Listen up everyfuzz, scale and feather!
I'm looking into starting epic many party art trade! The idea? Every trader is given a trader at random (all traders get ONE drawing to do, and one person drawing them!) ALSO I'll be the only person to know WHO is getting who's art. (of course I have to tell the artists who to draw for... obviously =p)
Anyway! If you wish to join, shot me a line here, and leave a request of what you want to see drawn for you! :3
More info will come as I work this out!
Upto three characters or two and a simple background or one and a complex background. Anything above this is upto the trader doing the drawing.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 07:17:51 PM by Tech »
There are two kind of people in this world those who are wise enough to know they are crazy and those who aren't.