I make far too many puns to pick a worst one out, but this is the one that got the most violent reaction!
(2012.12.09 - 10:39:11) Tyla: we need more tys
(2012.12.09 - 10:39:31) Selden: No, no, no. Then we'd need a tybreaker.
(2012.12.09 - 10:39:42) * Tvorsk snickers!
(2012.12.09 - 10:39:54) Tyla: ...
(2012.12.09 - 10:39:55) Tyla: that was...
(2012.12.09 - 10:40:26) Tvorsk: Tyla, the word you're looking for is "beautiful".
(2012.12.09 - 10:40:27) * Tyla tugs on a lever... the toy not having a good grip on it... it eventually gets it down as a one-ton weight falls from the ceiling onto Selden, toonishly flattening the otter
Tyla: Ty Ty ty Ty Ty Ty
Tyla: we need more tys
Selden: No, no, no. Then we'd need a tybreaker.
* Tvorsk snickers!
Tyla: ...
Tyla: that was...
Tvorsk: Tyla, the word you're looking for is "beautiful".
Virmir: I need to hire Selden as an editor.