Everyone seems to be commenting on it! but Yea... Panel 1 Seems to be especially toony looking this week!
![Happy Arctic Fox ]:)](https://crimsonflagcomic.com/forum/Smileys/default/arctic_happy.gif)
also the eyes seems to be more detailed than usual, it remids me of Vir's art style somehow.
On the comic.. it seems interesting that voltar
only mentions resistance to Ice/Blizzard Spells, I wonder if that has significance later on (or if its just Virmir and his normal anti-cold-ness) Maybe the Greys use Ice and blizzard spells more often? (seems somewhat unlikely though, since Julian and Lucian are fire mages)
* KaiAdin also chuckles at Voltar's head in the clouds-ness...
on a Meta-level it Feels almost as if he
*is* aware that he's in a webcomic, his merry (and merecentile) personality somewhat of a contrast to the other personalties of the crew, parodying common RPG tropes and such. Its probably why he's the most adored of all the characters!
Edit: Aieeee! *got trapped on tv tropes trying to research my last paragraph*
![Arctic Fox Grin ]:P](https://crimsonflagcomic.com/forum/Smileys/default/arctic_grin.gif)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 07:16:49 AM by KaiAdin »
* (Kai|MentosKitty) is Fresh and Full of life!
(Kai|MentosKitty): X3
Tvorsk: Kitty - The Mewmaker.