By popular request.
I've about 10 of these. I'll scan and post them when I have time (poke me!). This is for everyone out there who says "I can't draw!" I could not either.
The first up is some horrid fan fiction, "Mega Man X: After Sigma"! This was drawn around 1994 or so, and I was 11 years old, possibly 12. I suffered a Mega Man infatuation around that age, and pretty much all that follows is a result. Fan fiction and copying things you like isn't a bad thing, guys. It's just a necessary step in artistic development.
As a disclaimer, this was made *before* anything existed but Mega Man X on the SNES. I really had no idea they'd make all those sequels. (Granted, I should have guessed, but blast it, I was 11.
) In the first issue here we see the end of the game, and then I go on to speculate what happens immediately after in the next few issues.
I don't know if I want to scan all five of them...
I actually turned the game on, sat in front of the TV, and copied the standing game sprite the best I could there. The blocks above his head are failed attempts. I've no idea why I thought drawing in pen was a good idea.
Interior pages, in order: kind of cool looking Sigma above looks kind of cool because I copied him from the picture in Nintendo Power Magazine. Don't worry-- the quality degrades when he actually has to move.
As a side note, scary-football-face Mega Man to the right amuses me. dramatic dialogue is quoted from the game. I could not write yet. don't know why Sigma randomly inflated. Maybe this is my first inflation pic. *shrugs* be fair, I'm not a much better speller today. The only difference is I right-click the red-underlined words nowadays. boss is actually extremely hard... unless you use Armored Armadillo's weapon on him. I did not find this out until 15 years later... GRRRR! back cover. NEXT VOL. because I don't know how to spell volume and it was looking bad enough already.
Also amusing: My handwriting has not really changed much in the past 17 years.