The spatial distortions suddenly intensify, and take on a menacing appearance. Flashes of light blink out of empty space, and the hum has turned into a warped, menacing growl. Assistants are frantically typing commands into their computer terminals, and Joe yells,
"The spatial distortions are intensifying, we can't control them!"
The professor's face turns as white as his hair, which is now verifiably standing on end.
"Shut eet down! Ve must stop eet!"
You now hear frantic chatter as the prototype spirals out of control.
"Power levels exceeding safe parameters by 30% and climbing!"
"Shutting down reactors two and three... power levels are continuing to climb."
"The subspace structure has begun self-resonating, we can't stop it!"
"Shut it down, dammit! Cut the power lines!"
"The lines ARE cut, sir! The machine's still drawing power from somewhere!"
"Vat? Eempossible!"
"It can't be, check the backup power!"
"Backup lines are cut too, sir!"
"Good god... get out of here! Get the hell out! I'll stabilize it as long as--AAAAARRRG!"
The room disappears in a blinding flash of light, and you all feel as if you've been hit by a powerful shockwave, except instead of knocking you back it passed right through you. You hear screams as the light quickly fades, and find yourselves in total darkness. You can't even see the hand in front of your face, but you can hear coughing and heavy breathing. It sounds like some people may have got hurt, but all of you are apparently fine other than getting tossed around a bit.