Author Topic: Vot's story, ongoing  (Read 6874 times)


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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on: January 12, 2012, 10:42:47 PM
Chapter One

In a grand kingdom, that centered around an entire continent. In it boundaries; existed several dozen forest –most protected in the future- , a number of mountains containing all sorts of metals and minerals, a nice costal border that offered protection and access to plenty of fishes, plenty fields for farming and the likes, and of course plenty of towns, villages and cities with all three Races living in this kingdom.

…What? You don't know about the Races? How can cub not know about… Anyways, the three Races are the Creatures, -which you are, you dumb little piece of- -coughs twice . Sorry about that, my throat,  needed to clear it, Ah-em,  ahh-hem.

Where was I? … Ah yes, the classes. The Creatures are the most common, including every type of fur there is on our dear planet. ….Do not tell me you do not know the name because you do, I will tan your damn hide!

…Thank you, once again we off topic. One more time and I will not you any more stories!

Now. If you let me finish for once, thank you!

Now where was I…oh yes. The second Race is Taurains, Creatures that have the lower body of a giant form of their feral cousins.

Actually, that is somewhat true, only if their feral cousin is smaller than a horse. Bigger than that and it pretty much the same.

And last being the Angels, Creat- Yes, yes I know that they do not like that term now but that is how I knew it when I was young and to the infernos to all those complainers-. 

The Angels are Creatures, and I believe there are some claims that  Taurains as well, that were born with wings. There is no really explanation for it except for people claiming it was the work of the people up there. Bunch of morons, all of them.

Some of the damn Angels can -coughing sounds Not today boy, next time I will you more next time. -coughing again Yes, yes I will tell the story of Vot if you please to leave me be!

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #1 on: January 12, 2012, 10:43:33 PM
Chapter two

Ok. The story of Vot. Let me start from the beginning. The very beginning.


In the years of 142, there was a small little village with the name of Terache near Ghateh forest. It held a fair number of people, at least a hundred or so, with most being Creatures and a number of Taurains families living there as well. This being the Kentarian Kingdom, one of the most accepting lands in all of Taren, there was little strife about the different Races. People of the Kentarain Kingdom were accepting of different Races.

However, that was not to say they never argued, far from it in fact. They argued like any people would do in the contact of others. They just didn't argue on Races.

It was mid summer, and the small village was dealing with the pitter patter of little paws running here and there. Or in the case of Jer, the latest Taurain to be born, galloping around despite the village elders and villagers complaining about the chaotic manner he left in his wake. His parents, proud local smiths, took care of the issue when they could, but it usually fell to the white mountain lion Creature named Merzan.

Along with her mate, local tailors, would take care of the youths when their parents were too busy at the moment. They could do so as they had no youths of their own to be concerned for as of yet.

For you see, Merzan was showing signs of expecting her own litter. There had been celebrating for the couple when the local healer had told them the news. Despite what the healer and her mate Trastin pleas not overextend herself with the shop and youths, she still kept an eye over the youths from time to time. She didn't go down and into the shop, though, her mate made it clear that she was not allowed to be until she gave birth to their kids.

After a week of sleeping on floor, she relented and allowed him back up in the house.


…Ah yes, I see that was not particularly clear. Well, you see, their shop like many of the other villagers served as their home. They would run their wares and trades on the ground level and they would live above it.

Now where was I… Ah yes, yes. Thank you.


She was taking care of two youths at the time, young and hyper Jer –who was told many times not to get Merzan involved in a game of chase- and a three season old Creature named Trin. They were playing in the fields behind all the shops and Merzan was watching them with her sharp feline eyes. She was content, her hand trailing her swelling stomach. By winter, the healer said, she would have her first litter. As mountain lion, she deeply enjoyed the snow and was overjoyed to have her cubs be born into the winter. The snow also allowed her and her mate to run around in their furs without fear of being spotted and….


Ah-em. Sorry about that kids. Now please do me a favor and do not tell your parents that part of the story, ok?


Blushing from that thought, she grunted as she felt another kick. Her cubs were getting very feisty lately, but she was not worried. She had heard all cubs did that when they were inside-

She grunted as a particularly strong kick sent her bending over in pain.

"Miss Merzy, are you ok?" She looked up to see Trin with a very concerned face. He still had problem pronouncing her full name, his tongue not yet trained properly. Jer also looked concerned and very cute too, with all those twigs and grass blades in his fur. She was sure if he could talk now, he would ask the same thing.

"Yes, just fin-" She let out a shout of pain as she fell to the ground, that followed by a splashing sound. "Go get Trastin now!" Yelling for the first time, the two cubs bound past her and dove into the shop to get the older Creature. 

He soon came out, with pins falling from his mouth as he muttered under his breath and the measuring tape nearly falling off his shoulders as he ran, and knelt to pick up his wife.

Only to be yelled to get the damn healer, Confused, he told the cowering cubs to run, and get the healer as fast as they could, and tell her that Mezran was –

And then he was yelled at again and told the cubs just to get the damn healer. The cubs, scared by this outburst, bolted off to the healer's house leaving the couple alone.

Trastin stayed there, knelt down and trying to comfort his wife. However, he was in luck because his mate's screaming was very unusual and caused many of the women around the tailor shop to stick out their heads out to snoop on the couple. They then quickly realized the situation and descended onto the scene, offering help to Merzan and shooing away Trastin, until the healer would come to help.

It took a very short time, longer to the expecting couple of course, for the healer to reach the front of the tailor shop where a pacing Trastin was waiting.

"My goodness, Trastin, what are you doing here? Why are you not with Merzan?" She snapped, using her free paw to shoo him back into the shop and using her medicine bag to gently encourage him to move faster.

"But they, the women, they told me-" Trastin, normally a calm and collective Creature, was really panicking, pushing his sleeves up and down as he walked back to the back.

"Don't be a daft cub, she would be wanting you with her now." She continued to push the tall man, shaking her head in irritation. He was suppose to be a smart Creature. The two adults entered the back of the shop and was standing on back porch.

Instantly, all the women surrounding Merzan give him a deadly glare that nearly sent him back into his shop. The small healer, grunted at this, shoved her way past the frightened man and started to shoo away the people around Merzan.

"But healer," One woman said, dodging a kick from the increasingly annoyed healer. "We saw that Merzan was-"

"Silence girl!" She snapped as knelt down near the panicking woman. "None of ye had the right to send Tras' away. Only I has that right. Now scat!" She shouted, sending the women cowering behind Trastin and the shop.

Sending a glare to the only male in the location, she told him to lend his paw to his mate. Quite colorfully, in fact, enough to shave off a season off his life.

Muttering under her breath, the healer was greatly worried. None of the births she delivered in her experience has been this early and lived. That would be a true shame for the couple, any couple in fact, this young.

Muttering commands to Merzan, she was worried on how to brake the news of tragedy of all the lost cubs, when she saw something that puzzled her. It was a head, yes, but it was fully developed.

This was too soon, you see, for a Creature's cub to be fully developed and ready to meet the world.

The healer, confused, but dedicated to her duty, continued to tell Merzan to push, the cub was nearly here. Trastin, who heard somehow past the pain of his paw being crushed by his mate, gave Merzan a confused look before it was back to a painful look.

After a few more minutes, or hours depending on who was asked, a little cub's scream was heard. Trastin, ears perked for the other of his cubs screams, met his mate's confused look when they did not hear them.

The healer, wrapping the cub in one of the blankets she brought with her, stood and carried the cub to the couple. As soon as they saw, they understood.

"Fate seems to have blessed you two." She said, handing the little cub to Merzan. Instantly, she took the cub, -her cub- and began to rock it back and forth. "I ain't had any experience with delivering his Race, and luck blessed me as well for this to be an easy birth." She sat and leaned on the post supporting the roof of the porch. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a bottle of wine that she saved for herself when she had finished a birthing. Looking upwards, pausing before she stared chugging away as she always did afterwards, she glared at fawning women that were eager to rush and see the little cub to keep them away.

"He?" Trastin asked, looking away from his cub.

"Yes, he." She grinned, flashing a smile. "Your little boy Angel."


"What was that dear?" Trastin turned his head back to his mate, already feeding the little cub.

"Vot. I want to name him Vot." She smiled, holding her little cub close to her body. "My little Vot, the Angel."

And I will continue next time little ones.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 10:44:04 PM
Chapter three

Now were we? Ah yes.


The young couple was worried about their cub and how they were to care for him. They were being prepared for cubs of their own Race, but vastly caught of guard with an Angel cub. All the items for the cub was now being scrutinized by the villagers women. Of course, they were chased out and away by the healer, so the couple could be alone.

Trastin, after carrying his mate upstairs to the daycare they made for their cubs, rushed downstairs to make adjust the clothing for his cub.

"What the blazes are ya doing down here Tras'?" The healer barked, scaring the fur. "Go up and be with yar mate." She snapped, trying to shoo him up the stairs. "I'll be down here so no one comes up and bothers ya two."

Watching the man run up the stairs, she sighed once he left. She had birthed all cubs here and knew a great deal about rearing them. But this was the first time she dealt with an Angel. She had no ideas what this cub might need and had little manner of finding it out.

Then again, the Creature thought, she learned all she did from experience. She learned how to birth a Taurain safely after nearly loosing her head, learned to keep a number of blankets with her for Creatures births with many cubs and that a bottle of wine was always necessary after a birth.

She would definitely keep her eyes open on this cub, Vot, and learn all that she could about this Race. She already had a few facts, tucked away in her mind.

Twitching an ear, she heard laughter from above and smiled. Things would defiantly be interesting now.


Now, let's skip a little bit of time shall we?


In the small village of Terache, on a cool summers day, the small tailor shop was bustling. A number of Taurain needed new shirts and covers, a task that could be difficult if done wrong. A fair number of Creatures needed new trousers and all in all, it made good business for the couple.

Although, the mood was not reflecting this boom to business for the couple. They constantly shoot looks upwards, Trastin frowning more and more with Merzan sending soothing looks at her mate before sending her own glares upwards. The customers, said nothing, knowing what the problem was and were uneasy about being there.

A timid knock on the back door caused the couple to snapped their heads around, leading to one angry Taurain to shout out in pain from a pin going into them.

"I'll get it dear. Must be Trin and Jer." She grumbled, shaking her head. When was that boy going to wake up? If he slept any longer… "Yes?" She opened the back door to see the two figures that was almost family after all these seventeen seasons being here.

"Is Vot awake Merzan?" Jer, the young Taurain, asked looking at her feet as normal around her. He was also scratching his arm, covered with golden fur, and fidgeted on all four feet on her porch.
He was also bare chest, as usual, and had several packs tied on his lower back. Along with it, tied to his upper back.

A smack to the back of the head caused Jer to jump a bit, nearly walking into Merzan. He then backed up and sent off a glare to the person who gave him the twack.

"Jer, manners." Trin, the silvery brown Creature, glared at his friend. Out of three youths in her house, he was the only source of properness. He was dressed in fine garb, fit for the long journey ahead. "Sorry Miss Merzan, how are you?" He bowed a bit, showing lessons that his parents, the local inn, on how to treat people stuck.

"Fine dears." She sighed, thinking of the two as her cubs. She knew that their mothers felt the same about the other two cubs -young men now, she thought- and it was hard for them as well. "He's still asleep, you can go and get him. But no weapons in my house, understood?" She growled the last part, causing the two disarm quickly.

Jer reached behind and removed the battle axe, leaning it on the inside of the house. He did it while looking at Merzan the entire time, seeking any signs of disapproval that would tell him to retreat. Despite being roughly the same the size as her, weighing much more then her and old enough to be married off, he knew that she could probably still tan his hide if she deemed it worthy with tremendous ease.

Trin, removing the sword from his waist, placed it next to the axe. The two of them then started to the stairs. Trin going up first of course, as Jer hated stairs -narrow stairs most of all- and didn't want to be hurt if his friend fell backwards again.

Which he almost did anyways, saving himself by grabbing the railing. Almost all Taurains could not walk up stairs well and they almost always fell.

The two of them, Jer looking down with apprehension of needing to go back down them later, started to move to their friend's door where they heard Vot snoring away. Trin looked Jer, who gave the Creature an uncomfortable shrug, disliking being this high up when it wasn't part of nature.

Trin rolled his eyes, and knocked on the door loudly.

All they heard was a low grumble, and then some more snoring. Jer groaned, scratching his chest, grabbed the door handle and opened the door.

The room was quite large as it was meant for more than one person, with an actual dresser –normally saved for mates only back then-, a chair in front of small table with papers and writing tools, a bed and a wide breath of space  off to the side.

Vot had been lucky of sorts being born as he was, getting a room that would have served at least four Creatures to live in. It was also lucky for Jer and Trin, their cubhood friend having this much space that allowed them to spend many nights together as they grew up from cubhood into manhood.

Speaking of who…

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #3 on: January 12, 2012, 10:44:46 PM
Chapter four

Let us continue, shall we

Vot was in his bed, lying face deep into the pillow, snoring away. His wings were spread out, leg dangling over the side along with his tail. They could not see his arms, as they were under his pillow.

Trin looked at Jer, who flashed an angry glare. The Taurain walked over, being quiet on all fours and yanked the blanket down.

Vot groaned, shaking his head he and started to arc his back in the air, yawing as he did it. Blinking, he tilted his head and rubbed his eyes.

"What's going on guys?" He yawned, folding his wings behind him and pulled his blanket around his waist for decency.

"What's going is that you have nearly spelt 'till noon." Merzan, with a wooden spoon in her paw. She was trying her hardest not to stare into the corner of the room, knowing if she did she would break into tears. "That hardly leaves you anytime to eat a good meal and say…" She paused, looking away, biting her lip. "Say what you need to say." She turned around, not wanting her cub to see her cry. "Come to the table when you are decent. I'll have your breakfast ready." She left the room and already went back downstairs to fix the meal again. "Jer, Trin, will you two be joining Vot?"

"Yes Merzan." They both called out, shuffling their way out.

"Jer, wait a second." Vot called as he began to pull on his pants. "My packs, can you add it to the rest?"

"Oh sure." He grumbled, walking over to the corner, throwing the packs on his lower back and let Trin tie it on. "As I am the bloody back mule here."

"Oh quit your whining." Trin snapped a cord that close to Jer's stomach, causing him to jump a bit. "You agreed to this ages ago and you have your most comfortable covering on, don't you?"

"Yeah, yeah, but it's still bloody uncomfortable." He grumbled, shifting on his feet with the new weight.

"Jer! Watch the language or I will take the broom to your rear!" Merzan voice roar through the shop, causing the Creature and Angel to laugh loudly at their friend blush.

"Trin, Vot! Don't be egging him on, or I'll take the broom to the both of you!" Merzan's threat rang out, stopping the laughter in it's track. "Now come down and eat your breakfast!"

The three young men, blinking in awkwardness, began to walking out. Jer stared at the stairs, his own little fear cropping up. Vot glared, hungry and wishing to have some time before…

"Jer, if you don't like stairs, then why the bloody fang did you come up he-" Vot snapped, staring at the back of the Taurain, was cut off.

"What was that Vot!" Trastin shouted from at the bottom of stairs. "You're bloody damn lucky that your mother didn't hear that!" He snapped, tucking in the measuring tape into a pocket. "Jer, move your rear now so we –"

"Trastin!" Merzan snapped, walking into the hallway with a deadly glare. "Enough." She practically hissed the words. Turning her head upwards, she glared at three men upstairs. "Breakfast is getting cold. Down here now boys."

Jer, gulping, started to run down the steps, turning at the last moment to cut down on his speed. Still, he slammed into the groove on the wall of himself.

"Oww bloody oww."  Jer muttered under his breath, holding back more curses. He was rubbing his left shoulder, trying not to stomp from the pain.

Trastin looked at his dented wall and just sighed. He had long ago gave up on trying to fix the wall, and it showed the growth of the young Taurain fairly well.

"Come along Jer, a hot meal will make you feel better." The older man griped the right side of the short Taurain and directed him to the kictehn. Jer and Vot trailed shortly behind.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #4 on: January 12, 2012, 10:45:10 PM
Chapter five

Let us continue, shall we? It is going to get interesting.

Young Vot, and Trin walked into the small kitchen and sighed at the smell. It was bowls of hot porridge, and Merzan had obviously made enough for the all the boys as there was bowls at every seat.

Jer, who was still rubbing his shoulder, was sitting at his spot at the table and deep in a bowl. His shortish tail, along with his entire lower body, was fidgeting back and forth trying to get rid of the pain.  Trastin sat in his seat, smoking his seldom used pipe, watched the whole scene and being quiet.

Vot looked at Trin, who gave him an annoyed look, sat in his seat, placing his wings on the clothed rack his father made for him years ago and started to eat.

"Trin, sit and eat. You need to eat for the…walk." Merzan said, flinging her wooden spoon around, nearly hitting Jer who flinched at the last moment. This caught her attention and then a glare. "Jer, stop shoveling your food in your mouth!" She then used her spoon to whack Trin on the snout. "Sit down and eat."

"Yessum." He muttered, joining his friends with the meal and rubbing his snout at the same time. He sent a glare to his friends, who were holding back chuckles.

"Mmm, this is gud-" Jer jumped, nearly sending all the bowls off the table when he hit the table. He jumped because Merzan smacked his snout with the wooden spoon.

"Jer, no talking with your mouth full!" She snapped, muttering under her breath. This caused Vot to chuckle a bit too much, feeling the awful feeling of porridge fleeing his nose.

This started a chain reaction of laughter, starting from Jer, who passed it Trin, who then gave it Trastin –banging on the table after choking on the smoke of his pipe- who then passed it to his son.

"Enough!" Merzan snapped, slamming the wooden spoon on the table, snapping the spoon in half. This caused all the males in the room to stop laughing at once, who then had the terrible luck of being unable to hold back the laughter.

This was too much for the dear snow lioness, who ran out of the room, tears and sobs.

"Oh bloody fur and fang." Trastin, muttering the massive curse under his breath, jumped out of his chair and ran after his mate.

Jer, blinking and rubbing his shoulder, pushed away his bowl. Trin, coughed and turned his head to face Vot.

"Vot." Trin said with a calm voice. "Go and say your peaces. We need to head out soon or I'll be late."

"Don't you think I know that?" Vot snapped, slaming his paws onto the table. "It is hard! I'll be gone for five-"

"We'll all be gone from home Vot." Jer snapped, staring at his friend. Somehow, in between the short conversation of Trin and Vot, he had managed to stand up and walk over to Vot. "We both said our goodbyes already and it's hard already for me and Trin." He snapped, turning his head away.

"Please go Vot. The longer we stay here, the harder it is for us to leave." Trin spoke softly.

"Ok, ok." Vot stood up and started to walk after his parents.


Short you say? Well, poor you on. I am busy!

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #5 on: January 12, 2012, 10:45:42 PM
Chapter six

My my, it is has been a while.

Vot followed his parents into the backroom, where all the fabrics and unsellable clothing was stored. It was a low long room, that snaked under the staircase and above the cellar.

As it was meant for storage of clothing in small space, it was difficult  for Vot to enter and leave the room without injury due to his wings fluttering out and hitting something. Even so, he needed to say his peace now or he might never have a chance to say afterwards.

Walking slowly, he saw his father comfort his sobbing mother, who laid her head onto her mate's shoulder. Trastin, snapped his head to see his son, only son approach slowly. With a subtle command, he bade his son to come.

Walking as fast as he dared in the small space, Vot with his wings straight and pressed as close to his back as possible, turned to face his mother, bending his knees to meet her in the eye.

Before he could say word, Merzan threw herself onto her son and cried anew. For a few minutes nothing was said, with Trastin standing next to his son, but then Vot spoke.

"I'm sorry mother." He said sincerely, feeling tears run down his face as well. "If I could, I would not go until my twentieth season but-"

"Your oath of loyalty to your friends, I know dear." The woman said with sad, yet prideful voice. "All three of you promised to watch out for one another and you would rather cut off your wings then break a promise to them." She chuckled, raising herself up and lifting a paw to tussle her son's head fur. "Now please, say your peace and leave before it becomes too hard."

Grinning, Vot cleared his throat. "Mother, father." He paused as he stood up. "I promise to come home, as intact as you see me today. I promise that when my five years of duty is complete I shall come back." He bit his lip, to prevent any new tears from flowing out. "You have my word on this." Pausing to take another breath, his mother stopped him with a finger on his muzzle. 

"Vot, please stop making promises." She smiled. "And get going."


A short while later, the three youths were walking down the small road talking between themselves. It was their first time out of their small town, and they were making small talk to pass the time before they reached Protra, the larger town where they would meet up with the task master from the army that would take them to the capital for training.
"I am telling you Jer," Trin said with worried face, looking to the sky  constantly. "From what I heard from my father's customers, they'll making us do all of sorts of stuff-
"To toughen us up, bla bla bla." Jer squeezed the air in front of his paw as he said each word, leaning his head to the side. He was in-between his two friends, scratching his fur harder now.  "But I doubt they'll force me up stairs." He glanced down, scratching harder at an un-scratch-able itch he was developing.
"Nay Jer," Vot said with a forced grin. "They'll make ya learn how to do it as they will force me to learn how to do something I despise as certain as they will do it for Trin and the rest of us." He complained, flapping his wings as he walked, causing a small breeze.
"Like what?"" Jer turned his head, muttering a curse as his itch got worse.
"Not sure Jer." Trin spoke out, turning his head with concern. "When was the last time you bathed?"
"Har-har." Jer spoke, with anger dripping out. "At least two days ago and it is not because of fleas. I have no damn idea what it –blasted fur and fang!" He shouted, scratching very hard.
"Obviously it's not fleas, or we would have them." Vot said, moving away from Jer a tad, wings slightly more closed.
"Maybe proper bathing?" Vot said with a laugh.
Jer responed to this with a punch to the side, causing Vot to swear out of shock. He also knocked several of the packs with his wing spreading outwards along with hit Jer in the head.
"OI!" Trin shouted, bending down to pick up the packs as Jer was rubbing his head and Vot was clutching his side, probably the punch had hit Vot's kidney. "Both of you! Stop acting like cubs!"
"Sorry Trin." Both of them called out weakly.


Ah, yes kids… not the best beginnings, but oh well

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #6 on: January 12, 2012, 10:46:24 PM
Ok, I need to edit in the italics and font changes still.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • Chaotic Neutral Cartoon Gray Fox Mage
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Reply #7 on: January 24, 2012, 09:52:16 PM
A little rough and a few typos, but I'm interested in seeing where this goes. Keep writing. [:)

[fox] Virmir