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Messages - Stormkit

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Writer's Guild / Re: Unfinished: The Second Most Dangerous Game
« on: February 09, 2010, 01:05:58 AM »
The ending seems a little abrupt. It doesn't say anything about WHY the organization is doing this cover up or how they plan to avoid repurcussions, etc. It's an interesting idea and pretty well written out, but it sort of leaves you wondering what the point was.

I am so tempted to just take six random words and put them together. But on the other hand I feel like I actually want to choose something cool...

Why am I so indecisive!

Actually you know, that probably works pretty well. See what you can make of that ;)

Game Room / Re: Earth Eternal
« on: January 30, 2010, 08:04:38 PM »
And you guys have officially caught up with me! ^.^

Welll..... almost. I already did the gloom witches and Sheriff of Nottingham quests as well as all the not 5-people ones. It seems you guys haven't yet gotten the Hollow Tree quest for some reason, but you will very soon. The reason you need five people for these quests is because nearly every enemy inside them is heroic. And the final enemy is usually even epic. If you're really careful you can tackle these dungeons with just three people, but five is really best.

Random Topics / Re: Wierd Dreams
« on: January 19, 2010, 12:08:55 AM »
Yeah, I actually rarely do these anymore cause the net result is I always end up being the only person talking in the end and it gets weird.

Lol at pregger chimp

I've tried to make my stomach explode too! I've even gotten it to work once or twice, though it was more a disembowellment that resulted in a tail coming out of the fish variety.

And yeah, I can't ever seem to get TFs on purpose either. During all my lucid dreams I can't make dream powers work, but I can apparently control the setting if my most recent lucid dream is anything to go by. I will have to experiment next time (assuming a next time is anytime soon).

Writer's Guild / Re: Hunting
« on: December 19, 2009, 11:20:31 AM »
I have a dog... if you let him he WILL eat chocolate. I don't think they have much of an aversion to that smell....

Writer's Guild / Re: Noname: A MK Story
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:32:19 AM »
Wait, wait, wait... that was YOU?! Wow, totally didn't realize ^.^;

Glad you were able to figure something out to make it actually able to fit into the storyverse though. I really do wonder where the poor fellow will end up, though for the sake of the more established people liable to heart attacks, whatever happens in the end, don't make it TOO easy for him to change from one to the other :p

Art Gallery / Re: EE Drawing Project - Submit your Earth Eternal Avatars!
« on: November 23, 2009, 10:49:27 PM »
Heh, and remember that 90% of EE citizens suffer from small tail syndrom and you should fix that for the final pictures :p

That said, it's about TIME I got around to this >.> I think I'll put up my owl because despite him being Cosmo and not Kit, and not traveling with the group, he is by far my more favorite of the two.

Art Gallery / Re: Cartoony Drawings
« on: November 21, 2009, 04:24:23 PM »
Well this is Vir we're talking about, he's not very good with the not-foxes. Half the reason I made him do this was to give him practice. (the other half being of course to get a picture of myself, though come to think I told him to make this in the first place on a dice roll whim >.>) Besides... with me? You can't really be sure I'm NOT part fox in this thing... ^.^;

Random Topics / Re: Kai is a Lucky Kat!
« on: November 06, 2009, 12:55:06 AM »
Heh, I too would be very happy about this situation. Mostly I'd like it cause it's interesting though. I prefer bad things happening to nothing happening at all cause boredom sucks.

Game Room / Re: Earth Eternal
« on: October 25, 2009, 08:05:35 PM »
Skip to bottom for my suggestion. Here is the reasoning:
I'm fairly sure that the caste is very much like the lighthouse, which I know Kai and pontos have duel partied on before. Which is to say, it will be split up into ten shards like the rest of the region, just limited to the smaller region. As a bonus, we'll probably all be able to switch to region chat for the duration of this quest so no one gets lost. However, from personal experience, I've found that when you have too many people doing the same thing (especially since there's only three captains in there scattered throughout and it's hard to tell where they are) things can get confusing fast. It may be best for each party to take a different shard if we don't automatically get split up by the regioning. I remember from when I did this quest in the closed Beta I kept looking for the three captains I needed to kill and eventually noticed I'd already killed two of them. Plus I think you need to kill 30 regular anubians and when you've got more than one party competing for this, you start stealing kills from each other.

Therefore I think that even if the region doesn't separate us by itself, we should switch to different shards for this quest so we don't get in each other's way.

Game Room / Re: Earth Eternal
« on: October 18, 2009, 10:24:52 PM »
I think I will have trouble making it for EE that early. Especially on a consistant basis.

Writer's Guild / Re: Quite the Foxy Commute
« on: October 12, 2009, 10:10:14 PM »
Lopez.... why does he only take off his jacket? But even more disturbing... (and I noticed this before your little blurb) does he even wake UP between going to sleep and the next day? You seem to be implying that he doesn't have to come BACK in the evening. Something about that ending just makes me think twilight zone, endless nightmare loop and it's kinda unnerving.

Writer's Guild / Re: Apex
« on: October 10, 2009, 08:15:03 PM »
Screw readability! I have ranting!

Writer's Guild / Re: "Reyan Saga" (unfinished)
« on: October 09, 2009, 04:58:50 PM »
I honestly don't know. It's apparently the embodiment of your soul or something. I only ever read the second book and got traumatized by everyone dying with their souls ripped out and I was horrified. As such I'm sorta carefully not paying too much attention to that series, but I do remember the thing where the daemons are somehow their souls outside their bodies.

Writer's Guild / Re: Apex
« on: October 09, 2009, 04:52:41 PM »
Caution: The following post started on topic, but quickly spun off on a tangent until it ended in personal musing. As such it really has nothing to do with the subject at hand and can be skipped.

Following the earlier point, everything needs to find an equilibrium or it will spin into chaos. This is true in all science and everywhere in life. If there is nothing to check human growth, humans will continue to expand. A similar analogy would be to look at our sun. There is nothing to keep this star in check, and so, billions of years in the future, it will overwhelm our world. Similarly we will continue to overwhelm everything. Everything works to either escape the system or reach an equilibrium and even our moon is steadily spinning ever away from us until it will one day reach an equilibrium where its orbit around the earth is equal to the earths rotation (at this time the earth will rotate about forty times slower and the moon will stay on one side of the planet at all times). In this particular story, and in the following discussion, it's humans that keep each other in check, but in recent times, we have in a way stopped keeping each other in check. There are no wars, there is no murder, and we can cure plagues, so we must hope that we can either stop our own growth and find an equilibrium, escape the limits of our system, or have an equilibrium made for us, probably self extinction or the collapse of civilization. This has happened time and time again as civilizations collapsed such as the dynasities of china, the roman empire, Great Brittain (yes fragments of that empire still live on, but they don't encompass nearly as much as they used to). I worry sometimes that if our civilization (now world wide) collapses again under the strain of our own weight, there will be no recovery, not for thousands of years. And sometimes... sometimes I wonder if this has ever happened before.

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