Author Topic: Gürê the Beautiful  (Read 6458 times)


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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on: August 29, 2012, 09:18:24 PM
This is simply a side point of history in a world I am creating in my head at the moment. This means it will be short and subject to change

Gürê the Beautiful is an interesting note of adoptive children’s story and fate in the realm. Gürê was born of unknown parents as his father and mother did not wish to be known as the dwarfs that had given birth to such a deformed child. Leaving the safety of their tunnels and land, they went to their then allies the elves. They chose a couple of elves that were traveling the land, as the simple fact that any couple that dared to leave their lands had to be brave of body and spirit to survive. Pleading, the dwarfs handed their newborn son to the elves, and fate smiled on the youngling as they were good elves and took the youth with them. They did not even take any of the gold offered from the dwarfs, saying that they would raise Gürê as their own.

Going back  to their home, the couple was worried for how Gürê would cope in the elfin lands. Gürê would need crutches to walk as his right leg was twisted and long, his left foot wide and misshapen. He would need to help to write as his fingers were larger and stiff, his arms weak in strength. He would need time to catch his breath as his chest was weak. He would need special glasses to see as his left eye was hidden from a lump on his face and his right eye strained to the point it would never be properly closed. Gürê would need this all as he was a dwarf, one of the few creatures that magic did not flow naturally. Dwarfs could not summon the spark of magic that many races could, and it was hard to find magic that stuck to them.

Yet, Gürê, with sky blue eyes and black hair, seemed very happy in the elfin village that was home to him, his adoptive parents and the little village of elves. He was never able or willing as it seemed to speak, but his parents knew how happy he was and how much they were a reason for it. His parents gave him magic sung crutches that grew with him, magic sung glasses that helped him see and all the love one could ask for.

The village elders were not happy with an adoptive child of another race in their village, with one being so deformed. They showed their disapproval subtly while the youths were more direct. Yet the teasing and harassing did not put off the dwarf from living a happy life.

On his thirty year of life,  a pack of troll raiders from the south attacked the village, targeting the school first as it would prove to be a strong building for a defensive front  as well as a chance to demoralize the elves. When they had slaughter the ten elf youth and the leader was posing to strike down the eleventh, he found himself stabbing his blade into Gürê. The deformed dwarf had placed himself in front of the child, and stared down the troll despite being shorter. 

Yet, it was not a stare of hatred or anger but one of content. Gürê then open his mouth and started to perform song magic. Song magic was the second most powerful magic in all of the realm, second to soul magic. Song magic required the magic user to reach out to nature and the realm and hope to convince the realm to bend to their will. Soul magic, on the other hand, required the mage to open his soul to magic of the realm and hope to direct the magic of realm to their wishes. It usually required years of training as a novice could end his life if he tried to fight against the will of the realm.

The song magic that Gürê preformed was the most beautiful sound ever to be heard in the village. It was largely due to the fact he used the song magic to simply the raiders to spell instead of killing them. It was also due to his kind nature that the realm’s magic listened to him so well.

Then Gürê did something wonderful and forbidden. He opened his soul to heal the ten slain youths, sing notes so pure that flowers of flawless beauty grew around his feet. He knew that he went too far as using soul magic to heal the recently dead was a certain way to loose one’s life. Instead of following the root of mages that try to pull back after going too far, he continued to sing out the magic of his soul. He changed the flat forest lands into a grand mountain with mighty trees growing near the sky. He continued to sing, turning the grass and trees to into priceless jewels.

After singing for seven days, Gürê’s body fell to the emerald grass. The elves that had been watching their home change with other elves, dwarfs and even a dragon went into the land. It was soon discovered that Gürê had changed all of the village into a single, yet complex, jewel. The dragon and dwarfs claimed that the land would never chip nor change, and any attempt would be a front to nature and beauty itself. The dwarfs and dragon spent many months studying the land and still some come to look at the jewel village.

But before any came, the elves of the village went to where Gürê had fallen. They sung a monument of the deformed dwarf to house his body with his crying parents at the front, with a plaque telling the story of Gürê the Beautiful.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


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Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 08:26:38 PM
Pretty strange.  It reads like one of those weird fairy tales they make you read in English class. Though it sounds like it's exactly that in the world you're building, so should work. [;)

[fox] Virmir


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #2 on: September 06, 2012, 02:21:24 PM
Pretty strange.  It reads like one of those weird fairy tales they make you read in English class. Though it sounds like it's exactly that in the world you're building, so should work. [;)

Thank you.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!