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Messages - Raf_Cian

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Game Room / Re: The OUYA game system
« on: November 07, 2013, 07:04:15 PM »
Or to actually explain what Kenku is talking about, you can take a look here:

Personally, I keep an eye on the OUYA just because I like that system over a traditional model if I ever get a new gaming system. My brother and sister-in-law actually have it, but they haven't been too impressed by it. Mind you, they aren't impressed by it because between them and their tenants they own ever gaming system in existence at the moment.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 272
« on: November 02, 2013, 05:34:27 PM »
I noticed the rats have reattuned to Julian's red without any prompting from him. Certainly a positive sign.

Now I think the question running through Julians head is why is there a dragon version of those creatures in this secluded location.

Role Play Theater / Re: Fixing DoW or Rebuilding in FATE
« on: October 28, 2013, 09:33:05 PM »
@Snow regarding armies
That does sound interesting... something like your city cap being your army cap, with Industry advancement increasing the army cap. It does make a bit more sense than it increasing the amount of cities you have towards DV's army generation suggestion. Whether you'd want to consider this mixed with DV's Risk suggestion for army generation is debatable, but I could see them playing nicely together.

@Snow regarding Advance City
Toast has it correct. Having Advance City count as a normal city wide advancement (which can be stolen by taking the city) is actually one of the suggestions on the board.

@Draykin regarding Significant Figures
...and I can see what you want, but there are three problems.

One, Avatars are really versatile; we just don't use their versatility that often. In the first game, I had an avatar that was a dynasty of my evil empire that never got to be evil. In the second game Toast had an avatar that was essentially a mortal avatar before he ascended to demonhood as part of a catastrophe, and Donnie created several mortal avatars during the last few turns to represent prophets and generals for his pompoms. Not much like that has happened in the current game, but there was still creativity in the form of Snow's item avatars being passed from hero/merchant to hero/merchant.

Two, turn timespan. The first phase has turns as centuries, the second phase has turns as decades, and only the third phase has turns measured in a span of years. We certainly can't have Significant Figures stick around, but if you just want them to be historical notes... then they may as well just be flavor text to Advancements and other actions. And if you really want them to be different than advancements then...

Three, advancements are still on the drawing board. Yes, I really have my support by the one I suggested, but we still don't have consensus ... I really don't think we'll ever get clear consensus though. We're a group of people talking about the game we want to play ourselves, with people popping in and out of the discussion and sometimes just not responding to some ideas at all. Most likely the third game will eventually end and whoever decides they can handle story managing the fourth game will start a new thread and announce what rules they are going to be using. Which is probably a good thing since we're not going to be sure how good any of these rules are until they are tested and it might be over ambitious to test ALL of them at once... while at the same time these games take so long it would be insane to just add one change at a time.

Role Play Theater / Re: Fixing DoW or Rebuilding in FATE
« on: October 26, 2013, 03:06:10 PM »
OK. We’ve had more DoW revamp discussion in the chat today, and this time I’m going to write about it while it’s fresh in my brain... by certain definitions of fresh.

Risk Rules for Armies
A somewhat popular suggestion by DV is to use the Risk rules for army creation and apply it to cities. This would essentially mean rather than creating armies you would get a certain amount of armies per turn based on however many cities you owned. One army for one city, and then one more for every three after that, meaning two for three cities, three for six, and four for nine.

I like this in principle, and would like to combine it with the categories for Advancements by making Industry Advancements count as an additional city... but at the same time I can be devil’s advocate and see the possible snowball effect that could be generated from having armies created from the moment your race plops down its first city.

Advance City as Advancement
Basically what I said as an aside in my post above. Whether if we go with the category system of advancement or not, having the advancements created by Advance City count as Advancements that can be stolen by stealing the city. I ran it by people in chat, and at least Toast seemed to like it. Other people have yet to comment.

Shape Wildlife
A suggestion coming in from Draykin. The feral animals running around are just as much a part of the world as races... OK, maybe not as much as them for game purposes. They are certainly as much a part of the world as the land and climate though for story telling purposes, though, and it’s silly to deny players the right to play around with them.

Big point is that it’s a pure story telling tool, and there is no reason we shouldn’t do it.

An Elongated Discussion on the Philosophy of the Game
Yeah... not a very easy to summarize feature. Just game philosophy. And what the point of DoW really is.

Long story short, DoW is world building. It’s story telling with points to keep one person from dictating the entire plot. I titles the thread “Fixing DoW” not because DoW in and of itself is broken but what we’re trying to do with it is like trying to get an entire football team to ride a bicycle at once.  Bike is perfectly fine, but it won’t hold up under the pressure.

DoW is a good toolset, but we aren’t creating a world once and then using it for something else. We’re creating worlds again and again and AGAIN just for the amusement of doing so. If we’re doing it for enjoyment in and of itself, it’s a game. And while DoW is great as a toolset, it falls short as a game. The key mission statement we should keep in mind though is that we all (presumably) WANT DoW to be a storytelling game, not a civilization simulator. Within this very thread I’ve backed down support for things I thought of or got behind because people pointed this very fact out to me.

So it’s something to think about... and preferably talk about.

Advancement Equilibrium
Another idea brought up by Draykin was trading a disadvantage for an advantage. Coming off pumped from the discussion on storytelling I could completely understand the idea of wanting to give your race a disadvantage or weakness for story telling purposes... but I couldn’t think of how all of my categories would function if pushed into the negative.

Then other people starting talking about other forms of stats, DV started talking about Tokens, and finally all seriousness was drained from the conversation by otter labor camps having water slides.

So if anyone has something to add, speak up down here or up in chat... though preferably down here unless you want to create your own minute summary post, because I’m not too sure how accurate this all is.

Role Play Theater / Re: Fixing DoW or Rebuilding in FATE
« on: October 25, 2013, 08:40:54 PM »
Right. Meant to update this a week ago, but didn’t. This provoked player’s anxiety issues and he spent the time shivering in a corner rather than doing anything. But, now it’s passed...

...and we find nothing has happened in an entire week. For better or for worse that includes the active DoW thread, but that doesn’t mean we should stop moving.

Simpler Advancement Strategy
As cool as it would be for Teleportation and Self Repairing Armor to give bonuses relative to their flavor, it was pointed out in chat that not everyone drools over RPG books enough to actually WANT to fifty pages worth of examples to customize to your desires.

As such, I came up with a simpler category system. Current proposal is the have four: Military, Industry, Welfare, and Culture. Military obviously does what is already does, +1 to army conflicts. If any of the others do anything is up to debate, but I can easily see Welfare affecting army survival, and Industry affecting city Defense. Culture is a bit tricky to pinpoint a solution to... I have two controversial solutions that I won’t mention, and a third that sums down to there is no harm in having a junk category.

Additionally, I’d like to suggest that Advance City be treated by the same category system.  The decision from there would be scale. Would it affect the entire Civilization, in which case its cost should remain the same since they’re basically Advancements that can be stolen by the enemy. The alternatively their effect could be limited to just the city they advance, in which case we should consider reducing the cost of Advance City.

Orders in Race, Advancements in Civilization
I had my discussion on ownership, and there wasn’t much disagreement on players owning their Avatars and their Orders... of course it was a week ago, so my memory is a bit hazy.

Another related point that I presented to the gathered debaters that at least the one person that was listening at the time responded to positively, was to create the different layering between Race and Civilization. Point? Orders get stored in the Race Node, Advancements gets stored in the Civilization Node. Players don’t gain a mechanical advantage from creating a subrace of someone else’s race late game, while at the same time players don’t get overly penalized with split advancements  if they choose to have two joined races/subraces in their civilization for story reasons.

A little more organization? Yes. Not what I original proposed? Also yes. But I think it would improve things. Just would like the input of more than two people. Obviously a new race would start with its own Civ, but we also might need a create Civ action. Whether if races could be created cheaper if they don’t create their own race is up for debate.

Viable Argument Against Resources
Yeah, resources were fun, and I was really getting into them, but someone pointed out in chat that we don’t want people making decisions for mechanical reasons over story telling reasons. The points exist to keep one person from having too much control over the story of the world, and while we are treating it more as a game than intended it is still more a bizarre roleplaying game than a civilization simulator. I think the best term I can think of right now would be World History RPG.

That’s what it took to convince me, but I know it won’t convince some of the biggest advocates for resources and trade. My argument for you? You want to encourage diplomacy and peaceful actions for the races. Trouble is, people enter this game with a story they want to tell. If that story is that of the huge empire or the raiding barbarians... all the mechanical lures will not deter them. Even with constructing the resources I was thinking of stuff like raiding and cities having strategic advantage... and that really is neither what DoW is or what I want DoW to be.

Of course, I won’t be able to dissuade you until I hear your counter arguments, so go ahead and speak up. Silence will get us nowhere...

The Next Game
We don’t know who is going to be running the game next... or how long this final turn will take with people procrastinating left and right on their final actions... but we need to go ahead and decide what we want to have decided to go into the next game and what we should give further debate.

Decision on the City Guards should be made since it’s an issue dear to the current gamemaster.
Decisions on the Races/Civilization division I feel is simple enough to implement, but others might disagree.
Avatars costs are a bigger decision but one I feel we need to field test to get a final verdict on.
Advancements might require more work, but if only because it’s the issue everyone has an opinion on.
Resources and trade are a major change to the game that we should talk about more before even considering.

Ultimately, I think how far we take all this before starting the next game should be decided by the next game master... who has yet to step forward. Toast? Are you it? Or are you handing the torch to someone else?

Role Play Theater / Re: Fixing DoW or Rebuilding in FATE
« on: October 15, 2013, 05:01:55 PM »
Resources are a good idea. It gives a solid foundation for the civilization points concept that can be expanded on by trade and raiding.

My basic suggestion... there are three basic resources that produce civilization points: lumber, minerals, and food. These can be propagated by Shape Land but a civilization won’t benefit for having more than one of each in its territory or trade partners.

Ontop of that I would suggest a new more expensive action, which for the sake of talk we’ll call Advance Land. Advance Land would create a unique resource that a city founded in the same square could take advantage of with an Advance City. Unique is a key word, since there can be many variations of... crystals let’s say... but each is unique onto itself. Advance Land should count as a shape land of only one square that creates a unique resource, and for the sake of sanity scale like avatars. Advance Land cannot be overwritten by Shape Land, and if overwritten by an Advanced Land or Catastrophe it is considered eliminated for the purpose of calculated the original shapers Advance Land cost. Unique recourse brought into existence by Catastrophe’s should also count against Catastrophe’s innovations Advance Land cost.

 With basic resources we get civilization points off the ground, and allows for trade between smaller civilizations. Unique resources allows for the players to both get creative and supplement the civilization points for growing empires.

There are many reasonable advancements out there, but there are also far more unreasonable ones. I think the key is that we need to think. Take a look at what I talked about with Toymancy; there are reasonable and unreasonable ways to approach the same advancement without changing its flavor.

Taking a look at the Cloning Vats, I would at least say to limit to the armies created by cities, and at most say that I can’t grant free armies but instead allows for cities to create two armies per turn instead of one. Grinder is a much bigger delimia than you give it due to ownership issues; people don’t own a race, they own order and avatars; if someone creates an order in the Grinder race, they could recycle all the armies into points. Therefore at the very least I would put the caveat that points from Grinder should go to the civilization’s point pool, but at most... I would cast my vote against Grinder even existing in the first place.

The basic solution is to do what I just did BEFORE the game and come up with as many situations as possible and make rulings on them. What bonuses should be completely unique? What bonuses should be unique with allowances for other civilizations to copy on a limited scale with Advance City? What bonuses are as common as dirt (I’m looking at you, +1 to army rolls)?

There are some real common ones that need to addressed first, but before we can get to them I’d like to make another diversity suggestion.

Land, Water, and Air Armies
We’re really treating armies as a hodgepodge unit still, but in reality it’s anything but. They now carry the same amount of flavor as any other creation in this game, and I think it’s time we consider diversifying them. Land can only travel over land routes. Water can only travel over water routes. Air can travel anywhere but can’t take over cities; they can siege but not invade. Transportation is something that needs to be talked about in advancement discussion.

The ship advancement is an early adjacent, and airships are common enough that they need to be addressed as well, but before reaching either one I think we should discuss this potential change.

I brought it up before, but no one really responded to it... and I think it’s VERY important given that within other people’s post I see issues with ownership conflicts cropping their heads. We need to take some time to discuss this rather than me ranting about its importance and handing out more examples... I’ll try to tackle Snow or DV next time I see them in chat.

Art Gallery / Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 4 (open)
« on: October 13, 2013, 09:35:29 PM »
#33 Raf taking the DOCTOR Frankenstein route for Halloween and BRINGING HIS CREATION TO LIFE!!
...what his creation is I leave up to your creative direction. If you find yourself lacking in ideas at the moment of drawing this, I'd suggest you do what you always do and do a muffin. It would actually be appropriate since Raf was made a Muffin Lord once long ago.

Just going to steal my references from another thread.
       First the original first reference done with vague description and absolutely no input to the artist to confirm or deny anything. But what do you expect when you get the art from winning a contest.
       Second the small avatar made by Virmir.
       The request pick by Virmir where I’m half robot but none of these are perfect so you need everything you can get.
       Suggestion/request pick by Tech that I’m not sure if I should even use since he made the underside of my tail gold for some reason.
       Fifth, the icon made by Tod during last Icon Day.
       And finally because we’re really desperate, me as a metal maki on Aywas. Which is to say a coloration onto this things provided PSD provided by the Aywas pet site, colored with no line art edits, and then uploaded as a pet for my player. Useless for anatomical reference, but since he colored it himself you know those are the right colors.
       So many pictures... and NONE of them ideal to use as a general reference.

Role Play Theater / Re: Fixing DoW or Rebuilding in FATE
« on: October 11, 2013, 05:14:47 PM »
Re: Fate
I'm personally favoring the improved DoW approach though because Fate's main advantage is improved conflict resolution and increased tactical options. It doesn't create a story in and of itself, though, so you'd need to set the stage before each game. What nation is everyone playing, what are they trying to do, what is the win condition other than be the last man standing. This makes it feel a lot like a Civ game only on paper/forum... which is something I could enjoy but isn't what I'm looking for out of DoW.

That doesn't mean it's bad. It looks to be very good and is certainly tempting otherwise I wouldn't have included it in this thread at all. It's just for me personally you'd need to go above and beyond to make it a substitute for DoW rather than an alternative. It would need to have the magic of growing not just a nation but an entire species out of your imagination and developing it alongside the creations of other people, mixed up having some players modifying other people's toys rather than starting their own brand. As flexible as Fate is as a system, each individual game session is a lot more defined and finite... or maybe I just don't know about it enough.

Re: DoW
Adjusting the dice to something with a lower minimum but same maximum is something I can get behind. Given the scale that we're working on, we need a higher average of points floating about.

The city guard issue is something we need to talk about. Advance City is something that is currently useless outside of flavor but has TONS of potential if given just a little bit of thought. It's biggest use would be to give the city defenses... but are those defenses bonuses to defending armies or an automatic army in and of itself? Option two is way overpriced with the average cost of armies. Option one is only marginally cheaper than creating an advancement that would give bonuses to ALL your armies, with the margin way to low to justify the opportunity cost. Overall response... we need to look at the cost of Advance City in practice.

Honestly... playing with other people's toys is part of the run. The part I'd argue against is just because you created the armies doesn't mean you commanded them. You'd need to have an order amongst the subrace before I'd let you pull off that type of rebellion as the GM, but I wouldn't rule it out. We'll need to create some guidelines about the creation of a subrace is handled.

Role Play Theater / Re: Fixing DoW or Rebuilding in FATE
« on: October 09, 2013, 05:10:16 PM »
DoW Talk[/b]
Turn Order
An important decision, but more of a decision to be made by the Game Master each game with input from the players. ...which since the entire reason we’re talking about this is due to us needed a new DoW thread soon, will be needed to be discussed soon.

Avatars are power. We’ve learned that since the first game. So yeah, we should probably divorce the cost to create avatars from the turn order and instead make it a scaling cost based on the about of avatars you already have. The real question is what scale?

Additive: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24
Geometric: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40
Exponential: 8, 12, 20, 32, 48

I’m a little partial to Exponential myself. It stops a reasonable player at two but let’s someone save up for three if they REALLY want it, and progressively makes the cost not worth the power beyond that.

Alliances, Race Ownership, and Orders
The real problem with alliances is that race’s aren’t owned by one person. Avatars are definitively owned by one person, and orders are owned by a person but the rules allow other people to command them. I know most people choose/create a pet race, but its people doing that and isn’t fully supported by the rules.

With that in mind I say get rid of the controlling other people’s orders rule that NO ONE ever uses. People own their avatars, and people own their orders. Creating an order in a race puts a stake in that race. Creating subraces gives a race a chance to divide its orders; how depends on the owners of the orders and the person that initiated the subrace action.

What this means for alliances is that having an order in a race, and in turn having that race in a civilization, means you have a vote. Not in the actions done by other people’s orders but in the democratic actions needed to decide civilization membership, alliances, and how to spend those civilizations points that is being earned through trade... and potentially less diplomatic actions we’ll discuss later. I’m not certain if having more orders in a race should give you more votes, there is potentially for and against having more than one vote given this is a game and not a real democracy, but ultimately this line of thought is a good starting point.

Civilizations, Advancements, and Advance City
First thing, here’s a quick diagram for what I’m talking about civilizations. Here.
There you can see Race A stands along with with a subrace of itself, and it’s own little civilization. Race B has two subraces, the first (presumably founder race) of which is part of its founding civilization. The second subrace has joined Race C as part of its Civilization.

Each of these different categories is a potential node for advancements, which all builds up to have a final impact on the civilization as a whole. I personally don’t see a reason to make a cost for adding an advancement to different nodes, though if someone wants to make the argument they are free to do so. To me, where an advancement goes should be measured by what makes the most sense and not tactical decisions... though what advancements you implement is an entire different story.

Concerning advancements... I think we need to have a long talk to build examples to figure out most of the plausible benefits. For instance, in the current game Trask’s Utopians have the advancement Toy-a-forming to represent the ability for Toymancy to slowly convert the organic world into toys. Obviously it would be too powerful (and possibly too weak with poor dice rolls) to just potentially gain a defeated army, but if instead we consider it allowing the Utopians to gain points to its pool of civ points with each victory, which Trask could then potentially spend on new armies of converted soldiers or possibly split off a new subrace of toys from the mother race and fold it into the Utopian civilization.

Advance City I agree should also be made more useful... and potentially cheaper. With the amount of players we work with we do have FAR more cities than anything else but armies, and if advancements are to be something other than a universal plus one to combat we should consider costs across the board. Of course, to spend more time with advancements we need to consider what they do.

One idea that crossed my mind are military ports, both naval and air, making up for armies built there not being made by the first civilization to pop the ship building advancement. Or trade ports to allow the establishments of trade routes unconcerned by geopolitical boarders. I’ve always considered it a strong possibility for advance city to be allowed to upgrade cities to count as an army on the defensive, but if you have mobile flying ships like the Tiatlaca do there is no reason you can’t use advance city to turn the city into an offensive army. Or going back on the trade concerns, advances to make a city profitable for trade or even tourism should be considered, but we should also consider advancements that provide the equivalent of one army protection on at least one of its trade routes per turn.

And yes, protect the trade routes. If we’re going to allow the civilizations who build up and develop it’s cities to live peacefully, we must provide some counterbalance for the aggressors to make being an aggressor a style choice rather than an underdog choice.

Role Play Theater / Re: Fixing DoW or Rebuilding in FATE
« on: October 06, 2013, 10:39:45 PM »
Build things from the ground up with FATE
The good thing about FATE, apparently, is that everything can be build like the characters. They’re called EXTRAS. If we throw enough EXTRAS together we can get a working game that resembles DoW but with actual conflict resolution.

The downside to all this is that the game would be entirely made of EXTRAS. We’d be stealing the basic stat and dice and creating everything ourselves. The bare minimum of what we’d need to create is something like this...

[Extra] Avatars
There is no way to create these on the fly in the game, so every character would have to create one of these. They would essentially be your character in this version of DoW. Avatars can conflict with each other, and the world, so there would need to be rules for that, but in context to this quick discussion, we need to talk about what they could bring into the world. Namely...

[Extra] Mystical Sites/Relics
Yeah. We’re always doing crazy stuff with the land and then spending points to make it pay off later. May as well pay it up front.

[Extra] Races
Races would be like a film across the terrain in this system. I don’t see them doing much on their own. They might provide benefits to the next thing on the block which is... or they might have a stress level we need to keep track of and manage.

[Extra] Organizations
The rules that Snow showed me actually had some promising rules for organizations. We’d need to define what milestones mean in our system, but it has promises to almost be a near direct import.

Organizations meanwhile could create.

[Extra] Cities
A defensive location and needs to provide some resource benefit... which with the stat system could vary greatly city from city.

...and that would be it. We don’t need armies since there are rules for organizations to conflict directly. And we don’t need advancements since everything has stats and could therefore level up... we’d just need to define what a milestone is in the game.

Of course this system in my opinion lacks the flavor. It’s main advantage is that it takes away a lot of questions about conflict resolution, and opens avenues for conflicts that aren’t purely military or catastrophes.

Fixing DoW
Wow... where to begin. Two major points with me, but I’m sure other people will bring other things up.

One, advancements need to do something other than +1 to my armies. There’s so much potential here, and all its doing is making a story telling experience a very army focused endeavor. And yes, armies clashing do make an interesting story. One could say that war is the necessary antagonist in the story of a world to make it an interesting story and not just something that happened... but it could also be more.

Second is races, and subraces... we need to look them over. In some way these two “game elements” exists as folders for us to put our advancements into... while at the same time they are the REAL characters in this world, with our avatars just being the little Navi floating above their shoulders. We should be able to divide sub races more easily when the events or the world demand it,  with create subrace creating TWO subraces if none currently exist for the main race so we cannot only keep track of purities and advancements but also choose to advance one subrace or both by advancing the main race. We also need to consider adding a new advancement folder: civilization. Some qualities should be innate to a people, and some should be innate to a civilization. If a civilzation conquer a race and integrate them into itself, it should gain the advantage of the race (or subrace, or possibly new subrace for the sake of paperwork) advantages and not the civilizations.

Other people will voice other problems they have with the system. For now, this is what I can think of and voice with... semi-coherency.

Role Play Theater / Fixing DoW or Rebuilding in FATE
« on: October 06, 2013, 10:38:09 PM »
An interesting exchange of ideas took place in the forum tonight. A lot of people like the DoW games. And I do mean a LOT. The trouble is that the scope of what we want to do is outpacing the rules of DoW system. The DoW system was created to have a setting (RPG, story, or otherwise) created by many chefs that could then be taken and translated into the either a different game or just pure prose. The advancements are vague, some of the commands are vague, and there is little to the conflict resolution other than having armies roll off against each other.

We need something different if we’re going to be constantly going in the direction of playing DoW like a game in and of itself. Two major ideas came up. Snow casually mentioned the Fate system, while I’ve been thinking about improvements to DoW system for awhile now privately. Both approaches have their benefits and drawbacks.

Since this should be a community discussion I’m ending the first post here. The next post will have the meat of my thoughts on the two approaches. Both have their benefits and drawbacks.

Art Gallery / Re: Halloween group pic signups
« on: October 05, 2013, 05:25:10 PM »
Your Character's Name:
        Raf Cian

Reference links:
       First the original first reference done with vague description and absolutely no input to the artist to confirm or deny anything. But what do you expect when you get the art from winning a contest.
       Second the small avatar made by Virmir.
       The request pick by Virmir where I’m half robot but none of these are perfect so you need everything you can get.
       Suggestion/request pick by Tech that I’m not sure if I should even use since he made the underside of my tail gold for some reason.
       Fifth, the icon made by Tod during last Icon Day.
       And finally because we’re really desperate, me as a metal maki on Aywas. Which is to say a coloration onto this things provided PSD provided by the Aywas pet site, colored with no line art edits, and then uploaded as a pet for my player. Useless for anatomical reference, but since he colored it himself you know those are the right colors.
       So many pictures... and NONE of them ideal to use as a general reference.

What monster you want to be tf-ing into:
        ...let’s go with golden winged demon of light. Apparently that’s a title I’m going to hold at some point. If you need more direction than that, just go with basic demonic claws and gargoyle wings with a slight golden accent to my normal black fur. I’m part of a crowd here, after all, No reason to be all fancy.

        Blissfully unaware of dawning demonhood. Probably doing something wall flowerish like sipping punch.

Group Options:
        Nobody has brought something up with me, and I’m in the chat now. Going to give a final countdown before posting this and walking away.

Random Topics / Re: Pizza Toppings... Everything You Want To Be
« on: September 30, 2013, 09:16:09 PM »
Hmm... we can get behind sausages and canines.

Peppers in plumping... we'd much prefer peppers and inflation. Being actually fat isn't at all pleasant, as my player can attest. I'd personally never inflict that on anyone.

Random Topics / Pizza Toppings... Everything You Want To Be
« on: September 28, 2013, 03:53:16 PM » that title needs work.

So, as some people in chat know, I've recently started making TF Pizzas... and after some considerations I thought I may as well make them not just a skit by a proper running gag. To do that I need to do two things.
1) Keep track of what my topping do
2) Come up with TF effects for ever single topping under the sun

So, with a small nod to the Beach War, I now open up I thread for both the compilation of my various pizza toppings and suggestions concerning all the various toppings that are still not on the list.

Pepperoni: Dragons. Because there is precedent from other TFs in the community.
Sausage: Canines. Suggested by Geary.
Anchovies: Otters. A recent recon, occurred because someone TFed themselves without my input, but allowed because honestly you become what you eat doesn't allow for any of the really cool TF... unless you want to condone eating ferrets?
Mushrooms: Macro. Inspired by supper Mario brothers.
Olives: Micro. Because something needed to shrink people down, and these things are just so tiny.
Pineapple: Muscle. Influenced by certain influences outside the CF community.
Peppers: Inflation. Modified from Kenku's suggestion.
Broccoli: Tail extensions.
Seaweed: Fish. Because... well because.
Corn: Birds. Suggested by Stormkit.
Radishes: Taur. Because horse radishes would have made too subtle of pizza topping.
Potatoes: Robotification. Suggested by Selden, inspired by Digital Potatoes.
Marshmallows: Toys. Because we need to complete the synthetic revolution.

Hot Sauce: There is no Hot Sauce. This topping is an illusion that exists to camouflage other ingredients until tasted. Because sometimes you want a mystery.
Extra Cheese: Cheese is actually the real TF agent, but is unable to induce TF without some toppings. So extra cheese means more dramatic TFs per pizza slice. Plain cheese pizza leaves the mouth electrified in anticipation of a topping, trigger a TF with the next thing to hit the tongue.
Red Pepper Flakes: Not a TF agent but a TF nullifier. Because we need something to make the pizza safe before Caleb goes on a binge, eats Mushrooms and Olives at the same time, and causes the universe to implode.

So yeah... that's what we have so far. The suggestion box is open.

Random Topics / Re: Weird Dreams
« on: September 16, 2013, 11:15:10 AM »
Player actually had a dream worth relating today.

Kid/teen gets dropped off for a school orientation. Orientation ends up having a lot more hands on aptitude tests than he's used to, but he excels with flying colors. Kid gets to the paperwork portion of the test and hits a snag when he's unable to pay the admission fee... because they're being asked for in gold coin. Befuddled and rejected, the kid walks home alone.

Back at school, after hours, the principle fumes why the most gifted child mage they've seen in years was just allowed walk out the door.

...and that's about the end of it. Really short, right before conscious mind realized it was awake. So many ways you can expand this into an actual story, though, all involving elaborating details that are never really clear in a dream.

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