Author Topic: [One-Shot][MiniSix] Expedition To Fermont  (Read 6738 times)


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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on: June 02, 2013, 01:09:06 AM
The government of Great Oak, land of the sacred tree and its benevolent wizard-god, has asked you to visit a city-state called Fermont to deliver gifts and win a treaty of trade and friendship. It should be an easy task to impress the humans with your superior squirrelfolk magic and wisdom, right?

A one-session adventure in my own fantasy setting Cotyledon, using the simple rule system Mini Six.

Players Wanted: 3-5
Knowledge Needed: You don't have to know the setting. In fact it'd be nice to have a player who doesn't know it already, to see if the provided 3-page handout is okay. And what you need to know of the handout is really just the special character creation rules, especially if you want magic.
Characters: You're respected enough to be sent as a diplomatic party, but other skills are welcome too. Special faction missions (optional) are available at random for players who want an RP challenge.
Character Creation Options: Use Mini Six rules (12D stats, 7D skills/perks) but note special rules for this setting, like "Sorcerer" being only 1 point. Velesian (squirrel) and human PCs are allowed.
Where: Crimson Flag IRC
When: Not sure. Can do Monday (not this week), Wednesday or Friday evenings, or Saturday anytime.

New fantasy book series: "Wavebound". The story of the novice Goddess of Water!


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Reply #1 on: June 02, 2013, 11:20:39 AM
Ah, I would not mind taking part in this. I must admit, though, I have not done role playing before due to the enormous amounts of rules and content and stats that turn it into something that becomes too complicated to fully enjoy. However, this seems rather simple enough, so, if you would not mind, I would like to try this out. {:)

Is there anything specifically that I would need to know? Or that you would need to know?

There are no Limitations to the Great Wonders of Magic.


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #2 on: June 03, 2013, 01:46:04 AM
Thoughts on a type of character you're considering, or questions about the rules/setting?

Hmm... You and anyone else who reads this: I've never run a play-by-post game. Any interest in playing that way?

New fantasy book series: "Wavebound". The story of the novice Goddess of Water!


  • Magister
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Reply #3 on: June 03, 2013, 04:57:28 PM
Would that be the same as each of us takes our turns (posts) when we can, and allow the game to flow that way over time? If so, then I would prefer that. Since I am on the other side of the world ( {;) ) I would not be able to be here personally when everyone else is (6 hour difference, you see).

As for my character, I would prefer to be a mage (magic wielder) and I would pour all my attributes into that, if possible (that's what I do on Role Playing games like Dragon Age).

As for the rules, what specifically will all of the rules be for this role play? I have flicked through the link a little and some of it (like the dice rolls) would probably be somewhat impractical (unless you, as the game master, will be dealing with those areas).

And the actual game, what do we need to do?

There are no Limitations to the Great Wonders of Magic.


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #4 on: June 04, 2013, 02:21:01 PM
We'd go in distinct turns that in some cases will take place over a whole day of game time, sometimes a single combat round. (Er, not that there'll be combat, since it's a diplomatic mission, right?  [fox]) Anyone who doesn't post by some deadline, doesn't do anything noteworthy.

If there's a need for initiative, I'd roll it for each party member and post it up front, and probably assume the enemies all go after your turns. That way, everybody can say what they're doing without waiting for me to post what Enemy #3 is doing. Note that you can take multiple actions in a turn at the cost of each action being at a (actions-1)D penalty, eg. two sword attacks at 4D skill are at 3D each.

Dice: I'll trust people to roll their own and say the result plus what you're doing. Eg. "Bob lunges at the owlbear and whips around to slash it twice. (ROLL: 4D-1D twice: 10, 12; damage 5D twice: 15, 13)" You'd have to wait to see whether it really hits, but you'd have told me the damage roll in advance.

Creating a mage: the obvious way is to do Sorcerer, 4D Wits and 2D Magic, which gets you four spells plus Sense Weave... but note that many spells don't use Wits.

General rules: say what you're doing, and any OOC questions or actions. You're free to coordinate with other players and edit posts up until I respond.

New fantasy book series: "Wavebound". The story of the novice Goddess of Water!