#73 with Zavier #74 and Dray #75
Virmir, appearing very small in the foreground, has displeased the Three Gods of Big, who loom over him in the background. He is far too tiny, and is imminently going to be enlargened.
- Medik, the Egyptian God of Big, is dressed in a shendyt and jewelry. Otherwise he is Large and Muscled, which is shown by the disregard for full covering. You've drawn him in that sort of style before (
https://art.by.virmir.com/art/tostpocalypse?size=big) and I actually quite like that depiction (aside from the lines on the muzzle up to the head), so that would be great to use as the base.
- Draykin, the Shinto God of Big, is dressed in a full kimono. Some of his nine tails are seen from the sides of his form, as they are fanned out behind him, with foxfires atop their tailtips. You've drawn him before (
https://art.by.virmir.com/art/extra_draykin?size=big minus the pudge), and if you need a reference on a kimono,
https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/ac2ff2e70bd3cabf03695f2d1a9d268ec2ccf67e/0_0_6000_8000/master/6000.jpg?width=300&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=1f70b58f159aaee53d8fd9879ba00720- Zavier, the Mesoamerican God of Big, is dressed in a minimalist fashion, like Medik, and he, too, is Large and Muscled. You've drawn him before (
https://art.by.virmir.com/art/six_wishes?size=big), and he wants me to tell you the basic idea of his clothes are 'Aztec,' 'Mayan,' or 'Mesoamerican,' but I don't know if you should be left with zero reference on that, so
https://civilization5quests.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/9/2/15922938/907835.jpeg this was a good compromise on what to show you. Basically, something akin to that, but with far less emphasis on the headdress, and probably just less dressing, fewer feathers, etc., overall. (You might be appreciative of that - I don't know if clothing or muscle is harder for you to draw.)
If you want to include fun things for more ideas of size, you can throw in a pyramid or two (Egyptian style versus Mesoamerican, for example) or a Shinto gate that only come up to about a third the height of the Gods of Big. Otherwise Virmir will just be speck-ish for size comparison. Likewise, if you wanted to spring for dialogue to make it clear that the bullying is about the fox being too small, you could include that. As a suggestion:
"Awfully tiny for a great mage..."
"It's kind of endearing, really."
"But, I think he could do with being..."
...with the last line being said by everyone, of course.