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Topics - Finalcord

Pages: 1
Art Gallery / [Group Pic] Crimson Swarm!
« on: June 03, 2013, 04:00:49 PM »
Gretting, fuzzies and squeaks! I'm making this thread to get together a list of who wants to be in an insect-themed group pic by Virmir! It will be a paid commission thing, price is currently uncertain. The basic idea of the pic will be that each person who joins will be drawn in insect form. Just add your name below for now!

Art Gallery / Comic! Sunny Squeaks
« on: January 08, 2013, 08:38:48 PM »
Hello everyone! This page will be used for uploading panels of my comic, Sunny Squeaks.

Imgur album:

Art Gallery / Drawing event!
« on: November 19, 2012, 05:59:04 PM »
I'm going to be doing 5 digital drawings for the first 5 people who post an request below! Try to limit your idea to 2-3 characters total, and please include a ref of those involved!

Progress: Sketched
Progress: Sketched
Progress: Sketched
Progress: Sketched
Progress: Sketched
Progress: Sketching

Art Gallery / Team Fortress 2 drawing event!
« on: September 19, 2012, 11:23:58 PM »
I need to practice my drawing a bit, so I had the idea to draw members of CF as Team Fortress 2 classes. Before I start, however, I wanted to get the forum's opinion on who wants to be what class! I'll do a random choice from each class, then draw whoever wins! If you want to have a special weapon/hat, make not of it! Please include a ref of your character if you wish to join.

So far:

Medic slots: Kenku, Trask, Pontos, Mehl
Sniper slots: Foxgamer01
Engineer slots: PineapplesofScience
Soldier slots: Selden, Pontos
Pyro slots: Tallyn, Draykin, Trask
Scout slots: Pontos, Medik
Heavy slots: Finalcord, Trask, Mehl
Spy slots: Kit_Volen
Demoman slots: Kenku

Pages: 1