So, Sandwichia is off to a good start. Last I checked, though, it was closer to a settlement than a city or even a town. So if you're around on minecraft, come on down and make yourself a home! If I can't get you in-game find me on the chat for PM me here on the site.
As for helpers... I'm planning on a new project on the server, since Sandwichia is functional at the moment and one cannot cleave caverns from the living stone forever. Here's a thing though. It's going to stay hidden. I'd like help, if anyone's interested, but you'll not be able to talk about it until it's finished. I call it Project Tower. Something of mine that can actually be seen from the surface.
If you want to get citizened with Sandwichia, or maybe want to help build a strange new thing with me, or even both, then gimme a yell.