Here's the planet list for the campaign, right now the only thing we're measuring is habitability but if people decide they want more depth we can add other factors. The naming scheme is system cord followed by a roman numeral for the planet number. After the game starts, players will be allowed to name planets and systems that they occupy, and re-name any that they conquer if they wish.
A planet with less than -0.5 Fertility has no atmosphere, and can only be colonized by Habitat Domes until sufficient Terraforming technology is researched.
C2 I, F= -0.19
C2 II, F= 0.65
C2 III, F= 0.38
C2 IV, F= 0.47
C2 V, F= -0.96
C2 IV, F= -0.35
C20 I, F= 0.84
C20 II, F=-0.53
C20 III, F=0.84
C20 IV, F=0.91
H10 I, F= -0.63
H10 II, F= 0.68
H10 III, F= -0.75
M23 I, F= 0.63
N5 I, F= 0.43
N5 II, F= 0.75
N5 III, F= -0.86
N5 IV, F= -0.22
N15 I, F= -0.11
N15 II, F= -0.13
N15III, F= -0.06
P10 I, F= 0.68
P10 II, F= -0.41
P10 III, F= -0.32
P10 IV, F= -0.60
P10 V, F=0.18
P10 VI, F= -0.36
Players who want to join can go ahead and submit their faction name, symbol, alignment (IS, Clan, or Independent), and pick your starting worlds. Independents only get their capitol, but Clan may pick one additional world and IS can pick two. You can also pick out up to 8,000,000 C-Bills worth of units, which should be enough for a few light mechs. Every player will also start out with 20,000 C-Bills in the bank, which isn't really enough to buy any units but should give you a good start on your bases.
Planet stats will be posted at the beginning of every round, organized by who owns them. If we run out of habitable planets before the game starts I'll add more stars to the map.