Ok, so I'm planning on running a RPG using a neat system called FATE (
http://www.faterpg.com/ ) Its a storytelling focused game. The core element of the game is a element called aspects, essentially short phrases or even just single descriptive words. The system itself is pay what you want, which includes free so you can grab the PDF off the site.
As far as setting goes, I'm open to suggestions but do have some ideas. Mainly, an anachronistic post-post-apocalyptic fantasy setting.
Also, I'm going to cap the game at 5 players.
For character creation, here's a quick summary of the character creation system from the PDF:
-Come up with your characters High Concept and Trouble aspects
-Name your character
-Describe your character's first adventure
-Describe how your character has crossed paths with two other characters
-Write down one aspect for each of these three experiences
-Pick and rate your skills ( see below )
-Pick or invent three to five stunts (see the PDF for examples)
-Determine your refresh (how many fate points you start play with)
SkillsAt character creation each character gets one skill at great (+4), two at Good (+3), Three at Fair (+2) and four at Average (+1). All other skills are assumed to be at Mediocre (+0) unless otherwise stated.
Note that characters may not have more skills at a level higher than the level below it (ie. characters cannot have three at good and only two at fair, however two at good and two at fair is allowed)
The skills are as listed, with suggestions for additions taken under consideration.
Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Crafts, Deceive, Drive, Empathy, Fight, Investigate, Lore, Notice, Physique, Provoke, Rapport, Resources, Shoot, Stealth and Will.
StuntsStunts are best described in the system PDF, however the following is a quick summary of things stunts can typically do.
The three major things stunts can do:
-add a new action to a skill (ie. use stealth to make a physical attack, use burglary to make mental attacks against a target, etc.) These have limitations in what situations they can be used.
-give a +2 bonus to a skill in particular situations.
-Create a rules exception. Note that these must be approved by the GM.
RefreshCharacters start with a refresh of 3, reduced by 1 for each stunt past the 3rd. Note that characters may not have less than 1 refresh as they immediately become NPCs. At the beginning of each session players get fate points equal to their refresh or the number of fate points they had at the end of the previous session.
FATE points can be used at most any time to either invoke an aspect to add +2 to any side in a roll, to declare a story detail or activate some stunts.
StressStress is the system's equivalent of hit points, in conjunction with consequences. There are typically two main kinds of stress: Physical and Mental, however sometimes social stress is also included (in this case I probably won't use it)
Players start with two Mental and Physical stress boxes plus one extra box at +1 and +3 for the associated skills (Will for Mental and Physique for Physical)
Players also have three 'consequence' slots, a mild (-2), moderate(-4) and severe consequence(-6). Essentially consequences can be used to reduce damage to allow a player to remain in a scene in exchange for adding a negative aspect to the character.