of us here." Mikemon pulled out his claws, once again revealing the broken set on his left paw.

"Seadramon?" Zenon thought, pulling out his Digivice. Though he hadn't scanned it, yet, he was able to pull up some information based on the name.

Stage: Champion
Type: Sea Animal
Attribute: Data
Bio: It uses its long serpentine body to wreathe itself around enemies that are coming to attack, and constricts it until the enemy suffocates.

Special Attacks: Ice Blast, Ice Winder, Water Breath

"Seadramon is a Champion-level Digimon," Zenon noted. "Can it really cause so much damage?"

"I'm sure you've noticed, but even a Rookie can defeat a Champion with ease if it's strong enough," Mikemon replied with a soft smile. "It must have been in lots of battles while it was still in the Net Ocean; its scaly hide was tough enough to break my claws. That Seadramon is tougher than most, and though the river is shallow, the lake is deep enough that it has the advantage. Nobody strong enough to actually do battle with it can get close to it thanks to that."

"And you think I can?"

"It's not a matter of what I think. Rumor that you defeated an entire pack of Garurumon traveled fast. If it's true, then I KNOW that you can do it. You can defeat Seadramon." Mikemon's eyes widened into the cutest kitty face Zenon had ever seen. It was the kind of face cats made that drew upon the guilt of anybody would deny them a request. "Of course, you don't have to do it. You don't know us and don't owe us anything. I'm sure we'll find somebody strong enough to deal with it eventually."

Zenon smiled and shook his head. He may not have understood why he came to the Digital World, but if he was really as strong as the Digimon believed him to be, the least he could do is help out. Zeemon was a famous hero. It'd be wrong to besmirch the name.

"No, I'll help. Don't worry about it," Zenon promised, his smiling growing wider. "So quit it with the big eye routine, okay?"

Mikemon giggled, a grin spreading across his muzzle. "Thank you, Zeemon!"

To prevent another gathering of Digimon, Mikemon offered Zenon refuge at his home until Seadramon's next appearance. Seadramon didn't show up every night, usually only when it was hungry, but its appearance was foreshadowed by a heavy mist it used to hide its appearance.

"You said it only shows up when it's hungry, Mikemon?" pondered Zenon. "Well then, I think we should rouse its appetite."

Mikemon had explained how every time a Digimon was tasked with trying to confront it, they waited by the lakeside until the mist appeared. It was Zenon's observation based on the story that it was a bad idea, since Seadramon was said to have the advantage due to the deepness of the water. If they wanted to confront Seadramon, they'd have to force it to appear under their own terms.

Nobody was foolish enough to go out on the lake or tread the water while Seadramon was lurking about. They'd be viewed as an easy meal. When night rolled in, both Mikemon and Zeemon borrowed a boat to head outfor the middle of the lake. "You didn't have to come with me," Zenon told his new friend.

"Hey, I asked you to do this!" Mikemon reminded the human-turned-Digimon. "I should as least come with you. With you and I working together, we might just be able to beat Seadramon."

Zenon readied his Digivice and stood up in the boat as an eerie silence took over. Only a few ripples were created by the moving boat, and there wasn't even any wind to produce waves or noise. It was just them, the boat, the water, and Seadramon. Both Mikemon and Zenon used their larger ears to listen closely, trying to locate the slightest sound out place.

"So you really think it'll show?" asked Mikemon.

As cliche as it seemed, a thick mist began to surround them. Even Zenon thought the timing was just too coincidental for his taste. He clenched his Digivice tighter, unsure if what he was thinking about doing would even work. It worked when he scanned the Gargomon's wind attack... twice.

"Well... here goes nothing!" he told himself. "Data Scan!" Zenon slid his Digivice across the surface of the water without directly touching it. The water seemed to fizzle unnaturally, a string of 0s and 1s being drawn out from it. The number string "0101011101000001010101000100010101010010" began to swirl around Zenon's Digimon body. His fur turned a darker blue, only to thicken entirely to the point it made it smooth to the touch. Though it was fur, to the touch it was like rubbing against scales. The code wrapped around his body further, spurting out finds where his Wind Moke had wings, in addition to a long fin trailing down his spine from the top of his head to the tips of his tail. Finally, his tail flattened and spread out, producing a mermaid-like tail. "Water Mode activate!"

Zeemon Water Mode
Stage: Rookie
Type: Beast
Attribute: Data
Bio: Harnessing the power of water, Zeemon becomes the fastest creature in all of the Net Ocean. Zeemon can use the density of its fur to regulate its speed. Its Water
Pulse creates a shockwave that nothing within its range stands a chance of survival.

Special Attacks: Water Jet, Water Pulse, Pulse Bomb

"Whoa!" gasped Mikemon, amazed and honored to be able to witness the power of Zeemon first-hand.

Zenon dove into the lake water, holding his breath at first. He didn't know if he could breathe underwater, and just acted on the suspicion that he couldn't. While the misty fog made it difficult to see your own hand in front of your face, under the water it was crystal clear. Zenon's ears picked up the sound of the circling serpent, turning his attention to face the massive beast. His mouth hung agasp at the sight, forgetting that he didn't know if he could breathe the water. Though his mind wasn't focusing on it, it was the same as breathing normal oxygen to him. He could breathe underwater!

Seadramon's eyes pierced through what looked like a yellow serpentine mask, narrowing on Zenon. The aquatic beast didn't know why a Digimon had so foolishly jumped into the water, but it cared not for such things. It charged at Zenon, barreling toward him. It was fast, but true to Zeemon's profile, he was faster. Zenon pulled to the side, Seadramon's body just barely whizzing past him.

The sea serpent was agitated that Zenon had managed to avoid it so easily, thinking itself faster than anything underwater. It opened its mouth wide as a bale of ice gathered, releasing a stream of icy breath in Zenon's direction. Because he didn't know what his new form could do, Zenon had to rely on his instincts to fight for him. He thought that he shouldn't have been able to, but he fought as if he if he knew what to do all along. He threw his right arm forward, punching the water in front of him.

"Water Pulse!"

Visible rings of heavier water emerged from the point of impact in the form of rings. Zenon's punch had broken the water, causing the energy to spread out toward the direction in which Zenon had thrown his fist. The rings of condensed water pushed against the stream of ice upon making contact, cracking the ice in the same manner and disrupting the flow of it. Seadramon closed its mouth and swam to the side, avoiding the oncoming attack. Above the water, Mikemon observed how the lake water had turned violent, erupting all around him as if several geysers had gone off simultaneously.

Zenon made his move, swimming directly at Seadramon's body. Seadramon turned it head, only to smacked upside it by the force of Zenon's body darting past it. Zenon pushed his hands forward and forced his dragonish body back toward Seadramon, slamming into it once again. As Seadramon recoiled from the attack and shook its body, Zenon used Zeemon's Water Mode ability to alter the the density of his fur and increase the speed of his attacks. He began zigzagging all across the water, holding his fist out to land a series of solid punches across Seadramon's body and head.

"Mikemon wasn't kidding about its body, it's like punching a tractor tire!" Zenon groaned, noticing that his knuckles were throbbing after every hit. He has was starting to give out from the barrage of punches, and Seadramon didn't look like it was ready to give up anytime soon. Zenon pulled back, increasing the density of his fur to its maximum thickness and peak hydrodynamic form. "Once more!"

Seadramon finally recovered from the stinging sensation of Zenon's attacks, eyes filled with malice and rage. It wasn't just a matter of Zenon escaping its attack; it's pride was at stake! Seadramon could see Zenon preparing for one final head-on attack and decided to meet the challenge. This clash would once and for all prove who was the more skilled underwater fighter. The two charged toward the other at full speed!

The game of chicken ended as Zenon finally relaxed his fur, slowing to a complete stop just short of impact. Rearing his leg back, Zenon delivered a powerful kick to Seadramon's skull as the sea serpent came charging at him full speed. Zenon howled out in pain as his shin made contact, grinding his teeth together as he used the force to hurl Seadramon up and out of the water, high into the air. The boat carrying Mikemon was thrown back as Seadramon was launched sky high, leaving the feline Digimon stunned.

"N-No way!" he gasped, mouth hanging ajar.

Seadramon's body went into a tumbling spin as Zenon propelled his body out of the water after it. Seadramon managed to stop its body from spinning long enough to fill its mouth with ice once more, but Zenon wasn't going to give it the chance to attack. "Pulse Bomb!" he howled, flinging a ball of concentrated water directly toward Seadramon. The attack came faster than Seadramon could charge its attack, and made impact directly below Seadramon's neck. The water bomb exploded, releasing a pillar of water that knocked all the breath out the serpent and sent Seadramon flying far, far away.

"He... did it!" Mikemon gasped once more before letting out a cheer. "He did it! He really it!"

With Seadramon gone, the fog was lifted. Digimon began emerging from their homes and other buildings, curious as to why the mist had subsided without the usual torrent of water. Zenon fell from the sky on the boat, wincing as the collision forced the boat to sway.

"Zeemon, you did it!" congratulated Mikemon. "I didn't see the whole fight, but you were amazing up there!"

"Urg... Thanks," grunted Zenon in response, gripping his leg. "You weren't kidding about Seadramon's hide. It feels like I shattered my leg back there."

Mikemon's ears dropped. All that talk earlier about providing help, and all he did was watch from the sidelines and let Zenon get hurt. "Let me see!" called the cat-like Digimon, rushing to Zenon's side. Zenon's body reverted to his base Zeemon form, the Water Mode appearance seemingly evaporating around him. Mikemon placed his paw against Zenon's leg, feeling over it gently. As a skilled fighter himself, Mikemon was used to examining injuries received during a fight.

"It doesn't look too bad," he heaved gently. "Looks like you just bruised it. You'll be fine if you ease off it for a day. You can stay at my place." Mikemon smiled to Zenon, giving his leg a soothing rub. "You're something else, Zeemon. You and I have got to train together sometime!"

Zenon chuckled softly. "Heh... Sure, Mikemon."

Unbeknownst to the two Digimon, even through the fog, Rioma had seen the whole thing. He stood atop the pub's roof once more as the moonlight shone down from directly behind him. This time, another figure could be seen standing behind the human. It was a tall, fox-like Digimon, dark grey fur coating his entire body. Two small, purple-colored commas were seen on each leg. His body was built like a sleek and agile fighter, but his left eye was covered with a red lens. His right arm was bionic, and the top of his long, slender tail was covered with a sheet of metal.

"And you're sure that's not the Zeemon who fought alongside you?" inquired Rioma.

"I'm positive, Rioma. I told you already that he's dead," the fox-like Digimon assured him.

"Well then..." Rioma's words trailed off as a broad grin spread across his face. His blue jacket flung open, revealing the black shirt underneath as a sudden breeze kicked up. He wasn't sure why Zeemon had a Digivice, but as far as Rioma knew, there was only one other human in the Digital World with a Digivice. "I've decided! Get ready, TechRenamon! We've just found my new partner."
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 09:09:44 PM by Aira Fox »


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Reply #6 on: November 29, 2014, 11:58:32 PM
Fun stuff!  You may want to give this another editing pass, as there are a few typos here and there.  Looking forward to the next part!

[fox] Virmir

Aira Fox

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Reply #7 on: December 28, 2014, 05:56:29 PM
Trying to get out of a writing slump, so I decided to do a quick write-up of the next chapter of Digimon Scanners. Hope you enjoy!  [:)

Digimon Scanners

Story By: Airafox
Digimon are owned by Bandai and Toei
Zeemon and TechRenamon created by Airafox

Chapter 3: Be My Partner! The Mysterious Rioma and TechRenamon

Three days had passed since Zenon's battle with Seadramon. As Mikemon had suggested, it only took a day for his leg to recover, but he agreed to stay with Mikemon for one more day. On the second day, to see if his leg had recovered enough to defend himself, he agreed to a quick sparring session with Mikemon. The feline Digimon had gone with him out on the lake, and Mikemon wanted to fight with him.
First Gaogamon and now Mikemon! Seems like Zeemon really was something else, he thought to himself.
"Don't hold back on me now! Come at me like you did Seadramon!" Mikemon had said to him.
The two began to exchange a serious of punches and kicks, but despite Mikemon's earlier statement, neither actually committed themselves to trying to deal any damage to the other. There was little force pressed behind their attacks, so while the speed was present, contact to the body was little more than light taps. Contrary to his size, Mikemon proved to be a skill martial artist. Zenon could barely defend himself, forcing him to let his body's instincts guide him.
"Hey now! You're going easy on me!" Mikemon complained behind a smile as he landed a bodyblow with both of his palm, knocking Zenon back a little. Zenon wasn't holding back, and while he could fight, he couldn't match the Digimon in a traditional brawl. Against Gaogamon and Seadramon, he was fighting with his life on the line, and his body seemed to know what to do better than his mind. To access the Wind Mode, he had to rely on what he could only assume was a suppressed memory, and even then he only knew of what the body was capable of because of his Digivice. However, he was fighting Mikemon in his standard form, something his Digivice had no data on at all. He didn't know how to use any of his attacks, and scanning something just didn't seem fair in this kind of one-on-one.
They stopped their fighting soon after. Mikemon felt disinterested when Zenon didn't live up to the initial hype, but accepted the fact that Zenon was probably holding back because he couldn't control his immense strength and was afraid he might seriously hurt him.
"Well, it appears your leg is better now. You should be just fine now," said Mikemon.
"Thanks again, Mikemon. You were a big help!" Zenon replied.
"Oh please! I didn't do anything, really! You're the one who saved the town. I couldn't do anything against Seadramon," smiled the feline with a shake of his head. "Just pay me a visit next time you're in town. When my claws grow back, I wanna fight you again for real! Maybe then you won't hold back."
Zenon laughed as Mikemon crossed his arms with a sigh. The only response he could give the Digimon was a gentle hug. Somehow, that managed to cheer him up. "I'm sorry," Zenon whispered, rubbing Mikemon's back. Mikemon shot him a curious glance as the two separated. Zenon didn't say anything further and waved to him before heading down the road. According to his Digivice, there was a blip several towns away, something that would like take him a couple weeks to reach on foot.
The blip that should have been at the town when he arrived had disappeared somehow. It wasn't anywhere on the map, and he could've sworn it was there. That was one of the reasons he stayed in the town as long as he did. He showed Mikemon his Digivice and asked him if he could find anybody else who had one of them, but the feline had no luck in finding anybody. "The bartender said he recalled a strange fellow coming into town a few days back, but he assumed they vanished when Seadramon attacked."
Zenon sighed. If the blip had disappeared, maybe the whatever it was eaten by Seadramon. It was an outcome he didn't want to think about, but since a day had passed since he left the town, his mind had wandered back to it. His stomach growled, causing him to pat his stomach.
"That was stupid of me. I should have gotten some food from Mikemon or a shop back while I was in town!"
"That WAS stupid."
Zenon quickly turned around as the unfamiliar voice drifted into his ears, gasping at the Digimon that snuck up behind him. He grabbed his Digivice readily, a habit he'd gotten into at this point, and scanned the Digimon.

Stage: Rookie
Type: Cyborg
Attribute: Data
Bio: After this Renamon suffered from a tragic defeat, it was augmented with machine parts to save its life. In addition to its fighting prowess, TechRenamon learned how to tinker to take care of itself. Unfortunately, due to this tinkering, most of its attacks change consistently.

Special Attacks: ?

"Honestly, you're giving a Zeemon a bad name if you're so stupid you forgot to pack some food," sighed the cyborg fox Digimon. He looked Zenon's body over. "And you're not much a hunter by the look of it. (Although you should be!)" TechRenamon pooled out what resembled a chocolate bar, unwrapping it and chewing on it in front of Zenon. Even Zenon could tell the Digimon was taunting him.
"Tch! I'll just get something at the next town then. It can't be that far! I can hold out until then," snapped Zenon.
TechRenamon took another bite, quickly swallowing it. "The nearest town in any other direction is 5 days walking. It's a 2-day walk before you'll even hit the point where the river bends around. You'd be better off going back the way you came if you can't hunt. Come to think of it, you don't even have a canteen, do you? If it doesn't rain, you're screwed."
Zenon's head tilted downward, embarrassed. It was true that he really hadn't thought that far ahead. He could probably get along without food for a while, but he'd need water.
"So what do you want in exchange for water and food? I'm guessing that's what you're getting at."
"The answer to that is simple, Zeemon," called another voice from behind him once more. As Zenon turned his head once more after being snuck up upon, his eyelids stretched upward and his pupils shrank. Standing there was a human! Rioma's smirk never let up and he outstretched a hand of friendship. "All you have to do is agree to be my partner!"
Zenon stood there in silence. This didn't make any sense! It wasn't that Zenon was surprised to see another human, but that Rioma was still in his human form. How come he, Zenon, had transformed into a Digimon when Rioma had not? Rioma was puzzled by the silence.
"Oh! Where are my manners? I guess I should introduce myself, shouldn't I? My name is Rioma Kayaba! Although I'll accept Rioma, partner, or master! Any of those will do!"
"Rioma?" repeated Zenon. Zenon shook his head, trying to get the word to flow from his brain to his mouth. "Hey, how did you get to be a human? You are a human, right?"
"What kind of question is that?" queried Rioma, his right brow raised. "Of course I'm a human. I've always been a human!"
"No, that's not what I meant!" exclaimed Zenon, desperate to know the secret behind his own transformation. "I mean, how come you're not like me? How did you change back?"
"What do you mean 'change back?'" Rioma's expression did not change, though TechRenamon appeared to take some interest in the conversation at hand. Using his bionic eye, the fox Digimon scanned Zenon's body.
"My scanners don't indicate anything abnormal about him," TechRenamon confirmed. The cyborg was still puzzled about something, something he felt like he should know. He couldn't pinpoint the cause of his concern, however, and dismissed it.
"Oh geez! Don't tell me he's already suffering from dehydration and hallucinating!" responded the human, slapping his forehead. He lowered his gaze to Zenon once more. "Listen, Zeemon! Just agree to be my partner and we'll get you fixed up. No way am I going to let a Digimon as strong as you die from something so stupid as dehydration."
Zenon decided to drop the subject. From what he could deduce, Rioma had never once transformed into a Digimon. Either Rioma was an oddity, or Zenon himself was the strange case. His mind was brought to what Rioma said about something else.
"Wait! Partner?"
"That's right, Zeemon!" Rioma grinned. "I've selected you to be my partner Digimon! You should be honored; it means I've determined that you are the strongest Digimon around. With me as your master, your potential will be completely unlocked!"
Rioma pulled out his Digivice, causing Zenon's own to examine his own. Rioma's started beeping as Zenon's Digivice neared it, but Zenon's didn't return the behavior.
"Surprised you didn't see me coming? With TechRenamon's help, I was able to prevent my Digivice from showing up on yours."
"That's something I don't get," said Zenon, shifting his gaze this time toward TechRenamon. The idea of a partner didn't surprise him as much as one would think, recalling both his dream and the memory of activating Zeemon's Wind Mode, but this partnership with TechRenamon had him curious about something. "You said you want me to be your partner, but it seems to me that you already have a partner. Even if I did want to be your partner, I'd never feel comfortable replacing a Digimon you already promised the position to. Plus, why would any Digimon wanna team up with you if you're so quick to abandon them once you find somebody stronger?"
"The appropriate answer would be because, for a moment anyway, they'd have the honor of serving me," Rioma answered with his usual smirk. "However, if that's your concern, then you have nothing to worry about. TechRenamon's NOT my partner!"
Zenon shifted his gaze between the two repeatedly. Did Rioma just not consider TechRenamon worthy of being his partner? Why would TechRenamon agree to help somebody like Rioma just like that?
"I can already tell what you're thinking," TechRenamon interjected, his scanners sensing Zenon's confusion and allowing him to read Zenon's thoughts. "What Rioma says is true; he and I could never be partners. It's not a matter of wanting to or not, just that it's not possible. However, I could never forgive myself if something were to happen to him. It's for that reason alone that I agreed to stay by Rioma's side until he finds a partner that can take care of him in my absence."
"And that's why I want you, Zeemon! I doubt I'll find anybody more compatible with me than you!" Rioma continued.
"Sorry, but I can't," Zenon replied. "Aside from the way it sounds like you'd treat your so-called partner, I just don't think it's possible for you and I to be partners."
"Oh? You don't have a partner, right?" questioned Rioma.
"Well no... I don't think I do," Zenon answered truthfully.
"That's right," Rioma cackled. "You don't! I don't know why you have a Digivice, but that's all the proof I need that you don't have a partner. Digimon normally aren't capable of using a Digivice on their own, there's some kind of link between the human that owns it and the Digivice itself, but there is a rumor that if a human dies in the Digital World, their Digivice can be used by the first Digimon that picks it up."
Rioma's explanation didn't make Zenon feel any better. Could he use it because he was originally a human? Or... had a human died? No, that couldn't be it! Zenon clearly remembered his cellphone turning into his Digivice. This was his; there was no doubting that!
"Just trust me, ok?!" shouted Zenon. "I just can't be your partner. There's something I have to figure out, and until I do there's no way I could partner with anybody, human or Digimon!" Zenon turned his back toward TechRenamon and started to walk past Rioma. "So thanks for the offer of food and water, but I'll be fine on my own."
"After searching all this time, do you really think I'm just going to let my perfect partner walk away?" grinned Rioma, holding up his Digivice. "If you really want to be on your way, then you're going to fight me right here and now!"
Before Zenon could take another step, TechRenamon lunged for him. Zenon jumped into the air and landed a few feet away. As he landed, Zenon felt a small stinging sensation against the back of his left leg. There was a small cut, but no blood flowing from it.
"I told you already, Zeemon: I want you to be my partner! It's going to be you or nobody! If you're so against becoming it, then I'll just destroy you now and collect your egg!" Rioma declared, staring down at Zenon coldly. There was a darkness hanging around his eyes, like his hair had suddenly decided to offer them intense shade. "Rumor has it that Digimon can't hatch from eggs right now, but I'm sure I can find a way with my Digivice. TechRenamon, subdue him!"
"Just agree," warned TechRenamon, taking a battle-ready stance. "The strike just now proved you're not at the level you should be. Whatever you're searching for, it's not something you can accomplish on your own at your level. Out of respect for Zeemon, I don't want to have to destroy you."
Rioma was not somebody Zenon felt comfortable teaming up with. He wouldn't go as far to say that Rioma was evil, but his attitude toward Digimon just left a bad taste in his mouth. There was also the matter of TechRenamon. He was much faster than Mikemon, and probably a lot stronger too. Zenon couldn't even take on Mikemon in his standard form, meaning he had little hope of defeating TechRenamon as he was. Still, he couldn't surrender and just agree to go along with somebody like Rioma.
"I don't want to fight you," Zenon announced. Rioma smiled briefly with a nod, only for it to shift as Zenon held up his Digivice. "However, I can't be your partner either! Data Scan!"
Zenon punched the ground with his Digivice in hand, pulling out a strand of data that he scanned with it. The number string "0100010101000001010100100101010001001000" was ran across the Digivice's scanner, and the data began to wrap around Zenino's form. His fur became rock-hard, converting into a grey stone.
"Earth Mode activate!"
Rioma held up his Digivice, grabbing info on the new form of Zeemon that stood before him:

Zeemon Earth Mode
Stage: Rookie
Type: Beast
Attribute: Data
Bio: By covering himself in stone, Zeemon becomes a Digimon of living armor. He's capable of withstanding even the strongest of blows, but his speed is sacrificed in exchange.

Special Attacks: Shards of Stone, Earthwaker, Living Stone

"I see... You know you can't outrun us, so you're gonna give up your speed for defense? Smart, but naive," Rioma chuckled, raising his Digivice. "Let's show him the difference experience grants, TechRenamon."
TechRenamon knelt down toward the grass, snapping his digits and producing a small spark from his bionic arm that ignited the foliage into a small flame. Rioma scanned the fire with his Digivice. "Data Scan!"
The data was pulled from the flame into the Digivice and shot toward TechRenamon. TechRenamon snapped his wrist, creating a storm of diamond-like shards. However, there was something different about this attack compared to a normal Renamon's. With a snap, the shards ignited into tiny flaming shards. "Fire Diamond Storm!"
The shards launched themselves toward Zenon, forcing him to counter with his own shard-like attack. Shard launched from his stone-like body at the flaming shards, shattering upon making contact. It only held off a few attacks, but it was long enough for Zenon to his Zeemon's Earthwaker attack, pulling a slab of stone from the very earth itself to block the flames.
"Futile," Rioma smirked. TechRenamon charged through the stone slab, his feet ablaze. Zenon crossed his arms across his chest as a foot made contact with him, his stone-like arms sizzling while his feet skid across the grass, kicking up dirt. TechRenamon's bionic arm produced a flaming sword, bringing it down on Zenon's head. Zenon raised his arms higher to block it, but the searing heat of the sword allowed it to slice through the rocks, severing Zenon's hands.
"If you weren't in your Earth Mode, that wound would be permanent," TechRenamon informed him. He was aware of Zeemon Earth Mode's abilities, which may have been why he gave Zenon the knowledge that he could use his abilities to repair his hands. Zenon concentrated on the arm stubs, picturing his former hands. The stones began to gather around it, producing two new hands. TechRenamon heaved a sigh. "Now maybe you can understand the difference between us. Just give up now. Next time, I may have to inflict a wound that you won't be able to recover from."
The cyborg Digimon had a point. Zeemon's Earth mode was not proving to be a good match for TechRenamon, and the fox probably wasn't lying about his next attack either. Rioma watched form the sidelines with interest, confident in TechRenamon's skills, but also hoping that Zeemon could find a way out of this mess. If Zeemon was as strong as he was supposed to be, TechRenamon would be the one to lose.
"He's right," mumbled Zenon. "I don't think I can beat TechRenamon like this. Wind Mode might be able to do it, but there isn't any wind to scan." Zenon looked back and forth, his eyes settling upon the fire that TechRenamon created earlier. "It's a long shot, but I have to try. I can't serve a guy like that!"
Zenon flung his arm forward, launching several shards at TechRenamon again. TechRenamon shook his head in disappointed, jumping up to avoid it. Once again, he flung a series of flaming shards at Zenon, who raised the ground once more to block it.
"Sorry, Zeemon, but I did warn you," TechRenamon exhaled, gripping his sword tightly and falling toward the slab with a flaming slash. The stone was split into two halves, Zeemon too if he had been behind it. To TechRenamon's shock, Zeemon was nowhere to be seen, a hole in the ground being all the remained. Rioma took interest in this.
"Huh? Where'd he go?" he wondered. His answered came when the ground below him shook and Zenon popped out of the ground in front of him. Zenon slid his Digivice's scanner across the flames nearby, pulling free a strand of numbers that read "01000110010010010101001001000101".
"Data Scan! Fire Mode activate!" Zenon shouted as the data wrapped around his body once more. His fur became a blazing red color, tail completely engulfed in flames that didn't seem to hurt.
"Dammit!" exclaimed Rioma. "TechRenamon!"
Zenon kicked the Digivice from Rioma's hand before he could read the info about him that had been pulled up. It wasn't that Rioma needed to look at it, but that Zenon didn't want Rioma using it to grant TechRenamon any new abilities. Had Rioma been given the chance, he would have seen the following:

Zeemon Fire Mode
Stage: Rookie
Type: Beast
Attribute: Data
Bio: Zeemon's second most powerful form! By encasing himself in fire, Zeemon can increase is speed like a spreading wildfire and deliver devastating attacks.

Special Attacks: Blazing Spread, Vulcan Knuckle, Impact Meteor

Zenon wasn't given another chance to come after Rioma -- not that he wanted to -- as TechRenamon was quick to slam into him, forcing his back to slide against the ground and create a groove in the ground.
"I underestimated you," TechRenamon admitted. "I won't make the same mistake again."
TechRenamon leapt into the air, creating another mass of flaming diamond shards. Each individual blade lunged for Zenon, raining down upon him like a storm of fireballs. TechRenamon made sure the flames burned brighter, hotter, and larger, and did not let up as the ground below became scorched. He didn't feel right about ending a Zeemon, but after threatening Rioma, his patience in trying to force a surrender had worn out. Only when TechRenamon was confident that he had inflicted serious damage did he let up his attack, landing on the ground in front of the smoldering crater.
"Impact Meteor!" roared out Zenon, emerging from the crater in a glorious display of fire the encompassed the entire imprint in the earth. Zenon leapt higher into the air than even TechRenamon had earlier, body encased completely if fire before he came crashing down directly at the fox cyborg Digimon. TechRenamon braced his body and tried to catch Zenon, succeeding in holding him off for but a brief moment before the force of the impact caused both to collide into the ground. Due to his fire affinity granted by Rioma's Digivice, TechRenamon didn't receiving a burning damage, but the force of the impact created by Zenon was enough to cause significant damage to both of them. The two could both barely stay on their feet after getting off the ground, but it was clear that TechRenamon had suffered the most damage between the two.
"That's enough, TechRenamon!" announced Rioma, resulting in the Digimon standing down immediately. Zenon almost couldn't believe he had called off TechRenamon and was expecting Rioma to try and convince him to join him once again. "Zeemon's proven himself that he's not so incapable of unlocking his hidden potential on his own after all."
Rioma reached into bag he normally slung over his shoulder, pulling out a water bottle. He tossed the bottle to Zenon.
"He will reach a point when he needs a partner. When he does, I'll ask him again." Rioma shot Zenon a stern glare, as cold as the one from earlier when he talked about killing him. "Until then, don't you dare die from your own stupidity! And don't even think about teaming up with the other one! You're mine, Zeemon! Never forget that!"
The human reached down to pick up his Digivice, then began walking toward the horizon on his own. He didn't bother calling for TechRenamon, knowing the Digimon would follow him on his own. Rioma was a strange individual, one whose motive was something Zenon couldn't figure out so easily. He didn't seem like a bad person, but again he was not somebody Zenon was eager to team up with. Something Rioma said did weight on his mind.
"There's another human here in the Digital World! If Rioma has met them, does that mean they didn't become a Digimon either. What the heck is wrong with me? Why was I the only one?"
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 11:28:11 PM by Aira Fox »


  • Chaotic Neutral Cartoon Gray Fox Mage
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Reply #8 on: January 08, 2015, 11:04:26 PM
Enjoyed this chapter.  Especially wanting to see the reason why he transformed.  Looking forward to next part!

[fox] Virmir