Author Topic: Account 24-C  (Read 8909 times)


  • Writer Fox, Glasses Fox, Book Fox, Bouncy Fox!
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on: April 05, 2011, 10:02:14 PM
[Ed. Note: for legibility purposes, the following is a rewrite of the best approximation of what the original document, retrieved from 420 Stetson Ave., Oshawa, contained. The original document may be requested from Professor Bell for research purposes only]

March 3rd, 2010

Bloody hell, the damn reports were actually serious. I saw one today! Was doing my route and I get to this house a little bit past the guard line. Door was open so I peek inside to see if everything’s all right. Last time that happened I interrupted a burglary, got praised in the papers and all. So I pop in and out from the kitchen comes this giant-ass puppy. Not sure the breed—may have just been generic. Had a brown patch over one eye though. Anyhow I didn’t really make the connection with the reports and figured it was one of them furries or something. So I get close asking if he was alright—he was moving a bit weird so I thought he was stuck in costume like Nel at Halloween. All of a sudden the guy just grabs me, just like that! Grabs me good and that’s when I felt it—he was too soft on the inside. Like a giant pillow or a stuffed toy. That’s when I remembered the reports. Freaked out and whacked him good with my mailbag before running off. I’m no fool though, I went straight to the line and told ‘em what happened. They’re extending the line now.

March 4th, 2010

Turns out I left my mailbag at the house from yesterday. Boss got upset but what’s he gonna do, make me sneak past a line of cops? People are a bit edgier now that the line’s grown. I think there was some sightings downtown too. Cop stopped by to question me about what I saw, said they were checking against other reports or whatnot. Told him good what happened and he left. May thinks we should leave town, just pack up and hide out at the cottage while all this blows over. Jack’s all for it but he’s just a kid looking for an excuse not to go to school. Said no to both of them regardless—even with what I saw I’m still half-expecting this to turn out as some big build up to an April Fool’s joke.

March 7th, 2010

May wouldn’t stop bugging me after the road closure so I went to the store to stock up on canned food and juice boxes. Wasn’t much left, owner said he got cleaned out yesterday. Said that people were fighting and tugging and this one guy got stabbed over a fight about who say the last box of Cheerios first. Honestly, panic like this causes more harm than the actual danger. There were still some boxes of soup left and a thing of water in the storeroom. Got charged through the noose for ‘em but at least it’ll keep May happy. Real tired after loading the boxes in and out of the car though, not normally an issue but right now it’s like my muscles are jelly. Nerves, I bet. Would make a note to drop in at the clinic, but what’re they going to do besides suggest a Valium?

March 11th, 2010

Schools were closed today. Should’ve seen it coming after the post office shut down. May and some other PTA people are setting up a homeschooling ring to keep the kids occupied. As for me, I’ve been on the couch all day. Think that weakness turned into flu—frigging freezing unless I bundle up in five different quilts. Limbs feel weird too, not heavy but still weak, like how it feels when you can’t make a fist right after waking up but more so. At least I’m nice and snug.
Been having weird dreams too. They replay that night I got grabbed by the dog, but he doesn’t let go when I hit him. It feels real nice being held while I sleep, but I always wake with a start.

March 13th, 2010

Very glad I’m right handed. Woke up today and the lefty was plain weird. Fingers are stuck together so it looks like a mitten. Hehe, looks kinda silly actually. Got some neat fuzz too, reminds me of a carpet. May and Jack are getting more scared of all the reports coming out now—probably best not to show them. No good can come of panic. Not much to panic about to me, it just feels ticklish and floppy, but those two are pretty jittery.

March 15th, 2010

Guard’s moved the line for like the fifth time in three days. Cuts straight through May and Jack’s way home so they’re stuck at the PTA thing until the line changes. Haven’t left the couch in almost a week, but it’s not so bad. Haven’t really been hungry since I got ill and getting a glass of water doesn’t seem appealing. I feel so warm and cozy. Would rather just lie here and snuggle...

March 17th, 2010

Finally got off the couch. Feeling better now that chills have stopped. Nice and full despite not eating. Harder to write now. Both hands have mitten-thing. Managed to make due. Checked mirror and I don’t need shave. Have head like dog from way back. Even got the same silly grin. Wide and happy. Hehe...I feel happy. I want to be happy.

[date illegible]

Lonely. Cuddly and warm but no one to share with. May and Jack still out. Can’t wait for them to come home. Can’t wait to be warm and happy together.

[date illegible]

Mack not back
Mack not back
Not Mack came back
Not Mack sad not Mack need hug
Not Mack sad but hug make warm happy
Not Mack warm

[Ed. Note: May and Jack were among those retrieved by the southern evacuations. The two became separated during Camp 70 Incident.  May was confirmed to be among those who did not escape. Records indicate that Jack was placed with civilian convoy Q-1 for the next two years, at which point all indicators of his presence vanish. In keeping with the New Hope Policy, the last name of this journal’s author is redacted on all documents in order to protect Jack’s identity.]

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie


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Reply #1 on: April 07, 2011, 08:39:51 PM
He he he... I love this whole plush virus series. [;)

[fox] Virmir