As requested By Javaleo to post this... It looks like some kind of translation guide? I dunno I'm waaaaay out of my league here, BUT! here it is:
Hello - Tasero
Goodbye - Maryo
Yes - Tero
No - Navo
Thank you - Vekero
Please - Pleseo
Excuse me - Excusero
Sorry - Sorreo
How are you? - Pagavero?
What is your name? - Yosero Namo?
My name is [Name] - Yosero Namo Vo [Name]
Where is the bathroom? - Zavero Batherumo?
Help! - Elleco!
Cheers! (used when toasting) - Chevo!
Good morning - Moro Gavo
Good afternoon - Afto Gavo
Good night - Noctero Gavo
How much does this cost? - Kostavero?
I don't understand - Nondavesto
Where is [place]? - Zavero [place]?
This sheet contans basic phases in kingjarin or Vaspo which should be reconised in all four dialects being Cavo, Evo, Vevo and Zaro
Please remember that no two dialects are the same and things many very the goal of this sheet is to provide a basic translation from the human langauge "English"
- Star Scape Inc