Author Topic: Dawn of Worlds the 2nd!  (Read 95771 times)

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #150 on: May 22, 2013, 11:07:57 PM
Command City - Flame's Landing(2) The Aarie could see continued build up by the Drakes in there plan, and do their best to keep up. Getting volunteers, they continue to prepare for the upcoming war, creating the second Lancers. (Create the 2nd Flame's Lancers)

Command Order - Order of the Flame Guiding the ocean cast, the Order continues off to the west, helping to found the city of Glimmerstar within the Isthmus of H3(Creation of the City of Glimmer Star)

Command Order - Council of the Winds Hearing the request, the Aarie do their best to Serejevo from a peaceful standpoint, by lending a small group of air mages and good information telepaths to support of the city.


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Reply #151 on: May 22, 2013, 11:26:21 PM
Command Avatar (create Army), Command City (create Army) - under the Direction of Sharpe the Ferrin found two new armies in preparation for the coming storm: The Legion of Those Who Walk Behind, and their sister force, The Legion of Those Who Walk Before. The two forces are intended to work in tandem, acting as scouts and saboteurs whilst also being able to go toe to toe with the demons of the sons.


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Reply #152 on: May 23, 2013, 09:28:54 AM
Given the Aarie's telepathic ability and the Pomharpiis inability to really (or mind for that matter) to counter it, the Aarie air mages keep hearing of this event from which the Poms claim as "Ascension". Opinions vary from pom to pom, and Bat to Bat. What they all have in common is something to do with Evolution and the dreaded Otterium crystal.


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Reply #153 on: May 23, 2013, 02:41:51 PM
The Batosians, seeing how vital their relationship is with the Foxkind, as well as their desire to see the Pomharpii able to walk about freely, send their best diplomats to the Foxkind with two proposals:

1. The Batosians propose that both the Imperium of Fox and Batosia unite, as nations, into a single, two-state entity. Both sides would maintain their internal supremacy, but their armies and resources would be better coordinated. Additionally, the offer provides the Foxkind with the power to order any number of Batosian armies as it sees fit, so long as they are not required to perform actions against Batosians or attack non-hostile forces. In exchange, Batosians and Foxkind are considered naturalized citizens of both nations for all intents and purposes, and rights may not be restricted to or from citizens of either state, outside of positions of public authority where seen fit.

2. As a separate proposal, the Batosians offer to attempt to 'reform' any non-hostile variant of xenos, with the oversight of the Foxkind themselves to assure that the individual is, indeed, reformed. In the case that a xeno is deemed as being reformed, they are considered, for all intents and purposes, citizens of the cities of Foxkind, and are thus subject to all laws and regulations that the Foxkind themselves are subject to.

Geary: That means you get a companion for four levels, then it gets an upgrade.
Draykin: A very PAINFUL upgrade.
* Digital_Vulpine eeps, since the rules don't specify that I'm exempt from the psychic link that Wizards have with their familiars. o_o;

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #154 on: May 23, 2013, 04:32:07 PM
The Council is reluctant to consider the proposal, having bore witness to the excesses of the other races and the disaster they had brought to the world, but the Emperor advises them that they will need allies if they are to face the multitude of threats that surround them. 

With the Emperor's guidance they ratify the treaty.  However, during discussion of the possible dangers of interacting with xenos the topic of Otterium inevitably came up.  As a condition to their joining the treaty, Otterium in all its forms is banned from Imperial lands until such a time as the Adeptus Mechanicus deems it safe. Individuals found to be infected with Otterium, regardless of race, must be exiled from Imperial borders for the duration of the ban. 

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #155 on: May 23, 2013, 08:31:08 PM
As the day of Ascension approaches, a large amount of Pomharpii gather in Sarajevo. Invitations are sent to their 'kin', the Foxkind and Batosians. As they are part of whom the Poms are, they too may Ascend.

Friends and allies are called to witness the grand event.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 08:42:22 PM by Donnie »

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #156 on: May 23, 2013, 08:45:17 PM
The Aarie, ever curious about what has been whispered, and thinking at this from this standpoint it is something of good, allow for a small group to journey to Sarejevo to witness the ascension occuring.


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Reply #157 on: May 23, 2013, 09:36:55 PM
Turn 15

This is it, the big finale. Good luck and happy hunting everyone! Lets make this interesting!

Radioactive Toast - 10 - 5 + 7 + 3 = 15
Kenku - 16 - 6 + 8 + 0 = 18
Dragyn - 22 - 0 + 8 + 0 = 30
Virmir - 15 - 12 + 8 + 3 = 14
Digital Vulpine - 12 - 9 + 8 + 3 = 14
Geary - 21 - 0 + 3 + 0 = 24
Donnie - 14 - 12 + 11 + 3 = 16
Fax - 29 - 3 + 4 + 0 = 30

(the images link to higher resolution versions)

Fluff Batosians(+1)
The Sons of Annihilation(-2)
The Scourngers(-1)
The Ocean Cast(-1)
The Cursed Wyrms(+1)

The Society of Individuals Informed Against SATAN (Donnie), Batosian Division
The Sparks
The Society of Individuals Informed Against SATAN (Donnie), Fluff Batosian Division
The Rocketeers
The Temple of order
The Empirical Truth
The Society of Individuals Informed Against SATAN (Donnie), Fox-Fox Division
The Order of Flame
Ordo Cabalis Illuminus
The Unity of Nod
The Hive
The Foxkindish Inquisition
Beta's Null
Generally Dissatisfied Inquisitive (GDI) Forces
Layline Caster Ship and Crew
The Heavy Hitters
Adeptus Mechanicus
The Marked
The Pho
the Library
Council of the Winds
The Department of Defense
The Office of War

The Avatar of the great DV.
Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen''
The Phoenix
The Awakened
Beta, The Wolf-Dragon
Cerefox, the Fox-Fox-Fox
Lore Bostic, Human cabal wizard
Specimen 35
The Messiah
Divine Agent Smith
Saul Angelos
Brother Marcion
Zander Sharpe
Avraham: The Cunning

-1 army in Porttown
-1st Ironworks Imperial Regiment in Ironworks
-1st Cadian Imperial Regiment in Cadia
-the 2nd Imperial Airship Fleet in Blackwell
-2nd Cadian Imperial Regiment in Cadia
-the 1st Lightguard Regiment in Luminurbis
-1st Expeditionary Fleet in Porttown
-1 army, 1st Porttown Marine Regiment in Porttown
-1 army, 3rd Ironworks Artillery Brigade in Ironworks
-1 army, 3rd Imperial Airship Fleet
-1 army, 4th Cadian Imperial Regiment
-1 army, 82nd Air Assault Regiment
-1 army, 4th Imperial Airship Fleet
-1 army, 2nd Imperial Ironclad Fleet

Sons of Annihilation
-1 army, Phalanx of Su, in Su
-1 army, The Hand of Saul, in Solaris
-1 army, The Hellspawn Phalanx, in Su
-1 army, The Pho Guards, in Su
-1 army, The Phalanx of Subjugation, in Su
-1 army, The Solaris Eviscerators, in Solaris
-1 army, The Doomgiver Phalanx in Su
-1 army, the Wretched Souls Phalanx, in Solaris
-1 army, the Iron Hand Phalanx, in Su

-1 army in Su
-1 army, Phalanx of Epirous, in Epirous
-1 army, 2nd Phalanx of Predix, in Predix
-1 army, Constantinios's Legion in Predix
-1 army, The Dragon Phalanx, in Predix
-1 army, The Legion of the Moon, in Epirous
-1 army, the Mordor Phalanx, in Mordor
-1 army, The Airlight Legion, in Mordor
-1 army, The Dragon's Claw Legion, in Predix

-1 army in Null City
-1 army south of Ironworks

-1 army, The Dual Point Legion, at Trabzand
-1 army, Bipolarsburgian Army Reserves, in Bipolarsburg
-1 army, Cerefox's Champions of Threes, in The Fortress of Doom
-1 army, The 2nd Dual Point Legion, at Dual Point
-1 army, Army of the Sphinx-Sphinx, at the Sphinx-Sphinx
                -Note: Incorperates Fox-fox, Fluff Batosians, shades and Desert Fox-Fox
-1 army, The Disgruntled Areal legion, in Trabzand
-1 army, The Angry Wings, in Dual Point
-1 army, The Red Guard, in the Red Tower
-1 army, The Green Guard, in the Green Tower
-1 army, The Blue Guard, in the Blue Tower

-1 army, The First Ascendants, stationed near Ironworks
-1 army, The 1st Followers Airship Fleet, stationed in Co'Mu'Non
-1 army, The 2nd Followers Airship Fleet, stationed in Co'Mu'Non
-1 army, The 1st Guardians Airship Fleet, stationed in An'Ter'Ai
-1 army, The 1st Highwind Airship Fleet, stationed in Stor'Gu'Ard


-1 army, Aarien Aerial Defence Core, east of Aurora
-1 army, 1st Flame's Lancers, in Flame's Landing
-1 army, The Phoenix's Breath, outside of Flame's Landing
-1 army, 2nd Flame's Lancers, in Flame's Landing
-1 army, 1st Aarien Dive Attack Troop in Flame's Landing
-1 army, 1st Aarien Engineers in Flame's Landing
-1 army, 3rd Flame's Lancers, in Flame's Landing

-1 army, The 1st Cabal Centurions in Serejevo
-1 army, the 1st Gungir Rangers, in Serejevo
-1 army, 1st Ascension's Glory in Serejevo
-1 army, 2nd Ascension Division, in Serejevo
-1 army, 3rd Leviathans, in Serejevo
-1 army, 4th Guardians of Light, in Serejevo

-1 army stationed in Betonia
-1 army stationed in Null City

-1 army, stationed in Barrowvale
-1 army, The 2nd Ferrin Foreign Legion near Flame's Landing
-1 army, The Bringers of Burning Purity, stationed in Barrowvale
-1 army, Those Who Walk Behind, in Barrowvale
-1 army, Those Who Walk Before, in Barrowvale


The battlefields are silent this turn
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 09:59:48 PM by Fax »


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Reply #158 on: May 23, 2013, 11:04:02 PM
Catastrophe-10 points
Time at last has come, as Jije and Constantinios usher out of Predix, ready to bring an end to the Sons of Annihilation and bring an end to the most wretched sin of Mankind.  Marching forth with every army they can muster, they lead forth their great host across the wasteland toward Su, with smaller detatchements heading north to Solaris while their Aarie allies ready to attack from the sea, while Foxkind marches south with a truly mighty host.

Saul however has not been idle.  He knows the overwhelming might now being prepared against him, and knows how utterly crushed he could be.  That is, if he were not preparing his own card.  And it is a truly massive card, utilizing the understanding he has gained with the scar in the world below Su.  It is the key to creating not just an endless army, but to create a truly dimensional fissure and let the magics of the underworld gush out and overwhelm the magics of the this world, drowning it in demonic energy, energy that would be Saul's to command.

Insert moves from Kenku and DV, however they want to play this.  I'm assuming the Phoenix will go through with the plan to self sacrifice and seal the scar under Su, while the Emperor will unleash hell upon Solaris and Su wherever possible.  Letting those occur and giving the southwestern portion of the main continent up to whatever you guys say happens there

Saul is seemingly nonchalant about these setbacks, even as his armies are decimated and his cities annihilated.  He has little problem  these loses, even though they now wipe out and destroy his lands, for he has power at his fingertips that will surpass all of this.

In the skies where Adamis once floated over the world, Saul works his magics, relying on the tremendous magical wound that was rent when Jije destroyed the city.  He crows triumphantly, using his knowledge to rip asunder the material plane, creating not merely a physical portal to the underworld, but a deeper magical bridge, letting the energies of the realm gush forth into the overworld.  Across the skies around the world the color darkens, dark energies warping the leylines of the earth and cracking the faultlines, a plague of demonic life that bubbles under and threatens to breach forth.

As the world trembles and begins to drown in apocalypse, Jije leaps to action, abandoning the fields in the former Sons lands with Constantinios, calling forth any of the world's great heroes and avatars to smite this evil at its source while they still can.

With a flurry of energy, the assembled host of heroes fly to the Adamis scar, just as a new host of demons usher out, demonic beings that have never before been seen in this world, twisted horrendous abominations of darkness that can drain the lifeforce of lesser beings from proximity alone.

A great and terrible carnage ensues, but the heroric host fights forward, cutting a swath into the demonic wave, driving straight at the new Dark Lord Saul.  Drowning himself in his now godlike powers, Saul lets his foes come at him, laughing at their efforts to dethrone him in his moment of triumph. 

Combined efforts bog down the Demon Lord, but his new power lets him parry and thrust back at the heroes attacks, wounding them greatly.  Constantinos, in desperation of the moment, prepares a bomb of magical energy, bound to his own lifeforce.  If necessary he will sacrifice his own life to end this menace.  Jije stays his hand however, instead taking the magical energy and binding it instead to his.  Telling him to watch for Mankind, Jije challenges Saul to face him and charges. 

The Demon Lord deals mortal blows to the dragon warrior from the Beyond Realms, but Jije is no longer concerned with his life.  He build the energy roiling inside him, throwing himself at Saul and locking himself against him.  The Demon Lord has just enough time to realize what he hated foe is attempting before detonation

The blast scars the earth, blasting a new sea that separates the main continent in two, along the land of the plasma storms where a mountain range once stood.  Saul's screams reverberate with the blast of Jije's sacrifice, the scar to the underworld sealed with a blast that sears that realm irrevocably.

The lands quiet... and all demonic life on earth withers, shorn from its womb and source of nourishment until only ashes remain.  The world stands shaken and scared irrevocably, but healed of its disease. 

The children of Men resound with shock when they learn of what has fully transpired, and all of them are filled with grief at the death of Jije.  Now it stands to Constantios to lead, as the Wyrms attempt to build a new future for themselves.

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #159 on: May 24, 2013, 04:22:32 PM
Catastrophe: 10 points
In the skies high above the scarred southern half of the continent, as the forces of the Wyrms and Sons meet in battle, the largest fleet of airships ever assembled by Foxkind gathers...

A priest of the Empirical Truth stands upon the bridge of the flagship, His Eternal Will, and unrolls a large scroll.  Dipping a quill in ink, he signs the bottom of the scroll as he reads its proclamation.

"We have arrived, and it is now that we perform our charge.  In fealty to the God-Emperor, our undying lord,  and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the former Human city of Solaris.  I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire city, and consign a million souls to Oblivion.  May Imperial justice account in all balance.  The Emperor protects."

As he rolls the scroll up and seals it with the Imperial seal, the admiral of the fleet passes out the orders to initiate Exterminatus.  Thousands of newly-developed vapor bombs are dropped overboard.  These bombs, constructed with a potent mixture of promethium and skywhale oil imported from Batosian lands, saturate the city and several miles around with the liquid fuel and flammable vapors.  Once the Exterminatus munitions are fully deployed, the flagship drops a single guncotton bomb into the center of the city.

The resulting blast is visible for thousands of miles, a blinding light that overpowers the sun.  The shockwave rips the city from its foundations, flattens everything around it, breaks several windows in Cadia and Null Military Command, and shakes the armies clashing nearby.  Many of the Sons' rear echelons either die from the overpressure, or are deafened as their eardrums are shattered.  One airship failed to maintain minimum safe altitude, and was caught in the blast.  After the shockwave passes, the dust and ash from the explosion rise up into the sky as a mushroom cloud.

Not a single stone of the city remains.

The Emperor and his armies make an admirable show of force in the final battle, mere mortals with steel on their chests and fire in their hearts showing no fear as they do battle amongst gods, demons, and mages.  However, as the battle draws to a close and Saul stands alone, the Emperor orders his armies back.  He knows the time for reckoning has come.  His soldiers have done their duty, now they must look to preserving themselves.

After the battle is over, the demons vanquished, and the world changed once more, the Empire holds a great memorial service to honor the fallen.  General Creed stands in the greatest auditorium in Luminurbis, delivering a long and passionate speech honoring those who gave everything in service to the Emperor, and remembering all the hardships the Empire has gone through.  Finally, he wraps it up with a message for the living,

"It is only natural to seek culpability in times of tragedy.  It is a sign of strength to cry out against fate, rather than to bow one's head and succumb.  Inevitably many shall fault the leaders who send their sons and daughters to die in battle, the generals and admirals who must weigh every precious life against the immeasurable cost of failure.  But these leaders only perform the duties of their office.  To further fear them is redundant, to hate them, heretical.  Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who force the hand of the Empire.  With some fortune they may foster this hatred into purpose, and further rule their own fate by coming to the Emperor's service.  May Imperial courage never be found wanting.  The Emperor protects."

Points left: 4

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Reply #160 on: May 25, 2013, 03:30:23 PM
Starting Points: 14

Finally, after hundreds of years of work, the workings of the dread vile green crystals, Otterium were understood. The crisis of the recent containment leak was about to be averted! The work of SATAN can be quelled. The world was saved!

Happy birds tweated in the air; the glorious sun shone above. The mage-mage Fred-Bill walked along the shores plotting the final cleanup agenda. Things were going smoothly, and it looked like they could get the containment breach under control tomorrow, and begin shrinking the green glacier next week. It was a good thing such a horrible crisis happened in the midst of the greatest wizards in the world! Otherwise, the stupid other races would probably all die and/or turn into cursed brown things and the world would be irreversibly destroyed by the horrible green stuff.

His left head caught a shimmer in the air though... something strange. Through his mage sight, he could sense something wrong... many things approaching. There was another shimmer and his right head squinted... some sort of cloaking spell... a TOWER?!

Trees fell over as something LARGE and INVISBLE crushed them. Woodland creatures screamed and fled. A dark cloud blotted the sunny skies. The land cried out in pain.

Just before he was crushed by the treads of an invisible tank, Fred-Bill saw through the weave HUNDREDS of malicious units approaching...




The mood was dour. The Society of Individuals Informed Against SATAN (Donnie) passed out pamphlets to the collected masses, standing all in rows, but everyone already knew the story anyway. About how the world was nice, long ago, and one god sought to make a nice home for two headed people, and then SATAN (Donnie) dropped cold rocks on it... and then smashed up his beautiful volcano. SATAN (Donnie) was pretty much the celestial equivalent of a elementary school bully who knew all the spots to push you in the mud and take your lunch money without the teachers seeing.

Later on, SATAN (Donnie) dropped another rock and cursed some poor bats, making the Spawn of SATAN (Donnie), i.e. these creepy pom-monster things that have since gone on to live underground, because only evil things live there. The Spawn of SATAN (Donnie) went on stealing the powers of other races, probably sucking up their life force and all that, and generally being nuisances (luckily the benevolent antenna-haired god created a mirror race of shadows to try and help people notice these nuisances and thus give very strong hints about their true origins, however it wasn't quite enough) until they  formed a society and began creating things, probably for no-good.

Then SATAN (Donnie) didn't really like The Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen'' blowing up the city that was essentially the Hive of Evil (being the underground network headquarters of the Spawn of SATAN (Donnie), and also the capital of the totally blind and ignorant singled-headed foxes who thought it'd be a good idea to attack the Fox-Foxes because they've got their tails stuck up their rears about magic), even though this was pretty much doing the world a favor, so SATAN (Donnie) dropped another cursed rock from the sky, causing the huge green rock mess they the fox-foxes had been dealing with all this time as well.  This mess was the worst of them all.

The Society of Individuals Informed Against SATAN (Donnie) knew all this because little foxes with wings whispered these things into their ears at night, and then they wrote them down. And everyone knows that things written down by holy people should totally be listened to without question.

And now, here they were, the Spawn of SATAN (Donnie) were right here in their front lawn with a massive invasion force. They've established a beachhead already along with an impressively fortified position. Even the stupid birds, who the fox-foxes had shown nothing but NICENESS were in on it. The corruption of SATAN (Donnie) spread far and wide.

"How did they get in so FAST?!" demanded Lucidragon, who while she enjoyed a good battle, still needed to know the tactics of the situation and knew that a huge fortified position built in your yard under your nose meant bad news.

"It's their invisibility thing," Smith said bitterly, who had Been Around. He was very old now, and hunched on his cane with a personality to match. "Their Wheel of GodMod... or Nod... or whatever." His head snapped up and he angrily shook his stick at the dragon above. "They are all in once place!  You need to Angry Volcano them! ANGRY VOLCANO THEM!!!!!"

The Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen'' looked down and thought for a moment. Then said, "no."

There was a silence. Anticipation hung in the air.

"Stories do not end with angry volcanos, I'm afraid."



Atop the three towers, wiz-wizards chanted. The sickly green otterium glinted and hummed below. Rituals were done. Runes were inscribed. It was very glowy and dramatic.

The vile glacier of green ice shuddered. Arcs of magic danced about. It rose into the air with a colossal quake, glowing bright green, then its shape changed. It seemed to shrink, becoming round like a sphere, smaller, but still massive and pulsating with the vile curse-filled radiation. More runes appeared because those make for good effect and it hummed and hovered above the ott-swept wasteland crater.

The ground shook once more, and then parted as if a massive underground gate buried far below were opening. Shiny metal glinted, reflected by the luminescent floating core. Another gate opened-- this one leading inside the shiny metal object, and the core floated down deep inside. Wires sprung to life, attaching themselves to the greedily to the core. The compartment closed. More rumblings as dirt fell from the metal like a landslide. Gigantic crimson eyes glinted.

The beast rose.


Giant Vir-Mech-Taur-itron 9000 is a colossal peace-keeping robot powered by an extremely volatile refined otterium core representing over 200 years of otterium growth. Standing at <UNFATHOMABLE> feet tall and weighing <UNFATHOMABLE> tons, the Giant Vir-Mech-Taur-itron 9000 sizably invokes peace whether you like it or not.

Weapons include:



Command Avatar (-1)

Within the Fortress of Doom The Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen'' gathered one last army, the Crimson Blade.


There was a knocking at the door.

The Pom gate guard woke from his nap, then looked out the Emerald-City-esque window. There was no one there... but then he heard a throat clear and looked down further. "Oh, it's one of those fox-fox things... what d'ya want?" Funny, he thought the gate was cloaked too.

The fox-fox's left head shifted his eyes, while the right cleared his throat again and meekly said, "Sir, we have a complaint..." A little scroll hovered out of his pack and floated before him.

"Oh?" The gate guard grinned. This should be good. There was a crowd of interested Poms forming behind him.

"Yes, sir. It seems, that, well, you are trespassing..."

There was some sniggering. "Oh, is that it? I expect you want us to pick up and move, eh?" He twirled his mustache.

"Well sir, we have a few more complaints as well. Do you have a holy man, by any chance?"

"You're not getting anywhere near the messiah, kid."

"Oh of course not, sure. It's just that, well, it seems to us that your holy man should be held accountable for you god's actions, seeing as holy men are generally tools of the gods and all." The fox-fox put spectacles on his right head, then unfurled the scroll. It fell impossibly long, rolling down into the ground and down the path. "Littering. Littering a hazardous material. Littering a cursed material. Thievery. Failure to pay proper export taxes. Destruction of property (three accounts). Destruction of endangered plant life. Destruction of--"

By now the Poms were laughing. "Oh? And what exactly are you going to do about it, eh?"

The fox-fox bowed. "Well, you see, that's the thing..."

There was a sound very much like DOOM.

It went: DOOM... DOOM... DOOM... DOOM... and with each DOOM, the ground shook.

The sky darkened. Something very large appeared on the horizon.

Fluttering specks appeared along side. Then came marching hordes with glowing, floating blades in glimmering armor...

Command Avatar (-1)

High above, Lucildragon drew her blade and yelled, "CHARGE!!!"


Remaining Points: 2

[fox] Virmir

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #161 on: May 27, 2013, 09:42:18 PM
Command Order - Council of the Aarie Scouts among the Aarie report the incidents on the Isle of the Fox-Fox, and hear the discussions of the so called city in the minds of the Pom's about. It seems their thoughts of what Serajevo was flawed. Due to this, the council discusses their actions and about some dilerberations, sends the Pomharpii representative their decision. Henceforth, the Aarie are breaking their support of Serajevo from the Pomharpii, and request that all Pomharpii actions within the City of Winds and Flame's Landings be of peaceful actions, else face risk from banishment from thier lands.

Command City - Flame's Landing Seeing the Wyrm beginning their march, the city starts a quick recruitment to shore up their ranks (Create the 4th Flame's Lancers)

Command Order - Leyline Ship and Crew Once the troops are ready, the order to attack is launched. Riding around the central continent, the Leyline ship arrives at the peninsula at H6, with a sudden burst of magic, it connects a leyline to it, and begins to bring troops over in force!
(All forces at Flame's Landing are transported by Leyline to the Island of the Dark Crack, south of Su, before marching on the city and the crack)

Catastrophie Reports of fighting at first from the ship are not good, while the Aarian armies are making progress, the progress is slow, as the Crack continues to pour out wave after wave of demons, which constantly strenghthen the Son's forces.  

When all hope looks in seigeing upon Su looks lost, there a white hot flame sudden begins to roll through the sky. The light rockects down into the wave of demons and begins knocking them around like they were simple toys, causing the demon forces to begin to back and scatter off. The Aarie, much in awe look over, and see in front of the source of the great force. It is the Pheonix.

The Phoenix smiles, "Blessed children...I have come to you today for the last time. While I know you are of great courage and might, my visions of the coming days, have shown that this is a force that is beyond world...a force that will require my greatest hand. Thus, this is Goodbye...may your lives be long and joyous, and may I meet you agian in a later life..."

With that, the Phoenix flies high into the sky. What happened next, only onlookers would guess, as they watched a great streak of white-blue flame plummet deep into the ground. A moment later, gouts of flame begin being blown out from the crack, the screams of demon's crying among the flames. As this happens, the earth begins to shake, and the great crack, slowly closes, until by nightfall, there is nothing left of it, the lands about it having been purified.

While the Aarie morn the lost of the creature of birth, they know what must be done, and continue the charge on Su.
Summary: Aarie loose 1st Flame Lancers in early battles, the Phoenix sacrifices itself to consume the crack in a gigantic wave of purifing fire, which seals it and purifying the land about. Aarie march on, but will only attack if Su does not surrender


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Reply #162 on: June 19, 2013, 06:14:40 PM

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #163 on: June 20, 2013, 05:16:36 PM

Not all had gone perfectly to plan as The Messiah intended to peacefully harvest the green crystal Pommerium, but he should have guessed the vile Fox-Fox and their god which has held a grudge against them since the beginning of time wouldn't tolerate such a thing. Even so, the Messiah gathers all of his inner circle.

"Brothers, Sisters..." he began, "We stand on the precipice of ascension. The time has come to bring all to fruition."

Avraham grins, "The foolish Fox Fox have coalesced the entire crater into a single concentrated battery of power within a battlemachine. They intend to march it against our brethren."

"You know what to do, Confessor." Marcion nods to Avraham.

"Yes, I shall fulfill my one final mission. The Technology of Peace shall lead us to our greatest victory."

The Technology of Peace

As the vast armies of both the Pomharpii and Fox-Fox clash in front of Sarajevo... the plan unfolds.

"Brothers, we have been mislead by the fear mongers," The Messiah spoke to a gathering of millions of Pomharpiis and Batosians, "By the lies of our enemies. Yes, children, we have been lead astray. BUT! The enemy has been brought to heel! Now join with me... and we will join together to form a more unified people! Join with me now and we will...  Ascend! Together!"


In an instant, the great Vir-Mech failed as its power supply is drained to feed the Threshold power. The Fox-Fox had made a grave mistake in bringing what the Pomharpii sought after to their front door. The great Threshold tower came alive with energy, filling the sky with a pure light, Ascension has arrived.

Millions of Pomharpii and Batosians have utterly vanished, shedding their mortal bodies and ascending to a higher plane of existence as beings of ethereal energy, attaining the ultimate level of evolution. Filled with god-like power and knowledge, they smite down the Fox-Fox armies into dust and leave this world to explore the universe.

Sarajevo, the grand testament to Pomharpii achievement remains an untouchable ruin, guarded by thousands of independent machines and technology who forever preserve the grand monument. Witnesses spread throughout the world telling the story of the Ascension, how a race of seeming parasites have become almost literal gods.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 06:00:37 PM by Donnie »