« on: July 03, 2022, 07:34:50 PM »
Shifty told me to share this
It looked like a dragon cave. But there was no dragon to be found.
That’s what it looked like to James anyway, who, it must be said, had not been looking for a dragon cave. Or any other location that existed in the realm of fantasy, for that matter. No, he had been walking to a nearby grocery store to pick up some extra ramen; there was a sale going on and he wanted to stock up. But somewhere around the corner to Chestnut Street things got weird, considering that he knew that road tunnel wasn’t supposed to be there. Curiosity got the better of him.
Where that had ultimately led, James as still unsure of, but wherever it was wasn’t in the realm of the possible. It was VERY clearly a dragon’s cave. The blackened scortch marks along the cave walls, the vast piles of gold and treasure, the enormous yet clearly dug cave entrance all pointed to its obvious purpose.
That and the swarms of kobolds who were now spying at him from the edges.
From the ledges encircling the chamber, to the stalactites hanging from the ceiling, kobolds flocked into existence from where there had just been drips of water droplets and echoes before, as if they had been conjured from thin air.
“Dragon...” they whispered.
James wasn’t quite sure what to make of the collective whispers of “dragon” all around him that persisted for several minutes. But despite his status as an intruder into their cave, and their repeated disorganized chanting, they made no move against him. Nor did any proclaimed dragon appear. Such as it was that James finally summoned his nerve and spoke up, “Uh, is the dragon, ah, here?”
To his surprise, he was greeted by a soft collective wave of disappointment as the kobolds gazed downward and shuffled about. “No dragon, dragon gone,” they muttered over each other. One red kobold near the front of the crowd in particular actually sniffled, looking up at James with eyes of dejection and, yes, actual tears. “We not have dragon for long time, very long.”
A purple one close by wiped her eyes and comforted her red companion. “We look and look, but no dragon! They get hunted, or chased off. We try and catch attention.”
Nearby a green kobold pointed at the mountains of treasure that were accumulated in the cave. “We even get gold, jewels! Fight, thieve, try and get big hoard for big dragon! But no dragon come. It been so long none of us even remember dragon, only get told by parents, elders...”
It certainly wasn’t what he expected to hear upon being surrounded by literally hundreds of what many would consider to be monsters that should by all rights not exist in a dark, dank cave that by all rights should not exist. He certainly didn’t feel at ease, but as he looked upon the whimpering reptiles surrounding him, it was hard not to feel some pity. “So, uh, you’ve just been waiting this whole time?” he asked not entirely innocently, mindful of the fact that he was an intruder and that keeping their mind on another topic might be beneficial.
“Waiting!” the wide eyed red kobold nodded enthusiastically. “I was named Excite because my mother was waiting! We all wait, because dragon will come!”
Other kobolds joined in the nodding, looking oddly but endearingly adorable in their own way. “Mother named *me* Bouncer, because as hatchling I bounce for joy at thought of dragon coming!” the purple one gushed.
More kobolds started chiming in, with apparently half the kobolds being named for something related to waiting for a much prophesied dragon. For a moment it brought excitement back into the crowd, but then the self awareness of the situation tanked the mood even harder.
James, for his part, was wincing at the way the little guys got all excited only to be crushed by disappointment. Sure they were little fantasy monsters that could easily end him quickly if they wanted, but they looked like sad scaly puppies, and it was genuinely kind of crushing to see what looked like a genuine innocence just devastated like that. They were all kind of cute, after the shock of seeing them had worn off.
And so he uttered a soft sentence that felt empty but just a little consoling, “I wish I could help you out with that.” He did genuinely mean it, even if he had no idea how a suddenly lost “real world” human with no knowledge of where he was could do so.
Immediately a ripple worked its way through the crowd, the kobolds looking to him, to each other, whispering. All at once excitement was once again building in the air, but this time it had a very direct, very obvious target. James found himself backpedling, regretting opening his mouth even before he heard a coherent sentence.
“Dragon,” came the whispers. “Dragon now? Yes now!” came the highly motivated responses, and the whole crowd of kobolds starting moving closer.
It was when the ropes were shuffling forward within the crowd that James definitively started trying to bolt, but he only got a few seconds in before little clawed hands snatched at his legs, sending him tumbling forward rather painfully. His yelps of surprise gave them no pause, if anything his flight made things more excited. “Yes! Dragon!” “Dragon!”
The red kobold whose name was literally Excite smiled in front of him, “Yes! You help! We wait so long, and you help!” Tears once again started running down the little red kobold’s cheeks, and James couldn’t help but feel that he had stumbled into some serious Jonestown crap: all that was missing was the kool-aid.
Except that this Jonestown featured 3 foot tall clawed predators that could tear him limb from limb and have him for dinner.
As the ropes came forward, James began to earnestly panic, because it seemed that he literally might be on the menu. “Wait, you don’t have to do this!” he frantically called out, trying to grasp and any sort of reason for them to let him go. “I-I can find you a dragon, I promise!” he promised, despite the fact that he would likely be completely unable to find such a dragon. Little details like that were rather unimportant when one seemed destined for the cooking pot.
The grins that the kobolds gave him made him even more uneasy, if that was possible. Excite and Bouncer stood in front and dragged him to the middle of the cave on some kind of... alter? Oh god was it some sort of sacrificial area!?
The ropes came down, kobolds getting so anxious that they tied his arms down wrong, resulting him breaking free for a solitary second before they held him down by sheer weight of swarm before the next scaly little gremlin got the knot right. Even so, James realized that aside from the fall, he wasn’t really in much pain anywhere except from when he fought to break free. Indeed, they seemed to be taking extra care not to cut or bruise him in any way. Somehow that just made him even more uneasy.
Finally, the chanting rose to a crescendo of “Dragon! Dragon!” The kobolds seemed to have organized themselves, with ones filtering into the middle, as they embraced others who stepped back to the perimeter of the arena.
“Wh-what is going on!?” James frantically demanded, to which he only got a widening smile from the kobolds immediately in front of him.
“Stranger promised to help! We happy to accept!” Excite bubbled, and seemed positively euphoric. He exchanged a round of hugs and embraced his fellows before the crowd started to hush, but clearly on edge with anxious excitement.
A strange bottle of strange potion was pulled out, and Excite began pouring it over himself as it let off an eerie glow.
James winced, prepared himself, still not seeing any knife, but knowing that these kobolds could easily rend him apart in seconds with their natural claws. Excite stepped closer, staring at James long and hard with his bright eyes and...
Stuck the tip of his snout into James’ mouth?
Time seemed to stop as the tied up human looked down crosseyed at the little kobold literally in his face, pushing gently against his agape mouth, wondering how the hell things got so awkward. He intoned a question, being unable to voice anything more given how incredibly bizarre things stood.
At least, things were awkward before they took on an unexpected turn once the kobold started pushing in. And James felt his jaw stretch to accommodate. “MMMNNGHG!!!???” he gasped aloud, as he felt the little creature’s snout push over his tongue, violating his personal space in a VERY pointed manner. It was impossible to describe how utterly unprepared he was for the sensation of a whole scaly snout pressing against his tonsils, but that was only the beginning.
Excite’s scaly feet found purchase on James’ stomach as he pushed in further, and the human was unsure if he should hyperventilate or just wake himself from this BIZARRE dream. The red kobold’s snout was now not just pushing in, he craned his neck so that his snout was now pushing DOWN, and James found his windpipe squeezed but strangely not cut off as his throat simultaneously expanded around the intruding creature, stretching in an utterly impossible manner that defied every explanation! All James could feel was some... strange taste, like something magically minty, glowy almost. Even the taste of the kobold’s scruffy scales against his tongue couldn’t drown out that unnatural flavor.
Was it that potion that Excite had covered himself in??
Somehow James managed to keep that thread alive in his head as things quickly drove hard from what reality SHOULD dictate, as a whole kobold head streeetched his jaw and throat out, his flesh painlessly but not effortlessly extending to cover it all. At this point he was simply too shaken and shocked to offer any resistance as Excite snorted with discernable glee and wiggled his way further inside, and indeed James felt as well as heard the kobold utter “best thing that could happen to me” from inside the bottom of his throat.
James didn’t have too long to process the sensation of a VOICE NOT HIS OWN talking from beneath his windpipe, but soon his chest began to stretch, and with alarm he felt his own heartbeat THUMP against the intruder, his lungs panicking and trying to breathe in faster as they were pushed at from inside his very own body. It all felt like his body was turned into some squishy blanket against the squirming, writhing kobold who was still hissing in unnatural glee. Glee! At forcing his way down into a person’s... stomach!?
With that thought, James felt an audible sizzle, as his stomach expanded. His mouth was now cupped over the kobold’s middle as he sat shocked, not even tugging at the ropes holding down his arms. Excite’s neck and upper body were strained and bent in such an unnatural manner, he felt he might accidentally snap the kobold’s spine! While he was at an utter loss to explain just what the hell was happening here, he still didn’t want anything to happen to the little guy!
“Good, gooood, I make it!” James heard Excite call out from inside his own stomach and began writhing harder, pulling in his hips as James found himself involuntarily sucking at the base of the intruder’s tail like a cartoonishly oversized noodle. He winced and tried not to let the little guy’s claws lacerate anything, but even as his feet crawled past his sensitive mouth and throat, Excite seemed to be taking extra care not to cut anything.
Finally, James felt the tip of the tail slide in, and he struggled for a moment to breathe and speak, but had to wait for the writhing little tail to suck in fully past his windpipe. After an eternity, he felt the kobold slip down past his chest... and the entire mass of the 3 foot tall kobold now visibly stuck out from his stomach like it was some kind of thick balloon! Writhing in alarm, disgust, shock... James wasn’t sure what he should be feeling now, he just gasped. “Wh-what... what... what...” he repeated, unable to get a sentence out as he glanced at the kobold legs and tail visibly sticking out from his distended stomach, pushing the whole thing well out past his shirt. The intruder maybe only weighed 30 pounds but the difference on James’ gut and hips was MASSIVE.
The crowd of kobolds, meanwhile, were all staring in rapt attention, with not a single sound escaping them; it was as if they were afraid the slightest whisper could shatter the whole room like a fragile mirror. They stared at him, and his stomach. “Wh-what did your... what did Excite do!? What is this all about!?”
Muffled snickers echoed disturbingly from his own gut in reply. A little kobold snout pushed visibly against the inside of his tummy, looking less pointed then before somehow. “Stranger help! This wonderful, better than Excite dreamed,” came the voice from within, sounding softer and softer with each syllable. James felt and saw the unnaturally intruding kobold curl up, trying to scrunch up into a ball as much as possible, which at once made his stomach less unnerving to look at but also made him even MORE uneasy, somehow.
“Uh... Excite? Little guy, are you ok in there??” James gulped, as he heard no reply, just shallower and shallower breathing. He started to wiggle, but the ropes held his arms and legs firmly in place seated with his back against the stone alter. Excite squirmed less and less inside, and James felt... strange. It was like heartburn, but not. Nothing was retching up into his throat to scald him with bile, but there was a definite feeling from it all.
It all felt...
Alarm flooded James as he struggled more, his stomach growling as he felt soft hisses and gurgles that were amplified up to eleven from anything that should have been natural. “Excite? Excite!? Are you ok in in there!?? Excite!!” James’ frantic calls were met with some last little hisses of glee from within, as the gurgles built up, and his stomach practically SIZZLED from within. The shape of the kobold’s face receeded from sticking out from his stomach, almost as if it was whithering.
Pressure began building and... a belch forced its way out. A belch that TASTED of something. Of scales, of a... rare, no, raw meat.
Oh god.
“Excite!?” He desperately looked up at the other kobolds who were all staring. “G-guys, your friend, you have to do something or else he’ll!..”
But somehow even as he begged, James felt it was too late. The gurgles intensified, and his stomach churned in a strangely pleasant way. He started to feel full. VERY full. Fuller than he should ever be. So full that the fullness was threatening to burst out!... and it did.
James blinked, looked down, and realized he had a harder time making out Excite’s shape from his distended stomach. Everything seemed smoother out. And GETTING smoother, as he felt his digestive system somehow turn into an impossible overdrive, squishing and squelching and turning and...
He gaspsed in horror at the thought that just ran through his mind; he was DIGESTING someone. A living being had crawled into his stomach and he was now helpless as his body busily got to work breaking them down and absorbing... oh god.
His pants felt tight. Hips squeezed against them from the sides, his rump fought against its constraints, his thighs swoll. Every heartbeat he could feel something extra flow through his veins, as his stomach gradually got... less distended. James looked down in... horror? Shock? Fascination? All of the above, as each breath, each heartbeat started to shuffle around mass, and he felt it distribute itself. His chest thickened, his arms... ripened, his throat even squeezed outward and his cheeks bloated. He gasped, shuddering looking down at himself...
...Why were there scales glistening on his stomach? He blinked, managing to wiggle it against his strained shirt, and the texture felt very off. Very smooth.
“What... what is going on?” he repeated again for what felt like the hundredth time even though he desperately wanted an answer to that question.
The throng of kobolds, however, met his question with cheers. Taken aback, he grunted and hefted his body against the stone altar, trying to sit more upright... wincing as he felt his poor victim’s mass weigh him down literally. He couldn’t stop staring at his distended stomach as it slowly squeezed itself down.
Each little heartbeat, each pulse of his blood carried the “nutrients” further through, and in real time he felt in amazed, shocked horror as they bonded to his body, his hips audibly creaking at one point as they felt heavier... “G-guys help, you don’t understand, I just just, I’m DIGESTING YOUR FRIEND! Don’t you get it!”
Somehow, James desperately hoped that this would snap the dimwitted kobolds to their senses against all odds. But they didn’t seem confused. They didn’t contradict him, argue with him, question him in any way. Instead several of them reached forward to pat his stomach. “Good, Excite taste good yes? He very tasty, very nutritious for you!”
It took the longest time for James to figure out why his cheeks suddenly felt so blazingly hot; without a mirror the realization that he was blushing with the brightness of a sun was one that hit him slowly. “Bu-but.. he was... he was your friend! Your fellow kobold, clan member, whatever you call it! That poor guy... He’s toast!
“Toast?” came the confused headtilts, before they shook their heads. “He taste goooood, eeheehehehehehe!” the kobolds laughed, the purple one, Bouncer patted James’ belly with both clawed hands. “He good fat now! He... you now! You Good bones, good everything for new dragon!”
“New... what?” James stuttered, the realization taking time to hit him, and in the process he was so distracted that he almost didn’t notice that Bouncer had applied the mysterious potion upon himself and was now sticking his snout into his mouth too!
“No not you to-rrffyooumrooo, mphhhh!!!!” Despite James’ frantic attempts at protest, the purple kobold snorted in glee as he pushed. And just as before, the human felt his jaw stretch unnaturally, give way, his throat parting around the tip of that snout as a whole kobold head forced its way in. He sat writhing, helpless as another kobold crawled and writhed in straight for his stomach.
The motion only disturbed said stomach more, as he felt another forceful belch escape, this one tasting even more of fresh meat. His cheeks flushed hotly as Bouncer forced his way into his stomach, and the acidic bubbling began.
It was at this point, as James winced and tried not to think of the happy dissolving kobold that was pushing its way into being digested in his stomach, while a thick purple tail was sticking out of his maw, that he noticed the line. The kobolds were no longer just watching, they were lining up...
“Mm, Excite already in here, me join good... so many of us join and be happy,” Bouncer softly gurgled from within, as James felt him squiiiish his way through and he... tried to resist, but let out an ear splitting belch that tasted so much of raw meat! He whimpered as the purple tail finished sucking in, and his bubbling stomach and intestines started their nefarious work of... digesting their newest meal. His newest meal. He wanted to cover his face and just crawl under a rock at the VERY least, but all he could do was strain at his ropes as his thighs started thickening.
“Pl-please,” he gasped, his breath tasting of meat, meat that to his horrified embarrassment tasted pretty good, “You don’t have to do this, you’re all cute little guys, you don’t want to throw yourselves away like this!... do you?”
Such pleading only produced chuckles. “Silly dragon, we make you big!” a green scaled kobold laughed and poked his stomach, which now glittered with a soft yellow sheen, thick belly scales lining themselves horizontally. His feet strained tight, and his shoes began to pop violently! As he looked down, he saw his nails sharpen thickly into claws. It was almost as if he could feel the calcium pumping through his body into his feet, thickening his bones and causing them to expand... Though nothing was quite as dramatic as in his hips, which began the work of reducing his jeans to tatters one forcefully snapping thread at a time.
Bouncer had barely gotten time to settle before the green kobold started pushing in. And a yellow one was right behind him; they were both crowding each other, and somehow James still found himself freshly shocked as his jaw and throat obliged and gave way to TWO of the intruding beasts at once!
This time there was quite simply more of him to stretch around, as his heart THUMPED, and POUNDED, and pushed his “nutrients” all around. That heartbeat grew stronger, as he felt... mass accumulate there. He winced, cheeks reddening even hotter feeling the digested little kobolds pooltoy together as his heart literally grew three sizes that day... and KEPT growing.
The heartbeats pounded, with a thickening, pulsing muscle growing stronger by the second that was vastly outmatching the puny body it inhabited... for now. A momentary splitting headache burst in above his ears before resolving itself as, thick, growing... horns!?
He tried to reach up and touch his head, but the ropes still held firm even as his arms thickened and he claws burst from the small pitiful human nails that preceeded them. All the little bones o and claws of those poor kobolds pumped and rushed through his surging veins, creaking and swelling his new thick claws larger and larger. And as the kobolds pushed and jostled and snapped at each other (inside his throat!) for space, James found himself looking down crosseyed at his one mouth, his own lips as they did more than stretch; they GREW. Soft, berry colored scales glistened before his eyes and his nose pushed out to meet them as a thick snout began to dominate his face.
“Mmmmmphhhhhhhhhffhfhfmmmmmh” he tried to protest, to say anything really, but even when it seemed like the two kobolds had pushed their way through his throat and were now all subsumed except for the tails, James eyes widened as another pair of kobolds snapped at each other for the rights to be right behind them, and his snout was tugged and stretched even more!
He mentally clutched at his stomach, as the first pair of kobolds squimed their way in past the already digested Bouncer, adding yet more mass. They were all pretty small individually, but at this point he was on the verge of having his original mass doubled, with more queuing up more or less in an orderly fashion behind! His tried to shake his head, warn them off but by now they weren’t even waiting for pairs; while the second whole pair was only torso into his maw, a TRIO was now pushing forward!
It felt like every other second the gasses built up and he let out another forceful belch, the taste of fresh meat omnipresent upon his growing tongue. And the worst part was, it tasted good. His cheeks radiated burning blushing heat as he tried not to think about how tasty it all was.
Calcium and other nutrients swirled in his body like a storm, and quickly put themselves to work. Those horns were now starting to tower over his head, and his thighs and hips thickened with meat.
And that little vestigial human tail was becoming not so vestigial anymore. It was slow at first, but by the time the tenth kobold was squeeling loudly and SINGING into his maw, a thick, writhing mass of a tail was slapping around underneath him.
At first he was perplexed and just plain embarrassed by the notion, but quickly he tried to twist the tail to trip up his would be dinner, trying to bat them off or dissuade them. But that only seemed to egg them on more, like he was making it a game!
“See! Big dragon! Stranger become big dragon! We make dragon VERY big! Very happy!” the kobolds exclaimed.
James watched helplessly as the happy little kobolds pushed past each other to crawl to their doom, cheerily sacrificing themselves to his ever expanding gurgling gut. By now there was very little indication of the human that had been tied up to the rock only minutes earlier. Now a thick, berry scaled monstrosity was growing, dazed and confused and suffering from the mightiest food coma ever felt, and it was only growing more intense! By now the fact that he had broken past the puny ropes that had tied his limbs down was offset by that overwhelming food coma; he was barely able to slump over onto his side as he just GREW on his backside, tail extending toward the entrance of the cave and limbs splayed limply outward.
To say it was all overwhelming was as much of an understatement as one could get. As the kobolds kept pushing past his dizzy, occasionally crosseyed snout, James felt his new scales shiver with intense sensitivity, that thick tail wriiiithing, his belly gurgle with each new willing meal. And...there were other things too. Unlike the kobold swarm before him, he didn’t seem to lose his ears. If anything they grew larger, more pointed. And the same with his hair, which he felt starting to grow longer with each passing second, spilling and spreading down his entire spine all the way to the tip of his tail. It looked actually quick luxurious.
But nothing was as much of a shock as the other changes. Since he was in less than an anthropomorphic form, the changes weren’t as immediately noticeable, and given that his entire body was changing, gurgling, shifting it was understandable that he failed to spot the deeper change at work.
In between one gaggle of kobolds climbing on top of each other to crawl into his elongating neck, he managed to cough out a small protest. And while it sounded bigger, more befitting of a huge creature like a dragon, it also sounded. Softer.
More feminine.
Eyes widening, James’ gaze slapped hard downward. The gut, it gurgled, shifted, and the hips widened. And widened.
“Big dragon! Big dragon will be big mama to us all!” came the excited cheers.
James gasped, a heavy yet feminine voice doing the gasping, as SHE looked down at herself, the mass of dozens of kobolds literally having adding themselves and reshaped her very being... and her gender.
The fact that she had always secretly imagined and admired the thought of being female, and had loved dragons, well, that was all nice but, but this was a bit much! She struggled to right herself, as she mrrrmphhed, a trio of kobolds stuck in her throat as she liiiifted her neck off the ground, and she felt them “wheeeee!” audibly as they slid down faster, joining their fellows in adding their mass, adding their being to her.
She slapped at her hips, her tummy, feeling her newfound mass squish a bit, and she nearly passed out on the spot from the lightheadedness her blushing produced. She looked down at herself and she... looked cute. Very large. Very much a dragon. But very cute, as she slapped and rubbed her flushed cheeks.
“Y-you... I’m a dragoness. I’m a dragoness” she repeated, not quite believing the words coming out of her draconic snout, the FEMALE voice coming out. The fact that she was able to speak at all was due to the fact that she was no longer being swarmed, one that it took her several moments to process.
For a moment she registered a note of disappointment that her happy body mass wouldn’t receive more company, a moment that made her want to crawl under a rock and die.
...but they had tasted good, even if she didn’t want any more of those cute little kobolds to sacrifice themselves! They looked even cuter and more harmless now, now that she towered over them.
...but that didn’t stop them from literally dropping onto the ceiling. As she stumbled about confused, a whole train of cheering excited kobolds dropped from a stalactite onto her snout, literally jumping in at the moment of her surprised gasp. And she felt the now familiar wiggling of her more than willing prey... PREY! As they pried and wiggled their way in.
She tried to reach up and stop the kobolds from sacrificing themselves to her, but more cheered and bounced at her arms (forelegs??) and held them down by sheer weight of numbers... all the while a dozen or so used the opporitunity to crawl up her side and up her neck. She tried to swat at them with her legs, her awkward, thick new tail even, but like swarming ants they crawled their way over her. Their little claws and tails batted against her new scales, as her new enormous form was forced to be even more enormous as the little critters pried her maw open and forced their way inside.
Her eyes rolled almost into the back of her head dizzily, overwhelmed by the TASTE, the feel of a meal that tickled her rising new draconic instincts. It felt so right, even as she writhed thinking of how bizarre and wrong it was! That didn’t stop the swarming hive of kobolds, as her throat gorged itself and grew swollen as they squirmed their way inside, audibly splashing into her stomach like rambunctious kids jumping into a summer pool. She again tried to protest, but again such protests were unable to escape as half a dozen kobolds at once pressed into the roof of her throat against her windpipe.
The new dragoness was on her back, dizzy and entirely disoriented as koblds just coming. Her tail kept lengthening, her limbs kept growing, her scales kept spreading, her very head and brain surged in size... Every minute the former kobolds added to her body, the overwhelming weight of muscles and bone that would have absolutely crushed her human body in the morning just grew to take up more and more of the cave. By now whatever mass had been from her human self was just a drop in the bucket next to the sheer tons of mass that now made up her form...
A form that looked down in meek embarrassment at the size and shape she had been “gifted” with. She finally managed to roll over without kobolds constantly trying to make themselves her prey, putting weight on the bones and joints that dwarfed a human, exercising those enormous muscles that could crush cars. All that mass that she had been involuntarily fed, which now moved at her merest thought as her own, because it WAS her own.
“You... why did you.. I get that you wanted a dragoness, but you... you made me EAT several of you! Your friends are gone!” she exclaimed, blushing her new ears against her skull with a voice that sounded like it should have been the peak of feminine authority and power.
The surviving throng of kobolds, which was still quite sizable, swarmed her legs and jumped up to pat her belly and hips. “They not gone, they you!” the little gremlins cheered.
“They’re.. but I felt them in my gut, they got digested! They,” she motioned at her whole body, her body that she... admittedly felt her heart thumping in joy seeing that it was HER own. “They’re me, but they’re toast!”
“Toast?” the kobolds repeated, confused, before one of them in the back began cheering. “They toast now, you Toast! You big happy dragoness Toast! You look much better as lady dragon!”
James’ retort was immediately cut short, as she stammered in embarrassment and blushing, but in a very different sort of way. But the kobolds were now onto something. “Yes! Hail our big dragon, our big dragoness Toast! Toast is our happy dragon and we help her forever and ever! Yiiipeeeeeeee!!”
James, or Toast, rather, opened and closed her massive maw several times, unable to formulate a reply as she meekly wiggled, a motion entirely unfitting to her massive, regal form.
As if to emphasize this regalness, kobolds began swarming up, this time not to offer themselves as mass and a meal, but with gold, jewels. She mutely watched shyly as massive golden jewels were linked around her legs, and her forelegs, while other kobolds climbed over her jangling and jingling with precious metals as she find a massive golden necklace draped around her neck and a glittering tiara placed into her violet mane.
“All hail our new dragon! Our wonderful new princess! She be a great dragon and a great mother!”
Toast felt her new wings spread over her neck and head as she used them to try and hide behind... especially the SMILE that she was now sporting, a smile that despite herself she could not surpress. Her whole body swooned at being called a princess.
It was all so much, she almost didn’t notice the gurgling in her stomach. At first she thought it was just residual effects of her, er, massive “meal.” But this was different, it lingered, and it wasn’t in her stomach; this was a feeling centered much lower, below her gut. Much more around, in between actually...
...her hips.
Toast’s eyes started to widen in shock, as she felt something form. SomeTHINGS. The kobolds kept chanting about her being a mother, and she realized they weren’t just talking about being a mother of sorts to THEM.
As if to emphasize, one of the kobolds raced up her legs and patted her hips enthusiastically. “See! Friend kobolds part of Toast, but also more! Lots of kobold souls together can make dragon souls! Toast have many dragon souls with her now!”
Someone was squealing somewhere. Toast began looking around in confusing even amidst her shock; it took her several moments to realize a sound was coming from her throat, and that SHE was the one squealing in JOY. Immediately she started coughing, covering her face with her wings and peeking her embarrassed eyes out from behind, as the kobolds chanted her new name and patted at her.
It wasn’t at all how she thought the day was going to proceed waking up, but somehow Toast the confused, blushing pregnant dragoness figured it wasn’t the worst that could have happened... Sure she felt bad about the kobolds that made up her body but... gosh she was a pretty dragoness now, and she had a swarm of kobolds practically worshiping her; they’d be certainly lost at this point if she just left so... best to look after them? For now, yeah. And the fact that she might need their help, she wasn’t sure at all how to be a mother!
Yeah, it wouldn’t be so bad, just go with the flow. And be a pretty dragoness named Toast. Yeah, as flushed as her whole body was with embarrassment... probably was the most rational course of action. Totally.