Good question!
Tales of the Questor for one. It's a fantasy heavy setting, but details are all well thought out. The story centers around a fun and imaginative original race too. This is really the first great webcomic I got into, and it put the option of telling a story through a comic medium into my mind.
I enjoyed reading
Metamor Keep stories so much I wrote several of my own and took over management of the website.
This setting isn't so much an inspiration for this comic as it is a collection of things I'm interested in all in one place. It's fantasy-medieval themed, it's got plenty of magic, and hey, the main character I write about is a fox. So there you go.
Hmmm... probably can also blame that one awesome
Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon I went back and caught up on around that time. It's just so fun and colorful, but at the same time dark and intelligently written.